368 BEVERLEY. EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE ... (KELLY'B Inspector under the Canal Boatli .Act, R. Needham, Beck side Brough, Esk0: ~tton, Holme-on-the-Wolds, Kilnwick, School Attendance & Inquiry Officer, R. Needham, Beckside Lecontield, Leven, Lockington, Lockington-in-Kilnwick, Mace-Bearer, Sergeant Haldenby Lund, Me~t.ux, Molescroft, North & South Newbald, Ronth, Rowley, Scorborough, Skidby, Storkbill-with-Sandholme~ MUitat•y, Thearne, Tickton, Walkington, Waghen, Weel & Wopd. Regimental District No. r5. • mansey-with-Beverley Parks. The area of the U'nion is The East Yorkshire Regiment. 79,915 acres; rateable value in t8g:z, £159,168; thepopn· Dep6t of the 1st & :md Bat~lions (15th foot), Victoria lation in i8gt was 24,007 Barracks Queensgate road. Board day! every alternate saturday, at n o'clock at the Commanding RegimenbJ .District, Col. lL J. Hallowes Workhouse Quartermaster, Hon. Lieut. W. A. Webb , Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Charlea Medical Officer, Brigade-Surgoon-Lieut.-Col. Isaac Hoysted William Hobson, La.irgate, Beverley ; assistant clerk, STATION PAY .Oi'B'ICK, • Frederick Geotge Hobson, Lairgate, Baverley Victoria B&rracks, Queen!jgllte r~d. Treasurer, Joseph Hannath Hobson, Hengate ho. Beverley Station Paymaster, lion. Major H. F. Lane Collectors of Poor's Rates, Thomas Ba.rnard Hodgson, Beck­ 3rd Battalion Ea&. Yorkshire Regiment. side, Beverley, for St, Martin'll & St. Nicholas parish; East York Militia. John Smales Vickers, Walkergate, Beverley, for St. Head Quarters, Vicf.9ria Ba:rracks, Queensgate road. Mary's parish Commandant, Hon.-Co~. C. K. Brooke Relieving Officer for the Union, John Craggy,Railway street, Paymaster,J. W. F. Sandwith Beverley Instructor of Musketry, Capt. A. Windham Vaccination Officers, John Lee Johnson, Beverley; W. W. Adjutant, Major G. H. Johnston Buzzard, Etton; W. Richardson, South Cave; E. A. Quarter-Master, Hon Lieut. W . .A. Wehb Wright, Leven· VoLUNTEF:BS. Medical Officers, 'No. 1 district, j ohti Philip Park' x.n., xst Volunteer Battalion is Jl.t Hull x.ch. North Bar street within, Beverler; N(). 2 di!ftrict, 2nd Volunteer Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment (com­ William Btephenson, I R-ailway street, Beverley: No. 3 prising A, B, C, D, E & F .companies) ; head quarters of district, Francis Calvert, N orwood, Beverley ; No. 4 Battalion, Lairgate. Battalion Sta1:J :-Hon.-Col.E.Storry, district, Henry Walker M.il. 'Lairgate, Beverley; No. 5 commanding; Hon. Lieut,-Co}. T.Boltby, major ; Captain district, William Wood, Middleton ~ No. 6 district, Harry C. W. Maunsell, adjutant ;:Hon. "Capt. T, Turner, quarter­ Hine L.R.C.P. 'l.ond. South Cave master. C Co. head quarters, :Ioll gavel; Jion. :Major G. Public Vaccinators, No. 1: district, William Stephenson, Cussons, commandant; G. A. Robinson, Iieut. ; Surg.­ Railway street; No.. :a district, Henry Walker x.n. J,air.. Major W. Stepbenson, medical officer; ~ev. H. E. NollQtb. acting chaplain ' gate.j No. 3 district, William Wood,. Middleton~ No, 4 district, HarryHine, South Cave; No. 5 district, Francis Publio Establishments &c. Calvet;t. :Norwood, Bev~ley Assembly Rooms, Norwood Superintendent Registrar, Frederick Hobson; deputy, Borough Police Station, Register sq. c; Geo. Hy. Knight, snpt Charles William Hobson, Lairgate Borough Gaol, Register square, George Hy. Knight, gaoler Registrar of Marriages, J. W. Pnmfrett, Westwootl road~ Cottage Hospital & Dispensary, Wilbert lane; Henry Walker deputy, Henry Clarke, I 3 St. Mary's terrace H.D. consulting physicitl.n ~ JObn Philip Park M. D., M.ch. RegMtrars of Births & Deaths, Beverley sub-district, George Francis Calvert & WilliaQI.Stephenson, hon. surgeons; G. Sigswortb, Sheffield, North Bar street within, Beverley; Arthur Ropinson, hon. sec, ; Alfred J. Hll).d, dispenser; deputy, HerberL Sheffield, North Bar street within, Miss Flora "Kirwood, matron Beverley; South Cave sub-district, W. Richardson.South County Court ; office, Lairgate, His Honor F'. A. Bedwell Cave:' deputyt Thomas Waudby, South Cave : Leven M •.A.. judge ; SU!phen Ellis Todd, registrat & high bailiff; sub-district, B. Jr. Wright, Leven; deputy, Frank Hebb, W. Todd, deputy registrar; James Robinson Lane, Leven; Loakington sub-district-, W., W. Huzzard. Etton deputy bailiff. The County Court is held once in every The Workhouse, near Westwood, in St. Mary's parish, opened two months in the