
..._ I Chest X-Ray Unit.to Arrive ,, Monday For Northville Program An effort to stamp Qut tuber- culosis is being made by the Northville Health Commission, SEE THE headed by Dr. V. George Chabut, I COMMUNITY by bringmg a free X-ray mobile unit to the Village next week. I CALENDAR I Puplls in Northville High school, I ON PAGE 2 I grades mne through 12, will be I X-rayed 01lJ Monday from 9 to I - . I 12 noon and 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. On OlO NORTHVilLE SPRING Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the unit will be located at the For More Than 8/ Years - Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor Village fire hall. The Tuesday hours are set for Volume 81, Number 37 TWELVE PAGES THIS WEEK Northville, Michigan, Thursday, February 14, 1952 $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 1 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m.; on Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and Organist Lutheran Pastor 1 to 5 p.m.; and Friday 1 to 5 Clerk Accepting 2nd Anniversary Merchants Group Favors p.m. and 6 to 8:30 p.m. A house-to-house canvass has :Registrations Now of Lutheran Church been made by members of the Expanded Paving Program Civil Defense Housing corrunit- DR. V. GEORGE CHABUT to Include Recital i tee which is headed by Mrs. El-0-------------- For Village Election I The Northville Retail Merchants association will don Biery to urge householders recommend to the Village Commission next Monday eve- t{) visit the unit. When the unit was located in N<Jrthville in 1950 Board to Consider ning that a comprehensive paying program be undertaken residents numbering 2,847 were in the 1952-'53 fiscal year, instead of the piecemeal pro- X-rayed. At that time 283 were 40-Hr. WCTS Week gram carried on in recent years. found to have abnormal reactions. :;, The Association representatives A new hourly week schedule We hope that the Villagers will will point out that such a pro- for employees of the Wayne respond to this service again s<J gram can be accomplished at County Training school will be that steps can be taken to help Couse Speaks at considerably less cost than if the considered at the meetmg of the those with abnormal or ques- work is stretched over a longer tionable results this year, said Wayne County Board of Audi- tors at 2 p.m. thIS aftem{)on. Chicago Meeting period. It could be financed by a Dr. Chabut. bond issue to be repaid annually The employees may be return- Residential, commerCIal and m- by us.e of monies which ill the .f.:::::;::::::~:::::::::::::;::::::~:::::::::::::;::::::~:::::::mI ed to a five-day week and are shtutional constructIOn are llkelY past have been mcluded in the 1\ considering cutting the current to dechne m 1952, but mdustrial Vlllage budget for yearly paVlng - 48-hour week of about 2,270 em- costs, they will pomt out. ployees to 40 hours. The Wayne and power proects should re- The Merchants association also County General hospital at El- THE REV. E. E. ROSSOW mJam at high levels, Walter L ECORO' oise will also be affected by the Herbert Gotsch Couse, pI eSldent of Walter L. went on record unammously as • proposed change. Couse and Co. told the Associ- favoring construction of a com- ~ ated EqUlpment Dealers at thelr munlty bwlding as soon as such AMBLINGS Auditor Jacob P. Sumeracki constructIOns projects again are 11~:::::::::::=z:::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::=:::::::ill. said the change would save $290,- annual convention III Chicago. feaslble. '.. 000 and would create 300 full- Cubs Hold There is a pOSSIbility that the to- It would be the cOmmlssion's News was received this week time jobs. tal value of constructIOn proj- problem to determine which of that Mrs. J. R. McColl, who re- Attending the meeting this af- 2nd Anniversary ects m the United States. mclud- the streets should be paved and ·1 sides with her daughter, Mrs. ternoon .nll be the Wayne Coun- mg mamtenance and repairs, the extent of paving necessary. Alex Lawrence, of Meadowbrook ty Board of Institutions which The Michigan Bell Telephone may reach $27 to $28 blillons for companies' Northvllle customers Members of the Merchants as- road, is to be honored as one of operates the hospital and the th e year, agalns t $36 t 0 $37 bil -. t 'ted th 1 hons m 1951 he Said. socia WI< ~l e arge number the women of Detroit who have training school. will receive a share in the $14,- 033,000 in rebates for servIce over , of streets m Northville whIch are contributed to the dty's growth .Of special interest to North- yet unpaved, and which stand charges between January 1, 1946 and renown. In