I]TE FARMING INHABITAIITS OF APPLEBY AI{D AUSIREY: I'IilO MIDI.A¡TD PARISHES, 1550-1700. Alan Roberts A díseertation eubnitted in fulfilr¡ent of the requiremenÈg for the degree of Ph.D. in the Department of llistory of the univereity of Adelaíde. Adelaide, 1984. ûo]a.t&.ú é- t- rf'Ê THIS THESIS CONTAINS NO MATERIAL WHICH HAS BEEN ACCEPEED FOR THE A!{ARD OF AI{Y OTHER DEGREE OR DIPI,OMA IN AÀIY T'NIVERSITY AND TO THE BEST OF ¡4T KNOVILEDGE AND BELIEF CONTATNS NO MATERIAL PREVIOUSLY PT'BLISHED OR !{RITTEN BY ANOTHER PERSO]I, EXCEPT WHEN DT]E REFERENCE IS MADE IN fiTE TEXT. 22nd August, 1984. I give consent to thís copy of my thesis, when deposited in the Adelaide University Library, being available for loan and photocopying. 22nd August, 1984. I ACKNOI{LEDGEI-IENTS Many individuals and organísaËions have belped me to compleÈe Ëhís tbesis. I wisb to tbank the staff of the Barr smith Library, Adelaide, and of tbe Leicester University Líbrary for assistance r¡ítb secondary source material and ínter-library loans. Ttre arcbivisËs at, the LeicesÈersbire and t{amickshire record offices gave unstintingly of their time and provided invaluable assistance with primary source material during my visit to Leícester in 1977-8 and L98L-2. Èly visits to the counËy record offíces in Matlock, Lichfield and Stafford ínvariably met wicb a courteous recepÈíon and I would like to thank tbe county archivists for Èheir assistance. C.V. Pbytbian-Adams, Ilarold Fox, J.D. C,oodacre, Tim OrSbea and David Fleming provided a more Èhan generous measure of enÈhusiasm, belp and encouragement during my attacbment Èo Leicester Universicy as an rOccasional Studentt ín the DepartmenÈ of English Local HisEory. I particularly ¡¡ísb to thank my supervísors in the Adelaide University History Department. Vivien Brodsky EllioEt helped with the dernograpbic maËerial and the family reconstitution of Appleby in the early sÈ,ages of the thesis. I{i1f Prest, lenË f reely of his Ëirùe and provided valuable supporË and criticism in Ehe latEer stages. Fin411y I should like to acknowledge Èhe assistance of Roger Hainsworth and Leitb MacGillivray, r¡ho read some of the drafts, and of Bev Arnold in Ebe Adelaide University bistory office, for introducing me to the mysteries of tbe word procêssor. l- l_ ABSTRACT Ttlis thesis is e comparatíve study of the inbabítan¡s of two Midland ,parishes over a century and a half of, economic and social upbeaval. It will examine and test in e local context a series of hypotheses about early modern Englisb society, taking inËo account the strengths and deficiencies of the mat,erial evidence. An introducËory bistoriographical survey looks at various approaches to Èbe study of the rlocal cormnunity'!, wít.h particular regard Eo tbe approaches of the t Leicester Scbool' and tbarnbridge Grõup, hisÈoríans. Ttre firsE chapter of rny analysis begins witb a broad survey of thirty contiguous parisbes which form ân agricultural sub-region of whicb Appleby and AusÈrey are an integral part,. An investigation óf the growÈh of rnarketing contrnunicat,ions and trade in this ãgricultural region provides a Èopographícal' conÈext. Chapter two focuses upoî changes in the landscape and farming economies of the two paríshes, with parlicular empbasís upon che cbangeã brought about by enclosure. The social r I and demographic upon a family reconstituÈion