THREEPENCE. ^. /^^ <A» MUSSELBURGH AND l/x -^n YEAR BOOK. 19 3. HOUSEHOLD COAL of Best Quality from Fife, the Lothians and West. Steam Coal, Dross, Coke, Anthracites, and Smithy Coal. FOR (JARDEN COAL, GAS COKE, HOUSE, GHIRLS AND NUTS. FACTORY The **Ne^o" Fire Kindlers are the Best. They are Cheaper and Cleaner than Fire- wood. 3d per Packet (30 Fires). Briquettes, Peat and all Coal Accessories. cJ. Burns, Coal /Merchant, 5 MALL AVENUE, MUSSELBURGH. Contractor to Musselburg-h Town Council and Musselburgh School Board. Advertisements NORTHERN ASSURANCE GO. FIRE AND LIFE, FIRE y< LIFE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Moderate Low Expenses Rates of of Premium. Management. Prompt and . Liberal Ample Settlement Security, of Claims. Good Bonuses, and Losses by Moderate Lig-htning" Premiums. Made Good. ANNUAL ANNUAL FIRE PBEMIUMS. LIFE PREMIUMS, £852,900. £272,100. Edinburgh Office :—20 St Andrew Square, A. G. Gillespie, Secretary. Premiums to assure £\90 with Profits: 1 Age. £ s. 1). Age. £ S. D. Age. £ S. D. 20 2 7 35 2 15 9 50 4 10 10 '27^ 2 3 10 40 3 4 8 55 5 10 8 30 2 9 4,5 3 16 2 60 6 17 4 Agency at Musselburgh Established 1846. Alex. Mitchell, Solicitor, Agent. Advertisements THE LICENSES INSURANCE CORPORATION AND GUARANTEE FUND, LTD. Exclusiue Business—License insurance and Insurance of Licensed Property. AUTHORISED CAPITAL, £1,000,000. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £140,870. *>/W^*N/WN/WW>/WV% The Objects of the Corporation are to com- pensate Licenseholders, Proprietors, Bondholders, Brewers, Distillers, Wine Merchants, and others interested in Licensed Property for loss sustained through forfeiture of Certificate of License. Chief Office for Scotland— 63 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH. J. M^CANKIE, Manager. Head Office-24 IVIOORGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C, Agent at Musselburgh—ALEX. MITCHELL, Solicitor. Advertisements ESTABLISHED 1810. WILLIAM KIRSOPP & SON, 8S & 90 HIGH STREET, ^ AUSSELBURGH. ^ Drapers, Silk Mercers, Costumiers, Milliners, Tailors, etc., etc. THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS IN FANCY DRAPERY, GLOVES AND HOSIERY ALWAYS IN STOCK. 3EiOXJS36I3E3EOLX> 3PXJ3RLTSriS3ai:NrG— NAPERY, CURTAINS, ETC., IN RELIABLE QUALITIES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Our Ladies' Outfitting Department will be always found replete with Seasonable Novelties. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILORING under First Class IVIanagement. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED. In the Dressmaking and Millinery Departments Customers may rely on their Orders being executed with Taste and Style, Charges in All Departments distinctly Moderate. AGENTS FOR TURNBULL'S, Ltd,, DYERS AND CLEANERS, MUSSELBURGH /^Hr'/ [T en FEB 1803 f DIRECTORY AND YEAR BOOK (With Almanac and Guide to the Town). 19 3. CAREFULLY TESTED SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES SUPPLIED TO FIT EACH EYE. ALEX. CRUIKSHANK, CHEIVIIST AND OPTICIAN (Certificated), 138 North High Street, MUSSELBURGH. ^ N Physicians' and Oculists' Prescriptions Dispensed. PRINTED FOR THE MUSSELBURGH MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION BY \\^ILLIAM SINCLAIR, HADDINGTON. Advertisements 3E;ST^3BXzIS3E3E3EII> 1866. NICHT BELL. TELEPHONE No. 39. USE, DISPENSING & FAMILY CHEMIST, SUNDAY HOURS— lO to II A.M. I to 2 P.M. 6 to 8 p.^r. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY DISPENSED UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION. ONLY THE PUREST DRUGS EIYIPLOYED. Special Attention is directed to a Full Range of Toilet Requisites. The Premises at 75 High Street have recently been enlarged and modernised to meet the require- ments of a liberal patronage. ^ BRANCH SHOP AT PRESTONPANS. PREFATORY NOTE. IVT EARLY five years have elapsed since a Directory for Musselburgh was published, and in the interval whole streets of new houses have been erected and the population has correspondingly increased. The issue of a Directory was therefore urgentl}^ required. To a town of the size of Musselburgh, and possessing so many attractions, a Directory is almost indispensable alike to residents and to those doing business within it. No Directory hitherto issued for Musselburgh has given such complete lists as are in the present issue. But beyond these much additional information is supplied, which, it is hoped, will prove useful and make the Directory welcome in every household in the locality. The handy Guide for the town and district, the yearly Almanac, the Calendar of local events, and the lists of the various "Funds" administered in the Burgh are novel features to which special attention may be calhd. Then the small price of the publica- tion (Threepence) will be noted and will make such a boon addition- ally welcome. It is intended to make the Directory an annual publication and to issue it along with Almanac hereafter on 1st January'. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the lists and information given, but in a first issue it is perhaps inevitable that inaccuracies will appear. It will be regarded as a favour if those who discover any mistakes would at once point them out, and we shall be glad also to receive hints or suggestions for the future issues of the "Musselburgh and District Directory and Year Book." Thanks are specially due to Mr R. M'D. {Stirling who has written the Guide, to the local house agents for information as to tenancy, and to the merchants of Musselburgh and other advertisers for their hearty and much appreciated support. THE EDITOR. 17 Belfield Terrace, Musselburgh. January 1903, Advertisements 3EISXi5c38X.IS3EaE3EII> 1820. C 1-^9 GENERAL DRAPER, 134 NORTH HICK STREET, MUSSELBURGH. "CORRIE'S PRICE" for Drapery Goods is known far and near to be the lowest possible and recognised as the greatest rival to the keenest Drapers in or out of Edinburgh. Paton's Best Alloa Yarn, - - 6Jd per Cut. Best 5 ply Fing-ering- (Beehive and Paton's), 7d per Cut. Baldwin's or Paton's Best 4 ply, SJd per Cut. C"v.'\.-v\.-v-\.-\,-\.-\ NOTE—The wholesale price of Wools has advanced, and will advance still further, but the above Prices will hold good for the next Six Months, having lately contracted for Five Hundred Spindle at the Lowest Price Yarns ever touched. :H':Ei:B:EiTj.^:Eiir iqos. Goods Deliuered Daily. Portobello and Edinburgh, Carriage Paid. ^' GOOD OLD MUSSELBORO." a MUSSELBURGH AND VICINITY (Copyright). MUSSELBURGH forms that part of the parish of Inveresk which skirts the shore of the Firth of Forth, is the north- eastern extremity of Midlothian, and is six miles distant from G.P.O., Edinburgh, and is separated from the metropolis by Magdalene Burn. Approach. —Musselburgh is reached from Edinburgh by a branch of the N,B.R., which leaves the main east coast line at Newhailes Station, where there is a private entrance to the policies of New- hailes (Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, M.P.), formerly the residence of the celebrated jurist and historian, Lord Hailes. In the one-and- a-half miles run to the terminus, evidence is seen of the modern enterprise which has given a vast impetus and commercial Import- ance to the locality. In succession will be noticed the Musselburgh Ironworks, the Olive Bank Pit of the Lothian Coal Field, the Patent Net Factory, Inveresk Paper Mills and the Wire Works— group of industries which demand skilled workers and find re- munerative employment for many hundreds. Entrance. —On emerging fi'om Musselburgh Station, to the left is seen an ancient high-pitched bridge of three spans that here crosses the river Esk and has been a main artery of communication between North and South throughout nearly the whole of the Christian Era. Its traditional claim to be of Roman construction was for a time questioned, but this was set at rest from an actual examination whereby the remains of the original fabric were discovered embedded within the present masonry and resting upon transverse oaken beams. Not till early last century was it super- seded for vehicular traffic on the completion of the handsome new bridge—one of Rennie's masterpieces—lower down the stream ; and its sloping approaches were then replaced b}^ the steps for pedestrians still used. Facing the station buildings Is " The Mall," an avenue which forms an agreeable entrance to the town. The statelier of the trees are about 130 years old—those between the roadway and river were planted some 70 years since by Sir John Hope, Bart, M.P., of Pinkie, who believed in the maxim "be aye stickin' in a tree, it'll be growin' when your sleepin','' and who did much to beautify the town in this direction. At the end of the Mall stand the Delta Monument commemorat- ing David Macbeth Moir, a distinguished townsman and popular contributor to "Blackwood," the New Stone Bridge, the U.F. Musselburgh and District Directory High Church, and a drinking fountain gifted by Mr David Wright, a native. High Street. — Millholme House, behind the West Mill, belonged at one period to the Colts of Garsherrie and Inveresk, and w^s the dower-house of the family. Further on upon the same side, en- closed within a parapet and railing, is a barrack-like building deserving passing notice. Now a common lodging-house and tramps' shelter, it was wont to be the officers' quarters during the Peninsular Wars when the town was a military centre and sana- torium whence invalided troops were sent to recruit. Proceeding onwards the entrance to Dambrae is reached by an arched pend. In this alley was the Kilwinning Lodge of Freemasons which claimed seniority next to the Mother Lodge. The building, con- verted into dwellihg-houses, still retains the craft emblems on its interior. Opposite the further extremity of Dambrae is Millhill U.F. Church, and near it are the Municipal Buildings. The Clock Tower or " Knockhous " is of continental design, and contained, until two years ago, a clock bearing date 1497, presented by the Dutch at a time of much interchange of trade between Holland and Musselburgh. It has been replaced by a modern one but may be seen by the curious in the burgh stores.
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