HOMe 01 the NeUJ$ All the News of All the Pointes Every Thuf$day Morning Grosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Vol. 32-No. 35 '- Entered;; Se~nd c~;'-~i ... _-_. -----ih;;;;d;y,- September 2, J 971 M.ODPer "'Jar ____________________ Ul_e_P._o_.t_O_fllce at DeU_o_It_._M_lcbJ_C_LD. .____ . _ .•••• __ .. ' __ • __ • 1Se Per Copy 26 Pages-Two Sections-Section One r-------:--:--------------------------~.:-----------------------. -------------------.------~---------------------------------- t. HEADLINES What A Difference A Few Months Make ipublic Schools SetSE~TA S~ys of tng i ServIce WIll WEEK A$ Compiled bll th, To Receive 13,347 Be Improved GroUlr 'Pointe Neun $156,000 Federal Grant Students Sept. 7 Obtained to Continue Thursday, August 26 Operation of Buses PROSPECTS FOR SWIFT I So Vital to Pointe ~nactment of Nixon's econom. Full Day of Instruction Scheduled for Opening Ses- lC recovery plan faded Wed. sion Tuesday with Planning Conferences Lake S h 0 r e C 0 a c h nesday as Senate Democratic , Completed Early Lines, Inc., made the im. Leader Mike Mansfield pre. portallt transition Wed. dieted lengthy &mate debate The beginning of 'What Dr. Theos 1. Anderson, over its tax reform provisions nesday from a troubled Superintendent of Schools, hopes will be a "good precarious private com: and organized labor vowed to school year for Grosse Pointe," will begin on Tuesday, fJght tax breaks for big busl. pany to a strengthened, September 7, for an estimated 13,347 youngsters. organized carrier under ness. With, staff planning confer- ~----------- the management of the • • • ences held prior to Labor Day I • VICE-PRESIDENT AGNEW Southeastern M i chi g a n this year, school officials said' Louf,sell Ja un c h e d a counter. attack that September 7 will be a full Says Transportation Authority Wednesday on "nit-picking" day of instruction throughout H. S (SEMTA). Democrats and labor leaders the school system and urged lS entence The official change in man- who have criticized President full attendance by all elemen- agement was announced by Nixon's wage. price freeze. in Thomas H, Lipscomb, SEMTA a speech to ~he American So- ~~~~~n~i.ddle, and senio~ high l's Too Stiff I!eneral manager, who said ciety of Association Execu. Dr~-AilalfrSllll. S8id-that-hilti - __ "..... __ that Senator Rllbert P. Grif. tives, Agnew predicted that fin's office had Informed him C~~!!lqr_Q.Pt.lmismjs-Pr~mpted Wm-Ap' peal 't~ Circuit one of Mr. Nixon's bitterest by a number of factors, not • that a $156,000 federal grant '.! critics, AFlrCIO President had been approved. enabling " the least of w,hlch Is what he Court to Lessen Punlsh- George Meany, will eventually terms "an increasing aware. ment for M a, Iic i0 u s the Authority to continue bus service for the six commu- go along with the President's ness by a growing number of I 0 f G If nities served by Lake Shore. program. Grosse Pointers that the only amage 0 0 .. .. way to insure the continua- CQurse After Lake Shore manage . Friday, August 27 tion of local control of public -- ment had announced it would IN A SURPRISE CONCILIA- education is to retain Cinanc-I Gregory D. Louisell 17 terminate service as of July TORY MOVE to win union ing at the local level." of 1012 Three Mile drive' 30, SEMTA proposed a plan support, the administration o!- Sep&ember 13 EJeeUon pled guilty to the charg~ to assume operation o! the line fered labor Thursday a chance On September 13 the public of malicious destruction and continue ~rvice, provided to help plan any controls that As the most perfect summer weatherwise, in demonstrated in the not.too-distant future: This is scho~ls and libraries seek of private property, at a that it could obtain necessary follow. the 9O-day wage-price memory draws towards its close, we thought it time our lovely Lake 81. Clair, now a beehive of boating partial renewal of an ~perat. court hearing held before funds from the U.S. Depart- freeze. Labor Secretary James to help our readers get braced for the harsher and swimming activity, as it looked not so long ago wg levy. The tax, 'WhiCh reo FM . i ment of Transportation's Ur. D. Hodgson personally deliv. moods of Mother Nature, which inevitably will be following one of the Dame's tantrums. places 2.7 mills that expired arms UnJC pal J~dge ban Mass Transportation Ad. ered the promise to AFL-CIO in December, has 'been ear. Robert Pytell on FrIday, mlni:ltration and a $78,000 marked tor $874,000 in expedl. A ug u s t 27. The court commitment from local gov- President George Meany in ernments. an unannJunce:d meeting that tures iathe district's $15,330. granted the youth leave, to Subsidy Guarant~ed , caught even their close aides Elm Disease Armed Bandit Robs Woods Vernier Road 178 1971-72 operatin~ budget. appeal. an imposed sen- Dr; Anderson said that ob- tence; which Uluisell con. This capital contribtitlon by surprise. The labor federa- and a guarantee of an op:lrat. Ii!?n Meany heads has 13.6 Again Takes Supermarket; Takes Store Battle Nears. jectlVoedata IDdicate UnIt the sidered extremely heavy. ing subsidy o[ $5,000 per million. membera. quality of the district's educa. Loulsell posted bond of $SOO month, ifneeded..