Shizuoka MICE Guide MICE MENU (Shizuoka Central Area) Planning Your MICE Event Here we introduce some special ideas for MICE. Why don’t you plan your conference or party in an unusual and unique way such as below? Please direct the enquiries to Shizuoka Convention Bureau. [638/6('5($0)(55<]Ocean Princess (QMR\WKHEHVWRI-DSDQDWWKLVRQERDUGSDUW\ 10-80 Hinode-cho, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 424-0922 https://www.dream-ferry.co.jp/ Aboard a gorgeous sailing ship said to be the Lady of the sea, from Japan’s deepest waters, Suruga Bay, enjoy this elegant onboard party admiring Japan’s highest mountain, Mount Fuji. [Ocean Princess] Length: 37.0 meters Weight: 232.1 tons Sea Speed: 8.5 knots Max Capacity: 141 people [0$5,1(6&,(1&(086(80 62&,$/('8&$7,21&(17(572.$,81,9(56,7<] 3DUW\LQIURQWRIWKH$TXDULXP7DQNDIWHU&ORVLQJ+RXUV 2389 Miho, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 424-8620 http://www.umi.muse-tokai.jp/ How about planning a party at a marine museum where over 1000 fish of 50 species(including sharks and rays) swim right up close? You can enjoy the mystical atmosphere that can only be experienced at this museum. Ŷ$YDLODEOH7LPH Ŷ&DSDFLW\SHRSOH *Food is offered in buffet style. Beverages with free refills include both soft drinks and alcoholic drinks. [)XJHWVXUR] 3DUW\DWWKHUHPDLQVRIWKHUHVLGHQFHRIWKHORQJOLQHDJH7RNXJDZD+RXVHKROG 11-1 Konya-cho, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi 420-0852 https://fugetsuro.co.jp/ It is a historical place where Lord Yoshinobu lived for 20 years. Following this, it became a reception hall of Shizuoka for the next 120 years. In the middle of the city, appreciate its spectacular nature changing from season to season, and enjoy the typical food of Shizuoka. Ŷ&DSDFLW\SHRSOH 6WDQGLQJ SHRSOH 6HDWHG Ŷ$UHDVTPHWHUVFHLOLQJKHLJKWPHWHUV Ŷ7KHKRWHOJDUGHQVTXDUHLVORFDWHGKHUHDVZHOO [*5$1'$,5%RXTXHW72.$,] Party in the sky restaurant rising above the city Aoi bldg,17-1 Konya-cho, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 420-0852 http://www.grandair-bridal.jp/ Aoi Tower rising directly in front of the Shizuoka Station has an outstanding location that is suitable for all visitors. In this sky restaurant, you can party while looking at the city’s streets from above, and admire Mount Fuji in the distance. %DQTXHW5RRP³.RVXPRVX´RQWKHWRSIORRU Ŷ&DSDFLW\SHRSOH 6WDQGLQJ SHRSOH 6HDWHG Ŷ$UHDVTPHWHUVFHLOLQJKHLJKWPHWHUV Ŷ7KHUHLVDQDQRWKHUEDQTXHWURRPZKLFKFDQDFFRPPRGDWHSHRSOHLQDWKHDWHUVW\OHVHDWLQJ 34 MICE MENU Contact Details: Shizuoka Convention Bureau Tel: +81-54-254-2215 URL: https://www.visit-shizuoka.com/convention/ [NIHONDAIRA YUME TERRACE] Enjoy the spectacular scenery and learn about the rich history and cultural value of Nihondaira 600-1 Kusanagi, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 424-0886 https://nihondaira-yume-terrace.jp/ Get blown away by the incredible 360° panoramic view overlooking Mt.Fuji and iconic spots including Suruga Bay, the deepest and most beautiful bay in Japan, Shimizu Port, Miho-no-Matsubara, Izu Peninsula, the Southern Alps, and more. Enjoy the ever-changing scenery of Mt.Fuji in different seasons;24 hours, 365 days a year. Ŷ2SHQLQJ+RXUV6XQ)UL~6DW~ 7KH2EVHUYDWLRQ&RUULGRULVRSHQ Ŷ&ORVHGRQWKHVHFRQG7XHVGD\RIWKHPRQWKDQGIRU1HZ<HDU¶V+ROLGD\V Ŷ1HFHVVDU\7LPHPLQXWHV Craft Art Center[ 680387$.80,6+8.8] ([SHULHQFH6KL]XRND¶V&XOWXUH7KHPHGRQ+LVWRU\DQG7UDGLWLRQDO,QGXVWU\ 3240-1 Mariko, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka 421-0103 http://www.sunpurakuichi.co.jp/takumi/ Here visitors can create their own lacquer ware, dyed cloths, bamboo ware, ceramics, and other handmade crafts. For a memorable day, experience the skill of Shizuoka craftsmen and make renowned bamboo ware or dyed cloths using methods passed down from the Edo Period. Ŷ2SHQLQJ+RXUV GXULQJ Ŷ&ORVHGRQ Ŷ&DSDFLW\SHRSOH GHSHQGLQJRQFRXUVH [7KH7HD0XVHXP6KL]XRND] ([SHULHQFHWHDZLWKDOOILYHVHQVHVLQ-DSDQ¶VWRSWHDSURGXFLQJUHJLRQ 3053-2 Kanayafujimi-cho,Shimada-shi, Shizuoka 428-0034 https://tea-museum.jp/ The tea museum, Shizuoka is located on the Makinohara Plateau, the largest tea farming region in Japan. It features exhibits introducing tea industry, history, and culture as well as rich tea picking and rubbing experiences as well as courses that teach using the five senses, and