2715 Joseph Holland, -formerly of the Conch and Horses, Hol- Henry and John Hapkinson, as Wood. Tamers, and la<* linswQO.d, Oldham, Lancashire, Victualler, and in copart- of Puck Hor.se;:yard aforesaid, Wood Turner on his nership -with Thomas Gee, as Coach Proprietors, and late own account, all the time residing at Out-court-bank, in Lodgings at Hollinwood aforesaid, out of business. aforesaid. James Horrocks, late of No. 81, Oldfield-lane, Salford, Lan- cashire, Plumber and Glazier. Robert Battersby, formerly of the Boar's Head, .Heap- At. the Court-House, at Preston, in the County of bridge, Heap, near Bury, Lancashire. Victualler and Lancaster, 'on the 25th day of November 184., at ,, Butcher, and late a Lodger in the Market-place afore- Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely. said, out of business. ".. Joseph Prestwick, formerly of Eupuncliise-place, Green- Robert Harrison, formerly of Hope-street, then of Lan- n'ays, Chorlton-upoa-Medlock, Manchester, Lancashire, caster-road, then oi' Sleddon-street, and late of Chatham- . Letter Carrier, then of Bell-street,. Greenrhays aforesaid, street, all in Preston, Lancashire, Bricklayer. Letter Carrier and Fishmonger, Oxford-road, Chorlton- William Simpson, formerly of .George's-passage, Preston, upon:Medlock, and late of No. 30, Bridge-street, Green- Lancashire, Labourer, then of Kii'khaiu-street, North- kegs aforesaid, Provision Shopkeeper, Retail Dealer in road, Preston, Lancashire, Labourer, and late of George's- Beer, and Letter Carrier. passage aforesaid, Labourer; .James BFO-VV-D, late of Ley.land, Bear Preston, Lancashire, Flagger and Slater. Christopher :Biuks,-formerly ofNo. 8, Middleby-street, New- u the Court-House, at Derby, in the County of ington, Edinburgh, Scotland, Chymist, residing in Lodgings Derby, on the 24th day of November 184], at at Portobello, near Edinburgh, and at the Finchhead Hotel, Newcastlc-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, and then in Ten o'Clock in the. Forenoon precisely. "West George-street, Glasgow, Scotland, Chymist, then in Joseph Bennett (sued -with John Bennett), late of Turnlee, Lord Nelson-street, Liverpool, Chymist, then of No. 57, near Glossop, Derbyshire, Manager of a Cotton-mill,, York-street, Oldham-hill-road, Manchester, Chymist, previously of the same place, in partnership with John then at Over Darwen, near Blackburn, Lancashire, Chy- Bennett, as Cotton Spinners, Paper Manufacturers, Wool mist, and late in Lodgings at the Commercial Hotel, Carders, and Farmers, and renting a Warehouse in Bolton-le-Moors, Chymist Auburn-street, Manchester, Lancashire, also in partner- Titus Adams, formerly of Chester-road, Hulme, near Man- ship with certain persons as Bankers, under the style or chester, G-hymist and Druggist, then of Eccles, near firm of the Imperial Bank of England, and lately carrying Manchester, Assistant to. a Chymist and Druggist, but on business at... Manchester, Lancashire, and Macclesftejd, '_ lately of Eccles aforesaid, Chymist and Druggist on his Northwich, Cougleton, and Knutsford, Cheshire, and b\rn account. • Burslem, Staffordshire. John Hodgson, formerly of St. Thomas-square, Chorley, John Bennett (sued with Joseph Bennett), late of Turnlee,. Lancashire, and late of Market-street, Chorley, Brazier near Glossop, Derbyshire, Manager of a Wool Carding- and Tin Plate Worker. mill, previously of the same place,, in partnership with John Gage, formerly of Richmond-row, Liverpool, carrying Joseph Bennett, as Cotton Spinners,- Paper Manufacturers, on business in Exchange-street, Liverpool, then in King- Wool Carders, and Farmers, and renting a Warehouse in street, Soho, afterwards in Wilton-street, Liverpool, and Auburn-street, Manchester, Lancashire, .also in partner- in Union-street, Liverpool, then in College-lane, Liver- ship with certain persons as Bankers, under the style or> pool, Wine, Spirit, and Porter