kA ’Mr' im ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. LXVm, No. 46 29th JUNE, 1990 Price 40c General Notice 373 of 1990. comer of 82, through 75 and 74; into road corridor run­ ning south-west between, on the left. Farms 74, 57, State ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263} Land 41, State Land, 40, State Land, 37, State Land, 2, State Land and Farm 1. On the right 73, 58, State Land, Declaration of District Road: Gwera-Shurugwi 28, State Land, 34, 35, State Land, 4, State Land and 3. Rural Council Temiinating THE Minister of Transport and National Supplies, in terms At the boundary of Chitenderano Rural Council Area of paragraph (a) of section 5 of die Roads Act [Chapter 263], with Cheziya-Gokwe District Council Area. hereby declares the road described hereunder and shown on General Notice 11 of 1990 is repealed. Plan 1118 to be a district road. Plan 1118 may be inspected, free of charge, at the oflSces D. R. NORMAN, of the Secretary for Transport and National Supplies, Kaguvi 29-6-90. Minister of Transport and National Supplies. Building, Fourth Street, Harare. Description of road General Notice 375 of 1990. Reference WATER ACT, 1976 Route 28/51 (Extension) Oaklands Road. Commencing Declaration of Approved Civil Engineering Technician On Subdivision A of Oaklands, at the north-western boundary of Safago. THE Secretary for Energy and Water Resources and Deve­ lopment, in terms of subsection (4) of section 118 of the Water Passing through Act, 1976, hereby declares Mr. Clive Thomas Saunders to be A of Safago Farm. an approved Civil Engineering Technician for dams only. Terminating H. S. MARINA, On the boundary of Safago Farm arid TibiUkwe Farm. Acting Secretary for Energy and 29-6-90. Water Resources and Development. D. R. NORMAN, 29-6-90. Minister of Transport and National Supplies. General Notice 376 of 1990. WATER ACT, 1976 General Notice 374 of 1990. ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] Declaration of Approved Civil Engineer Declaration of District Road: Chitenderano THE Secretary for Energy and Water Resources and Deve­ Rural Council Area lopment, in terms of subsection (4) of section 118 of the Water Apt, 1976, hereby declares Mr. Paul Gotora to be an approved CiviJ^ngineer for dams only. THE Minister of Transport and National Supplies, in terms of paragraph (a) of section 5 of the Roads Act H. S. MARINA, [Chapter 263], hereby declares the road described hereunder Acting Secretary for Energy and and shown on Plan 1105 to be a district road. 29-6-90. Water Resources and Development. Plan 1105 may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of the Secretary for Transport and National Supplies, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, Harare. General Notice 377 of 1990. Descriptimt of road GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD Reference That portion of Golden Valley-Nemangwe Road (Route Tenders Invited 956), falling within Chitenderano Rural Council Area. AI! tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board* Commencing P,0, Box 8075, Causeway. At the bounda^ of Chitenderano Rural Council Area Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to d^artments. with Sanyati District Council on Farm No. 80. Tmden must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number, desoiption, dosing date and must be posted Passing throu^ in time to be sorted into Post OfBce Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered by hand Chitenderano Rural Council in a wraterly direction to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, Fifth Floor, Fanum House, 57, through Farm No. 80, State Land, 81, south-western Samora hUcbel Avenue, Harare, before 10 a.m. on the dosing date notl&Mi. 594 Zimbabwean Government (Gazette, 29m June, 1990 Offers submitted by telegr^h* ststiutf dearly therein the name of the tenderer, Plan 1122 may be inspected, fr-ee of charge, at the offices of the service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery the Post the Secretary for Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, Office to the Secrdary, Govnnmcat Tender Boaid, by 10 a.m. on the dosing Harare. date and the confirmation tender posted not later than the dosing time and date. The tel^aphic address is 'Tenders, Harare**. Description of bridge Tenders adiidi are not reodved 1^ 10 a.m. on the dosing dat^ whether Reference by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late tenders. Mwerahari Bridge (Booker Oliver Bridges). If a deposit is required for tender documents, it wiH be refunded on receipt of hocatiori a bona .fide teader or if the tender documents are returned complete and unmarlwd before the dosing date. On Mwerahari River across the old Dorowa-Maradzano Road, near Murambinda Business Ontre, Ik>r supply contmcts, the country of manufacture must be stated. When tenders are compared, a d^ree of preference is deducted from prices tendered for goods Any person wishing to object to the closure of the bridge manufactured in Zimbabwe. described above must do so, in writing, to the Secretary for Transport and National Supplies, whose postal address is P.O. No tendor can be withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 days (or Box 8109, Causeway, on or before the 27th of July, 19^. any another period specified in ten(kr documents) from the stated dosing date. The Oovemmmt does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and resmvea the right to select any tender in whole or in part. J. G. MOYO, 29-6-90. Secretary for Transport and National Supplies. Tenders which are properly addressed to the Ooremment Ten<ter Board in envelopes with the advertise tender number and dreo^ion endorsed on the outsit are not opened until 10 a.m. on the clewing date. General Notice 379 of 1990. Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders on Filth Floor Fanum House, 57, Samore Machel Avenue, Harare, from 10 a.m. onwards on ATMOSPHERIC POIiUTTON PREVENTION ACT the date specified. [CHAPTER 318] C. C MUCHENJE, Secretary, Proposal to Declare Specified Processes 29-6-90. Ooverninent Tender Board. Tender NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Health pro­ number poses, in terms of subsection (2) of section 5 of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act [Chapter 318], to CA/41il9/90. Supply and delivery of a photocopier to Air declare the following processes to be specified processes— Zimbabwe. Closing date, 19.7.90. Documents are avail­ able from the Chief Purchasing Officer, Air Zimbabwe (a) Calcium carbide Corporation, P.O. Box AP 1, Harare Airport. Any process in which calcium is made. Tenders are invited from building corltractors registered in (b) Hydrochloric acid category “A” with the Ministry of Public Construction and Natiotud Housirig for: Any process in which hydrochloric acid gas is evolved CW4/90. Kadoma cotton gin: Construction of buildings and either during the preparation of hydrochloric acid or associated works at Kadoma. A pre-tender site visit has during use in any manufacturing process. been saranged for 10 a.m. on Monday, July 2, 1990, at (c) Acetylene the site of the new oo'tton gin in Kadoma. Closing date, 19.7.90. Documents are obtainable from the Purchasing Any process in which acetylene is made or is used in Manager, Cotton Marketing Board, Second Floor, any chemical manufacturing process. Kurima House, Baker Avenue/Third and Fourth Streets, Any person who has any objection to this proposal is Harare. called upon to lodge his objec:tion, in writing, with, the Z/1/2. Construction of Gwanda depot—Jahunda Township Secretary for Health, P.O. Box 8204, Causeway, within the DMB. Closing date, 19.7.90. IJocumeHts are obtainable period of six weeks following the date of publication of this from the following; liie Purchasing Manager, Dairy notice. Marketing Board, Dolphin House (Sixth Floor), 123, Leopold Takawita Street, Harare, or P.O. Box 587, D. G. MAKUTO, Harare. 29-6-90. Secretary for Health. Tenders are irMted from civil engineering contractors for: General Notice 380 of 1990. W22/89. Lions Den bulk depot: Construction of a 20 000- tonne extension to the Lions Den bulk depot. Clorfng CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL date^ 19.7.90. Site inspection, Tiresday, July 24, 1990 at ACT [CHAPTER 7S\ lOaxn. Documents are obtainable from the Consulting Engineers, Stewart Scott NCL^ Pax House, Union Avenue (P.O. Box 1748), Harare, upon payment of a Reversal of Previous D^isions of Board d^sit of $250, to the Grain Marketing Board. ZESA.42/90. Supply and deliveiy of 100 kVA and 200 kVA fibreglass distribution pillars. Closing date, 19.7.90. IT is hereby notified that the Board of Censors has, in Documents are obtainable from the Prindipal Purcha­ terms of section 20 of the Censorship and Entertainments sing Officer, Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority, Control Act [Chapter 78], reversed its decision declaring as Second Floor, ZIMRE Buildittg, cnr. Park Street and undesirable the publications specified in the first column of Union Avenue, or P.O. Box 377, Harare. the Schedule. The Rhodesia Notices specified in the second column of Tenders are invited from registered electrical contractors for: the Schedule are axxordingly amended or cancelled, as may CON.121/90. Gwanda: Electrical installation and reticulation be appropriate. at the secondary school. Closing date, 12.7.90. Docu­ ments are obtainable from the Secretary for Public P. D. W. R. SHER'REN, Construction and National Housing, Saimora Machel Chairman, Avenue (P.O. Box 8081, Causeway), Harare. 29-6-90. Board of Censors. Schedule General Notice 378 of 1990. AuthorjEditor and title Rhodesia Notice ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 263] of publication notifying declaration Gary Brandner Application for Closure of Mwerahari Bridge: (1978) 1265 of 1978 Buhera District Council The Howling Kent Mackenzie, Kent and Goldsmith, Gary IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (3) of section (1977) 411 of 1977 7, of the Roads Act [Chapter 263], that application has been Saturday Morning made for the closure of the bridge described hereunder and Hunter Davies shown on Plan 1122.
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