E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2017 No. 177 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was about opportunities in their commu- board meeting where the topic of ro- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nity that allow for civic engagement bots was discussed. As a member of a pore (Mr. MARSHALL). and encourage citizens to volunteer to small competition group, we were able f help with local challenges. to present our success and the benefit Today, I would like to share a por- of curriculum that includes new tech- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO tion of Michelle’s essay: nology. One month later, it was an- TEMPORE ‘‘When I hear the word ‘civic,’ I think nounced that a robotics class will be The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- of governmental duties. I understand offered in the upcoming school year. fore the House the following commu- my duty as an American citizen to This will allow even more students to nication from the Speaker: vote, obey laws, pay taxes, and serve enhance their education and perhaps WASHINGTON, DC, on juries. These activities all involve encourage new career choices. November 1, 2017. one person: yourself. In reality, our civic engagement as Americans ex- ‘‘In my community, the civic engage- I hereby appoint the Honorable ROGER W. ments do not stop on the political MARSHALL to act as Speaker pro tempore on pands beyond a single individual and this day. encompasses entire communities. The level. One of the most prominent forms PAUL D. RYAN, definition of a civic engagement is an of civic engagement I see in my com- Speaker of the House of Representatives. activity that includes both paid and munity that is not related to politics is f unpaid forms of political activism, the placing of wreaths on the grave- stones of fallen soldiers for Memorial MORNING-HOUR DEBATE environmentalism, and service. As I look at my community, it is apparent Day. Citizens from all over town come The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- that we have a lot of civic engage- together the weekend before Memorial ant to the order of the House of Janu- ments. Day and walk through the entire ceme- ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- ‘‘As with most towns, mine has a city tery adorning and honoring the heroes nize Members from lists submitted by council that holds meetings and elec- of our country. This event is not for the majority and minority leaders for tions for positions on the council. publicity or money but instead is for morning-hour debate. These elections are open to every mem- respecting our veterans. Additionally, The Chair will alternate recognition ber of the city and are an excellent way it is for the betterment of our commu- between the parties. All time shall be for citizens to have a say in the politics nity by presenting a beautiful scene to equally allocated between the parties, of the town. Just as the elections are those passing by.’’ and in no event shall debate continue open to all citizens so are the weekly Michelle goes on to write: beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other meetings. A unique feature about my ‘‘Onlookers can also be mesmerized than the majority and minority leaders town’s council meetings is that they by the beauty of the mountainous rural and the minority whip, shall be limited are televised on a local channel. For in- area. Unfortunately, garbage and litter to 5 minutes. dividuals who are unable to physically on the side of roads and highways is so f be present at the meeting or have com- mitments that require attention, this commonplace that most individuals do CONGRATULATING MICHELLE televised version provides a perfect so- not even do a double-take when they BAUER lution to keep abreast of the issues af- see it. The highway through my town The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fecting our citizens. is an area where individuals think it is Chair recognizes the gentleman from ‘‘Along with a local city council, it is acceptable to throw garbage out of Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 also a civic duty of individuals in my their vehicles or litter the sides of the minutes. community to vote and participate in road with cigarette butts and wrappers. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. elections and meetings at the school For the past 7 years, I have been a part Mr. Speaker, last week, I congratu- district level. Anyone is able to run for of the National Honor Society highway lated St. Marys Area High School stu- a position on the school board as well cleanup. Every spring and fall, the so- dent Michelle Bauer on winning first as attend the meetings. For me, our ciety walks the sides of the roads pick- place in the 34th annual Pennsylvania school board is a great way of civic in- ing up trash and making our town look Municipal League high school essay volvement because the board is inter- beautiful.’’ contest. ested in new opportunities that can be Mr. Speaker, this is just a portion of Participants were asked to reflect on incorporated into the education of our Michelle’s essay, and I include in the the theme ‘‘Civics and You’’ by writing youth. Just recently, I attended a RECORD the full essay. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8297 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Nov 02, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01NO7.000 H01NOPT1 H8298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 1, 2017 34TH ANNUAL PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL required the assistance of a fire department. lenges and create a better community for all LEAGUE HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST WINNER The fire department is a critical part of a of its members. 1ST PLACE HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY WINNER: city keeping fires at bay and lending a hand Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. MICHELLE BAUER—ST. MARYS AREA HIGH wherever needed. In my community, these Mr. Speaker, I will close with her final SCHOOL people work tirelessly day in and day out for the good of the community. Much of their paragraph: When I hear the word civic, I think of gov- assistance is not what would be depicted as ‘‘Civic engagements are abundant in ernmental duties. I understand my duty as heroic but rather, responding to flooding our community. From the local fire- an American citizen to vote, obey laws, pay issues, weather related emergencies, traffic man’s pancake breakfast to the city taxes, and serve on juries. These activities control, helicopter landing zones, and all involve one person: yourself. In reality, council meetings, civic activities are searching for missing hunters in addition to our civic engagement as Americans expands occurring all around us. It is the obli- the rescue and fire calls. They are all volun- gation of the citizens to engage in beyond a single individual and encompasses teers that give up their precious time as a entire communities. The definition of a civic civic duty to their community without ex- these activities to assist with local engagement is an activity that includes both pecting recognition. We, the rest of the com- challenges and create a better commu- paid and unpaid forms of political activism, munity, have a duty to help support these nity for all of its members.’’ environmentalism, and service. As I look at people. One of the best ways to do this is to Mr. Speaker, I couldn’t agree more. my community, it is apparent that we have attend their pancake breakfasts that are f a lot of civic engagements. used as a fundraiser. I am not a huge fan of As with most towns, mine has a city coun- pancakes and sausage so instead of helping DOWN SYNDROME cil that holds meetings and elections for po- the firefighters out by purchasing a meal, I sitions on the council. These elections are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The volunteer to serve the meals to customers. It Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from open to every member of the city and are an is the civic duty of individuals in my city to excellent way for citizens to have a say in attend this pancake breakfast and show sup- California (Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD) for 5 the politics of the town. Just as the elections port to the members of this department who minutes. are open to all citizens so are the weekly tirelessly serve and assist us. Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, meetings. A unique feature about my town’s Reporting for standby at a yearly event in last week, the Labor-HHS Appropria- council meetings is that they are televised July is another aspect of service that our tions Subcommittee had a most re- on a local channel. For individuals who are firefighters join their community for. There markable hearing on Down syndrome, unable to physically be present at the meet- are loud BOOMS echoing across the city and which moved us to a new under- ing or have commitments that require atten- suddenly bright orbs of colorful lights burst- tion, this televised version provides a perfect ing in the sky. This grand spectacle en- standing of this disability.
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