COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY , MARCH 13 , 2007 SESSION OF 2007 191ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 21 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at 11:10 a.m., e.d.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal of Monday, March 12, 2007, will be postponed until printed. The Chair hears no objection. THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O 'BRIEN) PRESIDING LEAVES OF ABSENCE The SPEAKER. Turning to leaves of absence, the Chair PRAYER recognizes the majority whip. Are there any leaves on the Democratic side? The SPEAKER. The prayer will be offered by Mr. McCALL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker . Rev. Thomas Rozman, the guest of Representative Hennessey The gentleman, Mr. McGEEHAN, for the day. and the Irish Caucus. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentleman, Recognizing that we are approaching March 17, a very Representative McGeehan, will be placed on leave. special day for those with Irish heritage, the invocation today, as Are there any leaves of absence on the Republican side? I said, will be led by Rev. Thomas Rozman, pastor of the I have been informed that Representative John TAYLOR Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick in Harrisburg. Father Rozman requests to be put on leave for the day. Without objection, was a little concerned sinc e he is not Irish but Slovenian – Representative Taylor 's name will be placed on leave for the Slovenian; see, I am Irish and I cannot even say that – but we day. told him that if he can handle the crowd at Saint Patrick 's, he is welcome with us here in the House of Representatives. MASTER ROLL CALL REV. THOMAS ROZMAN, Guest Chaplain o f the House of The SPEAKER. Th e Chair is about to take the master Representatives, offered the following prayer: roll call. Members will proceed to vote. I will begin with this Irish blessing: The following roll call was recorded: May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. PRESENT –198 May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rain glow soft upon your fiel ds. Adolph Frankel Mann Roebuck Argall Freeman Mantz Rohrer And until we meet again, Baker Gabig Markosek Ross May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Barrar Galloway Marshall Rubley Bastian Geist Marsico Sabatina Let us pray: Bear George McCall Sainato Lord, our God, as the great bishop, Patrick, shared his faith Belfanti Gerber McI. Smith Samuelson Benninghoff Gergely McIlhattan Santoni with the people of Ireland and spent his life in loving service, Bennington Gibbons Melio Saylor may our lives always bear witness to t he faith You have called Beyer Gillespie Mensch Scavello us to profess and our love bring others to the peace and joy of Biancucci Gingrich Metcalfe Schroder Your truth. Bishop Godshall Micozzie Seip Blackwell Goodman Millard Shapiro We make this prayer to You, who are Lord, forever and ever. Boback Grell Miller Shimkus Amen. Boyd Grucela Milne Siptroth Brennan Haluska Moul Smith, K. Brooks Hanna Moyer Smith, M. Buxton Harhai Mundy Smith, S. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Caltagirone Harhart Murt Solobay Cappelli Harkins Mustio Sonney (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Carroll Harp er Myers Staback Casorio Harris Nailor Stairs visitors.) Causer Helm Nickol Steil Civera Hennessey O'Brien, M. Stern 262 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL —HOUSE MARCH 13 Clymer Hershey O'Neill Stevenson Fully 20 percent of Pennsylvanians clai m some sort of Irish Cohen Hess Oliver Sturla lineage, and to celebrate today , we have the Marince family Conklin Hickernell Pallone Surra Costa Hornaman Pashinski Swanger daughters, who are going to sing and do some Irish dances for Cox Hutchinson Payne Taylo r, R. you, and then I should say that at the break, when the Speaker Creighton James Payton Thomas calls the break, the Irish Caucus would like to in vite you to a Cruz Josephs Peifer True lunch down in 60 East Wing. We have corned beef on rye; we Curry Kauffman Perry Turzai Cutler Keller, M. Perzel Vereb got roast beef; we got turkey. We got all kinds of things, even if Daley Keller, W. Petrarca Vitali you do not like the Irish traditional corned beef. We are going to Dally Kenney Petri Vulakovich have Irish potato soup. We are going to have danc ing and DeLuca Kessler Petrone Wagner singing. We will have some Irish desserts, and we will have a Denlinger Killion Phillips Walko DePasquale King Pickett Wansacz good time. So please join us. Members, staff, guests are Dermody Kirkland Preston Waters welcome to join us in 60 East Wing at the call of the break by DeWeese Kortz Pyle Watson the Speaker. DiGirolamo Kotik Quigley Wheatley