Guildhall, Register square. The dis­ in :~861, at a cost induding site, of £s,soo, is a building trict of this court comprises~Aike,Arnold,Arram,Atwick, of red brick with stone dressings, in the Tudnr style, & Bentley, Beswick, Beverley (the parishes of Bt. Martin, consists of a t"entral block with a turret containing a bell, St. Mary, St. Nicholas), Beverley Parks, Bewbolme, & two wings, & will hold .189 inmates; William H. Bishop Burton, Bonwick, Brandesburton, Brantingham1 ~omina, master: Francis Calvert, medical officer i Mrs. Brantingham Thorpe, Brough, Catfoss, Catwick, Sonth: Isabella .Bradley, II\&tron Cave, Cherry Burton, South Dalton, Dunnington, Eller~ UNION RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. ker, Elloughton, ·Eske, Etton, Goxhill, Grovehill, Great Meets at the Workhouse on every 4th sat. at 12.45 p.m. & Little Hatfield, Hempholme, Holm6-bn-the-Woldsi Clerk, Frederick George Hobson, Lairgate Hornsea, Hull . Bridge, Hunsley, IKilirwick, Leconfleld, Treasurer, Joseph Hannath Hobso11, Hengate ho. Beverley Leven, Lockington, Lund, Mappleton, Meaux, Molescroft, Medical Officer of Health,. Henry WalkeD ltLD.. Lairgate, • Moet Town, North&. South Newbald, Nunkeeling, RipEn­ Beverley ham, Risby, Rise, Riston, Routh,Rowley, Rowlston, Sand­ Inspector, William Vickers, jun. Leconfield l holme, Scorborough, Seaton, Sigglesthorne, Skidby, SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMlll...,TI"""''ll:E. Storkbill, Thearne, Tickton, Walkington, Wassand, Wag­ Meets at tbe Workhouse on every 4th sat. at 111.30 p.m. hen, Weel, Little Weigbten & Woodmansey Clerk, Charles., William :Hobson, Lairgate, Beverley Certified JJailiffs under the Law of Di~tress Amendment Attendance & Inquiry Officer, John Craggy, Railwa.ys\reet, Aot, t&88, James R, Lane, Hengate: John Smales Vickers, Bevetley Walkergate; C. Green5ides, Toll gavel & R. Hornsey, PubUo Officers, Bishop £urton Certifying Factory Surgeon, Francis Calvert, Norwood County P'"J>l~ Station, N.orth Barr street without, Thomas Chief Consttthl6 foF the East Riding'., Major Hy. Jn. Bow111: Wood, ~uperint~ndent ; G. Jackson, ~;ergeant Deputy Chief Constable & Superintendent of Police ,for East Riding faupe~,LunaticAsylum, Walkington, Murdoch Nor~h I;Iunsley Bea.con Division, EMt Riding, ToomRII Donald MacLeod M. B. medical snperintel).dent ; A. R. Wood, Court house Douglas L.R.c.s.E.,L.R.C,'P.E. assistant medical officer; Clet:k to the Commissioners dl Skidby Drainage, fleorge Josepq H Hobson, treasurer; Rev. W. A. Pea.rman M. A. Whiteing chaplaa1! Cha'rles William Hobson, clerk W visiting com­ Clerk. to the Commissioners of the Beverley & Bamston mittee; J. W. Arnott, cler~ & steward: .tames Ower, D~inage, Henry Willi:i.m Bainton, Lairgate chief attendant ; Harriet Holt, matron & Moses Thurlow, Clerk to the Commissioners of the Court of Sewers for ilie farm balliff East Parts of the East Riding, Henry Broomhead Broom· Register Office for Wills, l'>eeds &c. for the l!::ast Riding of head, Ladygate York.OJbire, Register square, George ,A.rthur Tllompson~ OJ.erk to the Com,missioners of the Holderness Drainage, registrar; Joel Edgar, deputy registrar Stephen Ellis Todd, Lairgate; Slll'Veyor, Willia.mSamuel St. John's Cemetery, Queensgate road, James Dawson, Lackland, Hengate Water Priory, clerk to the burial board Clerk to the Guardians of Skirlaugh Union & Superinten­ St. Martin's Cemetery, Cartwright lane, Thomas Casson dent Registrar, Thomas Arnott McCoy, Lairgate Beaumont, St. John street, clerk to the burial board Clerk to the Trusteos of the Old ~ New Minster Fund, Temperance Hall, Well lane . Stephen Ellis Todd, Lairgate • Town Hall, Register square, George Henry Itntght, keeper Clerk to the Churchwardens of St. Mary's & to Walkington Volunteer Fire Brigate, George H. Knight, supt. & 12 men School Hoard, Frederick George Hobson, Lairgate HEVERLEY UNION. Collect .. r f Beck Dues, Robert N eedhmn, Beck office The Union comprises' the following parishes & townships: Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxe!i for North Hunsley -Aike, Bentley, Beswick, Beverley (St. Martin, St. Mary~ Beacon, ,:ijQlme Beacqn, Wilton Beacon & Howdenshil"fl St Nicholas)l Bishop Burton, Brantingham, South Cave, Beacon & to the Visiting Committee of East Riding Luna­ Cherry Burton, South Dalton, Ellerker, Elloughton-with- tic Asylum, Charl:es William Hobson, Lairgate .
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