Journal of Ethnopharmacology 90 (2004) 293–316 Herbal mixtures in the traditional medicine of Eastern Cuba Juan Hernández Cano a, Gabriele Volpato b,∗ a BIOECO, Centro Oriental de Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad, José A. Saco 601 esq. Barnada, 90100, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba b Laboratorio di Agroecologia ed Etnobiologia, Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Padova, Via U. Bassi, 58/b 35121 Padova, Italy Received 20 December 2002; received in revised form 3 January 2003; accepted 9 October 2003 Abstract Herbal mixtures in the traditional medicine of Eastern Cuba. Traditional herbal mixtures in Eastern Cuba are investigated through interviews with 130 knowledgeable people and traditional healers of the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo. One hundred seventy plant species and other products are used in 199 formulas, galones being the more complex. Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae), Bidens pilosa L. (Asteraceae), Cissus sicyoides L. (Vitaceae), Erythroxylum havanense Jacq. (Erythroxylaceae) and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl. (Verbenaceae)are the species most frequently cited. The ecological distribution of the taxa and cultural and anthropological aspects of mixtures are highlighted; particularly American and African influences that have shaped local knowledge about plant combinations are discussed. © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ethnobotany; Phytomedicine; Herbal mixtures; Eastern Cuba; Galones 1. Introduction groups (Guanche, 1983; Fuentes, 1984b; Rivero de la Calle, 1992; Núñez and González, 1999). This multi-ethnic legacy The study of ethnomedical systems and of plants as ther- has resulted in a rich pharmacopoeia, particularly in moun- apeutic agents is of paramount importance to addressing tainous areas of the eastern provinces of Cuba (Hernández, health problems of traditional communities and third world 1985, 2000). A peculiarity of this unique herbalism is its countries as well as of industrialized societies. As well, a richness in multi-species formulas that have been evolving large number of studies have been conducted in the past few across the centuries, some of which are labeled with spe- decades on the traditional pharmacopoeia of indigenous peo- cific denominations. These mixtures thus represent a social ples and rural communities throughout the tropics. Many of heritage, and their ethnobotanical investigation can add them have been carried out in the Americas. much to the understanding of local folk medical systems. Nevertheless, these ethnobotanical studies are rarely fo- In Cuba, medicinal plants are not only of anthropological cused on herbal mixtures. Both the botanical and ethnobi- interest: they have an essential role for people, who cannot ological aspects of such complex preparations have often rely on pharmaceuticals for their health needs, due to eco- been disregarded, and very little attention has been paid to nomic difficulties following the breakup of the Soviet Union them in the Caribbean (but see, for example, Longuefosse in 1989 and to the US blockade against the country (Kuntz, and Nossin, 1996; Garc´ıa et al., 2000; Ososki et al., 2002). 1994; Kirkpatrick, 1996; AAWH, 1997; Garfield and In Cuba, medicinal plants are traditionally arranged in a Santana, 1997). Among the healthcare strategies adopted surprising number of herbal mixtures using at times elabo- to confront medicine shortages of the so-called periodo es- rate procedures. Some recipes have already been reported pecial, a national complementary medical system based on (Seoane, 1984; Fuentes, 1988; Moreno et al., 1994), al- local folk medicine has developed (Soler and Porto, 1997; though to date no ethnobotanical research on multi-species Suárez, 1997; Acosta de la Luz, 2001), as has the use of formulas has ever been conducted in Eastern Cuba. Cuban acupuncture and homeopathy (Fuentes, 1996; Abreu and people rely for food and medicine on a mixed culture Mateo, 1997). Ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharma- that draws upon wisdom originating mainly from Indian, cological studies for the development of local cheap ther- African, Spanish, French-Haitian, and Antillean ethnic apeuticals are thus emphasized (i.e. Carbajal et al., 1983; Mart´ınez et al., 1996; Payo et al., 1997; Guerra et al., 2001). ∗ Corresponding author. This paper focuses on the medicinal plants and other prod- E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Volpato). ucts used in the preparation of traditional herbal mixtures 0378-8741/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2003.10.012 294 J.H. Cano, G. Volpato/ Journal of Ethnopharmacology 90 (2004) 293–316 in Eastern Cuba. We will discuss: (1) the ethnobotanical León and Alain (1951, 1953, 1957), and Alain (1964, 1974), aspects of herbal and non-herbal components and of their and the identification of the specimens was performed with joint use within mixtures, (2) the role within local culture of the help of taxonomists of BIOECO. Finally, the uses of the complex formulas with specific denominations and, (3) the species in mixtures have been compared with those referred ecological distribution and phytogeographical aspects of the to in the most important sources for Cuban medicinal plants species used. (Roig, 1965, 1974; Seoane, 1984; Fuentes, 1984a, 1988). 