University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-13-1935 Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1934-1935) No. 18, February 13, 1935 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 41 (1934-1935) No. 18, February 13, 1935" (1935). The Rollins Sandspur. 420. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/420 ROLLINS COLLEGE LIBRAKY WlflTER PARK, FLORIDA 40 Years Ago Eollins an{i0pur Weekly Student Newspaper of Rollins College VOLUME XLI (Member the United Press) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1934 (Late News Flashes, Page 9) ROLLINS COLLEGE OPENS SEMI-CENTENNIAL SESSION Kappa Phi Sigma Fraternity Given Phi Delta Theta Charter Dr. HvXt Requests ORIENTATION WEEK LOCAL ORGANIZA TION'"''%';"'"""", Return of Fox TO BE CHAPTER OF «'^"-"^''""''d that the customar"y A pet Rollins tradition has, to BEGINS FIFTIETH forr of the "Freshman B'ble" al! appearances, been nipped in ONE OF BIG THREE a small handbook in which the the bud. A CADEMIC YEAR new students may find salient With the establishment of the and needed facts bearing upon orders rf the Fox and the Cat Large Freshman Class Enters; Dr. Hamilton Holt Installation of Rollins Group to be Held in January; their problems as they enter on the college campus, the en­ Petition Accepted by Overwhelming college, is now obsolete, the forced humble obeisance of Appoints New Professor of Physics Rollins Administration has this I freshmen by upper classmen to Faculty Majority year introduced an innovation was, for the first time in many in college publications. I years heartily endorsed by the Kappa Phi Sigma, Rollins social fraternity, was accepted The SANDSPUR has been re­ administration. But, alas! At Rollins College, the oldest institution in Florida, opened by Phi Delta Theta for installation into the national order quested to present the informa- 'the close of last year, some its fiftieth year yesterday with a meeting of the faculty at during the coming academic year. Acceptance by the larger tory data previously carried by unprincipled scoundrel swiped 4 p. m. as the first official event of the new year. organization was made at the 1934 biennial convention held the "R'fc BOOK. This we are the effigy of St. Reynard from A program designed to acquaint new students with their at Mackinac Island, Michigan, during the first week of Sep­ happy to do, for we are assured its pedestal at the head of the surroundings formally opened Orientation Week last night, tember. a warm, friendly mutual intro­ walk to Recreation HalL It is and English and Foreign Language Placement Tests were Installation of the new chapter will probably take place duction between our pages and evident that hiimage cannot be administered this morning and during the afternoon. A during January of 1935, although final arrangements have all entering students. Virtually paid to a non-existent figure. morning assembly was held in the Annie Russell Theatre, every feature cf the usual small The tradition was introduced when Dean W. S. Anderson explained the Rollins plan to the not as yet been completed. entering men and women. The Phi Delt Convention handbook has been adapted to to Rollins by Dr. Holt, who, af­ , Approximately 120 freshmen and of the largest in the history of the newspaper form and included in ter a great deal of time and ef­ other new students have been ac­ fraternity, with 40 delegates, rep­ OUR DEAN this issue of the SANDSPUR. fort, secured the statuettes and OUR STUDENT cepted by Rollins for entrance this resenting 104 of the 105 chapters For this reason we have desig­ set them up in their appointed fall. All of these students will be present. nated it as the FRESHMAN places. HEAD aflforded the opportunity to com­ "Duke" Wellington was chair­ REFERENCE EDITION. While a great deal of chag­ plete certain preliminary exercis­ man of the nationalization com­ The rule that it must be pre­ rin was felt by "Prexy" when es unhampered by the distracting mittee of Kappa Phi Sigma, and served and carried on the per­ he learned of the disappearance presence of a large body of older Jim Tullis, president-elect, and son at all times has been applied of the Fox, the summer months students. Jack Ott, vice - president elect, to this current edition as to the have calmed his sterner pas- In the course of Orientation represented Kappa Phi Sigma and "R" BOOK in the past. This is the Fiftieth A Week new students will complete contributed to the great victory. Upperclassmen and faculty The latest bulletin from the of the founding of Rollins College, their registration for the work