LIST OF DEVELOPMENTAL SECTION FILE Sl No. File No Name of the work 1 5989 Upgradation of infrastructure facilities in Kapnoor 2nd stage Gulbarga. Providing and upgradation and upkeeping of infrastructure at Kolhar IA Bidar. 2 5990 Allotment of housing Tenements at Doddaballapur on Rental Basis to Board 3 5991 Employees. 4 5992 Upgradation of IA at Dobaspet IA M/s.Gujarat NRE COKE Ltd. zsÁgÀªÁqÀ EªÀgÀÄ zsÁgÀªÁqÀ UÉÆæÃvï ¸ÉAlgï ¨ÉîÆgÀÄ 5 5993 EAqÀ¹ÖAiÀÄ¯ï ªÀ®AiÀÄzÀ°è ¸Áܦ¹ GzÉÝò¹gÀĪÀ WÀlPÀPÉÌ 7500 ¤ÃgÀ£ÀÄß MzÀV¸ÀĪÀ §UÉÎ. 5994(El Furnishing replies to the Draft note on avoidable payment of power factor 6 e) penalty. Estimate- Providing HPSV Street lights in road Nos. 6,7,8 & 13 and 7 5995 Upgradation of existing HPSV street lights in road Nos. 1,2,5,10 & 12 of Agro- Tech food processing SEZ at Hassan. Providing and laying DI Pipes from Iendal Reservoir to Kakati and Honaga 8 5996 Belgaum. 9 5997 Upgradation of infrastructure facilities in Hebbal IA Mysore. 10 5998 Upgradation of infrastructure facilities in Hebbal IA (DIC Layout) Construction of RCC drain and strengthening of 12.00m road and asphalting of 11 5999 left out road and laying of HDPE Pipeline at Kangralli IA Belgaum. Upgradation of upkeeping infrastructure facilities at Shivalli IA(Balance works) 12 6000 Manipal, Udupi District. Construction of Storm water drains along road Nos.1,7,7-B,7-D,12,12- 13 6001 D,21,22,23 & Construction of RCC Deck slab culverts(Balance work) Upgradation scheme Baikampady IA. 14 6002 Upgradation of Kangralli IA Belgaum. 15 6003 Upgradation of infrastructure facilities(Balance length) at Hebbal IA 16 6004 Upgradation of infrastructure in Nanjangud IA Mysore. 17 6005 Upgradation of infrastructure facilities in Thandya IA, Nanjangud. Upgradation of Hassan G.C. Upgradtion of four lane road No.1 from Ch. 0.00 to 18 6006 100.00m. Construction of SSM Compound Wall along periphery of Agrotech & Food 19 6007 processing SEZ at Hassan. Constuction of SSM Drain in road Nos. 1-P2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 & 13 & 20 6008 Providing and laying HDPE Pipeline (Balance portion) at Agrotech and food processing SEZ at Hassan. Strengthening and improvement of road Nos. – 1 part 5,6,7,8,10,11,12 & 13 in 21 6009 Agrotech and food processing SEZ Hassan. Water Supply pipeline leaking problem along Bidadi-Harohalli road at Bidadi IA. 22 6010 Engaging 3-G Consultant, Mysore for conducting survey & preparation of 23 6011 Master plan at 50Acres land in Hanagavadi Village Harihar Davanagere. ºÀjºÀgÀ vÁ®ÆèPÀÄ ºÀgÀ¼À¥ÀÄgÀ PÉÊ.¥Àæ ºÉzÁÝj ¸Áé¢üãÀ ¥Àr¹PÉÆArgÀĪÀ d«Ää£À ¨sÀÆUÉƼÀzÀ ¸Àwð ªÀÄvÀÄÛ 24 6012 ¯ÉÃOmï vÀAiÀiÁj¸À®Ä PÀ£Àì¯ïmÉAmï £ÉêÀÄPÀzÀ §UÉÎ. 6013 Providing power infrastructure to weavers society at Hebbal IA, Mysore. 25 (Ele) 26 6014 Aerospace Industrial Area Bangalore(N) Taluk and Devanahalli Tq. Requirement of water for prepared IA near Bangalore International 27 6015 Airport(BIAP). 28 6016 Formation of Aerospace components IA near Devanahalli IA. Providing and laying MS Pipeline PVP Pipe for distribution line to Telco & 29 6018 Telcon at Belur IA G.C Dharwad. 30 6019 Water rate fixation for Malaprabha Water supply to G.C Dharwad. 