2. Material and methods 3. Results and discussion The data presented in this paper are part of a wider study 3.1. Herbal and non-herbal components of mixtures on folk medicine in Eastern Cuba. Some 130 knowledge- able people (most of them traditional healers, yerberos and Table 1 lists plant species used in the preparation of curanderos) have been interviewed in cities and villages of medicinal mixtures in alphabetical order of scientific name, the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo by one along with their botanical families, vernacular names as of the authors (J.H.C.) since 1983. Eighty per cent of the they have been recorded during the fieldwork, and voucher interviews were conducted in the city of Santiago de Cuba, specimens. For each species, the number of different mix- thirteen per cent in villages of the homonymous province tures in which it is present and the labels of these mixtures (Simpat´ıa, Ramón de las Yaguas, La Tal´ı, La Chotera, El are reported as well. Ingredients others than plant species, Caney, Perseverancia, Loma del Gato, Bella Pluma, El Dián, such as products derived from plants (i.e. oils), animals Palma Mocha, Las Cuevas, Ocujal); the remaining five per (i.e. fats, excrements), or of industrial origin (i.e. aspirin, cent have been conducted in the province of Guantánamo salts) are listed in Table 2. Mixtures (components, parts (Baracoa, Rancho de Yaguas, Santo Domingo, San Mateo) used, preparation, means of use and number of reports) are (Fig. 1). given in Table 3 according to groups of illnesses. Within For each mixture, plant components, part(s) used, vernac- each generic illness category, mixtures cited without further ular names, products other than botanicals used, means of medical specifications are first reported, followed by mix- preparation and application, number of reports, and generic tures treating specific afflictions; each group of mixtures is and specific illnesses treated have been recorded. Illnesses further arranged by increasing number of components. The are reported according to local ethno-medical terminology category “other mixtures” includes all those mixtures that and classification reported by interviewees. Open-ended are used to treat ailments that do not fall within any previous conversations were carried out with people interviewed. category, and for which it makes no sense to build a sep- Voucher specimens of the plants cited were collected, identi- arate category. We created a three-letter (corresponding to fied, and deposited at BIOECO Herbarium (BSC), Santiago the generic illness category to which each mixture belongs) de Cuba. Taxonomical nomenclature follows León (1946), increasing number labelling system which identifies each Fig. 1. The location of the study area and major cities. J.H. Cano, G. Volpato/ Journal of Ethnopharmacology 90 (2004) 293–316 295 Table 1 Medicinal species used in herbal mixtures in Eastern Cuba Botanical taxon Cuban phytonym Voucher number Labels of mixtures Number of mixtures Acanthospermum humile Abrojo 17662 REN01 1 (Sw.) DC. (Asteraceae) Agave spp. (Agavaceae) Maguey SKI08, GAL13 2 Allium sativum L. Ajo 16112 GAS10; RHE01,05; PAR01; 8 (Alliaceae) OTH13,14,15; GAL05 Allophylus cominia Sw. Palo de caja 15569 DIA03,04 2 (Sapindaceae) Aloe vera (L.) N.L. Sabila´ 15201 LIV07; DIA07; GAL03 3 Burman (Liliaceae) Aloysia citriodora Palau Yerba Luisa 20797 MIE04 1 (Verbenaceae) Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) Colonia 12710 FEV05 1 B.L. Burtt & R.M. Smith (Zingiberaceae) Amaranthus crassipes Bleo blanco 13077 GAL07,12 2 Schlecht. (Amaranthaceae) Ambrosia artemisifolia Altamisa 12647 RHE08 1 L. (Asteraceae) Amyris balsamifera L. Cuaba 12744 RHE08 1 (Rutaceae) Anacardium occidentale Marañon (rojo) 13090 DIA02,03,04,07; GAS11,12 6 L. (Anacardiaceae) Ananas comosus (L.) Piña 16086 LIV04 1 Merril (Bromeliaceae) Annona muricata L. Guanabana´ 13067 RES19; OTH02,03,04 4 (Annonaceae) Annona reticulata L. Anon´ manteca 8229 OTH02 1 (Annonaceae) Annona squamosa L. Anon´ de ojo 13069 GAS18 1 (Annonaceae) Argemone mexicana L. Cardo santo 12682 OTH17 1 (Papaveraceae) Arundo donax L. Caña brava 12729 GAS15 1 (Poaceae) Avicennia germinans L. Mangle negro o 12819 GYN08 1 (Avicenniaceae) prieto Bambusa vulgaris Bambu´ 15233 REN04;
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