Ìiì : It:; Shoplifting: problem ot oll stores but not bod ot tCC "I don't think it's of major system; with the inflation factor, FCC doesn't seem to hdve as proportion here. But, we the losses are covered up." 'bad a problem as two previous undoubtedly have some prob- campuses at which Stoner lem." Stoner said all different kinds . worked, Indiana and Kansas So commented James Stoner, of merchandise are taken, as well Universities. FCC bookstore manager, on as new textbooks later returned shoplifting, a common problem to for the full price. Kenneth "I don't know if it's that there those in the business of selling. Shrum, campus Chief of Police, are cam_pus security people said the big surge comes at the around (here) at all times-î'm The tell-tale signs are there; begihning of each semester, with sure that must have some merchandise in the wrong place, the run on stolen books the deterring effect," Stoner specu- packages. at empty No particular semester's end. lated. "There aie always- uni- item is focused on-anything is formed people in and out of the subject to being lifted. Of tlle cases of lifting which do store, buying popcorn, etcetera." occur, Stoner says, "We have _ Stoner also pointed out that "It's a delicate problem to caught shoplifters, but you never the two universities which had discuss," Stoner cautioned. "It really know how many are many problems in this area were can become a challenge to getting away." residence campuses, whereas potential shoplifters." FCC is not. Shrum said the campus police To attempt to prevent shoplift- Stoner was unable to say how . have cited five or six shoplifters ing, Stoner said the stafi is much money is lost each year to this year. Prosecution involves instructed to watch for cusrom- shoplifting. He explained, "It citation to the Municipal Court, ers in need of assistance. impossible deter- He would be to as with a traffic ticket,' unless explained, "The best approach mine system of with our there are extenuating ci¡cum- for a store the size of thii-one is inventory. We're on a cost stances such as resisting arrest. an alert staff." Caught in the act. ASB presideht, odvisers Acfing choncellor is commenf on Senote snofus ballot for today's election, rommencemenl speokel we those responsible did not see that a quorum the voting took place," sgid f'm just Peterson in referènce to the Gus Gu following the resignation of crossed recent electio¡ which was re- lor of the Sidney lil'. Brossman earlier this Colleges, school year. åtP'."1å College's speaker. He was a probation officer juvenile counselor and a Califor- "A lack of trust on the part campus. Graduation exercises wil be nia Youth - of Their feelings refleet common oceurrance in ASB the students toward the ifSB is the performance held at 8 p.m. luesday, June 14, before takin of the ASB throughout the state, I still do¡'t evident in this spring's Sen¿te Senate, which in the Fresno Convention Cente¡. jobs in the has failed to make see us much ahead of last performance," eommented Doris a quorqm in About 1,177 students will be area which three of the last four semester." Deakins, dean of women. .,We meetings. eligible to receive degrees. state cha¡cefor's office as dean should attempt to start all over "It is unfortunate the l¿st of Extended Opportunity Pro with a new organization." Guichard was grams election was invalidated as it was executive vice and Services. "With the five people chancellor of the st¿te's commu- on the but this is due to the fact that nity college system and was He provided early leadership appointed acting chancellor by in est¿blishing EOPS guidelinèi the system's board of governors and policies. llernondez, Counselorrs Segal vie Rap. Z in ASB election rerun Kevin Lynn Eddings, Entertainrnent . 4 The Turkeys In Space ? 