offers opportunities for everyone both young and old to enjoy learning about tea. Ŷ2SHQLQJ+RXUV ODVWHQWU\ *Tea Room:9:30-16:00(15:30 last entry) Ŷ&ORVHGRQ7XHVGD\V ,I7XHVGD\LVDSXEOLFKROLGD\WKHQLWZLOOEHRSHQ7XHVGD\DQGFORVHWKHIROORZLQJGD\ Ŷ&DSDFLW\SHRSOHDWDWHDFHUHPRQ\ Ŷ1HFHVVDU\7LPHPLQXWHV [6KL]XRND7HD7RXULVP'HVN] Experience the real Japanese tea that can only be enjoyed in the areas that produce it In Shizuoka city and various places in the central part of Shizuoka Prefecture https://www.ochanomachi-shizuokashi.jp/tourism/chameguridesk/ In Shizuoka city, the center of Shizuoka prefecture, you can have experiences related to Shizuoka’s tea with tea producers, factories and such. Enjoy various experiences such as a tea manufacturing tour, tea picking, tea leaf tempura, tasting, and so on. Ŷ&DSDFLW\SHRSOH GHSHQGLQJRQWKHH[SHULHQFHV Ŷ:RUNLQJKRXUVGLIIHUGHSHQGLQJRQWKHH[SHULHQFHV Ŷ3OHDVHFRQWDFW6KL]XRND&RQYHQWLRQ%XUHDXIRUDQ\TXHVWLRQVXVLQJWKHFRQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQ SURYLGHGDWWKHWRSRIWKHSDJH 35 Shizuoka MICE Guide Post Convention POST CONVENTION TOURS (Shizuoka Central Area) Here are some of our suggestions for activities that you can do after conventions to see and learn more about the area. For more details, please contact the bureau below. Shizuoka Convention Bureau Tel: +81-54-254-2215 URL: https://www.visit-shizuoka.com/convention/ 9:00 9:40~10:30 10:40~11:30 12:00~13:30 14:00 Shizuoka NIHONDAIRA Ropeway Kunozan Toshogu Ropeway NIPPONDAIRA Shizuoka Station YUME TERRACE Shrine and HOTEL(Lunch) Station A panoramic view of the the Museum The hotel, nicknamed whole area of Shizuoka The oldest Toshogu that “landscape museum”, has city, along with Mt. Fuji. enshrines Tokugawa magnificent views of Ieyasu. The Prefecture only Suruga Bay and Mt. Fuji. national treasure building. NIHONDAIRA YUME TERRACE Kunozan Toshogu Shrine and the Museum NIPPONDAIRA HOTEL(Lunch) https://nihondaira-yume-terrace.jp/ https://www.toshogu.or.jp https://www.ndhl.jp/ 9:00 9:20~9:50 10:30~12:00 13:00~14:00 14:30 Shizuoka Shizuoka Sengen Shrine Green tea experience Fugetsuro(Lunch) Shizuoka Station This is the main of Experience a tour of Lord Yoshinobu lived in the Station the three shrines a typical tea mansion for 20 years. Following named ‘Sengen producing area. this, it became a reception hall of Shrine’. Shizuoka for the next 120 years. Shizuoka Sengen Shrine Inside Shizuoka City Fugetsuro http://www.shizuokasengen.net/ https://fugetsuro.co.jp/ 9:00 9:40~11:30 11:40~12:30 13:00~14:00 14:10~14:25 14:40~15:30 16:30 Shizuoka Nihondaira NIHONDAIRA S-Plus Dream Bay Promenade Miho-no- Shizuoka Station Ocha Kaikan YUME TERRACE Plaza(Lunch) Cruise from the Matsubara Station Experience green A panoramic view of Have lunch at a Shimizu Port to Miho One of the component tea picking with the the whole area of commercial complex that Peninsula enjoying a parts of World Heritage Mt. superb view of Mt. Shizuoka city, along features 'Shimizu Sushi view of Mt. Fuji. Fuji. See the famous pine Fuji and Suruga Bay. with Mt. Fuji. Yokocho' with 8sushi tree ‘Hagoromo-no Matsu’ restaurants. Features and enjoy the view of Mt. many other shops too. Fuji over the beach. Nihondaira Ocha Kaikan NIHONDAIRA YUME TERRACE S-Plus Dream Plaza Bay Promenade Miho-no-Matsubara and Mt. Fuji https://nihondaira-yume-terrace.jp/ https://www.dream-ferry.co.jp/baycruise/ekiben.html http://www.ocha-kaikan.jp/ http://www.dream-plaza.co.jp/ 9:00 10:00~11:30 11:50~12:30 13:30~14:30 15:00~16:00 17:00 Shizuoka The Tea Museum, Oigawa Railway Gyokuro-no-Sato Yaizu Fish Center Shizuoka Station Shizuoka (Lunch) One of the three major Gyokuro A wholesale market includes Station Learn and experience Feel nostalgic and (high-quality green tea) about 70 shops handling tea with all five comfortable with the producing areas. There is a fresh fish and seafood just senses at the tea seasonal scenery tea house where you can taste unloaded from the local producing region. alongside Oigawa Line. genuine Gyokuro and Matcha. fishing port. The Tea Museum, Shizuoka Oigawa Railway Gyokuro-no-Sato Yaizu Fish Center https://tea-museum.jp/ http://shizutetsu-retailing.com/gyokuronosato/ http://oigawa-railway.co.jp/ https://www.sakana-center.com/ 36.
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