BEaiETEBiD As A Himrri. ax® jowst otf ?gYc!goi<oG[icai( jgciitx<^. (Miwst xrmmhir toiflj Spnhudism in (Smi Britain, THE SPIRITUALIST is regularly on Sale at the following places :—LONDON: n, Ave Maria-lane, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C, PARIS: Kiosque 246, Boule­ vard des Capucines, and 7, Rue de Lille. LEIPZIG: 2, Lindenstrasse. FLORENCE: Signor G. Parisi, Via della Maltonaia. ROME: Signor Bocca, Libraio, Via del Corso. NAPLES: British Reading Rooms, 267, Riviera di Chiaja, opposite the Villa Nazionale. LIEGE: 37, Rue Florimont. BUDA- PESTH: Josefstaadt Erzherzog, 23, Alexander Gasse. MELBOURNE: 96, Russell-street. SHANGHAI: Messrs. Kelly & Co. NEW YORK: Harvard Rooms, Forty-second-street & Sixth-avenue. BOSTON, U.S,: “ Banner of Light” Office, 9, Montgomery-place. CHICAGO : “ Religio-Philosophical J ournal ” Office. MEMPHIS, U.S.: 7, Monroe-street. SAN FRANCISCO : 319, Kearney-street. PHILADELPHIA : 918, Spring Garden-street. WASHINGTON: No, 1010, Seventh-street. No. 315.—(Vol. XIII.—No. 10.) LONDON : FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1878. Published Weekly; Price Twopence. GTontntts. BRITISH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION THE PSYCHOLO GIGAL SOCIETY OF OF SPIRITUALISTS, GREAT BRITAIN, The Cure of Diseases near Sacred Tombs:—The Earthly 38, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY W.C. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W Career and Death of Bonedict Joseph Labre—The Ex­ traordinary Things which Happened either Before or Entrance in Woburn Street. President—Mr. Serjeant Cox. Immediately After the Death of the Servant of God— This Society was established in February, 1875, for the pro­ The Verbal Process Begun on Easter Sunday, Five CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER. motion of psychological science In all its branches. Its object Days After the Death of the Servant of God, and Im­ is tho investigation of the forces, organic and intelligent, that mediately Before tho Burial of his Body—An Account Tuesday, 3rd.— Seance Committee, at 5.30 pan. move and direct the material mechanism of man. Communi­ of the Miracles said to have been Wrought by the Friday, 6th.—Experimental Research Committee, at cations as to alleged phenomena are invited by the Committee Almighty, at the Intercession of His Faithful Servant, 6.30 p.m. of inquiry who hold investigation sittings without subscribing Benedict Joseph Labro.............................................................109 Tuesday, 16th.—Finance Committee, at 6 p.m. to or recognising any particular theory or belief. “ “ Council Meeting, at 6.30 p.m. A Horrible Result of Obsession or of Insanity ......................114 All particulars may be obtained on application to Self-Registering Apparatus for Weighing Mediums during Friday, 13M.—Experimental Research Committee. Friday, 26th.—Library Committee, at 5.30 p.m. FRANCIS K. MUNTON, Honorary Secretary. Manifestations. (Illustrated.) ... ..................................115 Willesden, N.W. A Talk about Ecclesiasticism and Spiritualism........................116 li “ Experimental Resoareh Committee at 6.30 Correspondence:—A Plea for the Wonderful—Spiritualism p.m. 14M.—Farewell Address by Mr. J. W. Colville, In Hackney—Spiritual Phenomena in tho Home Saturday, unacy law reform association, Circle—Henling Mediumship—Dr. Monck—The Inter­ at 3.30 p m. 64, Bemers-strcct, Londou. Office Hours from 10 to 4 , linked Rings—Spiritualism in Manchester and Oldham 117 Wednesday, 25th.—House and Offices Committee, at 5 p.m. andL Tuesday Evening from 6 to 7. Closed on Saturdays. The British Association at Dublin:—Religious Persecu­ “ “ Soiree Committee, at 5.30 p.m, tion in Ireland—Moral Lapses under the Influence of Friday, 27th.—General Purposes Committee, at 5.30 p.m. Pressure—Animal Psychology—The Influence of Scien­ “ » Experimental Research Committee, at unacy law amendment society, tific Revelations upon Differont Orders of Mind........... 118 _____________________6.30 p.m. _________________________________ , L 4, Wine Office-court, Fleet-street. Office hours, daily Canon Farrar on the Doctrine of Everlasting Perdition ... 120 between 11 and 3 (Saturdays, 11 and 1). Secretary, James Answers to Correspondents.............................................................120 BRIXTON PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Billington, who will receive all letters for Mrs. Weldon. Paragraphs :—Accident to Mrs. Bellew. 118 ; The City of Florence, 119 ; Mysteries of the Mind, 119 ; Anti­ OFFICES—6, Loughborough-road-north, Brixton. ALLAN KARDEC (Blackwell’s Translations). Vivisection, 120; The Animal and Vegetable King­ THE SPIRITS’ BOOK (1858). From the 120th thousand. doms ........................................................................... 