CHICAGO’SFREEWEEKLYSINCE | FEBRUARY | FEBRUARY CHICAGO’SFREEWEEKLYSINCE Music is for every body Chicago’s concert venues have made welcome advances in accessibility, but a regulatory gray area lets them fall short of what they should be. By BO’D THIS WEEK CHICAGOREADER | FEBRUARY | VOLUME NUMBER IN THIS ISSUE T R - ARTS&CULTURE environmentalfablethecocreator morethisweek @ 10 VisualArtsFashiondesigner ofRussianDolllandsamasterpiece 33 TheSecretHistoryof DuroOlowucuratesoneofthe inTheLayoverandMlima’sTale ChicagoMusicBluesmanFrank PTB MCA’slargestshowseverfi lledwith showsthecostsoftheivorytrade “LittleSonny”ScottJrgavehisallto ECS K KH localtreasures MaxwellStreetforhalfacentury CLRH MEP M 35 EarlyWarningsJudasPriestthe TDKR MagneticFieldstheWeekndand CEBW morejustannouncedconcerts AEJL SWMD L G 35 GossipWolfPosteverything DIBJ MS fusionbandJe’rafcelebratetheir EAS N L debutalbumNickyFlowers GD AH CITYLIFE L CSC -J 03 TransportationThoughtful resuscitatesaMorrisseytweaking CE BN B transportationadvocacyrequires allsynthSmithscoverprojectand L C MDLC M intersectionality more C J F SF J H IH C MJ M K S K NEWS&POLITICS N DLJL 04 Joravsky|PoliticsAfew 13 LitJasmonDrain’sdebutcollection FILM MMA M-K JRN JN M reasonswhyTrumpreleasedBlago addshimtotheranksofChicago’s 21 ReviewKantemirBalagovsolidifi es O M S C S fromprison greatestauthors hissignaturestylewithBeanpole ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14 ListingsAnemovarietyshowan 22 MoviesofnoteWeAreNot DD J D artisticchilicookoff andmorearts PrincessesaboutSyrianrefugee DPE &P andculturehappenings womenrehearsingAntigone K K SMCJ G shimmersBrahmsTheBoyII MPC THEATER nailstheporcelaindoll’sabilityto YD 15 DancePreview AmericanTraffi c endearhimselftothosearoundhim A ATA celebratestheintersectionofIrish andFantasyIslandisjustanother OPINION ADVERTISING andAfricanAmericandance cautionarytaleagainstremakes 36 SavageLoveDanSavageoff ers -- - @ 16 Preview IAmNotYourPerfect adviceonhowtooutsourceandstill C @ MexicanDaughterfollowsaLatinx MUSIC&NIGHTLIFE satisfythesloppyandspittystuff SDP F teenasshestrugglesforherown 24 FeatureChicago’sconcertvenues helikes VPSA M 06 Dukmasova|NewsAsthe identity havemadewelcomeadvancesin CRM T P SAR mayorspotlightsthecity’seviction 18 ReviewInPlanothreesiblings accessibilitybutaregulatorygray CLASSIFIEDS L M-H L S problemscourtdatashowslittleis shareliveswithmessymeninan arealetsthemfallshortofwhatthey 38 Jobs AR changingandPangeaisstillfi ling endlessloop shouldbe 38 Apartments&Spaces G MFNS CSM WR themostevictioncasesinChicago 20 PlaysofnoteTheGhostin 30 ShowsofnoteWireRatboys 38 Marketplace Gadsden’sGardenisadelightful ChicagoFlamencoFestivaland NA V M G - - - ­­ THIS WEEK ON CHICAGOREADER.COM J L SB ---------------------------------------------------------------- DC [email protected] -- CHICAGO READER L C BPD R L TE R S J S A- S V CC E B ---------------------------------------------------------------- R ISSN­-­ R LC SM S C IL­­­ -- C ©C R So you want a new A Dusty Groove doc High Fidelity is poised to be P C IL A C R R president? premieres in Chicago an all-time top fi ve RR T ® The Back Room Deal podcast is back! Danielle Beverly’s Dusty Groove: The The TV reboot remixes all the best Listen to Ben Joravsky and Maya Sound of Transition tells intimate parts of the movie into something O I Dukmasova talk Illinois delegate stories about our deep connection to even better. FOF O’ assignments. music. 2 CHICAOREADER - FEBRUARY ll CITY LIFE The MiCA transit-oriented development near the Christian Diaz is co-chair of Elevated Chica- California Blue Line station JOHNGREENFIELD go, which advocates for equitable transit-ori- ented development (TOD), and is lead housing do a major facelift of a rapid transit station organizer for the Logan Square Neighborhood without making it wheelchair accessible? Association, which fights displacement. In Would increasing taxes on private Uber that swiftly gentrifying northwest side com- and Lyft rides to fight traffic congestion, as munity, green projects like the 606 elevated Chicago recently did, reduce the income of trail, and the many dense, high-end devel- working-class and immigrant ride-hail driv- opments that have sprung up near Blue Line ers, or make it more expensive for women, stations since the City Council passed ordi- trans people, and other at-risk individuals to nances facilitating TOD, have fueled housing feel safe while traveling home at night? If so, speculation. how can we mitigate these things? A study released last month by DePaul Uni- You get the idea. If you’re a livable streets versity’s Institute for Housing Studies found advocate, my advice is to try to avoid having that home prices along the western half of the blinders on