

>$$ tf&mm frjs- mwmunmjgi»wu«iiin«juwiiu»i Mi«^K|pMR"Afc( WW " . RAGS, IRON AND METALS ^W^CwM^awrfw** C*» «p «*• $» a*f tf*l**4 Nuns 50 Yean #0 M mm* Sfn, $m mm4 ®m Tmeiim WM C*lt u HtfutH stmt., «*»«* oi THOMAS ft. As An Drsuline p*m*e Qm>$ m&* ««Jt*i ... •yft^^**^Wfe>fr Kasjhs«s? tjllerort tt»* aflame «**; si*** &r Mather ty w*ra df- «f ERR • $ 'He Ukangiafc Omsm$&$> ef *Se «>6ms«»sptiStee *f her ®B**e« «M!I UQUOR STORE «fe*nei, , i*-,^.,.^-^ Hi* ExwtfeKj' pitd t«iwte tar :iiW 928 JKFFOSO.N AVE. Mottw- IBhrarsf* S6 j-etitf ** «3 OnuiStt# ReiSjimts la • atrtaan to wMch j» «£$$ extttU«t ti» work of slic Utiwltec order, mm mmtr «w am Hw «»•• lie status! «» paw«r of pctrtunHy «S *«&% Hi^. IMU^ prtyer aj»i coo ttmjiUtkifi, *SM> c*m9 w*«i, '**!»'tmt tfe mm* j fei t» ta* Umc^k*) rtehiK** of . UK pr*ier» «t UtunKfCtviHi of- IfsSroort to toy Thrifty fiKid to AtfetfiU? G«4 tn tfte ««tlw &t*M el Our l«^. Thi«, tj»> ewsB ji% * m mi$mt wk 'he pointed out. w*» the most p*«ldp«w la «ai JsWli *( ijwwtx. V Savings Bank Life Insuranct fatuijj And etllcackius means of ex^itsiiag grautucjc to Cod for VM, KwllMter Area annate *u* Intyisif kw cant Staring* Bast* his (tlMslns fto|»ft»l s^awE *tetoW#f ^« Importance of contemplation Ja Uft laawraaw. Why* fcrraiy It *ttm tow preaafeiiii* asurty the lite of an t,'r»ul!nc Religion becotftinjr » Iwrtro**!* J«- asssa MMl tea* taJut*. arst rear tflrUteassK Hoeral r*Urj beacStte. «.t*uid not t* o\Tir«Um*i;ed rw rtenct to ligjt min «M'*»f Wfcy tfaot r«a M» •atraata** «f K*«ingi Rash Uf» tasnrastr* stated «toc* tr nas only in two mt tM&tm fwWsr 1^ pra.i>«r that uiy kind of •postolfc tnbctiw* « BaeaMoter SaThuj* Bank? Falletm »f sB mull types *SB* wtmlrf bwir perm*nent -hiw* K«Mra **• ddMrest. splrltu*! value* in the *1j!H of director, offei» i \WKly df in­ God. Came te, pbaac ar taaJI the attached r*ufiaM. teresting o»ffti waodta «er»f A RfiJjflon*. he uld Oar* no! book* «Wpj»r* i^rrt lifl^eU*. piped oongrmtulaiiiwi* on the Bather »&* destre* that all uaHe niaouM aiui tvmn*v*#l#i «**. ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK o Qod tw l»ytair graawd her MJ8S g^j g$?p|«nj, tfm. gtagsa 111! ti** prltltesa of sentng Hta 50 ,„ 0, ^ »UJ iKttrtKt tR 47 Main St. W. 40 Franklin St. >.o»ft in relHton. ,»i^ie^ «nd twrBfeft^f ' twtMN «HM«* Attite (rirtf) r«e«tv<as »iiiklaMr IsMi HitillW DM' *$ft , Q wipervuinj the o» ftHPOfltes mmm Arte*. Qi>>.Wa*a,fc {\m\ **4S***m\kt Mm *»*» Holy A »mc Convention t«u*bau. volley bail imii otiwr MAIL THIS rot TON ^—-— -^. .. _» „ ^__ „ ,.M^«Wai^..»gawi»aal<W«»Wa»aaj>^ To Hear MadlXOn Buhop camp»i»rU Campflrepiv«r«ni Rocaiater 6a«tB*» Bin* '.No on» trill <*8« New V«rh — tNCl Blibop "^ •» ««te>" *h* twttll»» ol «9 Frank'.n Si, 1 9 VVllluni P O'Cotmot of Madiami M * M*0 Bicn Traacolt who Board Meeting inElmira SuiHiiier Needs • ^ •" -lift ftacbettcr I. N ?. mtl preach ihc sermon at tftc h«* m»nJ' U1efc» up tm BallilVuj^asi Sot«>mn Mais tn Ho»> Cn» Ca bial *teew. Misa Peggy Pleaac mall rae >our frc« Sa».r|» Bank Ufa ln.umwe Booklet ^iSetby WCWmAmmi and uppllratlon irM-dral. Boston, opentae the 0v«- »tU dliwt the jmmp pt»y «ml rt »,.