n DEVOTED TO COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, M O R A L IT Y AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. BY BIEIIABDSDN & PORTER, Terms, $1,50 in Advance, $1,75 in sto months $2,00 aflcr^Advcrtlsemonts Inserted at the mlnntnry prices. VOL 1. TEAST--TIKHI ASTON, TIHKSDAV oiTonrit is to. AO. 11. The Parting of Slimmer, An Incident related of Bvron, Site licssitntcd, and as Byron took the passionately fond of dancing, and in the nwny, lie was floating on the water in the thin band slit: held to him, she looked wild grace and spirit of their style, excel Inrmrd for the whole family of ntan.__ agonies o f death. Narrow ns are its boundaries, we have all n y MRS. IIKMAN., lit x. r. wit.i.is. steadily upon bis noble countenance. every thing that I have ever seen. The I be alligator has been so frequently a share in the posession. W hat a church Tlaui’rt Betting lienee thy roses, -------- ‘Beautiful!’ she said, ‘beautiful as the varied dances of the Marqttcsan girls described that no description of mine is It is to a city, Palestine is to the world.__ RlnS Suminer; fare thee well! was getting towards midnight when drentn ol him who lias so long haunted ntc! ate beantitul in the extreme, but there is necessary. He is no beauty, anil the a party I’ hoinician fleets once covered those silent 'Tliott’rt singing tliv last melodies ly td young noblemen came out trom the intellect and the person of a spirit of an nbutdoncd voluptuousness in their only mark o f the bean ihoik/i there is about one of the clubs of St. James street.— light! Pardon inc me lord! Pardon me, : chatncler which I dare not attempt to waters; wealthy cities once fringed those In every wood ftflil dell. him is, that lie is so intolerably scented up lonely shores; during' three thousand The servant o f each, as he. steped upon that at a moment so important to yourself describe. I with musk that it Is offensive’ to approach years, war has led all the nations o f the Hint in the golden sunset the pavement, threw up the wooden apron the remembrance of an earthly feeling hits Alas for the poor savages when exposed him. H is lank jaws and huge cavern o f earth in terrible procession along those thy latest lingering day, ol the C abriolet, and sprung to the bead been betrayed into expression.’ j the influence o f these polluting e.xam- a mouth give him a disgusting and fiiglit- historic plains; yet it is not mere history fOli! tell me o’er this conquered earth of the horse, blit as to the destination of Shc paused a moment, and the bright |des! Unsophisticated and confiding, ful appearance; while his entire corporos- iliut thrifts tire pilgrim to the JIolv Land, How thou hast passed away' the equipages for tiie evening, there color that had shot through herchcek anil j’ltey arc easily led into every vice, and j ity, besides his apologies for legs and the with such feelings as no other spot on the seemed to be some dissension among the brow, faded again, and its countenance (humanity weeps over the ruin tint: Brightly, sweet summer! Brightly re­ 1 monstrous an appendage ol' a tail, are by wide earth inspires; but the belief that on noble masters. Betwixt the line of eoro- resumed its heavenly serenity. ‘I am niorselessly inflicted upon them Thine hour; have floated by lit ' tin means calculated to make -you look on louder land the Saviour once trod with neted vehicles stood a hackney conch, and near enough to death,’ she resumed— their European civilizers. Thrice hap­ bint with feeling To the joyous birds of woodland Boughs_ ol complacency But human feet, I,owe,I down with suffering a person in an attitude ol anxious expec­ 'near enough to point you almost to Hea­ py are they who, inhabiting some yet un­ lie is as Ins creator formed him, and there- linked to our race by the sympathy o f - - To the rangers of the sky: tancy, passed as near the exhilerated ven trom where I am; and it is on my discovered island in the midst o f the ocean fore a right and proper alligator. row, bedewing our tombs with his tears, And Brightly to the forests, group as be could do without exciting henrt, like the one errand of mv life—like have never been brought into contamina- immediate attention. consecrating our world with his blood,— To the wild deer Bounding free; the bidding ot God to implore von to pre-1 ••"E contact with the white man.