Securing the future… • Improving services • Enhancing quality of life • Making the best use of public resources Council Building 2 High Street Perth PH1 5PH 18 March 2019 A Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, 2 High Street, Perth, PH1 5PH on Wednesday, 27 March 2019 at 13:00 . If you have any queries please contact Committee Services on (01738) 475000 or email [email protected]. KAREN REID Chief Executive Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all electronic equipment is in silent mode. Please note that the meeting will be recorded and will be publicly available on the Council’s website following the meeting. Members: Councillor Caroline Shiers (Convener) Mr Adrian Ferguson Councillor Callum Purves (Vice-Convener) Mrs Pat Giles Councillor Willie Wilson (Vice-Convener) Mr Fraser MacDonald Councillor Henry Anderson Mrs Audrey McAuley Councillor Kathleen Baird Mr Robert McCall Councillor John Duff Mrs Margaret McFarlane Councillor Angus Forbes Councillor Xander McDade Councillor Tom McEwan Councillor Beth Pover Councillor John Rebbeck Councillor Crawford Reid Councillor Fiona Sarwar Page 1 of 194 Page 2 of 194 Lifelong Learning Committee Wednesday, 27 March 2019 AGENDA MEMBERS ARE REMINDED OF THEIR OBLIGATION TO DECLARE ANY FINANCIAL OR NON-FINANCIAL INTEREST WHICH THEY MAY HAVE IN ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNCILLORS’ CODE OF CONDUCT. 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3 MINUTES 3(i) MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF THE LIFELONG LEARNING 5 - 10 COMMITTEE OF 30 JANUARY 2019 FOR APPROVAL AND SIGNATURE (copy herewith) 3(ii) MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF OF THE EXECUTIVE SUB- 11 - 12 COMMITTEE OF THE LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE OF 29 OCTOBER 2018 FOR NOTING (copy herewith) 3(iii) MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF THE JOINT NEGOTIATING 13 - 18 COMMITTEE FOR TEACHING STAFF OF 4 DECEMBER 2018 FOR NOTING (copy herewith) 4 MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF THE CHILDREN, YOUNG 19 - 22 PEOPLE AND FAMILIES PARTNERSHIP OF 7 DECEMBER 2018 FOR NOTING (copy herewith) 5 STATUTORY CONSULTATION - BLAIRINGONE PRIMARY 23 - 106 SCHOOL Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 19/92) 6 STATUTORY CONSULTATION - GREENLOANING PRIMARY 107 - 170 SCHOOL Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 19/93) Page 3 of 194 7 SCHOOL ESTATE TRANSFORMATION PROGRAMME - PHASE 171 - 184 2 UPDATE Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 19/94) 8 RESERVED PLACES IN SCHOOLS 2019/2020 AND 185 - 194 MAXIMISING CAPACITIES UPDATE Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 19/95) Page 4 of 194 3(i) PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE 30 JANUARY 2019 LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE Minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee held in the Council Chamber, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 30 January 2019 at 1.00pm. Present: Councillors C Shiers, W Wilson, C Purves, D Doogan (substituting for Councillor H Anderson), J Duff, A Forbes, R McCall (substituting for Councillor K Baird), X McDade, T McEwan, B Pover, J Rebbeck, C Reid and F Sarwar; Mrs P Giles, Mr R McCall and Mrs C Weston. In attendance: S Devlin, Executive Director (Education & Children’s Services); J Pepper, G Boland, J Chiles, S Farrer, R Hill, H Robertson and C Taylor (all Education & Children’s Services); C Haggart (Housing & Environment); L Simpson, A O’Brien, C Vaskevicius, C Flynn and L Brown (all Corporate and Democratic Services). Also in attendance: G Conway, C Haxton and F Reilly (all Tayside Contracts). Apologies for absence: Councillors H Anderson and K Baird; Mrs A McAuley, Mrs M McFarlane and Mr F Macdonald. Councillor C Shiers, Convener, Presiding. 46. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Convener welcomed all those present to the meeting. Apologies for absence were noted as above. 47. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST In terms of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct Councillors Doogan and Forbes declared a non-financial interest as members of Tayside Contracts Joint Committee in Art. 53, a report by the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) on the Review of Catering Services. 48. MINUTES (i) Lifelong Learning Committee The minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 31 October 2018 (Arts. 617-628) was submitted, approved as a correct record and authorised for signature. Statutory Consultations on Balhousie, North Muirton and Forteviot Primary Schools With reference to the Statutory Consultations on Balhousie, North Muirton and Forteviot Primary Schools, Arts. 622/18 and 623/18 of the minute of meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 31 October Page 5 of 194 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE 30 JANUARY 2019 2018, the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) advised of a decision made by Scottish Ministers on 20 December 2018 to grant consent to Perth and Kinross Council to implement the Council’s decision to permanently close the schools in line