B6 52 50 AR -6 *25 ^ C1 How to Chart Your Dial Settings to Save Time; Pictures of WFAA, Dallas; Directions for Making New Four Filter Eight Tube Super-Heterodyne Set Radio H every PROGRAMS TEN wit CENTS REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. & DOM. OF CANADA \ / 1 VII Copyright 1925 VOl. A. 1 I By Radio Digest Publishing Co SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1925 No. 9 NEW FOUR FILTER SUPER JAZZ FADES OUT AS SHARPNESS CLASSICS WIN FANS SURVEY SHOWS TASTE OF OF RECEIVER PUBLIC IS IMPROVING WEAF Correspondence Also Increases Threefold — "Talk" Listeners UNEXCELLED Quadruple Strength NEW YORK.—The public is renouncing its allegiance to King Jazz. The "jazz J. Fournier Designs Set age" is passing fast. So says John A. Holman, broadcasting manager of the American Telephone and Telegraph com- Noted Inventor Surprises Fans with pany, after a study of the correspondence Astonishing Improvement in received by that company as a result of Radio. Super-Heterodyne For, out of 54,000 letters received in January, 1925, only 5 per cent favored fact that super- jazz. What a fall! In January, 1924, the Undaunted by the jazz figure was 35 per cent, while in heterodyne manufacturers had followed January, 1923, it dominated all else, for very closely the original design conceived then it was 75 per cent. by Major E. H. Armstrong for the super- meantime the percentage of fans In the heterodyne, Jacques Fournier, the well- inclined to favor classic and "good" music engineer, has struck out has risen from 20 per cent in 1923 to 45 known Radio un- per cent in 1925. from the beaten path into hitherto Talks Gain in Favor, Too tried methods of utilizing super-hetero- "Talks" in January, 1923, rated 5 per dyne principles and has evolved a re- third cent popularity, while it now stands ceiver which is not only radically differ- in public appreciation with 20 per cent. many respects but a marked Symphonic music ranks second nowadays ent in improvement in both selectivity and with 30 per cent. anything in this line yet de- "Good music, that is, concert and stand- range over ard numbers, philharmonic concerts and veloped. the like, are steadily growing in favor," There is nothing patentable about this says Mr. Holman, "and talks, inspira- new receiver or any of the parts involved tional, interesting and educational, are and, due also to patents, this receiver also more popular." cannot be put on the market. There is Besides providing a method for analyz- nothing revolutionary in any of the cir- ing programs the correspondence does an- cuits of this improved set, but Mr. other thing. It shows the Radio audi- deviated from the . Fournier has ; <v evidently greatly in one re- ence has grown | . usual procedure in several year's time. While 54,000 letters were spects so that his set which he received by WEAP in January of this calls the Four Filter Super, year, the 1924 monthly average number will operate anywhere in of communications was only 17,000. ^ Chicago or New York, the two most difficult points, without inter- Pass Resolution Allowing ference from local stations. Press Over Navy Stations "After building a WASHINGTON, D. C. — A resolution |i. number of super- heterodynes," says providing for the sending of press mes- . .\ sages over government-owned Radio sta- ' Mr. Fournier, 'I : tions from the Pacific coast of the United found that none States to the Orient, etc., has been passed of them were by the Senate. The resolution provides sufficiently se- for the use of these stations until June lective. It was 30, 1927, by which time it is expected that in an effort to commercial Radio stations will be in op- increase the se- eration. The House has a similar reso- lectivity, with- lution pending on its calendar. out loss of range, that I developed the which I am DIFFERENCE IN TIME Kay Bonayne, better set known as the "person- now using. CREATES BIG PUZZLE ality girl" at Station (Turn to page 2) WEBH, Chicago. She appears every Tues- DAVENPORT, Iowa.