the summer 2014 advocatePlanned Parenthood League of Massachusetts Celebrating the Counseling & Referral Hotline All-Volunteer Program Turns 40 For volunteers on PPLM’s Counsel- medically-accurate, comprehensive, assistance with decisions ing and Referral Hotline, there is no nonjudgmental information about sexual and reproductive health care. typical shift. Volunteer counselors The Counseling and Referral I had unprotected help callers with topics ranging from Hotline grew out of an independent sex last night. the risks of unprotected sex and organization called the Pregnancy Am I at risk for symptoms of sexually transmitted Counseling Service, which was estab- an STD? infections, to how and where to get lished in 1969 to help Massachusetts a pregnancy test and answering women facing unintended pregnancies. In 1974, the service joined Planned questions about abortion. Parenthood League of Massachusetts “Some calls are quick and easy to and expanded to become the Coun- answer,” says Jen, a volunteer since seling & Referral Hotline. Today, the 2013. “Others involve in-depth coun- hotline is staffed by a core of 50 highly- seling. Recently, I was able to help trained volunteers who accept more assistance with pregnancy options, a caller who just started a relation- than 20,000 calls per year. and may provide the caller with infor- ship with a partner who has a sexu- “We have so much more informa- mation about adoption agencies, ally transmitted infection. We talked tion to share now,” says Pat, who has parenting resources, or where a woman about how the infection is transmitted, been a hotline volunteer for more than can obtain an abortion. Our goal is symptoms, and various other con- 30 years. “We get lots of questions to support callers by providing them cerns for over an hour. The caller said about sexually transmitted infections, with the support and information after speaking with me, he could now or medication abortion, which didn’t needed to make decisions regarding have an educated conversation with used to be available. their sexual health. his partner and decide how to safely But the community of volunteers “It is such an amazing feeling when proceed in the relationship.” remains the same – we are all here to a patient says that I am the reason Volunteers have been having provide callers with the information that he or she feels much better about meaningful conversations like this one they need to make decisions about the situation and is thankful for the for decades. In fact, we’re celebrating their health care.” opportunity to speak with me,” Jen the hotline’s 40th anniversary this Our trained counselors answer says. “It truly touches my heart that I year. Since 1974, volunteer counselors questions about contraceptive options, have been able to put the individual’s – who complete a 50-hour training sexually transmitted infections testing, mind at ease by spreading my knowl- program – have been providing and HIV/AIDS. Counselors also offer edge of sexual health.” Are you a former Hotline volunteer? We’re plannng a 40th Anniversary celebration! Contact [email protected] to learn more. Want to Help Us Protect viewpoint the Buffer Zone? As of this newsletter going to print, the Supreme Court rul- Over the past few months, As you’ll read in ing on our state buffer zone there have been times this newsletter, birth law hadn’t been announced. when I’ve had trouble control options have But with your help, we can distinguishing between expanded in ways I’m be prepared for any outcome. what I read in the news sure Margaret Sanger Sign up to take action at and in Woman of Valor, couldn’t have imagined. http://bit.ly/ProtectTheZone. the biography of Planned Along with a broader We’re also recruiting Parenthood founder range of monthly birth clinic escort volunteers at our Margaret Sanger I recently control options, women Boston health center. If you’d finished. After all, access now have access to like to volunteer, helping to birth control is again in long-term contracep- patients access health care, jeopardy as the Supreme Court deliberates whether it tives that are effective apply at pplm.org/volunteer. will allow private companies to refuse to offer insurance for up to ten years and coverage for certain types of birth control. It is astounding completely reversible. Image by Fayfoto/Boston to me that birth control access for millions of women is We’re proud to offer this at risk in 2014, nearly 100 years after Margaret Sanger full range of birth control options for all of our patients – opened her first clinic. and to stand up in the fight for birth control access – with But there are positive parallels as well. Seeing news your generous support. coverage of Planned Parenthood supporters gathered on the Court steps to make their voices heard the day of the Thank you! oral argument in Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius, I was reminded of the passionate advocates who stood with