1 psvvicu iWt •fmprovernaeot. ' * •: • •S!esr of the Reign of His present Majesty, to certain Otice is hereby given, that Application h io-. Persons therein to be ij.amed, tobe incorporated into tended to be made to Parliament in the next Ses- a Company of Proprietors for supplying with Water tflon, for Leave to bring in a Bill to amend,'alter, and the Parish of Paddington, in the County of Mid­ enlarge the Powers and Provisions of an Act passed dlesex, and the Parishes and Streets adjacent; and in the Forty-fifth Year of the Reign of His present for granting to such new Company effectual Powers Majesty, intituled, " An Act for improving and for carrying on the said Waterworks. rendering more commodious the Port of Ipswich, H. Wright and R. C. Sale, Solicitors. in the County of Suffolk.'** Dated this 30th of August 3.8io. S. Jachaman, Solicitor. Ipswich, August 2f, 18to. Grand Commercial Dock. Otice is hereby given, that Application is in­ Intended Western Junction Canal. tended to be made to Parliament in the en= T^J Otice is hereby given, that Application will be suing Session, for Leave to bring in a Bill for making -1^ made to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for and maintaining a certain Dock or Docks near the Leave to bring in a Bill for empowering certain Per­ Grand Surrey Dock, situate in the Parish of Saint sons, Subscribers to the Undertaking herein-men­ Mary, Rotherhithe, otherwise Redriff, in the County tioned, to make and complete the Navigable Colla­ of Surrey, with full Powers to make one or more. teral Cut from the Town of Aylesbury, in the Communication or Communications with the River County of Buckingham, to join the Grand Junction Thames, and to purchase Lands, Houses, Build­ Canal at Marsworth, in the same County, (au­ ings, Rights, and other Property, and' to erect cer­ thorized by Act of Parliament of the Thirty fourth tain Works, Steam Engines, and Bridges, and to of George the Third, to be made by the Company make and maintain Drains or Watercourses; and of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal,) pur­ also to alter and straighten the Road from the End suant to a certain Agreement entered into between of Mill-Pond-Street, in the Parish of Saint Mary the said Subscribers and the said Grand Junction Magdalen, Bermondfey, in the said County os Sur­ Canal Company to that Effect ; and to continue and rey, to Paradise-Row, in the Parish of Rotherhithe, extend the same Collateral Cut from the Termina­ otherwise RedrifF aforesaid'; and also to alter and tion thereof at Aylesbury to join the Wilts and straighren the Lower Deptsord Rosd, in the same Berks-Canal at Sutton Wick, in the Parish of Parish pf RotherhitheS otherwise-Redriff, and. the- Sutton Courtnay, near Abingdon, in the County of Tide. Sewers, and to make temporary Roads, end Berks, pursuant to a certain other Agreement en­ finally, to cany the said Plan, with all necessary in­ tered into between the said Subscribers and the cidental Matters, into Execution 5 which said Dock Company of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks or Docks and other Works are intended to be erected •Canal, and for confirming the said several Agree­ and made in the said Parishes of Saint Mary Rother­ ments; and for increasing, altering, or consolidating hithe, otherwise Redriff, and of Saint Mary Mag­ •the Tolls and Duties authorized to be taken by the dalen, Bermondfey, both in the said County of Grand Junction Canal Company upon the said Col­ Surrey. lateral Cut from Aylesbury to Marsvvoith, and for Neeld and Fladgate, Norfolk-Street, Strands settling and ascertaining the Tolls and Duties to Solicitors to the intended Concern. be taken upon the whole of the said intended Line August 20, 1810. of Navigation : Which said Collateral Cut and pro­ posed Continuance and Extension thereof, will pass ^ "J Otice is hereby given, that-Application is ill­ into and through the several Parishes, Townships, 's- '^ tended to be made to Parliament in the next Hamlets, aHd Places of Sutton Wick, in the Parish Session, for an Act for making and maintaining a. of Sutton. Courtnay, in the County of Berks, of Navigable Canal, or a Railway or Tira,m-Road, or •Culham, Clifton, Burcott, Toot Baldon, Marsh, partly a Canal and partly a Railway or Tram-Road, •Otherwise March Baldon, Garsington, Denton, from the River Burry, at or near the Village of Cuddesden-, Wheatley, Ho)ton, and Waterperry, Penclawdd, in the Parish of Lanridian, in the in the County of Oxford ; and of Worminghall, County of Glamorgan, into the Township or Bo­ leksord, Shabbington, LongCrendon, Haddenham, rough of Loughor, and into the Parish of Lange- Chearfley, Nether Winchendon, Cuddington, Din- velach, in the said County ot" Glamorgan 5 and ton, Stone, Hartwell, Aylesbury, Walton, Brough- that such Canal or Railway or Tram-Road, or Canal ,ton,-Wendover, Aston Clinton, and Buckland, in and Railway or Tram-Road, is or are intended to the County of Buckingham ; and of Puttenham, in be made and pass in, to, or through tlie several the'County of Hertford; and of Drayton Beau- Parishes of Lanridian, Loughor, Landilo-taly-bonfcj, champ, in the said County of Buckingham ; and of Swansea, Langevelach, Bilhopstone, and Ilfton, and. Wilston, in the said County of Hertford; and of the Township or Borough of Loughor, all-in the Marsworth, in the said County of Buckingham^ said County of Glamorgan.—Dated at Swansea^ the 29th Day of August 18ro. Thos. Tindal and R. C. Sale, Solicitors. Dated this 29th Day of August 1810. John Jeffreys and William Phillipsa Grand Junction Waterworks. Otice is hereby given, that Application is in» "1^ Otice is hereby given, that Application is in- tended to be made in the next Session of Par­ -*^ tended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing liament, for Leave to bring in a Bill and to obtain Session, for Leave to bring "in a Bill for enabling an Act of Parliament, for making and maintaining the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction a Read,'partly by an Archway., through the South Canal to grant a Lease of the Powers vested in them Weft Side of Shooter's-Hillj, communicating .with by an Act of Parliament passed in the Thirty-eighth the present Turnpike Road from, JDeptford 10 J3art- M !Li.' -£,::*.*r'-t •J f.rx- ;> If. .
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