o-f eacb parish r Èhe registers supplemented by information from nd beartb tax listings. A detailed analysis cbapter three reveals tbaÈ botb parishes es of populatíon expansion in tbe late Tudor roq ly sËuart period, while the slowing down of growth in Ëhe post civil t{ar period es a result of an ínÈernal population adjusÈment lras parEly offseË by irmuigration. Studies of economic and social folariãtion ín cbapter four, and of family and kin_ship linkages in cbapteis five and six, sbed sorne ligbt on Ëhe Process of change in eacb of tte parisbes and belp Ëo account, for their specifíc resPonses to outside developments. partícular aÈtention ís given to two important, interrelated faciors: Èbe dranatic increase in Ëhe labouring population and Ëbe expansion of cotÈage craft industries. A final assessment of 'altitudinalt cbanles in each parisb in chapter seven takes into account_ Èbe religíous and political ,ligoltr"ot" of tbe inbabitants inmediately before and alter tbe civil war. Ernphasis is placed ÈhroughouÈ upon Ëbe complex ínteraction of events and causes and uPon tbe cenËral importance of the inhabitants tbemselves in fonnulating responses to economic and social cbange. tilbile tbey were influenced by other concerns, their prioritíe" roj inÈerests remained primarily agricultural. 111. CONTENTS Page Acknowledgemen È s 1 AbsÈracÈ 11 LisÈ of Tables v List of Figures vI.1 LisÈ of Maps v¡.11 IllusËraÈ ions ix AbbreviaE ions x Glossary of Terms xt- INÎRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER I - Ttre Regional SeEÈing 2I An Agricultural Sub-Region Early SettlemenÈ paÈEerns Ttre GrowÈh of a MarkeÈing System Changes in Ehe Farmring Economy Tbe Impact of Enclosure CHAPTER Trro parishes 2 - Mixed Farming 54 Tbe AdninistraEive Framework Cbanging patterns of Landownership Appleby Fields and TenenenÈs, 1600_1700 Austrey Meadows and Cor¡ pasEures, 1600_1700 CHAPTER poverty 3 - Population and 97 Sourceg for population EsËimaÈes Appleby: Gro¡¡Êb, SeÈback and Recovery AusËrey: Sustained GrowËh and Slow Recovery External Mortality Crises, 1550_1650 Internal Structural AdjusËrnenEs, 1650_1700 Ttre InpacÈ of Migration Tt¡e Anatomy of MigraÈion CHAPTER 4 Ttre - Division of l^lealtb and Status 136 ConÈemporary Views of SËatus and l{ealCh Ttre Village Social Hierarcby C,entry and Clergy yeomen and Husbandmen CrafË smen Tbe Labouring populaÈion ServanËs and Apprentices Changes in the Social Order lV. CHAPTER 5 - Family and Kinship NeEworks 184 Ttle PaÈÈern of ExËraparochial Marriages Other ExEraparochial ContacÈs Kinship NeËworks Social Dynamics of Property BequesÈs Ttre Responsíbilities of Èhe l{íllmakers CHAPTER 6 - Property and Family: Ttrree Case Studies 223 Moores of Appleby parva Kendalls of AusÈrey Crosses of Austrey CHAPTER 7 - Changing AttiEudes, Beliefs and Loyalties 243 Ttre Spread of ldeas, Informat.ion and ,Newes, LiÈeracy and Learning Policical Alignments in Ehe GreaË Civil t^lar Ttre Religious Challenge CONCLUSION 284 APPENDICES I 1641 Population EsÈimates from Famíly ReconsÈitutions 29L II Distribution of Legacies by Status of Decedent 292 III InvenÈoried l{ealCh by SËaÈus of Decedent 293 IV Resident Families in Appleby, L56L-L720 294 v ResidenÈ Famílies in AusÈrey, L56L-I7ZO 297 VI Appleby HearÈb Tax Assessments, 1663-70 301 VII ArsËrey HearEh Tax AssessmenÈs, 1670 303 VIII Austrey