31 6020 Revision of Water tarrif in KIADB IA. 32 6021 Training for staff. Estimate for the work providing internal Electrification to the newly 33 6022 constructed Additional ground floor & 1st floor of KIADB Zonal office at Kangralli IA, Belgaum. Estimate for repair of 3nos of 200Hp centrifugal pumps, motors & allied 34 6023 equipments at water Treatment plant at Gorur, Hassan District. 6024(El Estimate for the work of providing basic Electrical infrastructure at Rayapur 35 e) IA, Dharwad. 6025(El Estimate for the work of Repair of DWT pump No.1 & 2 of 250Hp capacity at 36 e) Thandya IA , Nanjanagud. 6026(El Providing 20KVAR Capacitor to WTP Kotur and J/W Point pumping station for 37 e) water supply scheme to G.C Dharwad. 38 6027 Water Supply Scheme to IA at Mangalore. M/s. Lakshmi Vaccum Heat Treaters Unit No. 3BOS of type B.G.F Block No.3 39 6028 MS Industrial complex Peenya IA. Construction of concrete helipod and development of part of EPID Whitefield. 40 6029 41 6030 Cost Structure of Kadakola IA, Mysore. 42 6031 Progress of development of Industrial Areas. Construction of cement concrete Helipods in important tourist places in 43 6032 Bangalore Urban District. Constuction of compound wall to Horticulture Department at Kannamangala 44 6033 Village Jala Hobli Bangalore North Taluk. Widening of existing E012 Road and village Road loading to western gate of 45 6034 ITPL at Whitefield. Furnishing of Information regarding public places contracts allotted and 46 6035 permission for Newshops/Bars Restaurants Houses/Clubs. Formation of 4lane road from Mysore road junction to Eagleton junction road 47 6036 at Bidadi IA 2nd Phase. «zÀÄåvï PÁªÀÄUÁjUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¹«¯ï PÁªÀÄUÁjUÀ½AzÀ ¨ÉÃgÉ¥Àr¸ÀĪÀÅzÀÄ ºÁUÀÄ CºÀð «zÀÄåvï 48 6037 UÀÄwÛUÉzÁgÀjUÉ£À PÁªÀÄUÁj ¥Àr¸ÀĪÀÅzÀgÀ §UÉÎ. Widening of approach road from National highway-48 bypass to IA by forming 4 49 6038 lane to 6 lane(From Ch. 0.00 to 1630.00m) in Hassan IA H.N Pura Road, Hassan. 50 6039 Supply of water from KIADB to Mandakalli Airport Mysore. 51 6040 3B23 MS Building M/s. Corporation Bank. 52 6041 3B24 MS Building M/s. Corporation Bank. 53 6042 3B25 MS Building M/s. Corporation Bank. 54 6043 3B26 MS Building M/s. Corporation Bank. Construction of GLSR laying of pipeline, Construction of pump house, erection 55 6044 and commissioning of Mono block pump to KSRP Shimoga. 56 6045 Budget Proposal for the year 2008-09. Construction of compound wall alround pump house septic tank at Kanabargi 57 6046 IA, Belgaum. 58 6047 Providing & laying HDPE line along Plot No.1 of Kanabargi IA, Belgaum. 59 6048 Constuction of main nala(Balance portion) at Agro-tech Park , Bagalkot. Constuction of Retaining wall on both sides of the existing road No.10 & 11 of 60 6049 Agro-tech Park, Bagalkot. Providing & laying asphalting to road No. 6,7,8,13,14 & 15 at Agro-tech park 61 6050 Navanagar Bagalkot. 62 6051 Formation & asphalting of road in a plot No.3 Malur IA IIIPhase. 63 6052 Formation of road in plot No. 19 of Jigani IA IPhase. Estimate for the work of repair of street lights infront of M/s Sri Sathya Sai 64 6053 Institute of higher Medicine EPIP, Whitefield. 