OAN INDEPENDENTU VOICE FOR THET LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES December 27, 2013 | Volume XI, Issue 16 COMPILED BY thousands- of couples who will finally have Mall in Annapolis on February 18, 2013, RODNEY BURGER the right to marry the person they love,” to rally behind SB449, the “Fairness for All said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake in a Marylanders Act.” The rally was sponsored JANUARY – 2013 was a big year in statement prior to the event. Similar cer- 2013: by the Maryland Coalition for Trans Equality. the local LGBT community. While horns emonies took place all around the state On February 11, the board of directors and noise-makers welcomed the New Year as Maryland’s new same-sex marriage bill of the GLCCB (Gay, Lesbian Community in bars all over town, wedding bells were went into effect. It should be noted that af- Center of Baltimore) elected Mike Mc- ringing at Baltimore’s City Hall. At 12:30 ter 52.4% of voters approved a statewide THE YEAR Carthy, an attorney practicing family law a.m. on January 1, 2013 Mayor Stephanie referendum held on November 6, 2012, and guardianship, as the new president of Maryland became the the GLCCB board. Mr. McCarty replaced first state to extend mar- GLCCB board president Bud Beehler who riage rights to same-sex had resigned in January. couples by popular vote. THAT WAS At the White House on February 15, Gay State Rep Kept in Closet by LGBT Org? On January 8, burgh Leather Fetish 2013 Bryce Caine President Obama awarded the 2012 Presi- PFLAG (Parents, Fami- was selected Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather dential Citizens Medal to PFLAG founder lies and Friends of 2013. In his inaugural address on Janu- Jeanne Manford. Mrs. Manford’s daughter, Lesbians and Gays) ary 21, President Barack Obama cited the Suzanne Swan accepted on her behalf. Founder Jeanne Man- need for gay rights. It was the first time in On February 16, Grand Central hosted ford passed away at the history that a U.S. president included ref- a Red Party to benefit Chase Brexton. age of 92. Ms. Manford erences to LGBT equality in his inaugural On February 17, Grace United Church was described as “a speech. of Christ in downtown Frederick celebrated simple schoolteacher On January 29, Sen. Rich Madaleno the installation of their new senior pastor, who in 1972 started a (D-Montgomery County) and Sen. Ja- Rev. Dr. Rob Apgar-Taylor an openly gay movement of family and mie Raskin (D- Montgomery County) in- married man. Grace UCC became the first ally support for LGBT troduced a bill in the Maryland General church in the Frederick area with an openly people, without benefit Assembly that would ban discrimination gay pastor. of the technology used Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake officiates against transgender individuals. The Fair- Popular Leon’s bartender Vernon first same-sex wedding in Baltimore today for such move- ness for All Marylanders Act of 2013, SB Brewer passed away on February 27, after ments.” Today PFLAG 449 had more than 20 co-sponsors. a lengthy illness. Vernon started working at Rawlings-Blake officiated the nuptials of has 350 chapters across the U.S. and over Leon’s in 1986 and prior to that had worked Jim Scales and Bill Tasker of Essex. The 200,000 members and supporters. FEBRUARY – On February 3, the at the Gallery Bar, the Harvey House on couple had been together for 35 years On the weekend of January 11-13, Baltimore Ravens had all of Baltimore cel- Charles Street, and the Allegro. and waited until marriage became legal thousands packed the Hyatt Regency Cap- ebrating with a 34-to-31 Super Bowl win in their home state. “New Year’s Day will itol Hill in Washington, D.C., for the annual over the San Francisco 49ers. MARCH – Mr. Maryland Leather have a new meaning for hundreds – if not Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend. Mr. Pitts- Over 200 people gathered at Lawyer’s 2013 Bob Rose raised $1,200 for Move- able Feast at a benefit held at The Lodge on March 8. March 10: Fairness WV a non-profit or- To All of our Advertisers, Readers, Writers and Staff ganization that is seeking the inclusion of homosexuality in the Employment & Hous- ing Non-Discrimination Act pending in the Thank You For A Successful 2013! West Virginia legislature held a fundraiser at the recently opened The Club just out- We Wish You A Happy New Year! 2014 side of Martinsburg, West Virginia. March 14: The Fairness for All Marylanders Act bill dies in committee. The Senate’s Judi- Jim Williams and Jim Becker cial Proceedings Committee voted 6-to-5 Owners of Baltimore OUTloud to kill SB 449. —continued on page 3 —continued on page 10 THINKING OUTLOUD A House of Cards Part 2 a factor at that