~was.llrQ-, . .. U~n program continues. to .be pen~g' an appeal hearing in vided by the City. Councils of Saturday, August 28 HeavyToll Official Along. as Hostage Termination. high, ,Itesulls of the seeond Circuit COurt where he hopes Grosse Pointe City, Grosse MICHIGAN COLLEGE STU- state"1ride Assessment again to obtain a reverSaJ or lessen. Pointe' Shores, Grosse. Point:! DENTS must be allowed to Latest Accounting Show GunmlJn Esc;apes with $530: Forces Assistant Ma,;. wo 0 d 5.' Headache. Ex- plaee (lGroue ~.oillte's p.~bue. ing ,ofthepeDa.I~.'se. tb,vt1le Farm., Grosse PoiIIte ,WOods, register and vote in their col. ager to Use His Own Car to Aid Escape, d '8 e. d b schoo 4Ul a.ad.~tb ,..arJerslle. Farm.Judlf),.. - . ; Grosse l'Olnte Park aad'. St. lege communities under the Losses This Year Slightly p'ecte to e n.d y yond the 95th pe~ti1e, (the .......)'ear rmatioa Clair Shores. Same standards used for other Leu Than A Year Ago; Releasing Him later Without Harm September 13: Taxpay- highest .pOSS~ble category), in Pytell ordered LouiseU pla- "Operation ot the L.1ke residents, the Michigan Su- 352 Killed An armed bandit who held up Wrigley's Super- ers SlJved $160 000 th~,:aSIC skills. areas. ed ~n ,probation for two years, Shore serviee is vllal to the preme Court ruled Friday. market, 19231 Mack avenue, and kidnapped the as- __' e are delighted that ~he durIng which time he -must people who have been 1<!Iying This decision could significant- on it for many years, and ly alter the character of the Yearly the battle against sistant manager as a hostage, is being sought by Woods By Pepper W~it~law ~~~~crl~ ~~~a~~no~at~~ ~~~ti~~ ~:paV::%::t, c:~n~~ SEMTA Js dedicated not only electorate in many college Dutch Elm d i sea s e is police. The ro.bbery aJld kidnapping oc~urred on Tues. Woo d s admmlstrator entire .chool d1S,trlCt,Is pro/{- an appointed volunteer; pay to continuation of service, but towns and cities across the fought in The Pointes. day, August 24, lit 11:40 a.m. Chester Petersen should ressing on schedule. The rela. a $10 cost for supervision each to Jmprovement In schedul,!ls. state. The most recent aCCoimt. The assistant manager, ~---------- be a happy man these lively minor inconveniences month, for a total of $240; equipment and reliability. We .. .. ing of casualties has been James Lowther of Roseville, The weapon was covered in a days. One of the biggest over the next two years are make restitution for damages .....ant to demonstrate to the Silnd'ay, A\l(ust 29 obtained from the five was released unharmed, at newspaper. thorns in his side since he completely overshadowed by amounting to $768.99' pay people of this region our de. THE COST OF LIVING Pointe municipalities. To Grand Itiver and Glastonbury, The armed man handed a became Woods administra- the prospec~ of. a vasUy i:n" court costs and pre.se~tence termination and our ability to COUNCIL gave auto dealers, date there have been 352 near West McNichols (Six Mile paper bag to Marzollno, and tor in 1961 has been the p~oved plant WIth the begtn- cost of $100; observe a cur. provide the best in public winter resorts and other sea. trees lost to the Dutch road). The robber escaped in ordel'ed. him to fill it with condition of Vernier road nmg ~f the 1973 school year," few of 12 midnight during transportatlon," 'L ips com b said. sonal industries some reliel b 1 Lo th ' d 'th f th h . he said. week days and 1:30 a.m. on eet e in 1971. w er s car, an WI ap- currency rom all e cas re- (M-29). ~t looks as If the .The SChool Board weekends during probation and Processed Quickly from the wage-price freeze on Latest reports "re mixed. proximately $530 from the gisters. matter IS all but settled Off f th Bo d f Saturday. Arnold R. Weber, .. store, it was revealed by The manager oi:leyed the in. 1C~rs II e. ar 0 to serve the first five days of "We are proud of the co.
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