O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 552 May 10, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Greek American Got his Dora Bakoyannis Discusses Historic FYROM Veto Start at National Herald, Greek FM: Diaspora Was an Invaluable Now at New York Times Ally in Our Efforts By Evan C. Lambrou zine is done; how to learn from my Special to The National Herald mistakes and get better at what I do. By Aris Papadopoulos I always felt comfortable with the Special to The National Herald NEW YORK – He started his life as a Greek theme because I enjoy the youngster growing up in the South language and the culture, and what One month has passed since Bronx near Yankee Stadium. He an opportunity it was to learn how Greece vetoed FYROM's bid to join could see the Yankee infield from to do the whole thing with such a NATO. Now, Greek Foreign Minis- his bedroom window. He went to tiny staff every month,” he said. ter Dora Bakoyannis sat with The Tufts University, where he majored “I left in 1984 because it was re- National Herald to discuss this his- in English Literature, and then went ally scrambling. It was on shaky toric moment, what the next steps to Columbia University, where he ground because it wasn’t being sus- are to resolving the FYROM name earned a master’s degree in Jour- tained with enough ad revenue. I issue with their northern neighbors nalism. stuck it out for a little while, but it and how this has affected Greece's The first time he got paid for his was sputtering, so I had to move relationship with the United States. writing was when he freelanced on,” he added. She also expressed her gratitude to one-liners for a fortune cookie man- Mr. Kalogerakis then spent the our community for the support giv- ufacturer at $2 a fortune. He even- next two years working in “new me- en in advancing the goals of the tually became one of the original dia” – a primitive version of the In- Greek government. editors of Spy, the satirical New ternet – first at NBC and then, Q: Greece's decision to use its York monthly magazine which par- strangely enough, at the New York veto-power to block FYROM's ac- odied life among the rich and fa- Times, where he was an cession into NATO at last month's mous and took the country by storm editor/writer. “They were strictly summit in Bucharest stood out for from 1986 to 1991, and he recently experimental divisions, and short- Greeks worldwide as one of our helped write a book about the now- lived,” he said. proudest moments in recent histo- defunct magazine’s boom years. THE SPY YEARS ry, while also providing the Greek George Kalogerakis is now He finally got his big break in Government with a very powerful deputy editor of the New York 1986, while he was working at the negotiating tool. Based on this out- Times, and he actually got his start Times. “I had heard about Spy, a come, can you talk about the next in journalism with Greek Accent, new magazine a couple of young set of steps you are planning to take the monthly English-language mag- guys (E. Graydon Carter and Kurt advantage of this latest turn of azine once published by the Εθνικος Andersen) were planning to start, events? Κυρηξ, the National Herald’s moth- so I got in touch with them,” he A: Undoubtedly, veto-power is a er publication, back in the early said. EUROKINISSI particularly important right we en- 1980’s. Mr. Kalogerakis actually looked Greece Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis, above with Turkish FM Ali Babacan in Strasburg on Wednesday, joy as a member of NATO, and it is a “Yankee Stadium was a neigh- up Mr. Carter in the phone book, in May 7 spoke about the veto of FYROM and the “invaluable support” of the Greek American community. right that no member state - includ- borhood ballpark, and it was an in- response to a direct mailing. ing Greece of course - has the inten- credible thing to have so close by,” “Sometimes people assume it’s tion of foregoing. Our country is Mr. Kalogerakis told the Herald. who you know, and that’s certainly steadfast and responsible in the Mickey Mantle and Rocky Colavito true much of the time, but I didn’t way it exercises its foreign policy. were his favorite ballplayers grow- know anyone then. I had no maga- We were well aware of the impor- ing up. zine connections. I got a direct mail- Patriarch Recognized on Time 100 List tance of this right, as well as the After completing his master’s, ing before they launched it. They caution we needed to show in using Mr. Kalogerakis took a job selling were trying to attract subscribers. It By Mark Frangos environment and was written by centuries have done much more it if we had to go down this road, as running shoes at a sports shop (he was so funny and sounded so terrif- Special to The National Herald the Archbishop of Canterbury than maintain the form of their his- was eventually the case. In a bold used to compete in marathons and ic, I just thought, ‘I’ve got to get in- Rowan Williams, the head of the toric dignities. yet realistic political move, our other distance races), and did vari- volved with this.’ I didn’t know how The Ecumenical Patriarch of Anglican Church. “Patriarch Bartholomew, how- Government spoke openly about ous types of temp work before go- to get in touch with them, but there Constantinople Bartholomew was The following is from Time Mag- ever, has turned the relative politi- seeking a solution based on a com- ing to the National Herald to work were two names mentioned, Gray- named as one of Time Magazine’s azine: cal weakness of the office into a posite name with a geographical as an editor of Greek Accent. don and Kurt, so I picked up the 100 Most Influential People of “The Ecumenical Patriarch of strength, grasping the fact that it qualifier, which will apply erga “I was in my twenties. In the con- White Pages, and I found Graydon’s 2008. The Patriarch was included Constantinople enjoys a resonant allows him to stake out a clear omnes, or in all cases. We have un- text of the Greek world, Greek Ac- address. How many Graydon in the Leaders & Revolutionaries historical title but, unlike the Pope moral and spiritual vision that is dertaken a huge information cam- cent was a general-interest maga- Carters are there likely to be? I category along with the Dalai in the Roman Catholic context, has not tangled up in negotiation and paign to make our friends, allies zine, and I always thought general- wrote him a letter, and they called Lama, Russian President Vladimir little direct executive power in the balances of power. And this vision and partners aware of Greece's po- interest magazines were the best. It me for an interview. It took a few Putin and U.S. President George W. world of Eastern Orthodoxy. Patri- is dominated by his concern for the sition and its rights. We utilized the was a great learning experience in a months because they were still rais- Bush. archs have had to earn their au- environment. dynamism and credibility of the number of ways. It was a wonderful Patriarch Bartholomew’s entry thority on the world stage, and, in place for me to learn how a maga- Continued on page 3 focused on his views protecting the fact, not many Patriarchs in recent Continued on page 9 Continued on page 9 Moschonas Proclaims His Northeastern University Honors Pioneer Educator Innocence, Says Accuser was By Theodore Kalmoukos Special to The National Herald “Like a Granddaughter” to Him BOSTON – It was the dream of then Northeastern University stu- dent George Chryssis in the 1970s By Theodore Kalmoukos cal suspension from all Liturgical to somehow find the way and the Special to The National Herald Services and we will proceed de- proper time to honor Hercules W. pending on the outcome of the in- Geromanos. Chryssis knew from BOSTON – Rev. Protopresbyter An- vestigation and development of the the history of Northeastern that the thony Moschonas, a retired priest issue.” late Geromanos was “a pioneer from Tucson, Arizona who has been Phillip Lamantia, the president Dean and professor who conceived accused by an 18 year old female of the St. Demetrios parish council, innovative academic ideas and es- former parishioner for sexual mis- stated to the Herald that "Fr. Antho- tablished the university’s coopera- conduct last summer in Greece, ny Moschonas was assigned to our tive education model,” making , maintained his innocence and be- parish from 1974 until he retired in Northeastern a one of a kind uni- lieves that his accuser made these June 2004. During his time in our versity and a world-renown institu- claims “because she needs money,” parish, no such allegations were tion of higher learning. in an interview with The National ever made against Father A century after the establish- Herald. Moschonas. We will cooperate with ment of the cooperative education No criminal charges have been the process and pray for all in- program, George Chryssis a gradu- filed against Moschonas, but the volved." ate of Northeastern who has be- young lady has filed a civil lawsuit Fr.
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