April 29, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4683 The promise of our Nation lies in its The President’s small business agen- Their success is more than just the promise to every one of its citizens da recognizes that the role of govern- bottom line. The Robucks often assist that they will be judged by the quality ment is not to create wealth but to cre- a variety of charities and local schools. of their work, the depth of their poten- ate an environment where entrepre- Mike and Michele help with counseling tial and the strength of their intellect neurial endeavors can flourish and peo- and provide jobs for two rehabilitation and character. Anything less under- ple can directly benefit from their ef- programs helping people to regain their mines the very principles of fairness we forts. It is well accepted that small place in the community. uphold and it diminishes not just those businesses and young business are the It took 5 years since the Robucks for- who are discriminated against, but the driving force in job creation and pros- mally formed the Alaska Mint for the professional communities in which perity. business to become truly established they live and work the Senate in- Since 1963, the President has des- and successful. From a one-person op- cluded. ignated a week as the National Small eration in the mid 1980s, the business Recently, several Senate employees Business Week in recognition of the now employs 10 people full time and in- announced that they have formed an small business’s contributions to the creases to 20 during the summer tour- informal, non-partisan group called country. Next month, the White House ist season. They are now a tourist des- Gays, Lesbians and Allies Senate Staff, and the Small Business Administration tination and a place of education about GLASS, Caucus. The caucus is open to will join in celebrating the small busi- the art of their work. all Senate staff and is the first ever for ness people and businesses of the year. When the criteria for the award of gay and lesbian Senate staff and their Today, Mike and Michelle Robuck, as the Small Business Persons of the Year allies. It is designed to raise awareness co-owners of the Alaska Mint, will be are applied to the Robucks, they meet of issues affecting the gay and lesbian named as the Alaska District Small all of the standards. They shine like community and increase visibility; and Business of the Year 2004. They were the coins they make. They have shown promote the welfare and dignity of gay nominated by their banker, First Na- their staying power, increased the and lesbian Senate employees by pro- tional Bank Alaska for this award. number of employees, increased their viding a safe environment for social Congratulations to Mike and Michele markets and sales volume, responded interaction and professional develop- Robuck. to challenges, shown innovation of the ment. Small business winners are evaluated products they offer, and continue to The GLASS caucus held its inaugural in Alaska by a panel of judges con- contribute to the community. Mike reception last night. I was honored to vened by the Alaska District Office on and Michele Robuck, as a team, exem- attend and congratulate the members a variety of criteria including: staying plify the qualities, the business skills, on their organization’s formation. This power, growth in employees, increase personal character, and the spirit of was an historic moment for the Senate in market or sales volume, response to Alaska that warrant their being award- and special recognition must be given adversity, contributions to the commu- ed the Small Business Persons of the to four of the founding members of the nity, and innovation of the products Year Award for 2004.∑ caucus for a job well done: Mat Young, they offer. f Lynden Armstrong, John Fossum and Now let me tell you about Mike and IN RECOGNITION OF SMOKEY Jeffrey Levensaler. Michele Robuck, the Alaska Mint and BEAR’S 60TH BIRTHDAY Gay and lesbian Americans want the why they deserved to be small business same civil rights that are extended to persons of the year for Alaska. Alaska ∑ Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I rise other Americans—nothing more, noth- Mint is a second generation Alaskan today to celebrate a birthday and to ing less. We must build a community business that trades in many things pay tribute to a hero and icon from my here in the Senate and across the Na- but most important in the commod- home State a New Mexican who be- tion of mutual respect, tolerance, and ities that made Alaska—gold, silver, came the renowned symbol for the Co- freedom. This new staff caucus will and platinum. Alaska Mint designs and operative Forest Fire Prevention pro- make many valuable contributions in produces medallions, coins and jewelry. gram. His name is Smokey Bear. that regard. The Alaska Mint is designated as the Sixty years ago this year, Smokey I wish this group well and hope that official mint of the State of Alaska, Bear became the voice for the Forest it will prove to be a valuable addition the Alaska Railroad, the White Pass Service public education campaign to to the Senate community. and Yukon Route, the Iditarod Trail save American forests. Since his cre- Committee, the Yukon Quest, and the ation in 1944, most Americans now f Anchorage Fur Rendezvous. quickly associate the name Smokey ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Part of the wonderful story of the Bear with his mantra: ‘‘Only You Can Alaska Mint is its very beginning. Prevent Forest Fires.’’ Mike Robuck started the business as a Not many know the remarkable SMALL BUSINESS PERSONS OF sidewalk vending cart in downtown An- story of Smokey Bear or that the fire THE YEAR 2004 chorage in 1989. He was following in his prevention program is the longest run- ∑ Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I father’s foot steps that had started a ning public service advertising cam- rise today to commemorate the impor- small family-owned jewelry store in paign in the history of the Ad Council. tance of small business as the founda- Anchorage in 1967. Mike learned the In 1950, Smokey Bear became real, tion of the U.S. economy and to con- importance of dealing with the public sadly through an unfortunate forest gratulate Michael and Michele Robuck, and the value of tourism to Alaska. It fire. That spring, in Lincoln County, a co-owners of the Alaska Mint based in was not long after that Mike opened a little black bear cub was found Anchorage, AK, who today have been store and assemble the equipment to clinging to the side of a charred pine named the Small Business Persons of manufacture his coins, jewelry, and tree after a forest fire swept through the Year for 2004 by the U.S. Small collectibles. I wish I could share with the mountains. After being discovered, Business Administration, SBA. each member of the Senate an example he was briefly called ‘‘Hot Foot According to the Small Business De- of his creativity and artistry. Teddy,’’ but was later named Smokey velopment Center of Alaska, 97 percent With the help of the Small Business Bear after the Ad Council’s poster bear. of all businesses in Alaska are defined Administration and the First National Since that late spring day, that cub as small businesses. Eighty-five per- Bank Alaska, Mike and Michele became the living symbol of Smokey cent of all new jobs in Alaska are cre- Robuck expanded the business and Bear and worked to remind Americans ated by businesses with fewer than 20 began doing business nationwide with of the importance of outdoor fire safe- employees. Small businesses have cre- the help of QVC network and the inter- ty. It is a message whose importance ated the majority of the new jobs cre- net. Last year Alaska Mint released a has not faded since the bear was dis- ated in the last few years on a nation- coin to commemorate the tragic events covered on a charred New Mexico wide basis. So the importance of small of September 11, 2001, that within a 24- mountain. businesses to the Nation’s and to the hour period sold and raised over $50,000 New Mexico, along with other West- Alaskan economies is obvious. for the Red Cross. ern States, has experienced devastating VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:29 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S29AP4.REC S29AP4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S4684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 29, 2004 fires in recent years, which is why the I am pleased to announce that stu- Armored Division in Germany and fire prevention message is so impor- dents from Amador Valley High School when deployed as the Multinational Di- tant. Forest fires burn millions of in Pleasanton, CA will be representing vision (North), in Bosnia and acres, destroy homes and businesses, the State of California in this competi- Herzegovina, a combined task force and, worse yet, take the lives of tion. With the help of their civics that included units from 13 nations. In wildland firefighters. As we remember teacher, Matthew Campbell, these stu- this capacity General Ellis coordinated all too well, 2000 was the worst fire dents have studied for months to pre- European military and civil efforts to year on record since 1957, and subse- pare for their role as experts testifying implement an extensive array of oper- quent years have not been much better. on constitutional issues in a simulated ations and programs to provide sta- Last year’s devastating fires prompt- congressional hearing.
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