4 - Associated Student Body election held last week has beei nullified and rescheduled for Awareness Day. 5 lVednesday and Thursday of this week-yesterday and todãy. ¡''CC Renewal r?? I Dean of Men Douglas Pete¡- son, adviser to the ASB Senate, Student Poll . .9 said the nullification was voted unanimously by the ASB eleetion ArtGallery. committee ¿fter it was noted the .. .g The only race contested on the Polling hours are at 10 ¿.rn. to Library Books Due . g ballot is for president. Mark 2 p.m. and 6 to 8:80 p.m., in the Hernandez and Stephen Segal foyer of the Cafeteri¿. A l-ookAt The S¡nrts year . tO Peterson, who visited the po[ing-one area both nights to find Gertrude no there, said he was \¡l¡ilks. .. ll informed by ASB President Dave Schrqeder that students AfricanUrnojaSchedule... ..ll assigned to man the polling place simp-¡ failed to show up either Editorial Com¡nent lZ night. Letter . Lz Sehroeder linked the nullification Alburn Review . LZ of last week's student body , 2i Rompoge Thurday, Mt',¡ â, 1977,, DTRRTI'S ilil STORAGT tow - tow PRtcEs sffiAtt PRTVATE WAREHOUSF! Music Maoagera live oa ¡neaises f,ry (terlce & Daany Mlron¿. Ju¡e 19, Ert e Sesgy and Keystone, June 18, ,SAZE MONTHLY , QUARTERLY I¡c Vet¡s Room, Sher¡ton I¡n, 6:S) & 9 Rrinbow Ballroom, I p.m. to midnicht p.m. Îo¡ch & KeJ¡stone, June 2P, Ra¡áUow Bellroom, 6 p.m. to midnÍght 6Xó 9.oo 8.lo nlct Nd¡¡, June 28, Lrs Vegas Room, 4)rl2 10.50 9.50 Sheraton Inn Gh¡s&c 6 X t2 60 14.00 lz. Juty ?, res veæs Room, R¡i¡bow 6 x r8 18.50 16. óo $ffifT;|r, ÞËr3t & 6 x 24 43.9.0 ZO.7O Ststê t2 .ZO.1O p* Ñg" Sepr ãl, Lrs Vegas Room, x u¿ 23,90 Sher¿ton Inn G¡oaec, Aug. 13, R¡inbow B¡llrdom, I lz p.m. to nidnigtt x l8 33i,00 2g.zo nÍt r¡, Aug. 8, las Vegas Room, rz x 24 ¿r.oo 36.90 Shenton-ltG Inn Atb¡dc nht'th Sodiol, EGrrt, J¡nce - (tent¡tive lZ x 30 49.oO 44.10 Try&ror /lrc¡icr bands) SepL f,¡!3úü llio & The Limeliters, Dec" 1, 4, Chi¡a Peah, concert and crafts day. r.rc Vegas Room, Sheraton Inn Tf,ATCH DOGS REI.E/ASED AT NIGHT & TW June 21, Sell¡¡d Are¡¿, B p.n. Near Levitz-.à soútù. of Shaw ¡G!æ Gollco Yong, lrfiay tl, Selland. Júr }lyd[ June 9, W¿rnors Theatfu Aren¡, E p.m. '1793 N. ßloTEL,Di. 12240,7o^ lfe frboe, June 11, Sl¿rnors Theatre Speciol Events 'NoScr Plolce, Wche Þiti¡h,'lheatre I lluorirl llry lffihy, May 80, No cl¡sseg hoduction, May 2GJune ll, 1644 Fulton, UNEilIPIOYITIENT 8:15 p.m. 'It Erpeocd Oac Nitt,' Mäy 26, Recit¿t Art Dcprracnt F--hiülG NIzy %, AH-101, Ilall, 7:30 p.m. 9 am. to 4 p.n. Afrlo Unoþ FGdv¡[ l&y Wtl, FCC BTUES Campus, All D¿y GETTING YOU.DOWN? Spons llc¡'¡ Trrch California State Meet, May ilco's ft¡clç Degatblon Çhampionship, Co¡¡lder A Sca¡o¡al Job 2s' 5 p'e' 10 am' lkersnerd' FCC rntrru"- .Jï: i;"', i,i-ica" FRESNO'INTERNAT Watcr Polo, ltlzy tl, Pool, 12 noon REVENUE SERVÍCE CENTER --Ilata Iïaoacriber COUNSELOR'S RAP --Îar t¡aainer --Clerk UC tequ¡temenls moï tighten.- , Starting Pay ã¡bou¡ $3.1ó gonno tronsfer? Shope up! Call: The tr'ederal Job l¡formatioD Ceater the University of California is least 56 transferable semester 8 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday recommending that, effective in units of college work. and Thursday during summer the fall of 1978, transfer students This would end the experiment Admissions whose high session. counseling 487 -5062 school GPA and started in the fall of 1973 remains available on Saturday course work made them ineli- admitting transfer students with mornings, 8 to 11 a.m. through gible for admission to UC as a 2.0 GPA in transferable units June 11. II3O 'O'STREET, ROOM 2oil freshman should be required to regardless of their eligibility. So -Stan Mattoon earn a GPA o12.4 or higher in at if you are planning to transfer to one of the UC campuses in the fall of 1978, keep that GPA up to a2.4 ot better to be on the safe Tl moior? ::;-:F Now open Ln the side. If you have any questions Tower concerning this new action, see District t Don't käow what to major in? me in SS-20?. L242 N. I,rlishon Job markets seem to be all filled? -Mary Alice Easton Too many people COUPON WORTH in the area :¡ you're interested in? Srell, have f .,\,zl'r (OIìfEÐ Hqve q tolk you_ever thought about a major in the technical industri¿l field? Some of the best job opportuni- lED(O:fJ:f¿-EL lVould you like to learn more ties today lie in the area of OFF ON.ANY GIANT P'ZZA about yourself, about your (fAX lNctuDED) aptitudes, interests and abilities? Maly students have experienced a need for this kind of .AT ANy mE-N-ED.s pazâ pARta¡iS.F.C.C. information and have found the to qualified individùals. Come answer in our own Career Cent¿r FIESNO ¡- SÀNGER - TUTARE - HANFOnD - tOS BANOS into the Counselins Center and in the ngw Student Services tålk with a eou¡selõr and lind out Building just nortb of .the more about the opportunities Library.
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