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If you have questions or suggestions for additional features, please let us know at [email protected] E-publication Developed and Maintained LF0107front.indd 1 1/11/07 4:27:52 PM The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Laredo Most Reverend James A. Tamayo, DD PUBLISHER Bennett McBride DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Jan./Feb. 2007 • Volume 5: Issue 1 Gregorio M. “Goyo” López EDITOR Rev. Toribio Guerrero CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Horchata Design WEB DESIGN Blas Gibler Transline TRANSLATIONS FAITH Publishing Service Rev. Dwight Ezop CHAIRMAN Patrick M. O’Brien PRESIDENT/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Elizabeth Solsburg EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Patrick Dally ART DIRECTOR/WEB DESIGNER Enomhen Odigie Abby Wieber GRAPHIC DESIGN Jillane Job SUBSCRIPTIONS/SECRETARY Patricia Oliver SECRETARY Rev. William Ashbaugh Elizabeth Johnson Rev. Joseph Krupp Cathleen McGreal Tim Ryan CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Derek Melot Margaret Perrone PROOFREADING Tom Gennara Christine Jones CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Inner Workings PRINTER FAITHPublishingService.com La Fe is a membership publication of the Catholic Diocese of Laredo, 1901 Corpus Christi, Laredo, Texas 78043. Published bimonthly. Subscriptions are $15 per year. Individual issues are $4.50. Send all subscription information and address changes to 1901 Corpus Christi, Laredo, Texas 78043; 956.523.0586; fax 956.722.4464 or e-mail [email protected]. Catholic Dio- cese of Laredo. To obtain permission to reprint any portion of La Fe, please call 956.523.0586. Liturgical Calendar: Octave of Christma LF0107front.indd 2 1/11/07 4:27:58 PM inside this issue inside what you’ll get out of this issue Cover Story Two teens proud to be in the know with Fr. Joe faithful Catholics. 6 Dear Fr. Joe: what do I do if a friend is suicidal? – Father Joseph Krupp theology 101 10 Was Jesus really human or did he just appear that way? A conversation about Christology with seminary professors. – Elizabeth Solsburg saint of the month 19 Executed for his faith – twice Saint Sebastian. the parenting journey 23 My child is not my best friend. How being a parent is different from being a friend. – Dr. Cathleen McGreal your marriage matters 24 She says: Smoking is a “deal breaker” for me. He says: I need to smoke to reduce stress. What do they do? – Deborah McCormack profile Stephanie spiritual fi tness 20 Hechter wins 26 In a chat room with God. Prayer is feature national recognition our instant message with Jesus. St. Augustine student captures a – Father Bill Ashbaugh Region 10 national award for her artistic Conference rendition of the nativity. Her art- While the work was prominently displayed as cover story fea- Bishop Tamayo’s Christmas card tures two teens as well as thousands more on a from the Region national level. – Goyo López 10 Cataholic Youth Confer- ence, you can feature also see a Diaconate work life glimpse of the 22 Ordination at 28 What do I want to be when I grow many activities in Cathedral – La Fe’s camera up? Ohmigosh, am I a grown-up? this photo mon- freezes the moment for the seven – Tim Ryan tage. – Goyo López men in the Diocese of Laredo who took a bold and spiritual step in their lives. Six of the men were the last word ordained as permanent deacons 31 Faith is ... and one a transitional deacon. – Fr. Toribio Guerrero 18 – Goyo López ristmas: The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Mother of God Jan. 1 (not a holy day of obligation this year) | Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church Jan. 2 LF0107front.indd 3 1/11/07 4:28:04 PM from the editor del editor nother issue of La Fe is out so ale tan pronto otra edición de La Fe? soon? That may be the ques- Esta puede ser la pregunta que muchos de ustedes están suponiendo al ir pasando por tion many of you are posing as las páginas de esta nueva edición. you begin fl ipping through the Un año nuevo trae un nuevo tema y pagesA of this edition. ¿Snosotros celebramos el 2007 al escribir sobre los múltiples