ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport AREPORT RespectedElders,Brothers&Sisters, The year 2009-10 was an eventful year for Alipore Social Welfare Trust. During the year many a milestones were achieved. Milestones are an important part of journey. They reflect the distance travelled and show the road ahead. Milestones are also occasions to pause and celebrate, regroup and refuel for the journey ahead. In Alipore Social Welfare Trust, we look at milestones that reflect value as seen by our elders, our colleagues, our well-wishers, our donors, our beneficiaries, our patients and our volunteers. Before we report about the year that was, we would like to remind you about Alipore Social Welfare Trust'sobjectives,dependability,governancephilosophyandotherfeatures. OUR GOVERNANCE PHILOSOPHY: The Cornerstones of Alipore Social Welfare Trust's governance philosophy are Trusteeship, Transparency, Empowerment, Control and Accountability,detailsasunder:- (1) Trusteeship: recognises that large groups which represent coalition of interests, namely our valuable donors, project partners, Doctors, Medical and Para-Medical Staffs, Employees, Members of various Committees and Volunteers which serves thesocialandeconomicpurpose. (2) Transparency: means to explaining the Trust's Policies and Actions to those to whom it has responsibilities, Externally and Internally without jeopardising the Trust's Strategic Interests and also Openness in the Trust's relationship with its EmployeesfromallHierarchy. (3)Empowerment: is a process of unleashing creativity and innovation throughout the organisation by truly vesting decision-making powers at the most appropriate levels andasclosetothesceneasfeasibletherebyactualisethepotentialoftheteam. (4)Control: ensures that freedom of management is exercised within a framework of checks and balances and is designed to prevent misuse of power, facilitate timely management of change and ensure effective management of risks. Alipore Social Welfare Trust believes that control is a necessary concomitant of its second core principle of governance that the freedom of management should be exercised withinaframeworkofappropriatechecksandbalances. (5)Accountability: Trusteeship, Transparency, Empowerment and Control enhances Accountability. Alipore Social Welfare Trust believes in setting Exemplary Standards of Ethical Behaviour, both Internally and Externally because unethical behaviour corrupts organisational culture and undermines Donors' value and Patient's Trust. This freedom of management should be exercised within a framework of Effective Accountability. GROWTH: creates aspiration. Growth gives hope. Growth brings happiness. Growth that is transformational leads to the evolution of civilisations. After all, Growth is Life. The pursuit of this growth has led to the creation of Largest Health and Higher Education Awareness Institution in the District. We had delivered all-round growth, built and sustained our services while continuing to invest in the future. The management has unveiled a challenge 1 ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport that being way 'Distinctly Ahead' and the philosophy has been outlined in this year's Management Discussion and Analysis. Every milestone that we cross, enthuses us to do more. We are pleased to inform you that with Almighty's unlimited mercies and good wishes, co-operations and support from all of you, Alipore Social Welfare Trust is, 'Growing continuallywith…… Improvement,AchievementandSuccess'. CONSISTENCY: We believe that our consistency is a result of our strategic insights, the conviction to invest on those insights and the ability to rigorously execute and convert the insights to reality. Achieving these landmarks, in a tough environment for the services provided by us in Healthcare and Educational Reliefs and Scholarships was satisfying. ExtendingourrecordofaccomplishmentsetoverpastSixteenyearswasrewarding. OUR MAIN OBJECTIVE is to support the marginalised communities residing in various villagesandtownsaroundAliporebyProviding: 1. AlltheDevelopmentalNeedsofAliporeHospital, 2. Round-the-Clock Ambulance Services which serves Emergency and Trauma Care Department. 3. HealthAwarenessamongstthelocalcommunities. 4. OrganisingFreeMedicalCampsofVariousMedicalFaculties. 5. Creating and propagating Higher Education Awareness amongst these communities. 6. Under ASWT Educational Relief and Scholarships Fund, we have encouraged Higher Education amongst the communities and hence have made a remarkable achievement. 7. IntroducingParamedicalandNursingInstituteintheCampus. 