THE KENYA GAZETTE Poblished under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LX-No. 17 NAIROBI, 8th April, 1958 Price: Sh. 1 -- - CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES I GAZETTENo~~c~s-(ClOntd.) ' PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc. .. .. , . 346 The Patents (Registration) Ordinance . 364 The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958- The Bankruptcy Ordinance .... .. 364 Nomination of Acting Members . 346,348 The Forest Denartment-Tenders . 365. 367 The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958- The Crown Lands Ordinance-Petrol Service Station Site Appointment of Assistant Ministers . 346 at Waivasha . 366 The Agriculture Ordinance, 1955-Appointment to The Native Lands Trust Ordinance-Plot at Bungoma . 368 Agricultural Sub-Committees ... 346 Legislative Council-Date of Next Meeting . 347 The Board of Industrial Development-Reappointment . 347 SUPPLEMENT No. 23 The Courts Ordinance-Special Appointment 347 . (Legislative Supplement) The Northern Province Livestock Improvement Ordin- LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE ance-Appointment' . 347 East African Railways and Harbours-Amendment to 158-The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958 . Tariff Book No. 2 . .. 347 . 159-Kenya Royal Instructions, 1958 East African Railways and Harbours-Tenders . 347 . The Registration of Titles Ordinance-Issue of Pro- (Published as a Special Issue or1 5th April, 1958) visional Certificate . 347 The Native Lands Trust Ordinance-Setting Apart of Land . 348 SUPPLEMENT No. 24 The Crow11 Lands Ordinance-Repossssion of Plot . 348 (Legislative Supplement) ?he African District Councils Oidinance, 1950-Appoint- LEGALNOTICE No. PAGE merit to Nandi Joint Board . 348 160-The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Ordin- 1958-Proclamation . 235 ance-Minister Licensed to Celebrate Marriages . 348 161-The Legislative Council (Specially Elected The ~du&tion Ordinance-Appointment . 348 Members) Regulations, 1958 . Language Examinations-Results . 349 162-The Legislative Council (Specially Elected The Animal Diseases Ordinance-Infected Areas . 349 Members) (General Election) Order, 1958 The Animal Diseases Rules-Appointmenl . .. 349 163-The Legislative 'Council (Postal Voting) Rules, 1958 . The Education (Government Bursaries) Rules, 1952- Appointment to Selection Board . 349 1 64-The Immigration (Amendment). Regulations, 1958 . The Seeds Ordinance, 1955-Appointments . 349 165-The Post Office Savings Bank (Amendment) Transport Licensing . -350-354 . Rules, 1958 . , . The Transport Licensing Ordinance-Delegation of 166-The Agriculture (Essential Crops) (Amendment) Powers . 354 Order, 1958 . Loss of Policies . 354 167-The Firearms (Reciprocal Provisions) Order, The Companies Ordinance . 355, 364 1958 . Liquor Licensing . 355-359 168-The Northern Province Livestock Improvement Vacancies . 359,360, 366 Ordinance, 1957-Application of Ordinance HM. Court of Appeal at Nairobi-Cause List .... 360 169-The Northern Province Livestock Improvement . Ordinance, 1957-Places of Collection of Trade Marks . 360, 361 Cess . Nyanza County Council ... .. 362 170-The Marsabit National Reserve Regulations, Naivasha County Council .... 362 1958 . Nakuru County council . .. 362 171-The Hide and Skin Trade Rules, 1950-Appli- City Council of Nairobi . .. 362 1 cation of Rules . 172-The Personal Tax Ordinance, 1957-Exemp- Kitale County Council . 366 1. I tions . Probate and Administration . 362, 363 i 173-The Hide and Skin Trade (Amendment) Rules, 1 Dissolution of Partnership . , . 363 I 1958 . 346 THE KENYA GXZE'I'TE 8th April, 1958 GAZBTTE NOTICE NO. 1 194 GAZETTE NOTICE XO. 1 197 . APPOINTM ENTS Lcossy. j / s/9/ 8x) ANTHONY PHILIP PALMER, M.C., to be District Commissiofler, THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN Embu District, Central Province, with effect from 22nd COUNCIL, 1958 M arch, 1958. (z..x. xo. 158 oj 1958) ANTHONY PHILIP PALMBR, M.C., to be Oëcer-in-charge, Embu District, Ccntral Province' (as defined in' Government Notice APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT V INISTBR No. 1351 of 1952), Mrith esect from 22nd March, 1958. By His Exiellency the Honourable Sir Evelyn Baring, Knight Grand Cross of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saipt M ichael DAVID VANSTONB PBAN, A.s.à.A., A.I.M.T.A./ to aCt aS Senior and . Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Assistant ' Secretary (Assistant Treasury Oflicer of Accouhts), Order, Governor and Commander-in-chief of the Colony and Treasury, with effect from 15th Varch, 1958. Protectorate of Kenya : JK K JEssoN ADIE to be Permanent Secretary for Forest Deve- lopment, Game and Fisheries, with eFect from 1st April, 1958. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) ' . of section 22 of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, MAGANLAL DAHYABHAI DESAI to act as Registrar, jj er Majesty ,s 1958, I do hereby appoint- Cburt of Appeal for E.astern Africa, with esect from 31st M arch, 1958. ' SHEIK.: MOHAMBD ALI SAID EL MANDRY, PAUL EMII- HEIM to be a Deputy Registrar of Her M ajesty's to be an Assistant M inister with eqect from the 5th and until Supreme Court of Kenya with effect from 3rd April, 1958. the 15th days of A pril, 1958, inclusive, to assist the M inister M' lss JOAN EI-BANOR ADAMS to act as Establishment Oëcèr, for Foçest Development, Game and Fisherics in the performance Judicial Department, with esect from 2nd M arch, 1958. of his functions. ' PsoRo Rt;l CARnoso to be Secretary, . Central' Tender Board, Given under my hand and the Pulylic Seal of the Colony at *with effect from 8th March, 1958. Nairobi this 5th day of Aprils 1958. ' RELINQUISHM ENT BARING, ANoRs,w PARK' HIJMS, c.I./., B.A. (HONs.) (CANTAB.), Ceased to be Governor. Permanent Secretary for Forest Development, Game and Fisheries, with esect from 1st April, 1958. GAZETrE NoTlce No. 1 198 PROM OTIONS W ONSI'. 1 /8/9/ 8A) ARTHLIR BRUCB TANNAHII-L, M.c., to be Under-secretary, Ministry of Africarf Affail's, with eieot from 1st July, 1957. THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN ROGBR AUBONE W II-KINSON to be Oëcer-in-charge, Nairobi COUNCIL 1958 Extra-provincial District, - Provincial Administration, with LL.N. No. 158 oj 1958) effect from 1st July, 1957. ' APPOIN FMEN r OF ASSISTANT MINISTF.R REVERSION By His Excellency the H onourable Sir Evelyn Baring, K night AI.FREI.I BBIJAMI'N Tow s ceased tc? be Secretary, Centrat Tender G rand Cross of the M ost Distinguislled O rder of Saint M ichael Board, with effect from 7th March, 1958. ' and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor and Colnmander-in-chief of the Colony and R. G . TURN BULL, Protectorate of Kenya : Chiel Secretary. IN EXERCISE of the pöwers conferred by sub-section ( 1) of section 22 of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, GAZETTB NOTICB No. 1195 (CONST. 1 / 8/ 9/ 8A) 1 958, l do hereby appoint- ' TH E KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN W ANYU'?U W AWERU, ESQUIRE, V.B.E., COUNCIL, 1958 to be an A ssistant M inister with efect. from 5th and until (L.N. No. 158 oj 1958) the 15th days of 'April, 1958, inclusive, to assist the Minister THE LEGISLATINE COUNCIL .ORDINANCE for Education, Labour an4 Lands -in the performance of his (Cap. 38) functions. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Colony at NOMtNATION oF ACTIyG M BMBER og THe LEGISLATtVB CoUNclL Nairebi this 5th day of April, 1958. By His Excellency the Honourable Sir Evelyn ' Baring, Knight Grand Cross of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M ichael E . BARING , and Saint George, Knight Colnmandel' of ttle Royal Victorial Governol'. Order, Governor and Commander-in-chief of the (-'olony alld Protectorate of Kenya : k . GAZrT'TE Nozqc.e No. 1199. ' IN PURSUANCE t)f the provislons of the Kenya (Ccmsti- tution) Ordel' in Council, 1958. and in exercise of the powers (500/5/195) conferred by section 21 of the Legislative .council Ordinahce, THE AGRICULTURE ORDINANCF,, 1955 l do hereby nominato- (No. 8 oj 1955). REGINAL:D FfBLD, Eslm lu , . MBMBERSHIP ()II AGRICULTURAL SUB-COMMITTEES to act as a member of the Legislatixe Council for the ciectoral ' ayea of Trans Nzoia dtzring the abscnce from the Colony of IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) . of section 28 .of the Agrictllture Ordinance, 1955, I herel?y the Honourable James Robert Maxwelly c.M.G., the Con- specify the 1st day of May, 1958, as nomination day ln stituency Elected Member for the said electoral area. respect of an election to fill the vacancy on the Turi/Elburgon Given under my hand at Nairobi this 5th day of April, 1958. Agricultural Sub-committeç caused by the death of M r. E. A. E. BARING, oray. Governor. -bated this 2nd day of April, 1958. Glzsz'vs Noaucs xo. 1196 ' (coNsl'. 1 /8/9/8A) W . N . B. LOUD ON , THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) 'ORDER IN Chiej Executive OFcer, COUNCIL, 1958' Board oj Agriculture (k%c/?edulel Areasq. (L.N. No. 158 oj 1958) . APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATF,D MEMBFR OF THE IOGISLATIVE GAZBTTB No'rlcE No. 1200 couxcls (500/5/ 197) By His Excellency the Honourable Sir Evelyn Baring, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Orddr of Saint M ichael OTHE AGRICULTURE O'RDINANCE, 1955 and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian (No. 8 oj 1955) . Order, Governor and Commandernin-chief iaf tlle Colony and M BMBERSHIP OF AGRICULTURAL SUB-COMMITTEES Pfotectorate of Kenya : IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrod i)y sub-section (2) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph (e) of of section 28 of the Agriculture Ordinance I hereby specify the sub-section (2) of section ' 23 . of the Kenya (Constitution) Order 1st day of M ay, 1958, as nom ination day in respect of an in Council, 1958, l do. hereby appoint- ' election to fill one vacancy on the Thika Agricultural Sub- Committee caused by the retirement of 1. A. M hclzel, Esq-, SHBIKH MOHAME.D At.l Sxuo BL M xxou.v in accordance with sub-section (2) of section 27 of the Agri- to be a Nofninated Member of the Ligislative.
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