B6 Metro The Boston Globe THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 Betts trade leaves fans with a case of Mookie malaise uBETTS view, the situation was akin to Continued from Page B1 the Los Angeles Angels trading MVP, a guy of that caliber, to a outfielder Mike Trout — anoth- rival like L.A.,” said Alex er American League MVP in Ganter, 24, of Boston. “Hope- the prime of his career — away fully it’s the right decision in with one year left on his con- the long run.” tract. News of the trade has only “It would seem kind of crazy, added to an already abysmal right?” he said. “Like, he’s the offseason for the Sox, who part- kind of guy that you’d do what- ed ways last month with Alex ever to keep him on board.” Cora after the manager was im- Outside Fenway Park on plicated in a brazen sign-steal- Wednesday, not far from where ing scheme as an assistant with banners honoring Betts and the Houston Astros, shortly be- Price still hung, a pair of con- fore arriving in Boston. struction workers declined an It also seemed to represent a interview request, which was stark break from recent tradi- probably for the best. tion. The Mookie news hasn’t As one of Major League brought out the best in some Baseball’s big kids on the block, folks, as evidenced by the the deep-pocketed Red Sox countless tweets riddled with have long been more than hap- angry invective directed at the py to shell out top dollar for Red Sox. stars. The gist, if you could man- They plucked outfielder age to work your way through Johnny Damon from the Oak- the sludge, was that land A’s. They lured Manny R The team had made a real- Ramirez away from the Cleve- ly bad decision. land Indians for a then-team- R The franchise was self- record $160 million. When Da- sabotaging in an effort to save a vid Price hit the open market, few bucks. And, in doing that... Central Mass Mosquito Control Metro/006/NZ Legal Notice - Aerial Application t the Red Sox were waiting with R . it was saying goodbye a massive deal. to a once-in-a-generation tal- And yet. ent. Even out-of-towners — some As Mark Right, 56, of Bos- of whom might be thrilled if a ton, put it: “You’re never gonna Boston sports team never again get another player like that.” hoisted a championship trophy — seemed upset on behalf of Dugan Arnett can be reached at the local fan base. [email protected] Adam Clark, a 43-year-old Emily Sweeney of the Globe Pennsylvania resident in Bos- staff and Globe correspondent ton for work, grew up an A’s fan Meghan Sorensen contributed JOHN TLUMACKI/GLOBE STAFF on the West Coast. And in his to this report. A man with red socks jogged down Van Ness Street outside of Fenway Park on Wednesday, a day after the Betts trade. boston.com/ notices Ohsothatsthestor Client Name: Advertiser: Section/Page/Zone: Description: classifieds & more Union knocks Black Lives’ role uBPD The teachers union hosted he said of Leary’s letter. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Continued from Page B1 at least one of this week’s Chrispin’s association, along ADVERTISEMENT TOWN OF LEXINGTON gether, we can achieve a better events, said Martin Henson, a with the NAACP’s Boston CITY OF BOSTON PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC understanding of the issues in- Boston-based member of the branch, released a joint state- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HEARINGS AMEND ZONING BYLAW volving the safety of both the movement. ment saying they are “deeply Invitation for Sealed Bids for Capital Improvement and MAP Project 20-61 On-Call Construction for Neighborhood In accordance with MGL public and the police,” said Henson said Leary’s charac- concerned about the letter.” Slow Streets Improvements. Chapter 40A, Section 5the Planning Board will hold Leary. terization of Black Lives Matter The statement said that both NOTE: Forinformation specifictothis particular bid public hearings Wednesday, please contact Marie McDonald, @617-635-4912 February 26,2020, at 7:00 The patrolmen’s association as an antipolice movement is groups believe that “BLM is a P. M. in the Selectboard The City of Boston, acting by its Commissioner,invites Room, Town Office Building, has about 1,400 members, simply “not true” and said the reflection of the historical mis- sealed bids for the performance of the work generally de- 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, scribed above,and particularly set forth in the Invitation Lexington, Massachusetts,to whereas BTU represents more letter is detrimental to ongoing treatment of Black and brown Forbids which may be obtained at Room 714 (Contract consider if the Town should Office), City Hall, Boston, Mass., commencingat9:00a.m. vote to amend the ZoningBy- than 10,000 teachers, parapro- efforts to make education better people in this country, not only on Monday,February 3, 2020.Invitationfor bids shall