ProtesEation OaËb SignaÈories, I64L 305 IX TamworÈh HearËb Tax, L666 306 x Decennial Totals of Baptisms, Marriages and Buríals 307 1561-1 720 BIBLIOGR.APHY I ManuscripÈ Sources 309 II PrinÈed Primary Sources 3L4 TfI Secondary Sources 320 v LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1: RelaÈive GrowEh of Market Towns (ttouseholds) 30 Table 1.2: Relative PopulaËion Growth in Enclosed and Unenclosed 48 Townsbips, 1563-1670 Table 2;1: TenanÈs of Great Appleby Manor, L546 67 Table 2.2: DisÈribution of Appleby f,fil1s and Inventories, 1550-1700 77 Table 2.3: Crops and LivesÈock in Appleby Farm InvenÈories, 1580-1620 78 Table 2.42 Appleby Land Use Before Enclosure (L772), in acres 81 Table 2.5: TenanËs on AusErey Manor, 1546 85 Table 2.6: DisEribuÈion of Austrey l.{i11s and InvenÈories, 1550-1700 88 TabLe 2.7 z Crops and Livestock in AusÈrey Farm InvenËories, 1580-1620 89 Table 2.8: Austrey Land Use Before Enclosure ¡744), in acres 93 Table 3.1: Appleby PopulaEion EsEimates, 1603-1801 ro2 Table 3.2: Natural fncrease (naptisrns/nurials), 1561-1700 104 Table 3.3: AusErey PopulaËion Estimates, 1524-1801 106 Table 3.4: Conbined Demograpbic Rates for Appleby and Austrey, 116 (tr'orty Year lntervals) Table 3.5: Turnover of Appleby Surnames, 1600-1700 L20 Table 3.6: Turnover of Austrey Surnames, 1600-1700 L22 Table 4.1: AusËrey Occupational Profiles from parisb Regist,er 140 Table 4.2: OccupaÈional Profiles from parish RegisÈers c. 17OO 141 Table 4.3: lfumber of Rooms in Yeomenrs Houges (Combined parishes) 153 Table 4.4: Number of Rooms in Husbandmenrs Houses (Combined parishes) 160 Table 4.5: lfumber of Rooms in Farmersr Houses (Combined parishes) 160 Table 4.6: Mean InvenËory Valuatíons (Combined parishes) 161 Table 4.7: GeneraÈions of Craftsmen SetËled in Appleby and AusËrey r62 c. 1700 Table 4.8: CrafÈsmen in Appleby Register, l600-1700 163 vl-. Page Table 4.9: Rooms in Craft.sments and Daylabourerrs Houses 165 Table 4.10: SeËÈlement of Labourers in Appleby and Austrey L7I Table 4.11: DistribuÈion of llearËhs c. 1670 L82 Table 5;1: Geographical Ext,enË of Social Línks, 1550-1700 188 Table 5.2: Dorniciles of Marriage ParÈners by County 188 Table 5.3: 'OuÈsider Landboldings and Absentee Landlords 198 Table 5.4: RelaËive Kinship DensiÈies (rsíninum esÈinates) 205 Table 5.5: Family Responsibilities of DecedenÈs, 1550-1700 2L1- Table 5.6: Legatees in t{ill of John Laken of AusËrey, 1630 214 Table 7.1: LiÈeracy of l{itnesses Èo t{ills, 1600-1640 249 Table C.1: Occupations from Parish Registers, c. 1700 287 Table C.2: OccupaÈions from Parish RegisÈers, 1813-21 288 Table C.3: Abstract of lS3L Census Return 289 vt 1. LTST OF FIGI]RES Page Figure 3.1: Balance between Burials and Baptisms by Harvest Year 110 Figure 3.2: þpleby NaEural Growth Estimates, 1550-1720 119 Figure 3.3: AusËrey NaËural GrowËh EsÈimates, L550-172O L2L Figure 3.4: IÞcennial Totals of Surnames, 1561-70 to 1711-20 I22 Figure 3.5: LongeviÈy of Surnam€e c. 1700 L24 Figure 5.1: DisÈribuËion of Legacies by Different Status Groups 208 Figure 6.1: Pedigree of Moores of Appleby Parva 228 Figure 6.2: Pedigree of Kendalls of Austrey 233 Figure 6.3: Pedígree of Crosse of AusËrey 240 Appendix X: DecenniaL Totals of Marriages 307 Decennial ToËals of Baptisms/Burials 308 Appleby and Austrey, L56I-L72O vtt.L.
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