Evniittg llrraQ AVEBAOB d a i l y CmOULATlON THE WEATHER o’clock at the Wapplng Community had been »old. The vegetables that ed States and tlM British Emplra tor the Month o t June. 1885 Foreeaet 0 . S. Weather Borwa, A l l SPORTS NIGHT jxAVY seeks 34 men House. Tlie admission fee la nomi­ will later come to the market are ot ABOUT TOWN AUCTION MARKET < meet in July each year in memory Hartford nal and everybody will get many not sufficiently advanced to warrant CEEBRATE BOYNE of the historic battle fought between times its value In samples of all bringlDg them to the auction mar­ 5 , 5 1 3 Fhir famlght and Sunday; some­ ' ’n>« annual atate picnic of the ON NEXT FRIDAY: ' i^ o " state in m v William and James with the forces sorts. Hale’s store In this town tuui ket and with the small amount that Hemher of the Audit iE u F itin g what cooler tonight. Order o f Amaranth will take place CIOSES TODAY assisted by furnishing the roomy has been coming In the last three BATTIE TOMORROW of the former gaining the victory. Burean of CIrcalaUona tomorrow at Lilshthouee Point, New bags. There will be samples of Che­ days the officers decided yesterday Haven. Member* attending will Men in Hartford County Who According to Macauley, the fam­ ney silks and Vanco, which Is prac­ to close the market. When other ous historian, thU was one of the bring,a basket lunch. Desire to Enlist Mu.st- Apply tically a Manchester product, afld produce is ready to bring to the Baseball, Volley Ball, Horse­ decisive struggles. In English his­ (Clasalfled Adverttalng on Page 8.) (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS .- in New Britain. other things too numerous to men­ Amount of Produce Is Not market in larger quantities ’ the Orangemen to Observe Anni­ tory, and determined the outcome of VOL. U V ., NO. 242. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1935. ih m Joan Mallory of Boulder tion. market will again open, but until two opposing principles. Hoad, and Miss Patricia Dlmock of shoes and Tennis to Be One of the interesting Items ar­ that time there will be no auctions Porter street, will return today from The Navy Recruiting Station In ranged by the committee is a guess­ Sufficient to Warrant held. versary of Famous En­ A coBqmltteo with Thomaa Conn Nantucket, Mass., where they have New Haven has received orders to ing contest on the weight of water­ At the sale yesterday there was as chairman has arranged a suit­ been guests of Miss Frances Dwyer Played at West Side. enlist thirty-four men from the melons. There will be plenty of cold Opening Longer. 15 2-3 crates of strawberries sold able program consisting of songs TWO ARE DEAD, Los Angeles Reports SCENT FRICTION PARIS CONFUCT at the summer heme of Dr. William State of Connecticut for the month drinks and other forms oT refresh­ for a total of 340.17. The high price counter in Picnic. and recitations Interspersed with In­ Dwyer and Mrs. Dwyer of Hartford. of July. Applications from men liv­ ments on sale, and a general good brought was 33.10, the low was strumental musie. There will also S. TAKES MAIN ROLE 32.05 and the average 32.56. In strumental niusic. There will also u. The annual All Sports Night will ing in the Hartford County arc ac­ time la assured all who attend. 1 The Manchester auction market cepted dally between the hours of While at most Sample Fairs tick­ addition to the strawberries there Members ot the local Orange Refreshments will be served during MANY WOUNDED IN RESIGNATION OF EXTREMISTS Rev. Eugene Morlarty who Is a he held on the West Side play- will close after today’s sales until, were 24 quarts of currant* sold for lodges will come together In Orange the evening. Sharp Quake Shocks Manchester boy and has just been 0:00 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. at the ets arc limited, there arc a number a date to be later announced. The grounds, Friday evening. July 10. A available on this occa.slon. accord­ 32.40: 24 quarts of blueberries sold hall on Saturday evening, July 13 The Center Flute band and Man­ called to a professorship In Notre Navy Siib-slatlon, Room 208 In the closing of the market at this time for 32.95: 103 pints of raspberries varied program of sport.s will be Post OITlcc Building at New Britain. ing to Richard Rcichcnbach who Is at 7:30 to take part in a celebra­ chester Pipe band will have a part 1 BELFAST RIOT Loe Angeles, July 18— (AP) —AAthat a parlor lamp was knocked TODAY FEARED Dame University, will speak on was decided upon after the .sales ot sold