TABLE OF CONTENTS March 1997 Issue 434 Vol. 38 No. 3 CHARLES N. BROWN 30th Year of Publication 18-Time Hugo Winner Publisher & Editor-in-Chief MAIN STORIES MARIANNE S. JABLON Managing Editor 1996 Nebula Awards Final Ballot/8 Another Big Card Deal/8 FAREN C. MILLER Tolkien is Britain’s Favorite/8 CAROLYN F. CUSHMAN Clarke Award Nominees/8 Editors 1997 Philip K. Dick Award Judges/8 Penguin Putnam Formed/9 KIRSTEN GONG-WONG British Book Summary 1996/9 Assistant Editor B&N Online Bookstore/9 EDWARD BRYANT Marvel Turns to Diamond/9 SHIRA DAEMON THE DATA FILE MARK R. KELLY RUSSELL LETSON Turner Publishing to Close/9 GARY K. WOLFE Random UK Buys Reed Trade/9 Contributing Editors “Goosebumps” Go Down/9 Announcements/9 Call for Papers/67 Readings and Signings/67 WILLIAM G. 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