time. which member organization should be tak- At the urging of ing point in Annapolis for the trans com- BY SHARON BraCKETT GRMD, PFLAG National continued to or- munity. The consensus at that meeting One of the things that is often asked of ganize a coalition of organizations, includ- was that GRMD should continue to do so. Co-Publishers those of us involved with Gender Rights ing Equality Maryland (EQMD), called at There was no clear dissent among the Jim Becker • Jim Williams Maryland (GRMD) is why are you not part the time “MD Grassroots/Grasstops Orga- members. Equality Maryland was present [email protected] of the Maryland Coalition for Trans Equal- nizing Meeting.” That next meeting (Bbit. at this meeting. Executive Editor Jim Becker ity (MCTE)? In this episode I will try and ly/1kZ7XwX) was held on December 8, On January 28, 2012, GRMD learned [email protected] have a concise answer. There are indeed 2011. that Rhodes Perry, without consultation Managing Editor many reasons; however, the bottom line – GRMD participated fully in this with GRMD (or any member organi- [email protected] trust. meeting. Minutes of that meet- zation), had handed off “moderation” Director of Marketing & Production As some know, trust is an earned quan- ing can be found here – Bit. of the group from his capable hands Mary Taylor tity. I often tell people I have just met, “I ly/19UftUS. It should be to Jenna Fischetti. Ms Fischetti [email protected] have no reason not to trust you until you noted that Howard Coun- had up to that point, and to Sales Representative Rodney Burger give me one.” This is true in most aspects ty passed gender-identity this day remains, a relent- Contributing Writers of life be it with an employer or employee, protections just prior to less critic of GRMD, who in Joey Amato • Nicole Bettis • Sharon Brackett • Josh Buchbinder • a co-worker, a family member, or even a this meeting, De- point of fact did a Ada Buffet • Rodney Burger • Carol V. Calhoun • Steve Charing • spouse. The same holds true for activists cember 5, 2011. 90-minute rant Jeffrey Claggett • Jeffrey Clouser • Wayne Curtis • Woody Derricks • Deborah J. Draisin • Denise Duarte • in any space. If you are going to be able to On December (Bit.ly/19eftEN) Chuck Duncan • Wyatt O’Brian Evans • Gerry Fisher • work together, you need to trust each oth- 12, the moniker in November Bruce Garrett • Dr. Eva Hersh • Bonnie Lane • Jay Loane • Vann Mills • Marla Seymour • Gregg Shapiro er. When that trust is challenged or erod- “Maryland Advo- 2011 against Graphics ed, it becomes nearly impossible to work cates for Gender GRMD on in- Amy Ray • Joe Velasquez together on a goal, even when it might ap- Identity Protec- ternet radio, Cartoonist pear to all that the same goal is sought. tions” (MAGIP) not to men- James Faison Before I lay out the question of trust let was coined by tion countless Photographers me first offer a little history, some of which Rhodes Perry. Yes, yet another name for comments in social media and in her Bruce Garrett • Daniel McGarrity • Jay W Photos I recently alluded to in a rebuttal in another the same group. The MCTE name was not online blog. GRMD felt it was inappropri- Web Editor forum. Some may be aware that Gender adopted until sometime in 2012 after ses- ate to have such a person arbitrarily “se- Anja Saine [email protected] Rights Maryland was formed in late May, sion. lected” for this role without the consider- Managed Web Services 2011, in the aftermath of the efforts to pass On December 13, 2011, GRMD met di- ation of member organizations. GRMD and The Fusio Group HB235, the 2011 gender identity anti-dis- rectly with EQMD for discussions on how various PFLAG Maryland chapters protest- 866-322-7498, Thefusiogroup.com crimination bill. HB235 was an admittedly to cooperatively move ahead. This would ed this action with no result. Despite this National Advertising Rep Rivendell Media flawed bill in that it did not have public-ac- be the second such meeting between affront GRMD remained a member of the 908-232-2021 commodations language in it, which was a the organizations since the formation of coalition. Founders decision made by the bill sponsors. Indeed, GRMD in summer 2011. The meeting was On February 13, 2012, GRMD sent an Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • there were members involved in the forma- not fruitful. The details of that meeting will email notice (Bit.ly/1cDyJXr) out to poten- Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams tion of GRMD who had supported that bill be one of the subjects of the next segment tial testimony providers for a state hearing (some of whom are now part of MCTE), but in this series.
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