March, her pic- vllle, Mr .. Couse ~!'ged that ,ru-lllttle chance of being paved in Rotary Club Views and October 16, 1948. Northvllle ture will be hung in exhibition ture pl~nnJng that mvolves bwld- the near future with the present residents will receIve checks to- at the Woman's City club, De- New State Hospital ~g projects ~e.unde:taken Irrune- small yearly budget allocations troit .. Details of the citation will taling $1,600. Residents of LI- dJately by CIties, vlllages, coun- for surfacing. be given in the next issue of The vonia will be refunded $9,020. ties. and school districts so suc!"' Referring to the Mereha,nts as- NortllviUe Record. The amount includes interest pro~ects can be r~dY when. 1t sociation's posItion regarding the • • • and a rebate <Jf the Federal ex- a~am becomc:s posslble to bwld community building, Mr. Leland cise tax on the overcharges. An WIthout restnctlon. Smith pointed out at the Village Dog Training Class average check of $17 Wlll be sent Mr. Co.use's talk to the Asso- Commission meeting February 4 to 1,000,000 residential custom- ciated Equipment DealeJ;S; fol- that the aSSOCIatIonhad merely I ers in Detroit and 42 other cities lows by three years an earlier inquired whether money' in the to Begin Feb. 21 I though it is expected to take speech at the 1949 convention. l:uilding fund might be borrowed some months to get out the first for the purchase of parking lots. Sponsored by the Northville check. Curtain Will Rise Tomorrow Recreation committee, the fifth if not needed immediately for !iural customers and business- DOg Training class WIll l.egin the c6rrununity buildjng,--anp. ie~ es'ltre not affected. Committeeman Thursday, February 21 at the paId, either by receipts fr:om On ~·'Tiike···.Your Medicine,"" parking meters or by a special I Wayne County Training school The curtain will go up on ''Take Proceeds from the three-act gymnasium. The 'class enroll- assessment against bUSiness prop- erty benefitted by the parking Your Medicme" tomorrow and comedy farce will go into the ment will be that evening at 8 Northville Cagers lots. Saturday nights at the Presby- White Shrine's general fund for o'clock, said Mrs. Mary Larson, terian church house at 8:15. The mstructor. local charitable work, states Mrs. play, staged by 'the Tri-City Father-Child Dinner A demonstration will also be Play Milford Friday Players, will be' sponsored by Ida B. Cook, high priestess of glVen and enrollees are not re- The league-leading Northville Sealed Bids Taken the White Shrme' of Jerusalem, the group. Set For Monday quired to bring their dogs to the ba,ketball team WIll meet Mil- Trimty No. 44, of Farmington. The Tri-Clty players, a non- flrst seSSlOn, she added. ford at the hlgh school gymnasi- For Hospital Road' profit organization, formed sole- The Presby~enan Men's club The class will again be given um tomorrow night, Friday, at by an instructor from the South- ly for the pleasure of acting and has launched a new approach m 8:15 pm, following the reserve Blds are bemg taken by the ern MichIgan Dog ObedIence • working with a dramatics group. sponsoring a Father and ChIld contest at 7 p.m. Michlgan State Highway depart- • Board Approves Training association. The ten- The N<Jrthville Grade school The 18 members seek sponsorshIp banquet to be held Monday eve- ment for gradmg and dramage P I. I week course will be held every The Mustangs, possessors of a kindergarten classes, taught by mng, February 18. For many stl uetures as well as aggregate Mrs. Blair Claypool and Miss School Bus 0 ICy of clvic-mmded organizations years they have had the tradi- Thursday. 5-1 record in the Wayne-Oak- land league, topped Mllford 53 sUl-tace on the servIce road and Grace Pollock, attended the I interested in adding funds to t' 1 F th d S b t For additlOual mformatlon call parkmg area from Seven Mile The NorthVIlle school policy their treasury of charitable pur- JOna a er an on anque, Mrs Larson at Plymouth 421-M12 to 40 in their fIrst season en- Shrine ClrCUSlast Thur~day af- but this year they are encourag- counter January 11. road to the Northville State Men- ternoon. Transportation and tic- covering the two new school bus- poses. mg boys and glrls to attend the tal hospltal, announces Ralph F, es was offlCially adopi.ed by the "Take Your Medicine," the Prospects are for a closer game kets were provlded by C. R. Ely dmner wlth theIr dads, sUld Rev. Commlsslon.. Buys Swan, directtJr of the depart- tomorrow night, III Vlew of the and Sons. Room Mothers, Ivan Board of Education at thelr Player~ mitial .e~fort, conce~ns Dr.
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