Alv1ERIC/\N ffiJETYCf UN~h\SITY CD!1RJSERS WINTER, 1976/Vol. 9, No. 1 BOSTON CONFERENCE The Eleventh Annual National Con­ Members who need hotel accommoda­ ference of the Society to be held at the tions may want to stay at the Statler­ New England Conservatory of Music in Hil ton where 150 rooms have been re­ Boston February 26-29 will also mark the served. Reservations may be made in first National Conference on Music Theory advance by using the hotel registration (see following article) . The closing form included with the Newsletter. session of the ASUC Conference will There is no pre-registration fee for the coincide with the first session of the Conference, but ASUC members will be Theory Conference to which ASUC members charged the usual five dollar fee at the are invited. This year's Conference time of registration. promises to be one of the most important Since there will not be another in the Society's ten year history and all Newsletter before the Boston meeting, a members are urged to make a special effort final Conference schedule will be mailed to attend. in January or early February. The following is a tentative schedule at this point. Thursday (February 26) : 3:00 p.m. Meeting of Executive Committee and National Council only (Statler-Hilton). 8:00 p.m. Concert: New England Conservatory Wind Ensemble conducted by Frank Battisti. 1Friday (February 27): 9:00 a.m. Greetings and Opening Remarks: Marshall Bialosky (National Chairman, ASUC), Gunther Schuller (New England Conservatory) . 9:15 a.m. Keynote Address. 10:30 a.m. Paper Session I: "Musical Notation as Communication Today," Claire Polin; "The Phenomena of Octave Equivalence," William Benjamin. 12:00 noon Lecture-Demonstration: "Research into New Areas of Multiple-Percussion Per­ formance and Composition," Ron George. 2:30 p.m. Paper Session II: American Music, Past and Present, Gregory Levin, Chairman. "American Comp ositions for Piano and Tape-recorded Sound," Barbara English Maris; "Some Late-Nineteenth Ce ntury Members of ASUC: Paine, Chadwick, Par­ ker, and MacDowell," Marshall Bialosky. 4:00 p.m. Concert of solo and small chamber works. 8:00 p.m. Concert at MIT celebrating the opening of the MIT electronic studio. Saturday (February 28) 9:00 a.m. Paper Session III: The Composer as Theory Teacher, Gordon Cyr, chairman. "Teaching Music to the Amateur Through Composition," Jonathan Kramer; "Circular Diagrams for Tone Sets," Newton Hoffman; "An Integrated Theory Approach Within a Liberal Arts Program," Harold Oliver. 11:00 a.m. Lecture-Demonstration: "Thought Processes in the Electronic Arts of Sound and Light," Ronald Pellegrino. 2 : 30 p.m. ASUC Genera l Bus iness Meeting. 4:00 p.m. Joint Recital by Da vid and Lois Burge . 8 :00 p.m. New England Conservatory Contemporary Music Ensemble Concert conducted by Gunther Schuller . Reception following. Sunday (Febr'Ja.ry 29) 9:00 a.m. Paper Session IV: "The South Asian Conception of Time and its Influence on Con­ temporary Western Music," Richard Saylor; "Four Tiers on the Foundatinn of Time," Robert Newell. 10:00 a.m. Lecture-Demonstration: "New Techniques for the Oboe in Contemporary Composition," Greg Steinke. 11 :00 a . m. Joint session with those people meeting to niscuss the possible formation of a national theory organization: "A Discussion of Meta-variations," Benjamin Boretz. 1:00 p.m. Concert of Solo and Small Chamber Works. 2:30 p.m. Adjournment. MEETINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSIC THEORY SOCIETY (ASUC members invited). Sunday (February 29) 3:3.0 p.m. Theory organizational meeting (MIT) . 5:30 p.m. Theory Meeting: Paper Session (MIT). Monday (March 1) 9:00 a.m. Theory organizational meeting (MIT) . 11 : 00 a.m. Theory meeting: Paper Session (MIT). 2:30 p.m. Theory: Possible organizational meeting for a tentative board. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MUSIC THEORY In response to intere st expressed by The National Conference on Music Theory individual theorists and members of state and is scheduled to overlap the ASUC National Con­ regional music theory societies, ASUC has ference by one day. ASUC's Conference, sched­ scheduled a National Conference on Music The­ uled at the same institutions (see above ar­ ory, February 29--March 1, 1976. The purpose ticle on the National Conference) will close of the confer e nce i s to facilitate an exchange on February 29 with the first meeting of the of information with regard to all aspects of music theory conference. music theory and to consider the founding of Informat ion regarding the National Con­ a national music theory society. ference on Music Theory has recently been Five sessions have been scheduled, three mailed to all ASUC members. If you have not for presenting substantive papers and panels, yet responded to the mailing and are inter­ and two for meetings in which to d e t e rmine ested in the formation of a National Music the desirability of, and possible functions Theory Society or in attending this conference, and structures of, a n ational organization of write directly to: American Society of Uni­ music