65 6054 Maintenance of Office building at Lakkamanahalli IA, Dharwad. Strengthening and asphalting of approach road connecting SEZ to NH-48 (Road 66 6055 No. 24 part Ch. 0.00 to 650m and road No.25)(Balance portion) median, providing street lights and HDPE W/S at IA, Hassan. Repairs to raising main line and distribution line at Balepura Re-habilitation 67 6056 colony Devanahalli Tq. PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå ªÀÄÄzÀæt ¸ÀAWÀzÀ ªÉÄÃ¯É zÀÆgÀÄ ¤ÃrgÀĪÀ §UÉÎ ºÁUÀÄ ¸ÀAWÀPÉÌ ºÁgÉÆúÀ½î PÉÊ.¥Àæ. 68 6057 ºÀAaPÉAiÀiÁVgÀĪÀ 57 JPÀgÉ ¨sÀÆ«ÄAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ºÀAaPÉAiÀÄ°è DVgÀĪÀ £ÀÆå£ÀåvÉUÀ¼À §UÉÎ. 69 6058 Providing and laying of HDPE pipelines in Dabaspet IA IIPhase. Removing the existing partition and refixing the Aluminium partitions and 70 6059 refixing the Aluminium partition in DO-I Zonal Office Gandhinagar Bangalore. Providing pre-coated roofing to open courtyard at NTFI premises at Apparal 71 6060 park Doddaballapur Tq Bangalore Rural District. Cost structure for establishment of Mumigatti-Narendra Housing Colony. 72 6061 Cost structure of Nidige IA (Machenahalli) IA IIPhase Shimoga(95.00 Acres) 73 6062 Formation of balance length of roads, storm water drains, construction of RCC 74 6063 deck slab culverts including widening of existing Zilla Panchayat road and asphalting to roads at EPIP layout Ganjimatt. 75 6064 Cost structure of G.C IA II Phase, Hassan. ¦Ãtå PÉÊUÁjPÁ ¥ÀæzÉñÀzÀ°ègÀĪÀ §ºÀĪÀĺÀr PÀlÖqÀzÀ°ègÀĪÀ J°ªÉÃlgïìUÀ¼À j¥ÉÃj ªÀiÁr¸ÀĪÀ §UÉÎ. 76 6065 77 6066 Repair of 630 KVA transformer at Thandya IA, Nanjangud(W/s). 78 6067 Repair of panel board (250HP) at Thandya IA, Nanjangud. Formation of 18.00m wide road No. 2 including construction of storm water 79 6068 drain, culverts, asphalting and laying PVC distribution pipeline at Nidige IA, Shimoga. Design and preparation of estimate for Harohalli IA 2ndPhase, Ramanagara Tq. 80 6069 & District. Valuation of buildings, borewells, pumpsets etc and other malkies in various Sy 81 6070 nos. of Koppal, Basapura and Halverthy villages acquired for M/s R.S. Steel & MSPL in Koppal Tq. & District. Request to divert the creek/stream flowing into the plot and request for 82 6071 clearance of the structure and free that exist at the plot. Conducting environmental Impact assessment and social impact studies of 83 6072 Sompura IA (Dabaspet 3rd phase), Bangalore rural District. Approval of corridor to run 110KV line from KPTCL substation to M/s. Surana 84 6073 Industries premises. 85 6074 Drilling of 150mm dia Borewells at Jigani IA. 86 6075 D/E for the work of construction of concrete heripad at Bidadi IA. M/s. Priya Gandhi & Lokesh T.Ghandhiji unit No. 3B06 ‘C’ type M.S Industrial 87 6076 Complex Peenya IA Ground floor Block No.3. Construction of concrete drain from road No.1 behand plot No. SW51 (South side) to Bashettihalli village, existing culverts Ch. 0.00 to 474 & culverts to 88 6077 Bangalore Doddaballapur Highway Road Ch. 474 to 884 and linking to existing general IA to Nala(Left side) Ch. 0.00 to 120m at Apparel Park IIphase Doddaballapur 6078(El Repair of 27HP/3 Stage v-10 vertical submersible pumpset at Tarihal IA, Hubli.
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