Merchant, Ship Agent, firm of the Imperial Bank of England, and lately carrying Rent Collector, and late a Lodger at No. 5, Henley-street, on business at Manchester, Lancashire, and at Maccles- Liverpool, out of business. field, Northwich, Congleton, and Knutsford, Cheshire, and James Robinson Hartley, late of Burley, Pendle Forest, Burslem, Staffordshire. near Colne, Lancashire, Manufacturer of Mouseline de Samuel Woolley, of West Hallam, Derbyshire, Wheel- Laines, afterwards occupying a Farm at Barley-house wright. and Barley-green, near Colne aforesaid, Farmer, and Thomas Bowmer, late of No. 1, Ford-street, Derby,, Manufacturer as aforesaid by Commission, and Carrier, Hosier and Glover, and formerly in partnership with and late out of business. Samuel Lewis, as Hosiers and Glovers, trading under the- Peter Byrom, formerly of Wallgate, Wigan, Lancashire, firm of Thomas Bowner and Company. Provision Shopkeeper, and late out of business. John Wyld, late of Tunsteed, near Tideswell, Derbyshire,. Henry Carter, formerly of the Union Hotel, Lord-street, Labourer and Higgler, previously of the same place,. Southport, Lancashire, Victualler, then of the same place, Farmer and Letter of Ley for Cattle. out of business, and Lodging Housekeeper. William Lazenby, formerly of the Duke of York, Standish- Alsop Smith, late of Sutton cum Duckmanton, near Chester- gnte, Chorley, Lancashire, Victualler and Blacksmith, field, Derbyshire, Farmer and Coal Dealer. and, late of Livesey, near Blackburn, Blacksmith. John Wright, late of Mensbam, Derbyshire, Higgler and Jonathan Wardle, formerly of Charlestown, near Ashton- Labourer. • ... under-Lyne, Lancashire, and late of Kenworthy's-row, Samuel Hunt, late of Belper, Derbyshire, Licence.d to Sell Ryecroft, near Ashton aforesaid, Cotton Dresser. Beer by Retail and Manager of a Brick-yard, formerly of the same place, Licenced to Sell Beer by Retail,. William Picthall, late a Lodger in Clare-street, Chorlton- . Ftirniture Broker, Tile, Chimney, and: Water Pipe' upon-Medlock, Manchester, Lancashire, occupying a Manufacturer, and Stone Quarryman*. •-.".." Timber-yard and Workshop in Peter-street, Manchester, "i formerly Joiner and Builder, and late out of business or employment. At the Court-House, at Wells, in the Couuty/of Nathan Ramsden, formerly of Barnden, near Bolton-le- Somerset, on the 24th day of November 1841, afi Moors, Lancashire, occupying part of a Warehouse in Merchants-court. Market-street, Manchester, Counterpane Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely. Manufacturer, then a Lodger at Barnden aforesaid, then William Designey, late of Wellington, Somersetshire,. a Prisoner for Debt in Lancaster Castle, and late a Butcher and Innkeeper. Lodger in China-lane, Lancaster, out of business. William De Lisle Nott,. formerly in partnership with Thnrston Peak, formerly of the Saddle Inn, Market-place, Richard Nott the elder and Richard Nott the younger, as Leigh, Lancashire, and occupying a Shop in Market- Iron Merchants, in Peter-street, Bristol, afterwards of place, Leigh, Victualler, Boot and Shoe Maker, Currier, Langford, Somersetshire, out of business, then of Catham, and Leather Cutter, then a Lodger at Much Woolton, Bristol, Cheese Dealer, and late of Portishead, Somerset- near Liverpool,, Labourer, and late a Lodger at Lawton, shire, out of business.. near Newton in the Willows, Lancashire, Saddler and William Henry Winstone, formerly of the Upper Borough- Harness Maker. -walls, Bath, Ironmonger, afterwards residing at Southcot- Henry Hopkinson, late of Out-court-bank, carrying on place, Bath, out of business,, and then an Ironmonger in, business in Pack Horse-yard, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, in Southgate-street, Bath, and trading at Southcot-place,- copartnership with John Hopkinson, under the firm of aforesaid^.
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