Donatucci Kula Quinn White Eachus Leach Ramaley Williams MARINCE FAMILY INTRODUCED Ellis Levdansky Rapp Wojnaroski Evans, D. Longietti Raymond Yewcic Evans, J. Mackeret h Readshaw Youngblood The SPEAKER pro tempore. R ight now let me introduce to Everett Maher Reed Yudichak you Representative Mark Mustio of the 44th Legislative District Fabrizio Mahoney Reichley in Allegheny County to introduce the Marince family dancers. Fairchild Major Roae O'Brien, D., Mark. Fleck Manderino Rock Speaker Mr. MUSTIO. Good morning. ADDITIONS –0 This is a repeat performance. If you remember last year, for those o f you that were here, the Marince family performed – NOT VOTING –0 Sarah, Elizabeth, and Christopher – and today we have Sarah back with us. She is 16 years old, and she has performed for EXCUSED –5 President Bush, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Pirates, and is a regular national an them singer for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Lentz Parker Tangretti Taylor, J. Sarah is also a country singer who has opened for such national McGeehan country acts as Lonestar, Dierks Bentley, Phil Vassar, and LEAVES ADDED –5 Trisha Yearwood. Her first original country song débuted on Pittsburgh 's Froggy radio statio n this past February. So Sarah Cruz Ha rper Hennessey Micozzie will be singing, and then the two of them will be dancing. She Daley will be coming up with her sister, Elizabeth, who is 12 years LEAVES CANCELED –3 old. She is working as a model and actress in Pittsburgh and is Daley Hennessey McGeehan also a national model for Dick 's Spo rting Goods. She is a preliminary championship level Irish step dancer who has medaled in competitions in Canada and the United States. The SPEAKER. A quorum being present, the House will And if you remember last year, their brother, Christopher, proceed to conduct business. was here, and I am sure you remember the amount of work and effort that went into the dance. Well, a couple weeks ago he was Irish dancing and broke four bones in his foot, so he will not be ST. PATRICK 'S DAY PROGRAM here today. But with that in mind, I thought I would respectfully ask Speaker O 'Brien if he would step in, so to speak, in The SPEAKER. Happy St . Patrick 's Day to one and all. Ch ristopher 's stead and dance for all of us. Now, Mr. Speaker , At this time I w ould like to ask the chairman of the I certainly understand if you wish to decline, but first we are Irish Caucus to come forward and preside over the festivities going to have Sarah sing before she dances, so we make sure that are appropriate for this occasion. she has enough breath to do that, and then we will follow that All the members will please take their seats. Representative up with two dances, and at that time, Mr. Speaker , it would be Hennessey, I invite you to take the rostrum. great if you would join the young ladies down on the dance floor. Thank you. THE SPEAK ER PRO TEMPORE Miss SARAH MARINCE. Hello, everybody. Good morning (TIMOTHY F. HENNESSEY) PRESIDING and happy early St. Patrick 's Day. Thank you, Representative Mustio, fo r that wonderful introduction as well. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Thank you, Mr. Speaker . "Danny Boy " is one of the most famous Irish songs to ever Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of the House. On come out of Ireland, and I am very honored to sing it for you behalf of the Pennsylvania legislative Irish Caucus, let me wish this morning. you top o ' the mornin ' to all our member s in the House and for all our viewers on PCN (Pennsylvania Cable Network) across ("O Danny Boy " was sung by Sarah Marince.) the Commonwealth. Traditionally we take a few minutes as we lead into Miss SARAH MARINCE. Thank you so mu ch. Thank you. St. Patrick 's Day to celebrate Irish heritage in Pennsylvania. Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed it. 2007 LEGISLATIVE JOURNA L—HOUSE 263 Now I would like to bring my sister, Elizabeth, up here to do I do not think that any Speaker has ever embarrassed this House some dancing with me, and we are both very proud to do these or this Commonwealth in the way that I just did. dances for you today because we both choreographed them. But I know, Sarah and Liz, you have done your Irish heritage and the people of the Commonwealth and this House of (A Hornpipe w as performed.) Re presentatives proud by your dancing, and , Sarah, your singing would have brought a tear to Matt Ryan 's eye, and we Mr. MUSTIO. Speaker O 'Brien? You cannot hide. You thank you very much for that. cannot hide anymore. The SPEAKER. I do not know if I want to do this now. STATEMENT BY SPEAKER Miss SARAH MARINCE. All right; it is your turn to try.
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