theorists. v ersity Composers, Theory Conference, 250 West 57th Street, #626-7, New York, New York 10019. ASUC RADIO PROGRAM NEWSLETTERS Barton and Priscilla McLean, directors In Theory Only, a journal published of the ASUC radio program, announce that since monthly by graduate students at the Univer­ ~ey are now stressing whole series broadcasts sity of Michigan, considers for publication cher than single programs they are often theoretical writing about music ranging from able to predict the airing of programs in ad­ the standard repertoire of Western culture to vance. For example, during December, Janu­ contemporary, jazz, pop, and music of other ary, and February the following stations will cultures. Articles on topics of particular carry the show: KALW (San Francisco), KING interest to theorists (matters of pedagogy, (Seattle) , WQRS (Detroit) , and KUHF (Univer­ philosophy, meta-theory) are also accepted. sity of Houston). The journal provides a forum where ideas can In addition Boston station WGBH will be tested by speedy critical reactions and is broadcast t he show prior to the February published with a minimum of editing in infor­ Conference, and WBUR (Boston) will carry the mal ditto format . program Sunday afternoons at 2:00 P.M. be­ Persons interested in submitting articles ginning February 28. or requesting further information should write: A preliminary survey has revealed a In Theory Only, School of Music, The Univer·­ significant increase in quad matrixed broad­ sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105. casts around the country. ASUC is currently researching the costs involved in making 4- The Computational Musicology Newsletter , channel programs. published since 1973, contains sections on The McLean's wish to express their music composition by computer and music per­ appreciation to the American Composers formed by computer, as well as other music/ Alliance for their assistance with mailing computer topics. The newsletter is free and lists, and to Prof. Bengt Hambraeus of McGill available to interested individuals. Those University for his advice on European pro­ interested in contributing reports or receiv­ gramming, which they are now investigating. ing the publication can contact : Jerome Wenker, 1998 Pacific Ave., Unit 105, San Francisco, California 94109. ~TINGS Bowdoin College (Brunswick, Maine) is COMPETITIONS AND PERFORMANCES planning a two or three day festival in early May , 1976, of works composed for tape and The Friday Morning Music Club Founda­ visuals. Bowdoin 's facilities include a tion of Washington D.C. is sponsoring the Sony 650 stereo tape deck and Pioneer tape Washington International Competition for deck both with interchangeable 2-track and Composition for String Quartet for composers ~-track heads, and two Sony quad decks (8545 twenty-five to thirty-five years of age . ~he and 277, both of which use~ inch tape); a competition involves a $1,000 cash award and number of 16mm projectors (sound and silent) a premiere by the National Symphony String one 8rmn silent projector; a number of over­ Quartet. The deadline is March 1, 1976. For head projectors and one opaque projector; further information and application forms and several slide projectors (Kodak Carousel write to: Mrs. R. C. Hall, Competition and others) • Chairman, 9324 Lynmont Drive, Adelphi, Mary­ Composers are invited to submit com­ land 20783. positions for tape and film, tape and slide projections or similar combinations, includ­ The Southeastern Composers' League ing those involving live performers, by March announces the Arnold Salop Memorial Composi­ 1, 1976, to: Elliott Schwartz, Chairman, tion Contest for composers between the ages Department of Music, Brunswick, Maine 04011. of seventeen and twenty-five who are under­ graduate students in conservatories, colleges, The annual Electronic Music Plus Sym­ and universities in the states of Alabama, posium will be held this spring (dates not Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louis­ yet available) at West Virginia University. iana, Mississippi , North Carolina, South Car­ ~mpo sers interested in submitting works olina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Vir­ )Uld contact: Dr. Gerald Zafkoff, Creative ginia. There are no restrictions regarding firts Center, West Virginia University, Morgen­ style, length of composition, or medium, but town, West Virginia 26506. entries must not have received previous awards. Deadline for submission is January Tennessee anu at the Brass Congress in Mon­ 6, 1976. For further information and entry treux, Switzerland (June 13-19, 1976). blank contact: Charles Knox, Department of Two full scores must be submitted by Music, Georgia State University, University April 1, 1976, t o: Dr. Neill H. Humfeld, Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Head , Department of Music, East Texas State Unive rsity, Commerce, Te xas 75428 . The Department of Music of the Univer­ sity of Maryland (College Park) and Kendor The Vokwein Band Composition Award Music, Inc.
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