Panamanians approve canal treaties Rozier services by 2 to 1 margin in referendum to be tomorrow The Commanding Officer, Marine PANAMA CITY (UPI) -- The people of has yet to ratify the Senate, which Congress fear the White House is Barracks, announced Friday that have approved, by a two to Panama accords. losing its battle to win popular Memorial Services for Marine Ser- one margin, the canal treaties ne- have run into no The treaties support for the accords. geant Albert Rozier will be held gotiated with the United States, small Senate opposition, particular- The treaties must be ratified by tomorrow afternoon. Panamanian officials say more than ly over the question of the American two-thirds of the Senate to take ef- The services will be conducted by 90 percent of the country's elegible right to intervene militarily after fect. However, polls showing wide- Chaplain Norm Williams. Colonel voters cast ballots in the referen- the canal reverts to Panamanian con- spread public disapproval are push- Mark Fennessy, the commanding of- dum on the new canal accords which trol. ing many senators against them or ficer of the Marine Barracks, will cede control of the strategic water- polls closed yesterday, at least forcing the But, as lawmakers onto deliver the eulogy. In addition, way to Panama by the year 2000. Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos ex- the fence. Chief Capp, representing the Fleet What the election results mean is that the Senate pressed confidence In Atlanta Saturday, the National Reserve Association, will conduct that the question of whether the new fact ratify the new accord. Federation would in of Republican Women adop- a "Tolling of the Bell" ceremony. canal agreement takes effect is now supporters of the agree- ted a resolution However, opposing the trea- The services will be held on the squarely in the hands of the U.S. in the State Department and ment ties. Parade Deck at the Marine Barracks and will include a Color Guard and Church Call. The traditional trib- ute to a fallen Comrade-in-Arms will be offered by his fellow Ma- rines from the Marine Barracks. Services will begin at 3 p.m. with all base residents welcome to come. Sgt. Rozier was killed Thursday, Oct. 20, in the line of duty while performing routine maintenance on a minefield. The Navy' only dhone-based daily Sgt. Rozier was 34 years old and had been stationed here since Jan- Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Tuesday, October 25, 1977 Vol. 32 No. 204 U.S. Naval Base, uary of 1976. His wife Jean and son Todd live aboard the base. Tongsun Park payoff scandal could hurt U.S. Korean relations SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA (UPI) -- The There was speculation that the bery charges contained in a U.S. ficial, John Cannon, spokesman for controversial Tongsun Park payoff American side may still want Park federal grand jury indictment. Some Richard Holbroke, assistant secre- the scandal remains a thorny diplomatic to be back on American soil for observers suggested that was tary of state for Asian and Pacific issue between the United States and cause of the talks failure in Seoul. affairs, reportedly told reporters South Korea and could further hurt questioning and trial on 36 counts The speculation was borne out by in Washington after the breakup, their already strained relations. of corruption, mail fraud and bri- remarks by a State Department of- "We feel strongly that Tongsun Park The failure by law officials of should return to the United States." the two countries to agree on how Political analysts say in view of to question the millionaire rice the position adopted by Seoul, the reach merchant for his role in alleged two sides will not be able to Korean influence buying activities Congressional conferees agree agreement on the Park payoff scan- on Capitol Hill appears to have ad- dal probe as long as the United ded to the controversy rather than States sticks to this stand. paving the way for a solution. South Korea has made it clear it Korean officials refuse to dis- has no intention of forcing Park close why the negotiations between to grants for fuel-saving devices back to the United States because feels a U.S. Justice Department team head- he is a Korean citizen, Seoul WASHINGTON (AP) -- House and Senate energy proposals. The handled within ed by Assistant Atorney General President's everything should be conferees agreed yesterday to must reconcile sovereignty Benjamin Civiletti and a Korean Lee energy conference committee the framework of Korea's provide federal grants to help low- differences Jong-Hon broke down after 28 hours the House and Senate and international practices. families, schools and hospi- of marathon talks over four days. income and produce a final bill. Officials