THE INGI-IAM COUNT Nincty-fia·at Yeaa· - No, 19 MASON, MICHIGAN, TI-IURSDA Y, MAY 10, 1951 3 Sections - 24 Pages Blossom Time Plow~ng Match State Experts Is Scheduled Enter Probe of For Saturday I Boy11 Will Mutch Sldll Water Supply In Plowing Contest on Sheaf,helm Vantown f<~rm Kiwanians beautify the pathway ..... M c~~on Klwanmns lrJssctl arms­ ful of posies In the pathway ot the living Tuesdrly nrght 'l'l1cy wctc ~trrwn fm Vernon .J Br·own Club membcts and tnvtlcd guests found much to commend rn llw scr vrcc gtven by Vcr n Brown tn the club, the c·nmmunrty, the county and I he st,ttr. down through the ycru s They shoWPI c•l pr ruse uron hun for hrs lc.trlcrshrp In gov­ cmmcnL, lor l1rs acll1.rty rn the church and fot Jus dcvotron to the better thrngs of lrfe ' Guests rncluded old fr•rends from many wal11s of Jr!c Pt cs,•ut wer c Supr erne Colli t Justice .John Deth­ mets, Slate Tteasurer D Hale Brake, .Judge Chdtles H lldydcn, State Hrghway Cnmm!Hsronet Charles Ztcgler, Don C,lJ dnct, for­ met Cdprlal corr csponclent, Schlly­ lcr· L Mar·shall former Ma~on and Sl Johno puhlrshcr and now a member of the PubiH Ser vrcr. Cnm­ mnPllon, Joseph Alexanwn u( Lan~ srng, p,osl drstrrct govcr nor of I<r­ wanrs and Joseph TlwmlhOn of Thif'd Man Added To Police Force, Fines Going Up l\1 1:-i0/1 l polH t• l 01 cc lwh 1Jeen JilL 1co~s•'d flO prr cent Thcr c wera two ,rnd now liH'Ic "''- lhtcc full­ llllll' Jllll!CC!l\P.Il Cbo~rlcs 1-lrlde!Jr o~llllt tH lire Lhlr d 111.111 lt,olpl'l Jlrll nncl Kenneth 1\fcr rndorl .11 c the other two. E ncr y Co!IJV wrll contmue as lc· !ret m.1n untiL' I t lw new schedule. IL m1ght h.Lve been only a Lornclflcmc horl tile tssne which c.nm• up Jllol befor c the met ease rn L!1o Jortr. wo~s .tpptovecl was a THEM WAS THE GOOD OLD DAYS Tl111 ty-two Inghan] young men schL dnlc ot rncr cased trafftc: IMVC 1eccrvccl 01 rlct s to 1cpor t for lllll'S The Ll ,tffrc commtsSJon, mtlttary set vtce Tuesday They are whrcb rPcomnH•ndcLl lhe lhacl clue at Veterans hall at 6 30 that polrccman IJc h11 eel, also r·ecom· Ordinances of 186 7 Are Found mot nrng A bus wtll t.tke them to Ingham Orchards mended ,t lrlt 111 tr.tffte fmes. the tnductron slatwn at Fot t 'rh, now "hcdl!le of frnes W<W MdWn people m o now conHJdcr- keep nil 'rdlo nnd sn•,plcrom pet­ Wayne, Dctr ort !wid 1'1p rrntrl Crly Allor ncy 0 ..J. lllg the adoplron of n new ch,lrlcr· sons from In os and tho vwrnlty of The 32 who got the c,tll ,lJ c B,urst Into Color !lood slntill"' .ony ross1ble conflict B,LCI! m 1867 [l1c people wc1 o fir cs.'' James U1 ban Grennan, Lours Fr·cd­ wrlh lbe pr opoor d new c1ty char· studymg a l~-;J,1;J'e p mrplrlet uon- Ten mrlcs o~n 110111 was the speed crick Helchms, Rrcharcl Earle Chetrws, peats and plum~ ate m lor Lrtnrng ,oil tile vtllago mdr:l,lnccs lrmrt lnsrdc tile vrliagc. Per sons Jones Hai'Oid S Dat hat, Sylvester full bloom l!us week Most peach J\lrlermdn llo~told L Ba1nlul! Is Mts J~o~tl Sali'lhmv hus llw whn tode or d1ovo a horse nt a Hat old Haw ions, Raymond Lours v,Hrcltcs at·c now t'cachrng the full c1Mllll1111 of the polrcc committee hooi{lct of otclm mccs, She ob- fa ,'_cr clip rn any .sltect 01 lane Snider, Vng-tl Allen Foil?., John blossom stage and all wtll he out Alma President Will Deliver of lhe I 01111(1) ,ond IS n lliClllbOt O( Lunccl tt from tho ],1to E:tf10 Wt'JC subJect to fines of five clolilns Martin Pea1son, by Fr1day and Sa tm day Apples tJ\f' l! 1tf11 COillllliS !!Ill Beach Sh,o fer, w'ws. fn thct w 1s a 1m! up to 90 clays m JUt!, 1 .Jack Clyde Callihan, Edward Will 1each thou peak blossom stage Asl<ccl by Alrlcnmm Frunlc lc<~~hng- l!Lr·entn the early d,rys On bleaches of the po,occ the Motlls Gtcen, Lours Het bert Ful­ next wccl1 Mason Commencement Talk l~v<~n•, wh cl i onchltons h,wo Most ol the ot clrnnnccs 111 t8fi7: 18G7 nr rlmnnccs chrln t fool ller c's Jet•, Harold Joseph Moody, .It·, Rob­ Aftct a chtlly Sunday and Mon­ hr 011ghl d]Jnlll lite need fot· a had to cl•t wtth the rostr.llnrn" ol the scctron· "Be it otdat11CJ by the el t Dale Sulltvan, Jan G Stevens, day, the bees swdrmed outlnto the Pt csHlcnt .John Stanley Harker lhn 1! poiH cnMn, B.ll'nhlll satd ,tnlln,lls .1nd wrlh plan!: SJrlcw,;'llcs. Common Councrl of the village of Robert Guy Whitney, James Hugh warm sun Tuesday to dr111k ctc'ep of Alma colicgc wrll dehver the lhCI 0 co!w,oy:; WHS SUCh R nee<! He . Crrltle vnthrn the vrllage wm e Mason· That any pm oon who Hogan, Hatr,y Wrlham West, of the nectar offeted in Ingham or­ r•ommenccmcnt address fat Mason dcclat ell the thn cJ nHn should pcr·mrttccl to llll1 ,1t Ia I gc fr 0111 sh,Lil malw, cou11Lcnnnce or· ttsstst Cloycc Marhn Odell, Robct L Thom­ chards !ugh school semors May 31. Plans never have been let out Apnl 1 to November· 15 cX<'CJll 1:1 mnkrng any norse, dtstm banco, as Ctoss, "Rrght now prospects for good are berng made to hold the com­ "It Wfls <1n economy move de· ;fmm 11111c o'cloclr at mght unlrll or rmpt•opct divctston, or who shall Wilbur Wendell Cox, Hulon crops of all tt·ee frurts arc 1Jr1ght," mimcemcnt excrctses at Athletic s1gncd to s.we a few dollau;," flvc o'clocl{ thr next mornrncr be gwlty of any mdcccnt, lllSlilting Thomas Benson, Jr , Wayne Lor­ declared Alft ed Wardowskt of 1\eld They were held there m 1919 Barn lull nllclcd He~rclents fenced the cattle out 1 i~-~ ot· rmmmal conduct, language or enzo Cot·vcnka Roy Russel Haw­ Blossom Ot chard at Leslie. "The and 1950 undet favot able weather 1\lorr·;son Cut Fur·m·s stead of 111 They bon It fences bchavmt, or be found ell unli II\ Ions, Stanley ArthUI Fusell, wcathm has been JUst l'tght. Cold conclrtrons both limes If rain The pollee for cc was cut by fot• ,. al'otmd ll1cr:· yntrls ancl g;l!clcns tho stloets 01 elsewhere m smd Chatlcs Arnold Haase, Rrchatcl E weather held the blossoms back a lht·catons, tho exercrses will be met Ma {01 S A. Mottrson He dc­ to ]{CCp the cnttlc out. 'l'he otclr- vrlbgc, and all petsons who coi- Mackrndor, William Earl Brunton, few days and then when they came shtftcd to the school audt touum cimcd ther c w.1s no need for a l, nance clon1cd tnc rrght of ownc• s lect Ill botltcs or crowds m saHl Thomas Wayne Sieb, Habet t Eu· the tern pet atut·e was warm enough where there Wtll be 1oom for par· tlur <l m.rn Hts cotmcri bacl<ed lum. to pctmtt bteachy and vtcrous cat- vrllage fm unlawful ]lUli)oses, or to gene Ct·osby, Thomas Charles fat bees to do thetr work 111 pol· ents only. Unclet the "chc<lule set up for Ue to 10mn nt l[n gc the annoyance 01 chstm banca of Mathews, Claude .James Salisbury, !!nation " the l!u cc-JJ1an fot cc, Bat nlull Dt· Harlwr has served as pres· , The poundmastct teemved n lie CJtmcns OJ' travcims, shall fot· Jr and Marshall Dunne Osttandet smd, the I e wrll be ~4-hom· pollee "I'm not malung any predrc­ tdent of Alma smce January of fcc fot handhnrr apy animal whtch each offense, on convretton tllelc· The local dt·aft board did not re­ ltons," cauttoned the Leslrc frlllt ptotectron except f01 Wcclnesdays, came mto hts possession He was of, be fined not lees than one ot· th1s yell!. He ts a natrve of Ne1v lease street or postoffice addresses. growet', "because a late ft·eeze ot Jetsey, a gtaclunle of Grove Ctty Ft1days and S.!ltu days when swmg nlso cntttlcd to 1 ccc1vc 10c a day more than one hundred dollats, a hat! or wind storm can bring shifts wtll be employed so two for fcedrng hmses, cattle, mules and all costs of srnt; and ht the lo'lltEMEN WANT PAPEH college m Pennsylvania and of Me· rum. But 1 ight now the prospects Cormtck Theologtcal semmary. Re men can be on duty thosc Uu ce - and sheep and 5c a day fot feed· 1l11J,OSI t10n of any such fine and Mason firemen wrll collect waste­ for chel'l'tes, peaches and apples nrghts When two ate on mght lng p1gs, geese and turlwys costs, the court may malic a fUI·· paper Friday mght. They aok that also holds degrees from the Unt· never lool{ed better in thts atea. verstty of Pittsburgh He was the duty, Barnhill sat<l, one may patrol Those who bloc!{cd sldowall\s or tiler sentence that the offender the papet be tied 111 bnndlcs or There Is no mdicatlon of sevet e pastor of the Presbytel'lan church st1 eels 111 the cat wh1le the othct• ct'OS3Wall{s wtth wagons and cat· shall be comnutted to the county placed Ill cat tons at the curb wintet· ktil which will greatly re· trtes doors.
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