«»Ji .»«id.. «f »!<• U^uiwl «# flf-S te> tauru, N»tlon»l HoJ> Name -Startlu«t- van be edited wttU WtWrtfTln y m«Mn* Of PM«IRK Die «tgr.. M< m) Itnitiy SIT been tnnotJUJCCtl at National Hol> ph«»n> HiWn« trip* will t» mil Will 06 Held SUIHUty, AUf. 21* t tt»e Mil* *n»hi jrottl |« Same Same heactquarters here ,aurtcd by the Mlwes .Marfff Es- Elmira. r^brm ^r»tw^rt.._a-ahr m Address* Bahop O'Connor, a rh4pla« terhcW and Eialne Btftglestela fju»w ftU! 6e pf<lVl<kd by |}» St. Hslwi'i Pariih aiaa'a .'*' im .ISL.»._ "° jrib World \v*r I, «ho »a» dwoitited Instruct In flnrt «!0. CJifl Uttlft'I ., ,», _ "* rttth the Croin de Guerre for HH »nts »«| be M&« Jl#mli> MtC«ll "»»* Innmflt Mra. ISlArMjr r«M «Wtt**a a. <Nawa>s raJUntry under flrc wervcO AS »nd JfcqueUiw P»r«M>i» >l»ry RSB tChju- 1«0J) er ten. Mw- Wt&*f*t A^P ^fjt'Jflfcf if... g*m K«lh tMew. MOU). n» r*rts* bn MM scH*du)f« •««• ArcJJdloef5safl Director of i he SuflS«m B«tty Ratter AiKi Ellwn ***y, 4«|, m .« Xliea drib, Holj N»me Soeierj in Deary along with wvcral Otber i j,ufe, w1y ^ ^ Cslmn&aii Qv4c €h»temn #r %»MftWp n |M X A V I E R prtor to lu. .tovatfen .. the Reu ™vm*ellortor front , «rUl «a«W at the *»•! ^^ (n ngciim9g ,t ^.^^ MASSES: 7-H-9-10-II A.M.—12:13 P.M. thai nionimjt, All dthotte **•*«• en art urged to attjfHfc 314 Ba> Street Rer. Patrick MolTat*. Pastor 26 Groups Join in Program tu rtiarge of *H«da»cf |WK Mr* Im M««dft Mt*. mainwi PS* *^|lrf|Mir|. tart**: IHERB SCHAEFERSI JITOK! »«l iVtwrjIiiwl For German Relief Sunday Ke/»ert. air*. Jolin Kott. Xr*. ( MAtKrr • | j l»AUL NORE j Twenty-six Cernia»-An»er»can orpmiiaUoiv* wHl join -,rrMk Shau«hS5«s»y_ „_ -,_,„. M m^ Curt ""•";•*-•''••'•."**• HiiiTfn.iir-fr.rc in- "#^«*»*<ii*- uanocnfTW/V<k 1fc irtlM IJafiaVtfif Hla^sW 1|UBW 1^ j ,lr«St IN MUTS I I FIOIIST forces to provide « varied pro}rram and enfertaitiiiieilt (it the Qeo « w™*X J™' " vwin» C«0CI»iM Mi vfCtTAItn | J H«raJ 0,tiiM tw AM 0<UM« J Wrffiire l>» for foreiyn relic/ SifhdRy. Aug, 10 at Scttuetfen «** m $t&^j2&££* Parii Weis. sjirl the MliMi lms« fkhro- Wmmtf m JifMl aVy|«t#t *i: J115 tit St. C»l»tt 2191] j ISO CtMTRAl KAU • Principal speaker for the day I del «fld VlrfW» CfWrtSn. •iitkwt, foravw rtttw it tiw .1 «KMtna » M. «. urtll be the ricv John S. Ranflall., Rejlstratlon comwltl** for ilHt Com»i«nl|i CSiiy W«ii«K . «HI' .managing editor of tfw Calhttk Named Open nocfiwter vfmmn will tot Wr#. «4<tMAm9T. BAY NURSERYLAND NEW CROWN CatnkiSAmnwi and dtocrsan; %vtfiJt« WUatt AS a«riHt>lllM«r now«MI ni m*$i\mmmm vm-: Hir**-tor of ths Bishop* War Re-' Aly» Miri« Itwttjt slid fftty m i n* %wi|f 0H«*^ «jSt t WMtsMssMsssSWlBSI VARIETY SHOP BEVERAGES lief Committee ' House Aides Kal& M*h *»iu« In Ite OwwwiM *M**MT|i'.: To>.