about possible unintended conse- 606 have risen by nearly 344 percent since quences, even if they wouldn’t directly a ect 2012. And last week the developer of Logan’s TRANSPORTATION you. The historic failures of privileged deci- Crossing, an upscale TOD that replaced the sion-makers to see this stuff is a big reason Discount Megamall, an indoor fl ea market that why it’s important to have all demographics featured largely Latino vendors, announced Don’t be a livable streets jerk represented in planning and advocacy, as well that studio apartments will rent for a whop- as the community input process. ping $1,895 a month. Thoughtful transportation advocacy requires intersectionality. Chicago leaders who fight for racial and “We can’t just tack on sustainable transpor- economic justice on a daily basis shared some tation amenities to the racist monster that is By JG more thoughts on the subject. Former mayoral gentrification and development in Chicago, candidate and Austin Chamber of Commerce in a neighborhood like Logan Square that has director Amara Enyia, who helped collect been historically redlined,” Diaz says. “We raffic safety and sustainable transporta- to their credit, acknowledged on Twitter that input for Vision Zero in west-side neighbor- have to be mindful of how our work relates to tion boosters like myself like to believe they’d made an error. hoods, notes that the potential for increased that history. If only some neighborhoods get Twe’re on the right side of history. I’m In fairness, I’ve made my share of mistakes police abuse was largely o the radar of trans- amenities like the 606 and nice housing near confident that in the future more people will in covering sustainable transportation issues portation o cials and mainstream advocates. transit, there’s going to be competition for get behind our efforts to reduce driving and over the years. The most important rule I’ve “Nobody thought about the implications for space, and demographics that have been his- crashes, and create better conditions for walk- learned is to always ask myself what the po- communities that are already struggling with torically propped up by government policies ing, biking, transit, and public space. tential impacts of projects and policies may be over-policing.” will have an advantage. Then we’re just rein- On the other hand, urban planning and liv- on people from various marginalized groups. Enyia credits Oboi Reed, who leads the mo- forcing racial injustice.” able streets advocacy have historically been I’m talking about questions like, if we ramp bility justice nonprofi t Equiticity, with being “We need our friends in sustainability dominated by relatively privileged folks, who up tra c policing in lower-income communi- a “crucial voice” for bringing that issue to the advocacy to ask themselves who projects are are typically white, male, middle class or af- ties with high levels of tra c violence as part forefront by convincing the Active Transpor- for, and how we can make sure the benefi ts go fl uent, well-educated, aren’t living with a dis- of Vision Zero—the e ort to eliminate serious tation Alliance to cancel a planned Vision Zero to everyone, including the people who need ability, etc. As such, there have been plenty of and fatal crashes—will that result in more summit with a $50 entry fee and an all-white them the most, not just rich white people,” examples of livable streets advocates having racial profi ling and police abuse of Black and speaker lineup. Diaz says. He credits Active Trans with being blind spots when it comes to issues impacting Brown residents? “It’s important to avoid a narrow view of “a great partner to LSNA” in recent years by marginalized communities. Similarly, if Chicago responds to the recent what safety is,” Enyia adds. She notes that building support for a 100-percent a ordable This has sometimes resulted in policies and wave of violent robberies on the el by deploy- while transportation advocates often focus TOD next to the Logan Square Blue station, projects with unintended consequences, or ing more police o cers in the system, how do on protecting people from dangerous drivers, and helping to pass an ordinance last month transportation advocacy that actually does we make sure that results in a net increase in mobility barriers like street crime and unfair freezing development along the west end harm. So I wanted to take a look at ways that safety and comfort for all riders? enforcement, such as the CPD’s practice of of the 606 for six months so that the city can advocates can be better allies to social justice If we extend a rapid transit line, build a nifty heavy bike ticketing in Black and Brown
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