TABLE OF CONTENTS July 1997 Issue 438 Vol. 39 No. 1 30th Year of Publication 18-Time Hugo Winner CHARLES N. BROWN Publisher & Editor-in-Chief MAIN STORIES MARIANNE S. JABLON Sale of TSR Finalized/10 Ghosh Wins Clarke Award/10 Managing Editor Some SF at BookExpo/10 1997 Prix Aurora Nominees/10 FAREN C. MILLER African-American SF Writers Gather/10 CAROLYN F. CUSHMAN Sovereign Buys Sci-Fi Universe/11 Spectrum Becomes Earthlight/11 Editors THE DATA FILE KIRSTEN GONG-WONG Assistant Editor Internet Book War/11 Announcements/11 Readings & Signings/11 EDWARD BRYANT On the Web/11 Award News/11 Publishing News/65 Financial News/65 MARK R. KELLY Worldcon Update/65 Legal News/65 Book News/65 Rights & Options/65 RUSSELL LETSON Publications Received/65 Multi-Media Received/66 Catalogs Received/66 GARY K. WOLFE INTERVIEWS Contributing Editors JONATHAN STRAHAN Joe Haldeman: Forever War & Peace/6 Visiting Editor Eric S. Nylund: Writing Down the Middle/8 WILLIAM G. 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