Philosophia Verlag.7--__~ Widenmayerstrafte 34 ' D-8000 Munchen 22 o. .... Philosophia Publishing Company otTers scientific publications in logic, ontology and the philosophy of language. The works are related to the analytic philosophical tradition since Aristotle, including the present analytical philosophy. In addition works in such fields as the theory of science, the philosophy of the natural sciences and the social sciences, especially economics, will be published. The program is arranged in five series: >Analytica<, >Introductiones<, >Philosophia Resources LibnllY<" >The International Carl Menger Library<, and >pro-kontra: Zur politischen Okonomie<. Available TItles in Philosophy: Analytica Philosophia Hans Burkhardt Resources Library Logik und Semiotik in der Austrian Philosophy Philosophie von Leibniz Studies and Texts 488 pp., index, cloth, S 81.-/DM 178.­ edited by J. C. Nyiri with ISBN 3-88405-001-X contributions by L. Congdon, A Janik, W. Johnston, R Haller, F. Rossi-Landi, 1. EOtvos and R Musil M Richard Diaz 200 pp., cloth, S 31.-/DM 68.­ Topics in the Logic of Relevance ISBN 3-88405-004-4 144 pp., index, cloth, S 31.-/DM 68.­ ISBN 3-88405-003-6 Christian von Ehrenjels Philosophische Schriften . Band I Werttheorie Larry Hickman edited by R Fabian Modem Theories of Higher introduction by W Grassl Level Predicates 615 pp., index, cloth, S 127.-/DM 280.­ Second Intentions in the Neuzeit ISBN 3-88405-033-8 191 pp., index, cloth, S 45.-/DM 98.­ ISBN 3-88405-000-1 Thomas G. Masaryk Der Selbstmord als sociale Massen­ erscheinung der modemen Civilisation Barry Smith, Editor Reprint of the edition Vienna: 1881 Parts and Moments with introduction in English and Studies in Logic and Formal German by J. C. Nyiri Ontology with contributions by 42 + XVI + 245 pp., cloth, W. Kiinne, K. Mulligan, G. Null, S 35.-/DM 78.- P. Simons, R Simons, B. Smith and ISBN 3-88405-014-1 D. Willard 564 pp., index, cloth, S 90.-/DM 198.­ Kasimir Twardowski ISBN 3-88405-012-5 Zur Lehre vom Inhalt und Gegenstand der Vorstellungen Eine psychologische Untersuchung PaulThom Reprint of the edition Vienna: 1894 The Syllogism introduction by R Haller 312 pp., index, cloth, S 58.-/DM 128.­ 142 pp., index, cloth, S 22.-/DM 48.­ ISBN 3-88405-002-8 ISBN 3-88405-017-6 Please write for complete catalogue. Announcing the Canadian Journal of Philosophy's Supplementary Volume IX - 1983: PLATO: NEW ESSAYS Plato and Pericles on Freedom and Justice - J. MORA VCSIK The Craft of Justice - R. PARRY Plato's Greatest Accusation Against Poetry - E. BELFIORE Belief. Knowledge and Learning in Plato's Middle Dialogues - M. MORGAN Plato's Timeaus: Mass Terms. Sortal Terms. and Identity Through Time in the Phenomenal World - J. ZEMBATY Timeaus 48e-52d and the Third Man Argument - W. PRIOR Plato's Pannenides Theory. of Relations - M. McPHERRAN Philebus 55c-62a and Revisionism - R. MOHR Knowledge in Philebus 55c-62a: A Response - R. SHINER Edited by Francis Jeffrey Pelletier and John King-Farlow Price: CDN$13.00 (in Canada) This Supplementary Volume is free to US$13.00 (out of Canada) individual and student subscribers to Cheque or Money Order only. Volume XIII (1983). Order from: The University of Calgary Press, 2500 University Drive N. W .• Calgary. Alberta T2N IN4. Canada. ISSN 0229-7051 ISBN 0-919491-09-X crHE fjOUl&AL OF CJHE c:a~TISH SOCIETY FOI{'PHElX9MENOLOgY An International Review of Philosophy and the Human Sciences EDITOR: WOLFE MAYS The Philosophy of Nietzsche Volume 14 Number 3, October 1983 Articles Necessity and Becoming in Nietzsche. by Kenneth Bruder Nietzsche's Doctrine of Perspectivism. by Nicholas Davey Nietzsche's Hermeneutic of Redlichkeit. by Wilhelm S. Wurzer Heidegger's Reading of Nietzsche: Confrontation and Encounter, by David Farrell Krell Nietzsche's Psycho-genealogy: A Ludic Alternative to Heidegger's Reading of Nietzsche, by Alan D. Schrift Nietzsche and the Project of Bringing Philosophy to an End: Bernd Magnus Reviews and Notes The J BSP publishes papers on phenomenology and existential philosophy as well as contributions from other fields of philosophy. Papers from workers in the Humani­ ties and human sciences interested in the philosophy of their subject will be welcome. All papers and books for review to be sent to the Editor: Dr. Wolfe Mays, Department of Philosophy, University of Manchester, Manchester MI3 9PL, England. Subscrip­ tion and advertisement enquiries to be sent to the publishers: Haigh and Hochland Ltd., The Precinct Centre, Oxford Road, Manchester 13, England. .
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