<» and Bab> Furniture «P»««KU\-O «o»-r onrsh« Proceeds of the da> »111 g" Cornrnlitfo viortteri anrsnglrtgjOpiaia at % V. SL flrtjf. »<t *«sm Ih* feeij mk* HXtimT J »«KI.O\K_ 1m nmf «l In «jual pa ft* to I he National for UM? "Op?n House" at Camp, rim maeUna will (Mfte Oi Ihe jpMl book «WMi»«r VDAi' I fathollr Welfare Conference War A l» HEX ONE Munr ltso-1 Stella Marts on Concxua Lake, ftrcunplly at 3 o'clock HiUt Wf*. lliBey l{«llj».#abiSf^t Iffrv Ms* Ceil Culvtr 5870 Relief Sirvfci the Workmen's 1 Benefit Fund «nd American W ar Saturda) Aug 9. ar* announcfd. I* *»«k T. Curtln JWtsHtlaa. l och , •aaa^aaaBBaapa*«sasi»s»aaaaaaSaaBjasa] !-»>«-«>«1 Relief for Gorman> and Austria The program u» be «nd«ct«l' *« *? "*» ' < j" «f, "W for dtUtrlbutton ,, , , «„ , i under leadership ef i,tt%- Joftrt HtfftUIjhtt o( the program will sflernoon and evening «U1 «lv»lK(w, w„, ftoW , ^ntl dJacOBlort mmtmim f/vmkrtdl be Bavarian folk dances of thr friends and former campers an'ivitft the Bcv. John T. Callahan ^ John »e Evangelist . Str««n( B»\ a • lan l"!ub Alp«*ngiuei. |oni* opirartunliy to see the rehtillt St. *« chatiman. Thcroe will *>* fill' HJN0AT M • i • < t b> i^ic Umoiu Bav»ruui Trio and H01T OATS ollwr in.*' »11a-igemeni« bj the Judrs t'hapal. the nev> esWna ™n Relation*. Mkl Jfcanrtftle Iff'f •« ,|g'I ^I'flf'H IIV. |0HN a SUUJVAN 10-II-I1 •iifw !-•• 10.12 rtrtoui fJ<*rm«n Slnjrtng So- nnd other UapJawnu, ^ ^^J^TJit ^"f , clette^s. U|C <sam > . -3^*,^.%jr- s^^«,y%. rv«<& *-s. * -a.<~a. » Social aisd Polltlcul Activity oil ^1<l>i*W^Ji(.iliT^Hft Thp I^ibor Ljreum Turner S« Max Russer U ehaiiroan of re* Women will be d!*eus*ed by MUl j tlon will ^i^e MI exhibition of freshn»?nu asalstod by Mr and ! Marian SehanU; Mrs. Artfiuf P. f human pyramids. The confined P arrPn w<1 1 Irowncroft Garag* j i LA .MAY DRUC CO. Mrs. F-ntnh Carroll Mr and Mr* " " .f* •r*^'" «* ^f f j rrr ii • mlmtiiTm. LOUit rttMinc en* i ) 1100 Im Ave N«» Wint«n a* Arnold and rletster orche<trE« _, „^,„ »„.* ., „„^ .,„ Currents Whldi ThitsWem ihe; *li) ©r under the rtirerfton of RAh P Culver •Igggj* asnatJ »si ^iff jajtsrj* KOCKI5TEB 10 M t. Robert Bajjan and Mr and htr* H«mf. ami 8 dlse«i«ISo of f^nljy M««an bxm j Hrnry Hefster. No admtsatosi Kennetft Ingcr. and pMCnJ Edu«tlon »1B be gW- MM Mrxi!fi|# Wfc DfeLIVlB svlil be chanred. but vnhimar> 7<f AHanlic An Calm S I 24 J {•*red Scltaefjer is ehainnan of en b> Sirs, towneuee WeJ*.

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