—A cablegram day and Saturday from was received by WOC here from this station. Bight, Samoa. It arrived at 8:49 Daven- Miss Imogene Schuster, versatile leader of the port time. It was filed at 6:28 the same Schuster Sisters' Cali- evening Samoan time. Now, how long fornia orchestra at did it take for the message to reach its WOC, Davenport. destination? No, you're wrong! It took exactly twenty hours and twenty-one minutes to arrive. This apparent dis- crepancy is due to the international date line, — ™ " RADIO DIGES T—Illustrated March 7, 1925 IMPROVES SUPER-HET (Continued from pag-e 1) PLANE BROADCASTS ECLIPSE DATA "It is not a particularly difficult set to build once the constants have been worked out, and I am quite sure that anyone who will use the same care that I did in constructing the parts which make up this set will get the same satis- faction from it that I do. My location is a very poor one, as previous experiments have shown, yet the set performs excep- tionally well and works even better when used in locations that are known to be at least average and will give a receiver an even break." Radio Digest has given Mr. Fournier's receiver some very thorough tests and is convinced that this set possesses sufficient merit to present it to Radiophans at large. The log sheet of the Four Filter Super Be Sure to shows all of the high power class B sta- tions from WEAF in New York to KFI in Get the Genuine including of course such Los Angeles and M E C O — this name well-known broadcasters as WCAP, "WOO, KDKA, YVCX, WBZ, WMC, WSB, WBAP, stamped on the tubes you WHAS, WOC, KOA, WFAA and KGO. buy is a guarantee. of ob- A receiver which will go through this list taining more enjoyment in the week and also practically any night from your radio. The pick up many of the smaller and not so well known stations is exceptional, and greater volume obtained while there may be a few readers able to without impairing exceed- location do this, due either to excellent ing clarity in receptive conditions, this is far from being or freak tones—due to a radical im- the rule in any large cities. Its perform- ance on a loop kerial was equal to that provement in construction of the now famous Hetduogen on an out- of MECO tubes. side aerial and it was far simpler to con- trol, with less likelihood of radiation and interference with neighboring sets. This Metropolitan magazine has therefore made arrange- Electric ments with Mr. Fournier to write a series of articles on the construction of this set Co. beginning in this issue, the first of which Gold Medal Station WCCO rebroadcast the only successful airplane broadcast of the Des Moines, the plane shown here. The set. used, a 5-watt trans- will be found on page 17. recent solar eclipse, made from Iowa mitter, is seen in the fusilage. Howard Kelley, who assisted in the experimei-t, is holding the microphone, which is concealed in a hushaphone. De Luca and Mme. Dal "My Assistants—From Office Boys to Atwater Kent Radio artists are heard Monte Enthrall Fans Presidents." alternate Wednesday evenings through * * WEAF, New York; WJAR, Providence; Yankee, an educated canary, caused a WCAP, Washington; WOO, Philadelphia; Artists on Fifth of Hear Famous flutter of jealousy among the feathered WCAE, Pittsburgh, and WGR, Buffalo. Victor Programs members of the force at KHJ. When he They broadcast for an hour, during which came into the studio he made his debut time they favor their vast Radio audience NEW YORK.—Guiseppe de Luca, bari- by singing Yankee Doodle. Tune in on with a miscellaneous program of songs tone, one of the most distinguished mem- this station and hear this unique feature. that are dear to the hearts of all. bers of the Metropolitan Opera company, and Mme. Toti Dal Monte, coloratura so- Buy Tubes by name. prano of the same organization, both Your dealer has Meco their Tubes in both 3 and world-famous Victor artists, made 5 volt sizes or can Radio debut before the vast Radio audi- get them for you from recognized ence of twelve stations during the fifth radio CONTENTS jobbers. Victor presentation given before the microphone in the studios of WEAF here evening, February 26. Radio Digest, Illustrated, Volume XII, Number 9, published Chicago, Illinois, March 7, 1925. Published on Thursday weekly by Radio Digest Publishing Company, 510 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. Subscription rates, yearly. In addition to De Luca and Mme. Dal Five Dollars; Foreign Postage One Dollar additional; single copies Ten Cents. Entered as second class matter Monte, the Victor Concert orchestra, un- at the postofflce at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. der the direction of Rosario Bourdon, as- London, Madrid sisted in making the program one that All live of Radio 1 to 8 will live long in the hearts of the lis- the News —"Working for All Alike" 5 teners in on this evening. WFAA Newcastle, March 12 is the date of the sixth Victor An Evening at Home with the Listener In, a chart showing when to listen in for recital. Even more stations will be linked your favorite station 8 in at this time, it is believed. The re- Advance Programs for the Week at All the Larger Stations 9 to 14 Aberdeen— citals are given from 9 to 10 p.
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