GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Today should bring lower temperatures than yes­ terday's 87-degree high. Weatherman says it will owaJ1 be partly cloudy and cooler. F..tcibU.hed 1868 Vol. 78, No. 221 AP Newl and WirephOlo --- Iowa City, Iowa, SaturdaY, June 8-Five Centa racite ... oa tri e n 5 --------------------------------------------------------~---------- . Colonel, WAC Admit Unions Plan A:/f:1r;m Delay Allowed Operalors See Mi//ion DoJ/ar Theft ShippingSlrike Hotel Fire to Spread Dollar a Ton WASHINGTON (AP)-The ar- ately," he continued. "By noon rest of a honeymooning colonel Monday she had confessed her On All (oasis Price Increase and WAC captain In connection share of the loot. She did not un­ load any of it. The colonel had the with the filching of $1,500,000 of rest." Negotiations Produce Hessian crown jewels and other "We do not yet have the jewels Miners Get 18ltl-Cent . treasure from a German castle tbe colonel admitted havinl," Mi1~ Prog,... But Walkout Wage Boostl Welfare where their romance started was ler added. Still Threatens Nation disclosed yesterday by the army. On TermInal Leave Fund in New Cantrad • • • The two technically had been WASHINGTON (AP) - Deal­ OffIcIals saId the couple ad­ discharged but were on terminal EW Y RK (AP)-John L. mitted> havln&' the storied loot. leave and thus under military jur­ Ings with both AFL and CIa L wi . 'AFL nitcd l\[in work­ They identifIed tbe pair as Col. isdiction. The WAC's leave would west coast seamen's unions took prs yesterday gained Il new con· J. W. Durant, 38. former attor­ have expired May 30 but she was favorable turns across the contin­ tract with IInthr8cit operators ney of Falls Church, Va., and recalled to active duty the day be­ ent last nilht but failed to erase providing for an 1 'Ill c nts an Capt. Kathleen B. Nash Durant. fore as au thorlties pressed their threats of dOUble-header shipping hour wage iner II IInu health 34. former hotel executive of investiga tion. The colonel then strikes on all coasts later on. and w Uar fund, the combined Phoenix, Ariz. was recalled to active duty after cone , ion of which will C08t • • • his marriage. In San Francisco, the Pacific­ Ih op rotors an timated total She had carried on her hotcl­ Despite the discharge of the cor­ American Shipownen association of $50,000,000 to 60,000,000 a. keeping work. In the army by di­ poral, authoriUes said all four offered last night to start con­ year. recting the officers' rest home es­ probably would be subject to court tract negotiations there today with tablished in 80-room Kronberg martial in the European theater 1'hc 75,000 millers, whQ haJj castle, where the trove had been under charges of larceny. The the AF'L Sailors Union of the Pa­ b n on fltrikr in th Penn yl. buried by members of the old penalty upon conviction could be cific. Association officials said I'Il11ia hard cool fields for the house of Hesse. It was there Dur­ fIne or imprisonment. the union immediately cancelled paqt wc k, ..... ilI return to work AVERY BRUNDAGE (left), chllrman of the board of the La alle­ ant met her. a ban on taking ships to sea. Monday. Thomas J . Kennedy, mE SIGHT OF several hundred rep]ar customers UnJnr up for hours Madlson hotel corpora.tion. and Coroner A. L. BrodIe cont r at yes­ UMW secretary-treasurer, aaid in Two others-a major still on ac­ UalOD to Meel City ... every Friday to buy their' week-end supplies of meat and bread rave tive duty and a corporal who has terday's Inquest Into the deaths caused by Chlca,o's LaSaie hotel tire. announcing the new contract af \he owner of this market In Detroit an Idea. Yesterday the standees Henry Wallace Spikes The union Itself set a meeting CAP WIREPHOTO) a news conference. found camp-chairs, plus coffee and dourhnuts. (AP WIREPHOTO) been discharged-are sought, but .. their arrest is expected momen­ for this morning to act on the * * * ~ ~ ~ . tarily. Third Party Rumors operators' offer. CHICAGO (AP)- Division Fire Kowaiske told him at 12:25 a. m. A IPOIt man ror the opera&eri Of the treasure ilseH-diamonds, In Washington, the president Marshaii James Gibbons told a that he had "smelled smoke" but estimated the iner ed ove,­ pearls, amethysls and royal heir­ and attorney of the operators' or­ coronet's jury yesterday he be- asserted the elevator operator bead (rom the Dew ClOn~aei never mentioned seeing name. would add ..pprox\m .. ~\, ,\ .. looms - officials recovered that Maintains Democrats ganization, J . B. Ryan Ind Greg­ LaGuardia\ Advises. Lawmakers. )ieved "delay in calling the rire Gibbons said that although the ton to the retail price antbra­ . part ~hich they said was the ory Harrison, were tied up in dis­ 0' Will Stay Progressive, cussions with west coast unions department" permitted the flames main fire never went above the cll_used ch1e11r 'Of' homt: h~.