TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction SCENARIO A: Comune di Milano SCENARIO B: Release_MI SCENARIO C: A second bombing SCENARIO D: The potentials of invisible APPROPRIATING MILAN - MILAN APPROPRIATED Milan is an anomaly among Italian cities. Milan doesn’t suffer under the clichés of the archetypical picturesque Italian city. Milan is the one city in Italy, which not burden with its his- torical past, has managed to rethink itself. It has since the rebuilding been the engine of Italy for good and bad. Originally as a result of its strength within art and design Mi- lan has become known for its fairs and venues. Development has turned the city from a producer of ideas to an importer of ideas. The furniture are no longer designed in Milan, its star archi- tects are imported (“New International Style”), the new peers in fashion are educated in London. We no longer travel to Milan, we travel to its fairs. Milan is ripe for a second rebirth. 1 million people live in Comune di Milano, 7 million people around the city; Milan reveals for us the collapse of the Euro- pean centric city model. It has become inherently unsustainable. For the last 30 years Milan the population of Milan has declined. Simultaneously the surroundings has been sprawling. The sprawl has a density that should suggest urbanity, the region around Mi- lan is one of the densest populated in Europe. The region of Mi- ODQLVPRQRHQWULF&RPPXWHUWUDI¿FVXIIRFDWHV0LODQRQDGDLO\ basis. The city center is increasingly becoming a caricature of itself; brand shops, brand bars, brand hotels, brand brands. The city is becoming mono functional. The city cannot sustain its own cultural production; from diverse culture to consumer culture. Milan – the Galleria. If no action is taken Milan will be drained. Milan is shrinking in ideas, production, population, tax revenue and culture. Milan is discussing an ambitious plan to halt its decline and double its population in the coming years. The proposal suggests a shift from a land use of 0,65 to 1. The ambition is to do so only on already constructed land. Can Milan, as it did under its last rebuilding after the bombing, with its unique combination of Italian, international and Central European, once again show the way forward? The workshop will develop an Atlas of ideas for how to realize Milan’s ambitious plan. Each scenario will take a radically dif- ferent idea as its starting point and project it into the future. Together forming an atlas of ideas for Milan. Adam Kurdahl, August 2010 SCENARIOS: Since the eighties the population of Milan has declined by 25% / 450.000 inhabitants. The PGT outlines a plan to increase the pop- ulation from today’s 1.300.000 to 2.000.000 in 2015 . An increase of 700.000 inhabitants equals the construction of 70.000.000m3 new built mass. It is envisioned that this increase should happen on former industrial sites and rail yards within the city border. The program would increase the average FAR of the city from 0,65 to 1. 7KH SURSRVDO KDV VSDUNHG D ¿HUFH SXEOLF GHEDWH UHJDUGLQJ WKH qualities and future of Milan; can this proposal be realized ZLWKRXW¿OOLQJDOORI0LODQ¶VRSHQVSDFHV"+RZZLOO0LODQGHDO WKHWUDI¿FSUHVVXUHLQWKLVIXWXUHVFHQDULR":LOOWKHVXJJHVWHG increase form the collapse of the city? The workshop will investigate scenarios for doubling the city without consuming unbuild land. Scenario 0: What happens when no action is undertaken? The project will project the last 30 years of Milan decline and WKHFXUUHQWGHYHORSPHQWSODQLQWRWKHQH[W\HDUV+RZZLOO Milan develop under the current strategy? Scenario 1: Nodal city Milan is on one hand a central player in an international eco- nomic network of cities and simultaneously the center of gravity for a local economy. Throughout history Milan has at critical moments reinvented it- VHOIWRHQVXUHWKHFLW\¶VFRQWLQXHGDIÀXHQWIXWXUH7KH¿UVWELJ shift was with the demolition of the Spanish wall in the nine- teenth century. Comune di Milano is 18km with a population of 1.3 mill inhabit- ants – down from 1.8 mill since 1980. The region of Lombardia and particular Provincia di Milano owes their success to the strength of Milan. While the population of Milan has been decreasing the province has been growing. Today one of the densest populated areas in Europe. Provincia di Milano consists of 134 commune’s making any coherent planning gestures impossible. Largely served by Autostradas the greater Milan is sprawling. Every day 800.000 cars enters the city of Milan from beyond the borders of the com- mune. Overcome the suffocation of Milan by strengthening its neighbors. Consolidate the province. Any plan for the development of Milan must include its greater Metropolitan area. The project will project future growth around the existing cit- ies and villages around Milan. Strategies for containment and