— | “ Tv- / ’m p/i'x Dictionary nJ' the Bible. And Brightly 'midst the garden flowers, ‘Which way?’ said he whose vehicle parc lor judgment. Oh, my lord, with ' P°°”—a new book ol’ advcntrucs by .Mr. lIopc-'Miin. To the happy iiiurmering bee. was nearest, standing with his foot on the your glorious powers, with your wondrous | Melville. “Hope springs eternal in the Ittitnan breast, step. gifts, lie not lust! Do not, for the poor) ------- ----- --------------- Alan never is, hut always to Be blest ” But how to human bosoms, ‘All together, of course,’ said another. pleasures ol a world like this, loose an A I, 1, I (J A T (» It S J’ltc last refuge o f mail is Hope. V b e n Providence. ■Shall not the Judge of till the earth do right.’ With all their hopes and fears; ‘Let’s make a night of it.’ eternity in which your great mind will out­ afflictions come upon him Iasi and thick; And thoughts that make them eagle wings 'Pardon m e,’ said the deep and sweet strip the intelligence of angels. Measure A letter from the ‘‘North State,” in when care fevers bis brain, and sorrow',, 1 " 1‘Pn a ’ad> 1 "',ns casing To pierce the unBorn years? voice of the Inst, out from the crowd; ‘1 this thought—scan the worth of angelic (lie Providence Journal, gives several in­ gnaws his heart; when the tide of misfor-! ' E° ’ K lvor / rom ew Y ork to Brook- tune lias parted the last cord that held Ids ' V ” vcV foEgy ,daJ’, ■" a small fifty Sweet Summer! to the captive secede, for one. Go your ways gentle­ bliss vyitli the intellect which has ranged teresting anecdotes of the aligator and men.' bark to Iter moorings, and the sound of! •? ', • v httlier and .' tveral other in,li­ Thou hast flown in Burning dreams so gloriously through the universe; do not his habits. W e make room for an ex­ Byron stood looking alter them for a Of the woods with their hopes and leaves. on this one momentous subject o f human tract from tin: letter: ds parting sinks like a death-k n e lli.it,. Ids ! . 11 u' l,ol«»l,ging to the same society with moment, and raised his hat and pressed inmost soul, awakening all its sympathies : hl,,19clr; " '8"i°"s „I going to ]• I H i­ And the blue rejoicing streams ; interest— on this alone lie not short sight 'Fite alligator sometimes reaches the his hand hind upon his forehend. The ed ! length o f eighteen feet, though seldom te the fearful reality of the moment, the’ *',g °" E<” 'g I?la" d’ *° a„ttufld a To the wasted and the weary, unknown person who had been lurking ‘\\ lint shall I do?' suddenly burst from more than twelve or fourteen, lie is a intensity of excitement gives wnv to a . " as n'/c,‘S8,lil’.'’> therefore, to cress the On the Bed of sickness bound, near, seemed willing to leave Inin for a Byron's lips in atone of agony. But with powerful reptile though on the land his hurst of anguish, a bitter tear of disap- el’ "',d "hen we arrived nt the In sweet delicious fantasies, moment, to his thoughts, or was embar­ an efi'ort as if struggling with tulcnth pang I bod’b' movements are necessarily so slow pointmont, or to that more strange and i 0<> , 11' s.trco,> " c hmiid that the That changed the very sound ; rassed at approaching a stranger. As he again drew up his form, and resumed ,bn‘ there is little danger from him uncontrollable, vet silent power—desnon- 8" ’:" " bt,a‘ 1,!,d J"8* '"'t the wharf. Being Byron turned, with his halting steps, how­ dency But, it is for a moment only; one u,,wlll,nE t0 ds return, we made To the sailor on the billows, the mnrhlc calmness of his countenance. 1 "hen his presence is known, even were ever, he came suddenly Io his side. The dying g irl, in the meantime, seem-' oouragous. But he is a coward, and convulsive throb, one lotm-drawn heart-, " co"1l1!,l,.v "d lt the passengers who stood In longings wild and vain 'M v lo rd ,’ lie said, and was silent, as if ed to have lost herself in prayer. With j cither mt land or water, when nttack- heaved sigh, and it is all over- a flush ' on ,l,,‘ f'fl'c ie n t to tempt the fo r- For the gushing founts and breezy hills, waiting permission to go on. Iter wasted hands clasped upon her bosom! cd> 1,nd pursued, is ever anxious to make passes over the heart like the fleet sun-i r>"lnen to 1’" ‘ ol1’ 111 n s,na11 bonf a,ul con’ And the homes of earth again.
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