2015/16 GAUTENG PROVINCE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PR210/2016 ISBN: 978-0-621-44697-5 Gauteng Office of the Premier Annual Report 2015/2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS ● ● SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION 2 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS 3 3. FOREWORD BY THE PREMIER 6 4. OVERVIEW OF THE ACCOUnting Officer 9 5. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 11 5.1 Vision 12 5.2 Mission 12 5.3 Values 12 5.4 Strategic goals 13 6. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 13 7. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 14 8. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE PREMIER 15 SECTION 2: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 17 1. STATEMENT OF Responsibility FOR Performance Information 18 2. AUDITOR GENERAL’S REPORT: PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 19 3. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE 19 3.1 Service Delivery Environment 19 3.2 Service Delivery Improvement Plan 19 3.3 Organisational environment 23 3.4 Key policy developments and legislative changes 30 4. STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS 31 5. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME 31 5.1 Programme 1: Administration 31 5.2 Programme 2: Institutional Development and Integrity Management 36 5.3 Programme 3: Policy and Governance 56 6. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION 77 6.1 Departmental receipts 77 6.2 Programme Expenditure 78 6.3 Transfer payments, excluding public entities 78 6.4 Public Entities 78 6.5 Conditional grants and earmarked funds paid 78 6.6 Conditional grants and earmarked funds received 79 6.7 Donor Funds 79 6.8 Capital Investment, maintanance and asset management plan 79 Annual Report 2015/2016 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government i SECTION 3: GOVERNANCE 81 1. INTRODUCTION 82 2. REPORT ON COMPLIANCE TO THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, 2000 (ACT NO 2 OF 2000) 89 3. RISK MANAGEMENT 89 4. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 91 5. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 91 6. CODE OF CONDUCT 92 7. HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 92 8. INTERNAL CONTROL UNIT 93 9. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 94 SECTION 4: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 97 1. LEGISLATION THAT GOVERN HR MANAGEMENT 98 2. INTRODUCTION 98 3. HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 99 3.1. Personnel related expenditure 99 3.2. Employment and Vacancies 100 3.3. Job Evaluation 102 3.4. Employment Changes 104 3.5. Employment Equity 107 3.6. Performance Rewards 109 3.7. Foreign Workers 111 3.8. Leave Utilisation 111 3.9. HIV/AIDS & Health Promotion Programmes 113 3.10. Labour Relations 114 3.11. Skills development 115 3.12. Injury on duty 116 3.13. Utilisation of Consultants 116 SECTION 5: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 119 1. Report of the Accounting Officer 120 2. Accounting Officer’s Statement of Responsibility 132 3. Report of the Auditor General 133 4. Annual Financial Statements 135 ii Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2015/2016 General Information 1Annual Report 2015/2016 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government 1 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION Physical Address: 30 Simmonds Street Corner Fox Street Johannesburg 2001 Postal Address: Private Bag X 74 Marshalltown 2107 Telephone Number/s: 011 355 6000 Fax Number: 011 834 9177 Email Address: [email protected] Website Address: www.gautengonline.gov.za 2 Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2015/2016 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS Abbreviation/Acronym Description ACUMDA African Cultural Music Dance Association AG Auditor General APP Annual Performance Plan BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment BCP Business Continuity Plan BEC Bid Evaluation Committee BMT Broad Management Team BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa CASE Community Agency for Social Enquiry CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women CFO Chief Financial Officer CLO Chief Litigation Officer CI Corporate Identity/Image CIC Central Information Centre COGTA Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs COMSEC Communication Security Pty LTD COO Chief Operations Officer CRPD Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CSCR Centralised Security Control Room CSM Corporate Services Management CSW Convention on the Status of Women CSOs Civil Society Organisations DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development DCS Department of Community Safety DED Department of Economic Development DID Department of Infrastructure Development DG Director General DRC Disaster Recovery Centre DPME Department for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation DPSA Department of Public service and Administration DQA Data Quality Audit DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land Reform DRT Department of