Victory Aides YJewS ior Iflfjodern IdJomen Joan Dean Monday, May 11, 1942 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY 8S00) PAGE 9 Salade Plate Light but Tasty Luncheon Dish Unusual Appetizer Jelly Sauce DRAIN GRAPEFRUIT sec- MAKE JELLY and butUr into A COOLING and colorful UGHT LUNCHEON dishes 1 teaspoon baking powder tions, sprinkle with salt and sauce lor pudding or ice cream. salad supper plate hits the spot with an unusual tang are always 1 teaspoon salt. Melt 1 small glass jellyover low 2 tablespoons shortening sugar. Wrap each in half strip on a warm evening. Arrange an a welcome addition to the recipe of bacon and skewer with a heat; blend In 4 tablespoons but- Pour milk over crumbled bis- Serve hot Green mint jelly individual mold made with shelf. Since eggs are such a cuits, cool and beat until smooth. toothpick. Broil at medium heat ter until bacon is crisp and grape- is nice for peppermint or choco- whole kernel com, chopped popular food for this meal-- Stir in beaten egg yolks. Add cream; grape jelly for leva think of some different fruit sections are heated late ice green pepper and tomato aspic baking powder and salt. Fold pineapple sherbet. ways of using them. in stiffly beaten egg whites. through. Serve as appetizer or in the center of a leaf of let- as garnish with meat course. Around place How about combining with a Heat shortening in heavy skillet. tuce. it sliced cereal to un- cold meats, stuffed hard cooked crunchy make an Pour in omelet mixture and To Cut Marshmallows usual omelet ? cook covered over very low heat BAKED HABH eggs, celery and carrot curls. up marsh- Omelet for 10 minutes or until omelet GRIND LEFTOVER meat to WHEN CUTTING Luncheon up and browns on bottom. make hash. Put in baking dish, mallows for your favorite des- * KEEPING SPICES - i\tv. V*V» *> .* iH! %, cup hot milk ncover, place in moderately moisten with vegetable soup, top serts, use a scissors which has • Ciffs Sr . .***.» Do not keep spices in a warm 2 large wheat biscuits, rolled hot oven (375 degrees) for 10 with coarse cracker crumbs. been dipped in powdered sugar. place. They tend to lose both fine to 15 minutes. Fold, slip onto Bake in moderate oven (350 de- You’llfind them far more tract- flavor and strength more quickly. 4 eggs, separated hot platter and serve. grees) about Vi hour. able. TODAY At y° ur Favorite MOVIE Warrea a* Jaaeflea MI(tTOWN —Ih,rd •* < »"*r:lrt - P*'k KrM.i ,, >- ACT—Harper mm 4 St—lenac. PL *647. + rßlMllU—We*« IMUIUnn AIX coot. Noon. “TICXAN.” William 6 William Holden, jbfUMAUA ..ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN,” J tck B fnnjr( joan Bennett. ROSEDALE- “5cZ“?r,.r SSS fcmc-Dmorrs?Clair* Trevor la "TEXAS." Phi* Fredrte March. Martha. Scott. “STEEL Monty Woolley. "ARTIhTH AMI MODKJM COOPER aa “SERGEANT YORE/* 7-8:63. Hold an Clair* Trevor. Plua “MB. WISE C Eddie Cantor. "MU till Day*." OCr.’’ with th# East Side Kid*. ‘FORCED LANPINO.’ with Richard Arlan. AGAINST THE SKY," with Lloyd Nolan. ABROAD." Ray Mllland. Sonja Henle In Al Jolaon, B “EVERYTHING MAPPLW AT NIGHT.” Prices This Week Only. Adult* 30c plus taxj iniMC Rax Beach * •‘THE KroiLCM,’ 4WCAM—t3*w»o«. MkA LI. Z-5166 A cpiurw—LS6Al Woodward, at Gned i »fl1 * 'll nUHmJ j. Dietrich, UJlltjUn Matinee. Open 6:45. “BER- Park Free. Bob Ifjnuriv—ftctofer at Mlcta. OR. MM 1 Wayne, M. R. Scott UWlnlf Open Noon. IWwnAI ROSEYILLE-1 l,^„*‘cSr*J <lm,u, ?l*o “TWO YANKS IN TRINIDAD,“with i GEANT TORE." Gary C**per.. “MIN- Hope. Zorina. “IDUISIANAPURCHASE.’’ Opan 11:45 A. M. Frederic •‘SERGEANT YORK." Eddto Cantor. Al Pat O’Brien and Brian Donlevy. STREL DAYS." Eddla Cantor. 40c till “MR. AND MRS. NORTH." Qract* Allen. March In “ONF. FOOT IN HEAVEN." Jolson, “MINSTREL DAYS." Cartoon. - 6:60. 66c. Children lie. "MR. AND MR*. NORTH." Grade Allan. Eva. SBc _Rv# Jeffmaa 3-1347 * Matinee Sunday, 40c. 13*. AnHIBAI—Mock or. St. Jean LE. SIM ff} iunr—6o24 W. VI. March of Time, “The Argentine Qaeettoa." FroTPartring ADRURAL open 3. Park Free. FBI n. UnAnlrC Mat. Dally Noon to Midnight. A lap Planey'a “tentdew Eggo." DAIin?~ l 4 UdHlnar A re. W 6th Columa to “MAN AT LARGE." Plua ! Claudette Colbert, John Payn*. “REMEM- KUUuC Open 8:15. Constance Bennett • - Dyh * •* *“• . cousEiM^’^rvi.r^^“INTERNATIONAL Plu* v *WI YOUR AUNT MMA." Weaver Broe 'SHEPHERD OF OZARK*.’ In S4»UADBON.“ BER THE DAY" “LOOK WHO’S LAUGH- I MOTORnuiim VIIInTY~ Cosmetic*. ' mfa "¦ zy/iljjjl jj.* ‘Jmi;V- Extra: ‘The Defease mi M—caw." “LADY FDR A NIGHT," with John ING," Fibber and Molly. "Oatdea Egg*." Betty Keane, Eddie Toy Zaau Pitt*, Roger Pryor. Plu* “ORUOr ‘¦ ff - Wayne and Joan Blood*!!. Jr.. "VOKEI. BOY,” Kidney Toler. Arleen INO YOUNG IADY,“ with Dee Ajrdaa. * '***»—d Chaae. Dear bar* ! “CASTLE IN PEHEBT." 11111 ¦ fIL DW*/; *pX*'*ft Ainnt— Whelan. THE VfwfffilIf Open 6:15. Shirley Temple, Herb. CM MinI —Waodward-NlMry Park Free H i. GIANT — LULUnIAL Open All Night Richard Dtnn«rwa£la and Myrtle ROXY“ jpen*J4 Parkin? Marshall to “KATHIJtKN." Plus ”46,666 I to Ladle*. Eddie Albert. Peggy Moran IMRIIXMYDTIf Maureen O’Hara la “HOW HORSEMEN," with Grant Taylor. Arlen. J. Carroll Nalah. “FORCED LAND- “TREAT ’EM BOUGH." “SOUTH OF Biondle. Dogwood. Baby Dump- Walter Pldgeoa. - _ rJt mi U/| I lUHlllHlllUWlSr ING.” Plua Joan Pavla, Albert Decker In . SANTA FE." Roy Roger*. *S>y aaie*h«r.’ line and Dog In a New Bloodle Picture. AirCD—E. Warren at Oatev Dr. NL 7753 3 “YOKEL ROY." "BLONDIE IN SOCIETY.” Aleo Zane fey, “TMR SSL2SK?: ¦H I llllllllGlHiuHt <'fmE ALULA Open 6:15. La*t Show 6:16. Orey'a Btory. “Rider» es the Pnryle Mage." Plea ay's “OaMan Ksf.** ¦¦¦Mil 111IWIISWVOTK* Gary Cooper, Academy Award Rol* a* SEAT 7 Mhe and Meyers CSTTufi Cantor, LULUnI 6:46. Park Free —fevra Mlle Rd.-Vaa byte *DAYiI— Photo by Timor Staff Photographer "SERGEANT YORK." Plua Eddie open Mickey In "HOW GREEN WAS MT VALLEY." nVniVTTnNACTOWIi AIIIALOpen 5:50. Park Free. Last Show •MINSTREL DAY*/ Adult* 66c. Child lie. ¦ Rooney In “BABES ON BROADWAY/’ “EEIJCTANT DEACON." Robt. B Midiley. Open 5:45. free Parking Pe HarUland to - 8:63. Errol Flynn Olivia “MAN AT LARGE,” Marjorta Weaver. TV. 1-3931. Frederic March, Martha Scott, BOOTS ON." - "THEY DIED WITfl THEIR TENNIS IS MORE FUN WITH RIGHT CLOTHES AIJUMMA *4 **landward MA. *ll4 *• “ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN." "MR. * "MHANGHAI ORSTXJRR," Pan* Tlemey. “LIMRumVA Open 6.46 Park Free mil| MT—l6*77 Cmumt TW. 6-6633 A MR*. NORTH. Gracia Ena.; Walter Pidgeon. “HOW GREEN WAM MY vun/tni Open 6:JO. Stemwar* to Ladle*. 