Margaret Sanger to legalize birth control. Martha M. Walz advocate spotlight: Kanisha Hans Kanisha Hans got involved with Planned Parenthood after an overwhelmingly positive patient experience, at a time Encouragement from Planned when she did not have access to other resources. “It was Parenthood gave me courage to the first time someone treated me as an adult who could tell my personal story, and use it take responsibility for my own health,” she says. “I want- to reach out to lawmakers and other potential supporters. ed to be a part of giving someone else that experience.” Kanisha has been a Planned Parenthood intern since January, 2013, and recently attended the Planned Paren- communication skills and real- thood Federation of America (PPFA) National Conference world advocacy experience, including using her own as the co-chair of PPFA’s Young Leaders Advisory experiences to highlight to members of Congress the Council, a position she was nominated for because of her need for continued Title X funding. Kanisha says she is work at PPLM. constantly moved by her work with Planned Parenthood, Kanisha cites Planned Parenthood as her most especially “the experience of having someone tell you positive internship experience to date. She has gained how much they appreciate the work we do.” www.pplm.org • SPRING 2014 program spotlight Effective, Convenient, Affordable Birth Control Thanks to Your Support We’ve come a long way since Thanks to support from our gener- Expanding Birth Control Margaret Sanger traveled to ous donors, our doors are open to everyone, no matter who they are, Access Through Clinical Worcester, Massachusetts, where where they live, or whether they need Research the birth control pill was invented help paying for health care. All of our Our Research Department is birth control options are offered to low- in 1960. advancing women’s health and birth Today, women can choose from income and uninsured patients on a control options! For example, the numerous contraceptive options their sliding fee scale, as well as to those Quickstart study, sponsored by mothers could only have dreamed with private or public insurance, or Gynuity Health Projects, is currently about. At our health centers, women who pay out of pocket. enrolling patients at our Boston and are increasingly choosing long-acting, It’s not just options that make Springfield health centers. Patients reversible contraception. These Planned Parenthood different from who decide to have a medication options are among the most effective other health care providers. The extra abortion (when pregnancy is termi- birth control methods available: intra- time we take with our patients to fully nated using a two-pill regimen of uterine devices (IUDs) and contracep- understand their needs sets us apart. mifepristone and misoprostol) and tive implants (inserted just under the For every woman who comes through want to start using the birth control skin of a woman’s arm) last for years our doors, we provide confidential, implant or the birth control shot and can be removed at any time. We nonjudgmental care. We work with after their abortion can participate. also offer a range of monthly birth con- her to figure out the best way to stay Study participants are randomly trol options, including the pill, the ring, healthy and prevent unintended preg- assigned to receive their desired the shot, and the patch. nancies and sexually-transmitted contraception either at the time of The principles that brought infections. their abortion or at their two week Margaret Sanger to that Worcester, Thanks to you, we can deliver follow-up. The goal of this study MA laboratory remain the same today. our promise of care, no matter is to show that administering We believe women’s preventive care – what, and offer the full range of birth progestin-based contraceptives including birth control – is basic health control options to all our patients at the time of medication abortion care, and at Planned Parenthood, every day. is safe, effective, and acceptable. we believe every person should have Through this and other studies, access to health care, no matter what. our Research Center is making it more convenient for women to access their desired method of birth control. www.pplm.org • SPRING 2014 faces & places 1 Planned Parenthood supporters gathered at events this winter and spring to support our health care, education, and advocacy work. Celebration of Choices raised over $340,000 for the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund, while the Young Friends Big Bash, Newton House Party, and Winchester House Party additionally raised a combined $99,000 for PPLM. 2 3 4 5 Images: 1. Co-chairs Mark and Maria Shepherd with Hosts Sandra Urie and Frank Herron at the Winchester House Party, 2. PPLM CEO Marty Walz with co-chairs Jean Kilbourne and Kay Khan, and host Betty 6 Sudarsky at the Newton House Party, 3.
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