'APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP IN AUDIT BUREAU r»P CIRCULATION PENDING HE'S HOBOKEN PICTORIAL EVERY. PdlUhad t 61 Firm St., 2nd Clam Postage Paid WHERE! VOLUME 11 NO. 39 H«b«*«.N. J.-O7C80 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1969 At Habekcn,N. ). TEN CENTS NIGHT AND DAY, day and ROMANO'S DENUNCIATION OF about her husband. Whan bar friend wanted to know if her of daylight CIVIL SERVICE POLICY DRAWS DePASCALE FIRE Hoboken First Ward Councilman Anthony H. Romano served think so. Ha stays out so late at service under the title of 'public would be "written and/or oral", notice on state civil service authorities Monday in Trenton that he safety committee chairman', he night I don't think he wants to may initiate legal action against that body relative to the outcome of indicating^that past procedure of use any daylight at aM." rf she is in error again. He is not the a written and then an oral test an oral competitive exam held last week for the post of Hoboken public safety committee weren't so dumb, aha would police chief. would follow. chairman. Councilman Francis However, when the four know that Ms nights ara not Romano, apatrobnan, who has been on leave since he was elected Finnerty is the chairman of to public office, sent a special delivery letter to Mrs. Thelma Hoboken captains were notified spam out, but rather in a cute record and Romano only a to appear for the oral lrMamaat of Ms paramour. Parkington Sharp, president of Civil Service. He did so in his co-chairman." capacity as chairman of the city's public safety committee. examination only, Hoboken Law • • • He said, "If Councilman Director E. Norman Wilson who A GIBSON and Martini ara Romano questioned the type of test ordered by civil service in Romano had any cjuestions heads the- city's police and fire referring to the oral competitive exam held last Thursday in which about civil service procedure in uwu Tavarae oowage or acting chief Edward Sheeny competed against Capts. Arthur F. departments said the type of test testing, he could have consulted to be given is left to the Marotta, Waiter Lehbrink and George Crimmins for the rank of with me. He apparently is with drinking in paaoa, they had permanent chief. discretion of Civil Service. misinformed. Before the test, Director Wilson xmm or •n •Mint TTttnd. TM Romano asked in his letter, "I would like to be informed why the one dame daintily taking ttM "I am already on record as was quoted as saying, "This test for the highest position in our police department had been beings impartial about who civil office had nothing to do with onion from her Gibson, changed to an oral examination. One would think that such a service qualifies as top man for the type tett to be given." remarked, "Sha't the kind of a position would require die broadest type of test rather than oral the permanent police chief* job. testing only. Trusting to hear from you before Had both a written and oral •jrl who does not care for a I intend to follow that principle test been given, the written part man's company - unless ha owns any results are published so that in recommending appointment would have accounted for four H." She had to get that dig m, proper for anyone, including a of * the man who comes out first I may take proper legal action if councilman or department points, the dral, three points and "unless ha owns it". necessary.*' in the test as designated by civil experience, three points. • • • director, to question or interfere servicesauthorities." Mayor Louis DePascale who with long established policies of Experience ratings of the font THE BOWERY BOYS warn backed Romano in the election civil service. If Councilman When Civil Service had candidates show Chief Sheeny angrily-said, "I don't think it announced the competitive exam with six years experience as lined up. for their dairy mission Romano sent a letter to civil for police chief, it was stated it fMHu Bsvora fNNfifiQ ffMNn, tfto commander of the detective bureau and in the role of acting miatonary wantwd to know, chief, in addition to being an •VMPiwyoii ooys nfMMy MopfMM FBI Academy graduate. aYMciag?" The saady leader of Capt. Marotta served as head np>i of iMtfttMndttrs » Mff of> Hoboken si public safety Ta% department for 10 years, what ara aN directingsnperatiom of the police those broken wine bottles and fire departments behind the mission/' One lush Capt. Crimmins, a graduate of upsand said, "An empty bottle is the New York Police Academy a sura proofssornebody stopped and a student of police science courses at Rutgers University, drinking. Some of us ham has expedience as night stopped over and over again." commander of the uniform Wall, that was 100 proof answer division. especially coming from a CapJ. Lehbrink, senior "wino". Hoboken captain, has many years of experience as MARRIAGE may hare its commander of the uniform prtfana, but this egotist feats who division. he is. With Ms hairdo, ha ooutd pass as a dame - a vary queer one at that. Ha was lamenting the fact that Ms buddy got married. ROSARIANS I have the OBSERVE wouldn't marry one of ttiam for aH tnesmonay in the world. His ROSAR1ANS of SS. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church, Fourth and Huds m Streets Hoboken on October 5, held a communion breakfast in observance of their Fiftieth Anniversary Two charter buddyavfta Hatsnad to this tirade members, Mrs. Mary Hancik and Mrs. Louis Erhardt Sr., third and fourth from left, attended. In the 50th remarked, rla not only admires group are, at table, left to right, Miss Margaret KroU, president of the Rosarians, Rev. Steven Woodstock woman, but he has sincere regard Revr er. AlberMait Hesse, and Sister Anna Daniel, O.P., principal of SS. Peter & Paul School Standing are, same for their welfare." Another ? ? ^, **«* Tunoney, Mrs. Yolanda Frio, the two charter members, Mrs. Michael Murray, Mrs ANNIVERSARY Juha Nelson, aad Mrs. Carlo De Genoaro. SHE JW AS LOUD in her | of. her progenitors. Her * descended from the and ah famHy had in the Daughters of the American Revolution. Following one of the bragging sessions, her cattysnaignbor said, ^var family might have been in the Daughters of the American Revolution, but her daughter with the miniskirt up to her behind, belongs to the Daughters Thus the oats ahvays gat in the S!*1* t "* fucce" <* the breakfast which followed the mass marking the MTS HENPECKED • ^S A&c Church> Hoboken- S*"** on tl>e committee were, left to right, (Continued on Far 4) Margaret Martin, Mrs. Elizsbeth Ryan, Mrs. John Keiley, Miss Marie ~*l Page 2 Thursday, November 27,1969 First we believe in FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Mad the FIGHTING OF JERSEY TEAMSTERS EYE ANY LAWS WHICH WOULD HAMPER THE PRESS IN ITS RE-~ SPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC. Si in-if, m* lilli M"l MJff JUHT Mil rniiiij Thirdly, we Mitre im FREE ENTERPRISE. CHANGE WITH FAVOR Lastly, we believe the N. Y.-N. J. PORT AUTHORITY SHOULD PAY Michael "Mike" Petroie and alert to the needs of the TAXES TO MUNICIPALITIES WHICH.1.OSE RATABLES TO THE Harry J. Thompson *re running members with a testimonial to EXPANDING B^STATE AGENCY. a* a team in the union election their efforts contained in a of Local 807 of the Teamsters' scholarship rand open to the Union which hat headquarters in children of members of Local New York. 807. The fund became a reality Pet role it seeking the as a private endeavor when the presidency and Thompson is the rank and nT« members supported ARE WE MORONS? candidates for the office of the fund without cost to local tary- treasurer. Bout men 807. Indeed, the scholarship fund is an indication of the WE GIVE THANKS for the high price of food. have the respect and confidence ofstbesrank and file membership strength boJi Petiole and WE GIVE THANKS for the high price of ctothinf. who desire s change in leadership Thompson have in raQyiag the and support Patrole's and members in a worthy erase. R WE GIVE THANKS for the high rents and property taxes Thompson s platform for reform might be added that the nspset which-provkie as with shelter. | ando progress in Local 807 to and confidence of the members assure and to preserve the aras important espedauy m a WE GIVE THANKS for the corrupt politician union's Democratic process. union esocuon. Showing an indomitable who has infiltrated our society on aD levels. White the union has its main office in New York, its spirit, Petroie and WE GIVE THANKS for the rackets jrisdfction extends into New chauenged the present leadership ersey where it has many of Local 807 and refused to and ihe crime their operations spawn. opantionswith the bulk of the submit to s dictatorship and WE GIVE THANKS for the riots - on and off campus - membership employed "in this haves led an effective fight for ana. It might be well to point constitutional changes that this segment ofcour citizenry can, if not stopped, out that the members are far would give the rank and file bring ah end to the good life the Pilgrim Fathers from phased with the present membership a broader scope in administration and an clamoring the operations of the union. envisioned. i . for a change in leadership. They o epitomise the long hard Petroie and Thompson have struggle of the members to wta WE GIVE THANKS for the "Authorities" - -- their continued been actively engaged in a recognition and to psrtidpste in takeover of aratabks is leading as toward a program to improve not only the business ofstheiuuoa.
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