Draft Findings of the Monterey County LCP Periodic Review December 2003 Table PA-10e Coastal Access Points - Big Sur Coast Planning Area LUP Site Specific Implementa Managing Periodic Review ACCESS AREA Class a Comments Recommendation tion Agency Recommendations 1 Malpaso Beach (Otter 2 a. Secure offer of Beach owned by Big Sur Land Retain; find agency to accept Cove) dedicated access. U BSLT Trust; OTD from beach to access highway not yet accepted b. "Improve trail, Only available parking is in Install parking improvements parking." N U turnout, south of bridge when management resources are available; see Appendix A, p. 140. 1 Otter Cove 3 a. Secure offer of lateral Status of OTD is unclear Investigate status of OTD. N BSLT access. b. Discourage informal Owners Electric gate across private road; Retain Y access. Assn. No public entrance to Otter Cove. 1 South of Otter Cove 1 a. Secure access through Private Obtain lateral access easement for N NC permits. Owner CCT. b. Develop scenic Develop trail to bluff edge if N U NC overlooks. property becomes available 2 Doud Property – now 1 a. Complete State Park Recommend updating Update Garrapata State Park - acquisition name to reference Garrapata State Soberanes Point Area Park with three sub-areas for Soberanes Point, Granite Creek Y DPR NC and Garrapata Beach areas; consider adding adjacent county open space and Coastal Conservancy lands on inland side of highway b. Discourage informal Retain Y DPR NC access. 2 Doud Property – now 1 a. Maintain access for Rock climbers still allowed to Update name to reference Garrapata State Park - rock climbers. practice. Vertical access ways are Garrapata State Park with three Granite Canyon Area excellent. However, through sub-areas for Soberanes Point, Coastal Trail is washed out in Granite Creek and Garrapata Y DPR many places or is overgrown and Beach areas; consider adding difficult to find. adjacent county open space and Coastal Conservancy lands on inland side of highway b. Discourage informal Retain Y DPR NC access. c. Limit access to Retain sensitive marine Y DPR NC habitats. Appendix B Table PA-10e Page 1 of 16 Draft Findings of the Monterey County LCP Periodic Review December 2003 LUP Site Specific Implementa Managing Periodic Review ACCESS AREA Class a Comments Recommendation tion Agency Recommendations d. Avoid conflicts with Work with CDFG to identify CDFG / Fish and Game lab. Y NC appropriate ways for Coastal Trail DPR to cross lab property. 2 Doud Property – now 1 a. Provide management Excellent bluff top restoration at Update name to reference Garrapata State Park – to reduce existing main path to Garrapata Beach Garrapata State Park with three Garrapata Beach impacts. Y DPR sub-areas for Soberanes Point, Granite Creek and Garrapata Beach areas b. Improve trails. Vertical access is excellent. Reconnect and rehabilitate However, through Coastal Trail continuous Coastal Trail. Y DPR was damaged or washed out in ’98 El Nino, and other portions have become overgrown. c. Develop parking out Acquire remaining portions of of view. Doud Ranch on east side of N DPR NC Highway 1 to protect views and provide parking. d. Discourage informal Retain Y DPR NC access. e. Limit access to Retain sensitive marine Y DPR NC habitats. f. Avoid conflicts with redundant – not in this sub- Delete redundant reference. N.A. DPR/CDFG Fish and Game lab. segment 3 Kasler Point 2 a. Maintain Abalone Retain Y Caltrans NC (signed as “Vista Cove Overlook. Point”) b. Obtain dedicated lateral Uncertain reference to OTD’s Investigate possible OTD’s and access. (through N U secure acceptance, if any. acceptance of OTD’s) c. Obtain shoreline Coastal Land acquired by Coastal Consider transfer from Coastal Y access. Conservancy Conservancy. Conservancy to State Parks. d. Improve trail. see note above Need to restore overgrown trail to Kasler Point and Abalone Cove Coastal shoreline. Provide trail N Conservancy connection to county open space at north side of Rocky Point Restaurant. Appendix B Table PA-10e Page 2 of 16 Draft Findings of the Monterey County LCP Periodic Review December 2003 LUP Site Specific Implementa Managing Periodic Review ACCESS AREA Class a Comments Recommendation tion Agency Recommendations e. Limit access to Retain Coastal sensitive marine N NC Conservancy habitat. 4 Rocky Point 2 a. Obtain lateral access. N U NC Retain b. "Improve trail, use of Phase out excessive lighting along parking lot. entrance driveway to Rocky Point N U NC Restaurant; prohibit spot lighting on ocean; signage is needed for public coastal access parking. c. Realign road for Consider realignment of road to safety." N U NC Rocky Point Restaurant around north side of Rocky Point knoll. 