224 hearted support for this most urgent reform. K.C.B., Mr. Norman C. Craig, K.C., Sir G. Doughty, Mr. G. Denison Faber, C.B., Mr. Arthur Fell, The present neglect of nursing affairs and lack Hon. E. A. Fitzroy, Mr. Job Gordon, K.C., of sympathy with the work of trained nurses Col. H. B. Harrison Broadley, Hon. Aubrey is undoubtedly very injurious to the interests of Herbert, Major J. A. Hope, Sir C. R. Hunter, the community. Mr. P. Kerr Smiley, Mr. G.R. Lane-Fox, Viscount THE SECONDREADING. Lewisham, Mr. H. J. Mackinder, Mr. D. Macmaster, K.C., Mr. Ian Malcolm, Mr. H. C. Mallaby-Deeley, What is the next step? To put down the Major A. C. Morrison-Bell, Mr. H. Nield, K.C., Bill for a Second Reading. That has bcen Sir Gilbert Parker, Sir Samuel Scott, Mr. Rigby done by Dr. Chapple for Friday in this week. Swift, K.C., Sir Mark Sykes, Lord A. Thynne, But imagine a Constitution which permits one Col. J. W. Weston, Earl Winterton, and Col. man to override a coalition majority vote of C. E.Yate, C.S.I., C.M.G. 228 ! Under our Parliamentary rules this can . THE LABOURPARTY. be done-and has been done for ten years-so The Independent Labour Party cast 25 votes far as our demand for a Second Reading is out: of 30 in favour of the Bill, led by Mr. J. conoerned. Mr. Handel Booth, or any profes- Ramsay Macdonald, Mr. Arthur Henderson, sional blocker, of whom there are several in the Mr. Philip Snowden, Mr. Will Crooks, Mr. G. N. House, or the Honourable Harry Lawson-a Barnes, Mr, C. W. Boweman, Mr. J. R. Clynes, member of the House Committee of the London Mr. C. Duncan, Mr. J. Keir Hardie, Mr. F. W. Hospital-has only to rise in his place and say Jowett, and Mr. G. H. Roberts. I object,” and the Second Reading is auto- THE IRISHNATIONALIST PARTY. matically refused. The Irish: Nurses’ Association has great cause What we have got to do now is to obtain for congratulation in contemplating the record time from the Government, many members of of the Nationalist‘ vote, and the manner in which vhich are evidently warmly in favour of this Party has redeemed its promise of support. The supporters include Mr. John Redmond, Nurses’ Registration, for a Second Reading. iKr. T. P. O’Connor, Mr. J. Devlin, Mr. W. Field, Anyway, with such a record behind us, legisla- Mr. W. Abraham, Mr. P. J. Brady, Mr. J. P. tion cannot be long delayed. All we have got Boland, Mr. J. Clancy, Mr. W. F. Cotton, Captain to do is to work diligently in season and out A. J. C. Donelan, Dr. J. Esmonde, SirT. Grattan of season-and our Bill must be passed into Esmonde, Mr. Stephen Gwynn, Mr. J. G. Swift law at an early date. MacNeill, K.C., Mr. J. P. Nannetti, Mr. W. A. Redmond, and Mr. David Sheehy. THE UNPROFESSIONALNURSING PRESS. Of course, the anti-registration Nursing (. SUPPORT OF PARLIAMENTARY PARTIES. Press did all in its power to minimise the In dissecting the voting for and against the “ stupendous majority. ” That was to be ex- Bill it is highly satisfactory to note that Nurses’ pected. Naturally Sir Heary Burdett lashed .Registration is in no way a party question. out savagely. It is only three weeks ago since Quite otherwise-as members of every Party in he informed his misguided readers that I‘ of the House are evidently fully alive to the im- course the Government do not intend to afford portance of safeguarding the public, and grant- facilities for the discussion of the Registration ing to trained nurses some measure of profes- Bill, because they do not believe that there is sional protection. Thus we find that 161 any demand for it, either from the nursing pro- Liberals, 59 Unionists, 66 Nationalists, and fession or from the public.’’ Anyway, the 25 Labour men voted in favour of the Bill, 189 House of Commons has given the coup de grace of whom were members of English constitu- to this ignorant and purposely misleading stnte- encies, 68 of Irish, 44 of Scottish, and 20 oi ment. Welsh, together composing the 3 I I voters who Miss S. Bulan, the foreign lady (laywoman) supported the Bill. who edits Macmillan’s nursing venture and THEOPPOSITION. condescends to instruct the nursing profes- The 83 votes given against the Bill were com- sion, in this country, concerning its own affairs, posed of ’75 Unionists, 5 Liberals, 2 Labour, inserted a A covertly antagonistic account of and I Nationalist, 79 of whom represented what took place in the House of Commons on English constituencies, 3 Scottish, and I Irish. the 3rd inst., and also proved the low estimation Thus the opposition came almost entirely from in which she holds the intelIigence of her readers English Unionists. Let us hope the Unionist by suppressing the result of the ballot! Thus Party as a whole will now study the Registra- proving once again the devious methods by tion question, which presumably many of them which the quack nursing press attempts to keep have not done, and that in the near future the the truth concerning State Registration from sick poor and the nurses may have its whole- the profession it exploits, previous page next page.
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