Roads and Transport DTP Desk Top Publishing DWCPD Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities ECD Early Childhood Development ECSS Executive Council Strategic Support EE Employment Equity EAI Environmental Assessment Impact EMT Executive Management Team EPRE Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure ESS Executive Secretarial Services ESSM Executive Support and Stakeholder Management EWPH Employee Wellness Programme for Health EXCO Executive Council FIFA Federation of International Football Associations FSDM Frontline Service Delivery Model FY Financial Year GAC Gauteng Advisory Council GAS Gauteng Audit Services G & L SubCom Governance and Legislation Sub Committee of the Executive Council GCIS Government Communication and Information Service GCRA Gauteng City Region Academy Annual Report 2015/2016 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government 3 Abbreviation/Acronym Description GCRO Gauteng City Region Observatory GDF Gauteng Department of Finance GEWE Gender Equality and Women Empowerment GEYODI Gender, Youth and Disability GGDA Gauteng Growth Development Agency GICC Gauteng Infrastructure Co-ordinating Council GIFA Gauteng Infrastructure Funding Agency GIIMP Gauteng Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan GIS Geographic Information System GPD Gauteng Planning Division GPG Gauteng Provincial Government GPME Gauteng Performance Monitoring and Evaluation GSDF Gauteng Spatial Development Framework GSP Gauteng Spatial Perspective GTA Gauteng Tourism Authority GYC Gauteng Youth Commission HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individuals HEDSA Higher Education Disability Service Association HO buildings Head Office Buildings (i.e. provincial offices) HOD Head of Department IDP Integrated Development Planning IGR Inter-governmental Relations IGYF Intergovernmental Youth Forum IMP Infrastructure Master Plan IMS Information Management System IPSLAF Inter-Provincial State law Advisors Forum IR International Relations IT Information Technology IUDF Integrated Urban Development Framework JD Job Description JE Job Evaluation JICA Japan International Corporation Agency JOCOD Johannesburg Council for the Disabled LAN Local Area Network LGB Leader of Government Business LMS Litigation Management System LSM Living standard Measurement LUMP Land Use Management Programme LUMS Land Use Management Strategy MASP Men as Safety Promoters MinMECS Meetings of Ministers and MECs MISS Minimum Information Security Standards MMC Member of Mayoral Committee MPAT Monitoring Performance and Assessment Tool MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework MV Military Veterans MVO Military Veterans and Older Persons NACH National Anti-Corruption Hotline NCOP National Council of Provinces NGOs Non-Governmental Organisations NDP National Development Plan 4 Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2015/2016 Abbreviation/Acronym Description NPC National Planning Commission NPO Non-Profit Organisation OHS Occupational Health and Safety OOP Office of the Premier PABX / VOIP system PABX is a switchboard system and VOIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol PACCC Provincial Anti-Corruption Co-ordinating Committee PAIA Promotion of Access to Information Act PAJA Promotion of Administrative Justice Act PBC Premier’s Budget Committee PCF Premier’s Co-ordinating Forum PCS Provincial Communication Services PEP Provincial Evaluation Plans PFMA Public Finance Management Act PILIR Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-Health Retirement PLO Public Liaison Officers PMDS Performance Management and Development System PMO Project Management Office POA Programme of Action PSA Public Servants Association PSEA Premier’s Service Excellence Awards PSETA Public Sector Education and Training Authority PSR Public service regulations PwD People with Disabilities QoLS Quality of Life Survey SADC Southern African Development Community SADDT South African Disability Development Trust SAHRC South African Human Rights Commission SAMAG South African Men Action Group SAPS South African Police Services SAQA South African Qualifications Authority SCM Supply Chain Management SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plans SDWR Service Delivery War Room SHAP Self Help Association of Paraplegics SLA Service Level Agreement SMS Senior Management Service SOP Standard Operating Procedure SOPA State of the Province Address SPLUMA Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act SRMS Security Risk Management Service SSA State Security Agency (formerly National Intelligence Agency) TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio TMR Transformation, Modernisation and Reindustrialisation TORs Terms of Reference TRA Threat and Risk Assessment TSCM Technical Surveillance Counter Measure UN DESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs VAWAC Violence Against Women and Children WSP Workplace Skills Plan Annual Report 2015/2016 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government 5 BY THE PREMIER ● ● When we as this
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