with the timescales that were set out in the Council’s proposals. In the case of Balhousie and North Muirton Primary Schools the Committee gave a commitment to work with the communities of both schools on the establishment of a user group and to ensure that community engagement was widespread and thorough and to ensure there was full engagement with all key stakeholders in the establishment of a new school at North Muirton Primary, Perth. (ii) Executive Sub-Committee The minute of meeting of the Executive Sub-Committee of the Lifelong Learning Committee of 21 May 2018 was submitted and noted. (Appendix I) (iii) Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff The minute of meeting of the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teaching Staff of 18 September 2018 was submitted and noted. (Appendix II) 49. CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES PARTNERSHIP The minute of meeting of the Children, Young People and Families Partnership of 28 September 2018 was submitted and noted. 50. APPOINTMENT OF THIRD RELIGIOUS REPRESENTATIVE ON LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE There was submitted a report by the Head of Legal and Governance Services (19/31) advising of the process undertaken to appoint a third religious representative to fill a vacancy on the Lifelong Learning Committee. Resolved: (i) The nominations received for the appointment of a third religious representative to the Lifelong Learning Committee, attached as Appendices 1- 3 of Report 19/31, be noted. (ii) The appointment of Mr Adrian Ferguson as the third religious representative on the Lifelong Learning Committee up until the next local government elections in May 2022, be approved. 51. EDUCATION AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES SIX MONTH PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 2018 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) (19/32) reviewing the performance of Education and Children’s Page 6 of 194 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE 30 JANUARY 2019 Services against its Business Management and Improvement Plan for the period 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018. Resolved: (i) The contents of Education and Children’s Services Six Month Performance Summary 2018, as detailed in Appendix 1 to Report 19/32, be accepted. (ii) It be noted that Report 19/32 will also be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee on 6 February 2019 for scrutiny and comment as appropriate. 52. COLLABORATIVE APPROACH TO SCHOOL/LEARNING ESTATE TRANSFORMATION There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) (19/33) (1) detailing opportunities for Perth & Kinross Council to collaborate with Dundee City Council and Angus Council in the development of the combined school/learning estate; (2) seeking approval to explore the potential for a 3-18 community learning campus which would accommodate pupils from all three Local Authorities; and (3) noting that Perth & Kinross Council would not seek nursery or primary accommodation in the proposed campus. Resolved: (i) The proposal that Perth & Kinross Council explore in more detail, working in collaboration with Dundee City Council and Angus Council on the practicalities of developing a new joint community learning campus be approved. (ii) The Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) be instructed to update Committee on progress in relation to the key points, detailed in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.6 of Report 19/33, at a future meeting. (iii) The Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) be instructed to expedite the informal consultation with communities to determine the level of support for the proposal for a joint community learning campus and report back on the finding to a Special Meeting of the Lifelong Learning Committee before the Summer Recess. 53. REVIEW OF CATERING SERVICES There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) (19/34) proposing to change and modernise the way primary schools, Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) meals and the main meal element of the secondary schools menu are delivered across Tayside. Motion (Councillors Purves and Shiers) (i) The content of Report 19/34 be noted. (ii) The Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) be instructed to continue to work in partnership with Angus and Dundee City Councils and Tayside Contracts to plan for the implementation of a cook-freeze centralised meals production facility method for the delivery Page 7 of 194 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL LIFELONG LEARNING COMMITTEE 30 JANUARY 2019 of the primary school and ELC meals service and the main meal element of the secondary schools menu; (iii) The estimated savings of £426,000 (plus £32,000 returned to the Council from surpluses) which could be realised from this project, be noted. (iv) The Executive Director (Education and Children’s Services) be instructed to update this Committee on the outcome of the detailed consultancy work, as mentioned in paragraph 3.4 of Report 19/34, later in 2019.
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