for 37 and 75 bushels of peas OF ACE ‘G-MAIT chairman of publicity. Clyde John­ tion commemmoratlng the "Battle In the program. The hall has been sharp earthquake shock was felt over. Another described the dis­ ETHIOPIAN AFFAIR Cf-nncctlcut. yesterday had fallen to 3104 and IN VChesterton" at the Monday noon held fcaturinA^a game between the that brciight 351.48, a total of 3104 of the Boyne.” beautifully decorated with the col­ here and In neighboring cities about turbance as a "swinging sway.” meeting of the Manchester Klwanls Men that arc accepted must be of son heads the carnival committee. only 3-10.17 worth of strawberries for the day. 2:55 a. m. Paclflc Standard .Time, to Bluelields, town champions, and a Orangemen throughout the Unit­ ors ot the order, orange and blue. Long Beach, scene of California’s Club at the Country clubhouse. Har­ good chagacter and high standing in day. No damage waa reported. last serious earthquake on March team yet to be selected. This game their respective communities. No Story That Purvis am) H oo-jP oii„ Xroops Massed to ry Cude will furnish the attendance will start at 6 o’clock and will be H op e Day Ends in Wild The disturbance was noted In U , 1833. felt a distinct shock but Secretary HuU Issues State­ jMdee. men having police rccorijs'nre ac­ Hollywood. Glendale, Pasadena, reported no damage. San Bernard­ Figures In International Crisis followed by volley ball by the East cepted for enlistment Meb applying L4)ng Beach and other communities. ino, 60 miles west of here, likewise and West Side teams, horseshoe need not have high school education Fighting; Rioting Renewed Of several seconds’ duration. It rock­ noted the shock. ver Were at Odds Caanot Block Chsh of Reds W lh ment Supporting Briand- All members of the Center Flute pitching and tennis. band are urged to attend a special but must be able to' po-ss a mental ed furniture in houees but apparent­ Eetimatee of duration of the The Tall Cedars band of 25 pieces teat that Is given at the gccrultlng ly did no damage. shock varied. One said seven sec­ , Be Verified, However practice session Saturday afternoon will give a concert during the eve­ Today and More Trouble Downtown Los Angeles felt the onds, another three seconds. Forces of De la Roque — Kellogg Treaty Outlawing at S o'clock sharp in the Washington station. All men must be able to ning and refreshments of all kinds perns a rigid physical examination as disturbances, but nothing was noted Santa Barbara police reported a social clubrooms. The annual Held will be on sale on the grounds. La.st as far south as San Diego-, or In "slight disturbance,” but police at “ No Regrets,” Says Sleuth day of the Connecticut Flfers' & required by the Navy Department. T h € j . W H A U Is Expected Tonight. Fear Dictatorship. War, Italy Asserts It Has year a crowd of over 3,000 attended Inglewood, just south of Los An­ Ventura located between Los An­ Drummers’ Association is scheduled Upon being accepted for enlistment — MAWCHEiTEP CoN N .==_ Just in time for Saturday. A new the All Sports Night program. the men arc sent to the Naval Train­ sliowing of Print Jacket and Capa geles. geles and Santa Barbara, said noth­ for August 10 and it Is Important Director Frank Busch reported One Hollywood resident reported ing was felt there. Washington, July 13.— (A P )—A Not Violated Pact. that the bandsmen attend all future ing Station at Newport, R. I., for a We Give Trading Stamps On All Purchases, Dresses with the new wide sleeves. BULLETIN! Paris, July 13.— (A P )—A poten­ one of the largest crowds ever as­ routine three months training period suggestion that dissension between rehearsals. The band la also ex­ sembled all day yesterday at the We believe these dresses are some BMfaat, Northern Ireland, tial dictator and his left-wing op­ pected to assist at Orange ball to­ prior to being transferred to one of July 18.— (AP)—.An urgent ap­ Director J. Edgar Hoover and Mel­ Globe Hollow swimming pool. Due ponents struggled for the control of morrow night at 7 o’clock at the the ships of the U. S. Fleet for duty of the best value.s we've had this peal that every available po­ vin H. Purvis, Jr., ace of the Chica­ ' By ASSOTIATEb PRESS to the. extreme heat another full The Ever Popular summer. France today, the eve of the Bas­ 'IVelfth of July entertainment of and assignment: liceman In Northern Ireland be go force of "G-Men” was behind The United States took a centn^ Washington U O.
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