8. Launching Alipore Hospital Patient Welfare and Advisory Committee having members from each villages and towns in the area who also provide with required counselling,informationandvaluableadvises. The End Result of innumerable insights, calculated decisions and assiduous goal- oriented thinking is transformation. This Transformational Excellence puts us at a position of strength in Healthcare and Educational Promotion Fields. We believe that 'Tough times Don't Last, Tough People Do'. We constantly remind ourselves that our collective endeavour asanorganisationistobuildFacilitiesandServicestoservebetterforthelonghaul. The strength of a ship is not tested by the miles navigated in calm water, but by it resilience to withstand the vagaries of the turbulent seas that challenges its very existence. The DNA of an organisation is tested not by its growth potential in good times but its strength to seamlessly sustain through its very survival. Spirit of Alipore Social Welfare Trust, our values – Intensity to Win, Act with Sensitivity and Unyielding Integrity continued to be our guiding force in this journey. Spirit of Alipore Social Welfare Trust drives our pursuit of responsible citizenship. It is at our core – Acting with Sensitivity by being Thoughtful and Responsible. 2 ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport Alipore Social Welfare Trust is inspired by the opportunity to make a meaningful difference through the enlargement of its contribution to the national economy by providing Healthcare, Paramedical and Nursing Education and Higher Educational Reliefs amongst thelocalpopulation. Our Values: Respect for the Individual and Being Thoughtful and Responsible are the crux of our Talent Engagement and Development Process. Our Medical Team drive our Hospital. They Determine our success, performance and services. Our Values define our relationship with our staffs and patients. We provide our Team of Doctors an opportunity to use their time and resources in productive pursuits. We launched two programs – Rejuve and Enrich. These Programs allow our Team of Doctors and Staffs to use their time to expand their horizons, professionally and personally thereby preparing them for a more rewarding future. This brings us to the key question. Can we continue to deliver just as well in future? Weareconfidentwecan.Ourconfidencestemsfromthesixfundamentalfactors- (i) Thehealthcareenvironment, (ii) ourdonorstrustandsupport, (iii) ourstrategicinitiatives, (iv) oursocio-economicscenario, (v) ourlocalaspiringstudentsaimtoachievetheirgoalsand (vi) ourpassiontolookbeyondtheserviceswerender. Achievements do not happen in vacuum and we at ASWT feel privileged to tell you thatwearejourneyingtirelesslytogether,spreadingfootprintsontheselandscapes. Being the most critical part of the process, incubation is a time for forward looking decisions and introspective reflections. The choices made now will have far-reaching repercussionsinthedaystocome. Firstly we all, the trustees of Alipore Social Welfare Trust, express our sincere gratitude to Almighty and Most Merciful giving us the opportunity to serve the Human Beings. Alipore Social Welfare Trust was established with a view to serve human beings in an area of approximately 80 villages surrounding Alipore, where there are inadequate modern facilities for the treatment of sick patients. We all hereby thank all of you who have been helpful and have given your time, money and effort for the service of the sick. Without thedonors,AliporeHospitalwouldnothavebeenasitistoday. Secondly, our aims and objectives are to serve the local community and surrounding population with best medical reliefs and services in our Hospital/Mobile Dispensaries or Charitable Dispensary and Medical Camps, create Health Awareness, Ambulance Services, help, encourage and fund the eligible and aspiring needy and poor students in achieving Higher Educations especially in Medical and Para-Medical and other Career-Based Higher Educations, and give scholarships, and also help develop villages. Here we take the opportunity to inform you regarding our activities, hence we start with AliporeHospitalProject. 3 ALIPORESOCIALWELFARETRUST AnnualReport (A) ALIPOREHOSPITAL Alipore Hospital has built a reputation for fairness and meritocracy. In an effort to further encourage diversity amongst our workforce. The end result of innumerable insights, calculated decisions and assiduous goal- oriented thinking is transformation. This transformational excellence puts us at a position of strength in ourmedicalservices. “WhenHealthisabsent,wisdomcannotrevealitself,artcannotmanifest,strength cannotfight,wealthbecomesuselessandintelligencecannotbeapplied.” At Alipore Hospital, we incubate new practices for serving the patients by creating competencies in emerging technologies. Alipore Hospital has, since past 9 years in the services towards Healthcare, participated in building a healthy community manifests itself through initiatives in several areas of healthcare,
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