frutos del Espíritu Santo, y en esta edición A new year brings a new theme, and we celebrate 2007 by nos enfocamos sobre la fi delidad. writing about the many fruits of the Holy Spirit. In this issue Otro fruto de nuestros esfuerzos en La Fe, es la aumen- we focus on faithfulness. tada frecuencia de publicación. Another fruit of our endeavors at La Fe is the increased En un empeño de evangelizar mas y de mejorar nuestro frequency of publication. producto, hemos decidido imprimir cada segundo mes para In an effort to further evangelize and improve our product, un total de seis ediciones por año. we have decided to print every other month, for a total of six La Fe comenzó a publicarse en la primavera de 2003, issues per year. mediante el especial fi nanciamiento de una donación de la La Fe fi rst began publishing in spring 2003 through the Fundación Lamar Bruni Vergara Grant, haciendo disponible special funding of a Lamar Bruni Vergara grant, making the la revista sin costo alguno para cualquier persona que de- magazine available free of charge to anyone who desired one seara una o más copias. or more copies. La subvención de dos años, ayudado por una donación The two-year grant, supplemented by a Kenedy grant, al- de Kennedy Grant, permitió obtener el fi nanciamiento to- lowed for the full funding of the magazine to be printed on a tal de la revista para ser impresa sobre la base trimestral quarterly basis and distributed free of charge. y distribuida libre de costo. Now we have entered a new era. No longer funded Ahora hemos entrado a una nueva era para la by grant monies, La Fe is now attempting to become revista. Y no fi nanciado por dineros donados, La self-suffi cient. The fi rst step in this process is to accept Fe ahora está tratando de llegar a ser autosufi ci- advertising. ente. El primer paso de este proceso es la acep- I’m sure you’ve noticed the ads on the different tación de publicidad. pages in the magazine. All revenue generated by Estoy seguro que habrán notado los anun- the advertisements partially funds the opera- cios en las diferentes páginas en la revista. tion of the magazine. Todo ingreso generado por la publicidad, Despite the strain on economic resources, parcialmente fi nancia la operación de la La Fe continues to be provided free of charge revista. to anyone who desires to read this magazine A pesar del peso sobre nuestros fi lled with stories of faith, hope and love. recursos económicos, La Fe continúa Whether you grab a copy at your parish, siendo proveída libre de cargo para local businesses or at our offi ce, La Fe is cualquier persona que desee leer la always free. revista, llena de historias de fe, esper- I hope you Why is it free? anza, y amor. enjoy the many It’s free because we’re Ya sea que tome usted una copia en su blessed stories more than a magazine. parroquia, negocios locales o en nuestra inspired by the We’re more than a ofi cina, la revista siempre es gratuita. fruits of the Holy medium for the bishop to ¿Por qué es gratuita? Spirit and our gift reach the masses. Es gratuita porque somos más que una to you this new La Fe is a ministry. revista. year – six issues La Fe was founded in the Somos más que un medio para que el of La Fe! spirit of the call for a new Obispo alcance a las masas. evangelization utilizing the La Fe es un ministerio. communication media, as La Fe fue fundada en el espíritu de la llamada set forth by Pope John Paul II. para una nueva evangelización, utilizando los I hope you enjoy the many blessed stories in- medios de la comunicación, como establecido spired by the fruits of the Holy Spirit and our gift por el Papa Juan Pablo II. to you this new year – six issues of La Fe! Espero que disfruten de todas las benditas historias, inspiradas por los frutos del Espíritu – Gregorio “Goyo” López is editor of La Fe, the magazine f the Santo, y de nuestro regalo para ustedes en este Diocese of Laredo. año nuevo – ¡Seis ediciones de La Fe! The MostLa Holy Fe Magazine Name of 4Jesus January/February Jan. 3 | St. Elizabeth 2007 Ann Seton, Religious Jan. 4 | St. John Neumann, Bishop Jan. 5 | Blessed Andre Bessette, Religious Jan.
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