­ woman's loot. They placed this at to get a head start in the La Salle second floor and thaL the third llna-. 25 to 50 percent of the hoard. The G.O.P. Reactionary of the CIO.-dominated committee for maritime unity. From the hotel fire Wednesday In whlch floor suftered only slight {ir dam- • • • 'rq Stop Monkeying With . O~A' rest, they said, went to the col­ 59 lives were [ost. age, the high pres~ ure g • es gen- The health and wellare fund­ onel. The authoritie.s do not have WASHINGTON (AP) _ Henry sessions came official reports of progress. Government concllia_ He made the statement alter erated by the blaze killed "many lo be lin nced by a five cents a this portion now but indicated A. Wallace made it emphatically tors said the west coast Issues Fire Capt. Walter Meyer testified persons" in their beds 8 S high as lon royally on aU hard coal mined they know where it can be found. Bowles Declares Partial Wheat Rationing clear yesterday that he is not "have been narrowed down con­ that people were "screantlng lor Ithe eighth floor. would amount to $2,700,000 on the Tell Story help at the upper windows" when Avery Brunduge, chairman of basis of Jasl year's production. May Go Into Effect Col. A. C. Miller of the provost availablc to spearhead any third siderably." the first fire equipment arrived. the board of the Madison- La Salle The agreement as announced by No Settlement Sirn marshal general's office and his party movement of groups dissat­ Edward Kowal ke, an el vator hotel corporation, WIped tcurs Kennedy closely parallels the WASHINGTON (AP)-UNRRA senate committee. Bowles said assistant, Lt. Col. J. S. Myers, un­ isfied with President Truman's la­ Even so, no sign of a finai set­ operator, testified he smelled from his eyes when he took conlract UMW signed in Washing­ Chief Fior~llo LaGuardia advised general price rises might be ex­ folded the story at a news confer­ bor poliCies. tlement turned up. smoke at about 12:14 a. m. at the the witness stand. He said he was lon with the government tor 400,- congress yesterday to "stop mon­ pected. These in turn would lead ence. They told H thus: The Democratic party wlll re­ East coast settlemen ts, more lm­ 17th floor level, returned to the "very proud" of the perfor mance 000 bituminous coai miners re­ keying with OPA" and Stabiliza­ to labor disputes and strikes for The hoard, in a lead-lined cas­ main "progressive" and a third portant In the general plcure be­ flrst floor in obout 30 seconds and of thc hotel start in alerting and cenUy. !Jon Director Chester Bowles higher pay, he added, and "a cause the ,overntnent hopes to ket withl" - a wooden box,was party could only mean a "reac­ noti~d 11re In the wall behind helping rescue patrons in the m­ An 18'~ cent lin hour wale boosl urge!! the lawmakers to vote prfce u.e them In settina the .pattern second round'" of wage increases hidden in the deepest cellar of the tionary victory," the secretary of a dummy elevator door adjoining ergency. Brundagc said he "stili lind II health and weltllre fund control "up or down." be for nation-wide agreements, have would unavoidable. 100 room Kronsberg castle near commerce said In an article In his elevator. can't believe such a (hlng could were won by the LIn/on in the soU The two officials appeared be­ LaGuardia squared oft against "The Democrat," official organ of been at an Impasse. A later wltne s, Edward Mc- happen to such a fireproof build­ coal negotialJons. fore the senate small business Frankfurt-on-Maln, which subse­ The king-pin CIO National Senator Wherry (R., Neb.) in an the Democratic national commit­ Namara, a house detective, said ing." Wins ConceuJon committee which Is inquiring into argument over the impact of the quently was taken over for an of­ Maritime union discussed strat- ficers' rest home. tee. The UMW, however, won a con­ the general food situation and UNRRA program on American When Third army troops first GOP Will Lose egy for a strike set for June 15. cession from hard coal operators specifically into the current bread economy. Wherry said flour 'Pretty Bacl' in the heal th and welfare fund shortage. mills are closing down for lack moved into the area, thirsty GI's He expressed the opinion that President Truman talked wltti 10 went hunting for liquor in the Robert T.
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