C O N V E R T S T O R O M E . A L I S T O F A B O U T FO UR TH O US A N D PR OTE S TA N TS WH O HA V E R E CE N T LY BE C O M E R M A N A T H LI O C O CS . C OM PILE D BY R N G R M A N W. G D O O O , “ ’ O T W LA E DIT IO OM IT S E DIT R O F T H E O S T N S O F R E S R ECR U . S E C O N D E D I T I O JV . LO NDO N W . S W A N S O N N E N S C H E I N A N D C O . , PA T E RNO S TE R S QUA RE . 1 88 5 . PREFA CE T O T HE SE CON D E DIT ION . C O NSIDERING the reception which has been accorded to the “ of C R in new issue onverts to ome, and bearing mind the m of P 1 k it m k few co ments the ress, thin necessary to a e a observations on points which will interest my readers . As r D seve al reviewers , notably those connected with issenting O re I rgans , have been under the imp ssion that have been honoured by the assistance of the Premier in the compilation of k t f my wor , it will be as well to state tha the ollowing e M r G E of letter, writt n by . ladstone to the late ditor the Whitehall Review , has been the sole cause why the right honourable gentleman ’s name appears in my preface H a e O t 1 1 1 8 8 . c . ward n, , 7 “ DEA S IR R , “ I thank you for sending me the Whitehall Review with r of R r I the va ious lists secessions to the oman C hu ch. am glad I f they have been collected, and am urther glad to hear they f of m hl For are to be published in the orm a pa p et . good , or for f according to some, evil, according to others, they orm a s O f fi a a group an event much interest and signi c nce . “ It would very grea tly add to the value of the coming if e O f pamphlet, an approximat statement dates could be made of part it. To give the year in each case would probably be very difficult but would it be difficult to give decades ' S ay i v PREFA C E TO THE SECOND EDITION . E from 1 820 or 1 8 30 . ven to divide yet more largely would still be useful as thus Be fo e 1 840 . 1 . r — 1 4 1 860. 2 . 8 0 ‘ S 1 860 . 3 . ince “ Y l I ou wi l, am sure , excuse this suggestion, and again a ccept my thanks . I remain , Y f f ours very aith ully, G A . E . L D ONE W. ST I regret to fi nd that the foll owing names inadvertently appeared in the lists W . Wa B D a r t O f i o O fo . S te . t T i t . Rev . y , , l e P esiden r n y C llege, x rd e a B i R E G ner l r ne, . B ase o O IL O D L h b E s . s C o . C. at ury, q , r n e , x n H a - il i J O e s E s . lliw ll Ph l p , q T h e a t L s E s Ba ste l e uciu Kelly, q . , rri r. T C C hese gentlemen have not joined the atholic hurch , and my apologies are due to them for being the unwilling of medium propagating that which was not correct. T of C he name Lady hichester should not have been given , as I am informed by a near relative of her ladyship that the f l “ O ld F ” ami y never deserted the aith . A doubt which I confess to having at first entertained as to i of O f hi the propr ety giving publicity to a spiritual change, w ch k l I the world too ittle note, has long since proved, am glad to f . N O f say, to be without oundation ot one letter an objecting nature has yet reached me on the contrary, publicity has been courted with a frankness which speaks well for the con stanc f- of y , the sel respect , and even enthusiasm the con verts . In a critique whi ch appeared in the columns of the R ecor d PREFA CE T O T HE SECOND EDITION . it was stated that the converts from R ome to Protestantism N I brochure greatly outnumbered my list. ow have a entitled , ” “ P R m M a R B rotestant ecruits , co piled by ont gu ussell utler , “ Th e l k of 4 20 C E sq. ittle wor gives the names onverts to P r of I rotestantism from all pa ts the habitable globe, but b eg leave to question whether one half O f the number have really become Protestants . H I of ad acted on the suggestions some, and had given a of I list embracing all members society, should have had to publish a volume which for dimensions would have favourably ” P t- O ffice D a task f compared with the os irectory, rom which , I k I k M O thin , have wisely shrun . y main bject has been to “ k hi Christian Globe one issue a wor w ch , according to the , gives a startling view of the rapid advancement which R oman C atholicism has made of late years in certain quarters and the Christia n A l s me say s, glance through its pages wi l a tonish so f i ” people who doubt the increase o Popery n these days . I f I I n justice to mysel , have to state that had nothing to do f “ ’ ” M t f with the early editions o R ome s R ecruits . os o the I fi nd r f I inaccuracies, , have occu red in those editions, there ore A th e for . t I am not answerable them same time, must say, in f of l/Vhiteha ll R eview all airness to the late editor the , that it ’ was that gentleman s great desire to have the lists most scrupulously accurate. I have been enabled to add many new names to this edition ; of n few have obtained dates conversio , and have corrected a i orthograph cal errors . Some who have taken a great interest in my work would have been glad to be able to ascertain from what denomination of each convert has been recruited, and the individual cause submitting to the R oman Church ; but with regard to these m I a dd h atters, can only t at the necessary information would ffi be most di cult to procure . I f of n conclusion, it will be ound by a cursory inspection the s E list , that there is hardly a single nglish noble family that has not given one or more of its members to the R oman vi PREFA CE T o TH E SECOND EDITION. C C O w th e atholic hurch, and the intercourse thus pened bet een two formerly uncommunicating camps has resulted in a feeling of mutual good-will and friendliness the greatest intellects and the largest hearts on each side cordially encourage . G G . E C O N V E R T S T O R O M . THE ILITY A N D GENT Y N O B R . T H E late Duke Of Leeds The late Earl Of Buchan . 7 th sat of e (Francis, ) , who in The late Edward , Earl Castl f a the House o Commons s Stuart . of of Marquis Carmarthen . The Earl Denbigh (Rudolph of l Feil di n The Marquis Bute (John Wi liam Basil g ) , Count of th e Patrick Crichton Stuart) , Holy Roman Empire . K T . LL D . , . , Knight Grand Knight Grand Cross Of the of — Cross Of the Holy Sepulchre , Order Pius Vice President A O f . Knight Of the Order St . Of the ged Poor Society 1 5 Gregory the Great and Here ( 8 0 . dita r f y Keeper o Rothesay The late Earl Of Dunraven . C x Castle ; Christ College , of ford . The late Earl Gainsborough ui of The Marq s Ripon (George (Charles George Noel) , Knight Frederick Samuel Robinson) , of the Order Of. Christ ; K - P . C . G. , . , Lord Lieutenant and Custos cx - Grand Master Of Free Rotulorum Of Rutlandshire . masons Chairman of the Catholic Poor- School Com The Earl of Granard (George mitte e A ; formerly Lord Pre rthur Hastings Forbes) , sid en t K P Of Council , sometime . , Knight and President - f Governor General o India . in Great Britain and Ireland of the Order Of Malta Knight The Earl Of Abingdon , Lieu Grand Cross of the Order Of - f th e L tenant Colonel o the Berk St . Gregory Great ieu shi re Militia and President O f tenant Colonel commanding 9th F .
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