120 The object of the society is to promote the study of Psychology and Spiritualism, and kindred subjects. THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK (1861). From the 85th thousand Members have the privilege of attending seances with well- HEAVEN AND HELL (1863). From the 60th thousand “THE SPIRITUALIST” NEWSPAPER: known mediums, and are entitled to the use of books on Price 7s. 6d. Trubner & Co., London. Spiritualism from the Library. A Record of the Progress of the Science and Ethics of For information as to rules of membership. &c., &c., apply Spiritualism. to— ___________________ H. E. FRANCES, Hon. SkC. EAVES FROM my LIFE. A narrative of Personal Experiences, with some account of American PUBLISHED WEEKLY, PBICE TWOPENCE. R. and MISS DIETZ having concluded Spiritualism,L as seen during a twelvemonth’s visit to the ESTABLISHED IN 18S9. their series of recitations at Langham Hall (“One of United States. Two Portraits. By J. J. MORSE. Price 2s. Mtho most successful series ever known in London ”), are nowFrom the Author, at Elm Tree-terrace, Uttoxeter-road, Derby. up HE SPIRITUALIST, published weekly, is the making Engagements for the Provinces, and will visit—the -L oldest Newspaper connected with the movement in the West of England, during the first week in October; Scotland, JAMES MALTBY, United Kingdom, and is the recognised organ of educated Spiritual­ during November; the Midland Counties, early in December. ists in all the English-speaking countries throughout the Globe; it Favourable terms arranged with Institutes en route. For par­ ARMY TAILOR AND ACCOUTREMENT MAKER also has an influential body of readers on the Continent of Europe. ticulars address Mr. Frank Dietz, 54, Dcnbigh-street, London,- To Her Majesty’s Military and Naval Forces The Contributors to its pages comprise most of the leading and S.W, Mr. Dietz is open to deliver an original lecture on Everything cf the best quality, more experienced Spiritualists, including many eminent in the ranks “ American Humour,’’ illustrated by characteristic renderings of Literature, Art, Scieuce and the Peerage. Among those who of the examples selected from different authors. At special prices to Spiritualists, to whom references can be have published their names in connection with their communica­ given. 5 per cent for cash. tions in its columns are Mr. C. F. Varley, C.E., F.R.S. • Mr. William Crookes, F.R.S., Editor of the “Quarterly Journal of Science” (who BIRMINGHAM. 8, HANOVER PLACE, REGENT’S PARK, LONDON, N.W admits the reality of the phenomena, but has, up to the present time, expressed no decided opinion as to their cause); Mr. Alfred R. Wallace, President of the Biological Section of the British Associa­ THE BIBLE AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM. EVERYBODY HIS OWN PRINTER. tion for the Advancement o( Science (1876); Prince Emile de Sayn-Wittgenstein (Wiesbaden); the Right Hon. the Countess or A LECTURE will be delivered in the Tempe­ THE “MODEL” PRINTING PRESS Caithness jxHis Imperial Highness Nicholas of Russia (Duke of rance Hall, Temple-street, Birmingham, in reply to the Is a self-inking one andean easily be worked by a child Leuclitenberg): Mr. n. G. Atkinson, F.G.S.: Lord Lindsay: the three Lectures recently delivered on the above subject by Mr. of ten. Hon. Robert Dale Owen (formerly American Minister at the Court of Naples); Baron Dirckinck-Holmfeld (Holstein); Mr. Gerald G. St. Clair, on Monday, September 9th, 1878, by Charles J. Its Simplicity is its recommendation. Sneath. The Chair will be taken by John P. Turner, Esq., at Massey; Le Comte de Bullet: the Hon. J. L. O’Sullivan, formerly You will find it a great source of interest and recreation, American Minister at the Court of Portugal; Mr. C. C. Massey, Eight o’clock precisely. Tickets—Side Galleries, Is.; Floor, Barrister-at-Law; Mr. George C. Joad ; Dr. Robert Wyld; Mr. T. P. 6d.; Great Gallery, 3d. May be obtained from Messrs. Rogers besides saving you time and money. Barkas, E.G.S.: Mr. Serjeant Cox, President of the Psychological and Priestley, Musie Warehouse, Colmore-row; Mr. Charles Tress, including Type and all accessories, from £5. Society of Great Britain; Mr. Alexander Calder, President of the Lowe, Bookseller, Broad-street corner; Mr. Aaron Franklin, C. G. SQUINTANI & Co. British National Association of Spiritualists; the Rev. J. Tyer- 31, Suffolk-street; Mr. W. Chaplin, 88, Parade; Mr. T. Harris, man (Australia); Mr. Epes Sargent (Boston. U.S.): Sir Charles Show Rooms 3, Ludgate Circus Buildings, London, E.C. Isham, Bart.; Mrs. Ross-Church (Florence Marryat): Mrs. Mak- 165, Deritend. dougall Gregory: the Hon. Alexandre AksaRof. Russian Imperial Send for an illustrated pamphlet, “HOW TO PRINT,” Councillor, and Chevalier of the Order of St. Stanislas (St. Petersburg); THE PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW. containing an abridged history of the art of printing, general the Baroness Adelma Vay (Austria); Mr. H. M. Dunphy, Barrister- catalogue of printing
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