7 John Howard Allen.“Golden Bent on learning tennis the right way, few pointer® from REES CRAMER, te.nnia r vey, “BOMBAY CLIPPER.’ Elver at BeethteM VALLEY." plua Loretta Young F. March. , Wm. Holden tn “TEXAS." “YOU BE- tn “MAN WHO RETURNED TO LIFE." yAfUrrCT—Grand ROYAL W-tSL,« The girl® are wearing cotton play- “BEDTIME NTOBY.” LONG TO ME," Henry Fonda, Barbara nVAItUI Park Free. Open 8:15. Adulta Taylor la “JOHNNY EAGER." Flu* VIRGINIA LA MUNYON, at left, and expert. •* *‘ | Stanwyck “A Goad Time ¦ Dtmr." ni|tC| —Harper a* 1 ekewee* AH. 4*3* it Me Plue Tax. Academy Award Winner Olsen A Johnson HELLEAFOEHN." suit® at each. For shopping informa- Gary Cooper aa “SERGEANT YORE." Plua JULIE JENNINGS, both contestants for $5 ALLEN PAU-“- v M uAiu LA start* Tomorrow. IT* Terrtne. “CAVALCADE OF AVIA- Eddie Cantor to "MINUTEEL DAYS." sEfufnsij*^ the vacation in Sun Valley, are taking a tion, call Joan Dean, CH. 8800, line 347. Walter Brennan In “NWAMP WATER." »c«*TESY-'i7s u tt sr N„. Actual Thrill* Ever •PARDON MY STRIPE*.* Edgar Kennedy . elty. Serial, New*.7rl:•BOOMTOWN,* TION," Greatest o*"***"**- M *'*"• lU—- rite" Oven war# Free to Ladlaa. Waltar Cartoon. Shown on the acre—. OAKDALF'”vfIAVHM* 0 GREEN WAS i| Chart?vats TU. LMli l. with Clark Gable, Speneer Tracy. “DOR- Carole Lombard, Lyle Talbot. Pldgeon, "HOW MY VAL- AHA—l6O*l A HERO," Baxter, —Harper LEY." AI*o “RELUCTANT DRAGON." ALURIA Open 6:45. The Outstanding ROWED Alan F. Rice. DiDDE’S a* I skew**< AR. UH ? “MO MORE OECMIDH." Grandaon of Rto | Free. Acad- Ttn Tin. “FANGII or THE WILD." Grand River Avenue Elate Robin non Picture of the Year. “SERGEANT YORK, M>rt HAIuCK open 6:15. Park crvri Ir—B«il emy Winner, “HOW GREEN WAS JLTILLfi Adult* lit. piiii. Cartoon* Sports with Gary Cooper. Also “MINMTRELL QtYSTAL CoDt. from Award Al[1 IWB1WB—Oakle-d at Tawayaaa Queen DAYS,” With Eddie Cantor, Al Joiaoa. NwnTwi^ MY VALLEY." with Welter Pidgeon. unauim/ Latest New*. “BAHAMA PABSAGK.” Holden in “TEXAS," with Clalre Trevof Ptahea to ladlaa Opan 5:45. I Adult* 66c. Children 11c. L Plu* Fredrle March. Loretta Young tn with Stirling Hayden, Made ten* CarrolL ~ Adolph* Mmjou . Plua and Otorla Swanson STORY." Stage Show*. Bln* Ctiaby to "BIRTH OF THE BLUE*.’’ "BROADWAY BIG SHOT," Dick Tracy. 41 tkj-IM*7 Gd. Elver *charter Earhjng I In “FATHER TAKES A WIFE." “BEDTIME Plus Brian Donlavy In ‘Sooth OF TAHITI.’ V caiCVD—Garden CHy. ited and Stamina bLUn Open «:30. Adm. 20c. “HOLD ill—Waadrow Wilson at Glandule a 8 ISddU Drtl Courage - Airy * To Be Chosen RACK THE DAWN." C. Boyer. P. God- MW-*”*OraMo4-lr«*a*4* FL. MSS A MATW Opan 8:43. Dorothy VAlin cent, from Noon. 40c to 6:30 bazellhi^'!;,*'-“»n? UAUIAJI Open 8:30. Gracia Allan, Paul Wm. Holden, FLEET’S IN? dard.
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