5 Palo Colorado 2 or 3 a. Obtain lateral access Retain N U NC from Rocky Point. b. Develop scenic Retain overlook at Notley's N U NC Landing. c. "Improve trail along Retain bluff, parking at Rocky N U NC Point." d. Avoid interference with Retain N U NC agricultural use. 6 Rocky Creek 3 a. Obtain vertical and Retain N U NC lateral access. b. Major improvements Unclear if this refers to the Clarify to indicate rehabilitation to trail for safety abandoned segment of Old Coast of abandoned segment of Old erosion N.A. U Road Coast Road, as safe alternative to the narrow Rocky Cr. Bridge on Hwy. 1 c. Discourage informal Retain Y U NC access. 7 Bixby Creek 2 a. Provide management Caltrans owns the famous Develop access management and for pullout and trail. concrete arch bridge and the interpretive signage plans in P Caltrans beach below. However, the beach partnership with Marine access trail is on private lands Sanctuary & US Forest Service. accessed from Old Coast Road. b. Arrange with Caltrans Trail access needs to be arranged Investigate feasibility of access P Caltrans for formal public use. with adjacent landowners. with adjacent landowner. Appendix B Table PA-10e Page 3 of 16 Draft Findings of the Monterey County LCP Periodic Review December 2003 LUP Site Specific Implementa Managing Periodic Review ACCESS AREA Class a Comments Recommendation tion Agency Recommendations c. Develop scenic Pullout paved and demarcated by Retain P Caltrans overlook. boulders. d. Improve trail. N Caltrans See note in “b” above. See note in “b” above. e. Provide facilities for Only Monterey-Salinas Transit Retain P Caltrans overlook. (MST) bus stop provided so far. f. Discourage informal Extremely steep and unsafe. Retain U Caltrans trails. 8 Hurricane Point 3 a. Obtain a bluff top Parcel acquired by TPL/U.S. Develop management plan for Y USFS access. Forest Service. access point. b. Obtain lateral access Access is via Old Coast Road and Develop CCT link along crest of from Bixby Creek. Y USFS Brazil Ranch Roads. Serra Hill, via Old Coast Road and Brazil Ranch roads. c. Improve overlook for Retain Y Caltrans NC safety. d. Major improvements to U.S. Forest Service indicates that See 8.a above. Needs adequate bluff top trail. site will be included in the staffing and management to avoid Y USFS updated management plan for Los resource impacts. Padres National Forest. e. Discourage informal See note in “d” above Retain trails and trails to Y USFS shoreline. f. Avoid interference with Currently fenced and signed. Develop public access and agricultural use. landscape management plans for Y USFS lands acquired by the Trust for Public Lands and U.S. Forest Service. 9 Little Sur River 1 a. Provide management. Not managed for any form of Retain Property N public access - only managed for Owner cattle grazing. b. Acquire as a State As alternative to public Park. acquisition, seek easement or other arrangements with El Sur Property N NC Ranch for blufftop access links Owner between Andrew Molera SP, Pt. Sur SHP, and Brazil Ranch (now owned by USFS). c. Improve trails. Property Retain N NC Owner Appendix B Table PA-10e Page 4 of 16 Draft Findings of the Monterey County LCP Periodic Review December 2003 LUP Site Specific Implementa Managing Periodic Review ACCESS AREA Class a Comments Recommendation tion Agency Recommendations d. Develop facilities out Property Retain N NC of view. Owner e. "Regulate access to El Sur Ranch completely prohibits Retain sensitive habitats: sand public access. Dunes and Property dunes, wetlands." N.A. wetlands nonetheless are subject Owner to trampling impacts, due to cattle operations. 10 Point Sur 2 a. Obtain access to DPR & see note in “e” above See 9.b above. northern beach. N Property Owner b. Acquire Pt. Sur if it Both former USCG lands (Point Support preparation of General becomes surplus. Sur Rock) and U.S. Naval Facility Plan for Pt. Sur State Historic transferred to DPR. Both Coast Park, by DPR. Y DPR Guard and Navy retain a small area at each respective location. DPR is preparing a general plan covering both acquired properties c. Extend lateral access Security issues now appear much See 9.b above. southward when reduced; Navy retains small USN + military security holding surrounding the “T- N Property allows. Building” near beach. El Sur Owner Ranch completely prohibits public access. d. Develop trail at DPR & See 9.b above. northern end. N Property NC Owner e. Develop parking. Will be addressed in State Park See 10.b above. N DPR General Plan process f. Avoid military security Will be addressed in State Park New General Plan should be conflicts. General Plan process developed for the new Point Sur State Historic Park; the U.S. Navy Y USN & DPR should be consulted on any plans or development to avoid any military security conflicts. e. Avoid interference with Currently no public access on El Retain agricultural use. N.A.
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