of "Duke" not only directed the pre- members who often have occa­ cfFice of the President states and I am happy to tell both the re­ the year, take physical examina­ convention campaign but also de­ sion to consult each other re­ in a manner of speaking, that turning old students and the stud­ tions, hear lectures on the use of signed the Kappa Phi Sigma ex­ garding certain rules and regu­ if the lowlife, who, in a spirit ents who come here for the first the Library, how to study, care of hibit and booth, which attracted lations will also do well to keep of jest, departed with his be­ time that this promises to be the health, management of finances, much attention at the Mackinac it in a convenient place for rea­ loved effigy, will please either red letter year in all respects in college regulations and customs, Convention. dy reference. return it to its proper place, or the history of the College. the Rollins Conference Plan, and Local is 8 Years Old make its whereabouts known Our plans are already under Avay visit the Library in small groups Kappa Phi Sigma was foundtid to the proper authorities, NO for various appropriate ceremonies under the guidance of conductors. at Rollins eight years ago, and al­ QUESTIONS WILL BE ASK­ in celebration and commemoration Old Students Register Monday most immediately determined to ED. DRUG ROLES Of historic events. Distinguished Old students are not expected petition Phi Delta Theta. Four men and women, whose names will to be on the campus during Orien­ years ago it succeeded in adding be anncunced later, are expected tation Week except those that may Rollins to the Phi Delta Theta ap­ to be in attendance upon our chief be there officially to help with the proved list of colleges, and two TO GE ENFORCEO DIGEST ADDED' exercises or other college business. years ago secured the approval of Our student enrollment is run­ Registration for old students tak­ all the chapters in Epsilon Prov­ College to Campaign Against ning over ten per cent above that es place on Monday, October 1st, ince, and presented its formal pe­ Greetings ar.u a cordial welcome! Reckless Driving of last year, which would seem to and full details of the new proce­ tition. With one exception Phi You are about to enter upon show that general bus'ness condi­ TO dure are contained elsewhere in Delta Theta has never granted a four years cf adventure in educa­ tions are improving because of this issue and should be carefully petition the first time it was pre­ tion. May your voyage be one of Rollins College is going to im­ SCMAi^a GE. (or despite, if ycu prefer) the N. Rotogravure to Appear Each followed to avoid delays in comple­ sented, and the Kappa Phi Sigma discovery and profit. pose strict automobile regulations R. A. Week as Regular Feature The Student Association ex­ tion of the necessary steps. boys were asked to resubmit their You have chosen a college whose upon its students this year in or­ Ex-President Lowell of Harvard tends a cordial greeting to all new Classes for all students will be­ petition this year with the assur- face is toward the future and whose der to reduce as much as possible once said that if you want to win Beginning with this issue of The comers on the Rollins campus. gin Tuesday, October 2, and the (Continued on page 2) expanding growth in recent years the hazards of reckless driving a race, a good start is essential. Sandspur, students of Rollins will Every regular student is auto­ first all-college socal event is of­ is favorably known. Well may ycu which have been so evident in for A word to the wise each week receive the COLLEGI­ matically enrolled as a member of ficially scheduled for the follow­ be proud of your choice. The free­ mer years. ATE DIGEST, a rotogravure sec­ the Association as soon as his ap­ ing Saturday night at 8:15, when dom and individualization of Rol­ Rollins students have been in­ HAMILTON HOLT tion containing national collegiate plication is accepted. As in other the Student Association will hold lins places grdat responsibilities volved in serious automobile acci­ news in picture and paragraph, as institutions the Student Body gov­ its annual reception to new stud- ROLLINS GIVEN upon your shoulders. Let me urge dents with the frequency of at a regular feature cf the paper. erns it.self to a great extent, and Lnts and new members of the fac- you from the first day to maintain least one a year during the past Presenting each week a pictorial each incoming student the high ideals and standards few years, the worst occuring last Dr.
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