GHQVL¿FDWLRQZLOOIRUFHQHZFHQWHUV$QRGDOSODQLVGHYHORSHG Clustering around major infrastructure hubs and growing along the main arteries. Green corridors of equal importance and strength ZLOOGH¿QHWKHSODQ The scenario suggests making Provincia di Milano the new Comune di Milano. Scenario 2: Milan revealed A new power structure - Corriere della Sera revealed The shadow council of Milan embodied in the Corriere della Sera shareholders are charged with betrayal against the nation. Milan appropriates their properties. Revealing an underlying invisible power structure in the city. The city can sell or they can use this as a new opportunity? A seemingly irrational pattern for development scattered through- out the city. Scenario 3: A second bombing Imagine a new plan for Milan. Save the monuments. Save the major arteries. New grids, new fabrics. Dare we look critical at the current reading and functioning of RXURZQFLW\FHQWHUV"5HLPDJLQH+DXVPDQQPHHWV&HUGD Cartesian projection of new projects. A grid of new large super structures are overlaid with the city fabric. The project will project a “collage of grids” on Milan, designing a slow but radical transformation of the city. Scenario 4: Invisible doubling The project will look at an invisible doubling of Milan’s density within it city borders. By careful incisions and replacements the proposal will project a 30 year development plan that will leave the city’s appearance un-changed while boosting its life. The project will locate voids in the existing city fabric and suggest new programs for them. (Voids; parking lots, uncompleted EORFNVG\VIXQFWLRQDOEXLOGLQJVVXEXUEDQGHQVL¿FDWLRQ The project will illustrate and overall strategy by 5 zooms of 1km2. 1)2500000 in 2030 COMUNE DI MILANO RELEASE_MI GORGONE Ugo_GUSMINI Dario_LA PLACA Serena Maria_LISTA Silvia Milan wants to double its populaƟon From 1.300.000 to 2.500.000 inhabita THE PRACTICE the current densifying strategy aim to develo Porta Nuova_Ex Fiera Milano_Varesine_Rogor sold by Comune di Milano to private develope those areas are not intended to host public funcƟons but to be transforme Big iconic projects Pumped build vol InternaƟonal architects involve caricatural luxury enclaves WHAT IF # ? what if we take back those And if we build up the city center a is it possible to ouline a new Milan by filling the exisƟng voids and Will new inhabitants bring new life and diversity to We want to rescue the city st THE PROVOCATIONS we w MANIFESTO ants op the post-industrial areas inside the city border redo Santa Giulia: just a few examples of missed centrality ers THE SPECULATION ed into exclusive residenƟal seƫngs umes No benefits for the city d great expectaƟons Huge earnings for a few Milanese entrepreneurs s e areas developing diīerently their enormous public potenƟals? llowing new people to live in it? expand the built mass starƟng from the historical urban fabric? a monofuncƟonal business-brand oriented city? tarƟng from its core want to live on top of the economical speculaƟon headquarters CITY LIFE 9 CommiƩment CityLife towards Saronno Società partecipata da Generali ProperƟes, Gruppo Allianz, Immobiliare Lombarda-Gruppo Fondiaria SAI e Lamaro AppalƟ. Architects Zaha Hadid, Arata Isozaki, Daniel Libeskind, towards Torino Pier Paolo Maggiora 14 4 Project Data 6 Project area CityLife owned area mq 255.000 areas of the Comune mq 111.000 areas given to the Comune mq 65.000 1 gross area mq 288.879 housing 51% terƟary 49% 3.2 park and public areas park and public areas of CityLife mq 130.000 areas given to the Comune mq 65.000 13 public parking lots mq 27.000 parkings for residents mq147.000 2 parkings for oĸces and commercial mq 50.000 History 9 compeƟƟon July 2004 construcƟon Time 2007 – 2014 PORTA NUOVA 10 CommiƩment Hines Architects 3.4 Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Kohn Pedersen Fox Architects, Boeri Studio 3.5 Project data Surface area mq 515.793 Gross area mq 340.693 Green mq 160.000 Parking lots 3.300 towards Genova History ConstrucƟon beginning 2007 ConstrucƟon ending 2012 CURRENT PROJECTS PLANNED PROJECTS Citylife 9 Bovisa 1 Garibaldi-Repubblica 10 San Siro 2 Palazzo della Regione 11 railway staƟons 3 Rubaƫno 12 farini 3.1 Portello 13 greco 3.2 Polo Esterno Fiera Milano 14 bovisa 3.3 Porta ViƩoria / BEIC 15 p.ta genova 3.4 Bicocca 16 san cristoforo 3.5 Santa Giulia 17 lambrate 3.6 p.ta romana 3.7 IsƟtuto neurologico Besta 4 CERBA 5 EXPO 2010 site 6 CiƩadella della GiusƟzia 7 Ponte Lambro 8 DENSIFYING AREAS SEDE REGIONE 11 CommiƩment Regione Lombardia Architects Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects, towards Chiasso CH Caputo Partnership e Sistema Duemila Project data towards Como Lecco Bergamo Surface area mq 33.700 Gross Area mq 87.000 16 Green mq 27.700 Parking lots 718 History CompeƟƟon April 2004 ConstrucƟon
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