point out there is no purchase insulation and other approved a near- However, the officials say they tals The conferees also extradition treaty between the two fuel-saving devices. dollar three year pro- may pinpoint what caused the break- ly one billion countries. conferees met on the Veterans grants to talks down later, after watching U.S. re- The gram of energy conservation The officials said the Seoul Day holiday to try to write a compro- and hospitals. and his group ended actions. If the Americans speak schools with Civiletti national energy bill. bill would give possibility out, the Korean side might also mise The House passed without discussing the They agreed to make grants of up the power to Civiletti tell the whole story. the federal government of renewed negotiations. to one-fourth more than the national money would go, Seoul he did Civiletti and two other Justice decide where the himself said while in poverty level. while the Senate voted to distribute return for fur- Department officials left Seoul for not think he would populations. home last Thursday after four days it based on state ther meetings. In approving the program, the con- six-to-five say the of futile effort to clear the stage Senate conferees agreed Still, Korean officials ferees adopted a provision contained with the House proposals further for American questioning of Park. to go along issue could be discussed in the House-passed energy bill, provision that no state channels or be- A terse one sentence joint state- but with a through diplomatic which has the support of the Carter more than 10 percent or of the two ment before departure said, "We could receive tween law authorities Administration. less than one-half of one percent of have been unable to reach an agree- sides. The Senate has rejected most of the the ment." money. Rolling Stone reports Ribicoff proposes get tough policy (DPI)-- Senator Abraham Ribicoff terrorists have escaped death or Israeli arsenal builtsaid yesterday it's time for the punishment. Tip O'Neill and r r nt United States to get tough with any Ribicoff's proposals have the sup- countries that aid terrorist hijack- port of'the Air Line Pilots Assoi cia- ings. tion. fro urniuth ft nder Ribicoff's proposal, U.S. West Germany, meantime, has s nt U.S. businessmen fro ur niu th ft airlines would boycott any country special police to 13 internation al that, in the president's opinion, airports to check passengers fly: ing pirates. A study shows to Germany. They hope to head o ff (U UPI) -- An article in yesterday's helps air now fitting that de- more hijacking incidents. isissue of Rolling Stone Magazine says that nations meet with Castro And at the U.N. yesterday, the Is srael has put together an arsenal scription include Russia, China, Le- General Assembly's steering coma it- off nuclear weapons from uranium North Korea, Cuba, Yemen, Iraq, Zaire tee agreed without objection to rec- ti hefts in Europe and America. banon, Tanzania, the Congo, HAVANNA (UPT) -- House Speaker Tho- on "safety of inte rna- According to the report, the Israe- and especially Libya and Algeria. commend debate mas O'Neill and a group of 42 busi- aviation" to avoid a 1,i government turned to uranium hi- The Conneticut Democrat says a tional civil nessmen and their wives are sched- line pilots strike acking after it was forced to stop C.T A osoer shows 79 percent of air global air uled to meet with Cuban President j of nu- a 10 year smuggling operation Fidel Castro today. United C lear materials from the The group arrived in Cuba yester- Cf Csthe day for a five-day trip designed to S late t tsi help bring Cuba and the U.S. closer The report says th CINCINNATI (AP) -- It's 61 days 'til water, the head comes up and the cow Israeli commando 1960's a special Christmas, and toy makers are getting moos. That means it's ready for set up to carry out four to resuming trade. unit was into high gear. Even Scrooge would milking. And the company provides a in Europe with the The two countries have held inter- uranium hijackings not say "Humbug" to "Milky, the Mar- bucket to catch the milk. of France and West Ger- mittent talks on resuming trade and cooperation velous Milking Cow." diplomatic relations since 1974. many. One company -- Kenner of Cincin- The company says the New York Dairy Consulate in New York A current American embargo prohib- The Israeli nati -- is hoping "Milky" will be a Council has already requested six toy is flatly untrue and its businessmen from signing trade says the story big item this season. cows to be used in training programs in an effort to contracts with the Cubans but doesn't is being circulated It comes with its own trough, and to show city kids that milk doesn't of Israel.
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