be Law and Map as follows for available until the time of the bid opening.There will be a 2020 Annual Town Meeting fessionals, and retirees. A for Black students. by law enforcement but also by charge of twenty-five dollars ($25) NOTREFUNDABLE, for or act in any other manner in 433090 1.05 x 2.18 B&W each set of contract documents taken out. relation thereto: spokesman for Boston Public “This person is representa- a culture that has quietly un- THIS IS ASTATE AID PROJECT Zoning Bylaw Amendments Schools deferred comment to tive of a unionized organization dermined the value of the lives THE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR- Groundwater-toregulate TATION (MASSDOT) HAS PROVIDED ALIST TO THE the distance between BOSTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTOFAPPROVED groundwater and building the teachers union. of people who are supposed to of Black and brown people.” ELIGIBLE BIDDERSFOR THIS PROJECT.ONLYTHOSE basements,crawl space CONTRACTORS ON THIS LIST WILL RECEIVE OFFICIAL floors,orslab elevations; In a statement, Tang said the protect and serve, and who is Black Lives Matter began in BID DOCUMENTS. ALL OTHERS WILL BE PROVIDEDWITH Short Term Rentals- to regulate short term rentals; union is proud to be taking part speaking negatively about 2013 after black teenager Tray- AN INFORMATIONAL COPY. Gross Floor Area- to jointly amend both Section 135- in the Black Lives Matter at Black Lives Matter, a group that von Martin was shot to death in Everysealed bid shall be submitted in accordance with the 10.1 of the Zoning Bylaw,to Invitation for Bids.All sealed bids shall be filed not later revise the definition of Gross School’s national week of action is advocating for the safety of Florida by one-time community than Thursday,February20, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the office Floor Area to remove the of the Commissioner,Public Works Department, Room 714, inclusion of basements,and that is being observed in 40 cit- Black people,” said Henson. watch volunteer George Zim- City Hall. All bids must be from bidders of record (those Section 135-4.4.2, to reduce who have purchased contract documents) on fileatRoom the maximum allowable ies across the country during Henson added, “It’s a re- merman, who was later acquit- 714, City Hall. residential Gross Floor Area; The attention of all bidders is directed tothe provisionsof Front Yard, Transition,and the Invitation for Bids and contract documents,specifically Screening Areas- to regulate the first week of Black History minder in this political climate ted. to the requirements for bid deposits,insurance and per- front yard, transition, and formance bonds as may be applicable. Abid deposit of 5 screening areas along streets Month. that the work of Black Lives The movement has grown as percent of the total contract amount shall be required from consistently within each each bidder.Aperformance bond in the amount of 100 per- district; “Through our participation, Matter continues to be impor- fatal shootings of blacks by po- cent of the contract shall be required from the successful bidder.Sealed bids shall be publicly opened by the Official Zoning Bylaw andMap we’re demonstrating support, tant.” lice officers are increasingly re- on Thursday,February 20, 2020, at 2:00 pm in Boston City Amendments Hall, Room 801. The award of any contract shall be subject Dimensional Change love, and affirmation to our In Leary’s letter, he criticized corded and shared on social to theapproval of the Mayor of Boston. Hartwell- to alter and supplement dimensional and Black students, families, and the notion of fund counselors media, sometimes as confronta- The maximum time for bid acceptance by the City after the other standards for the CM opening of bids shall be ninety (90) days.The City/County district to permit additional educators,” Tang said. not cops. “While more counsel- tions are still unfolding. Ad Number: Insertion Number: Size: Color Type: and the Official reservethe right to reject any or all bids or development; rezone lots not any item of items thereof. used for residential purposes The national week of action ors may be a good idea, the idea In 2016, Black Lives Matter NOTICE near Hartwell Avenue and The attention of all biddersisspecificallydirected to the southwest of Bedford Street includes events highlighting that spending less on public faced a backlash from some in City of Boston Resident Section contract provision of the into the CM or GC districts; specifications and the obligation of the contractor and sub- Lots not used for Residential initiatives like ending zero tol- safety will make our communi- law enforcement following the contractors to take affirmativeaction in connection with Bedford Street employment practicesinthe performance of thiscontract.
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