13174 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 19, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE DECADE OF DISABLED The United States has a commit­ on, instead of, as in some current instances, PERSONS ment to equality for all men and waiting around to be bludgeoned, albeit be­ women. By declaring the next 10 years latedly.e HON. DOUG WALGREN the Decade of the Disabled, we will OF PENNSYLVANIA continue to insure this right to all per­ TVA'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATI\ ES sons. I hope the Congress will give at­ tention to this important bill.e Wednesday, May 18, 1983 HON. ALBERT GORE, JR. e Mr. WALGREN. Mr. Speak.er, I am OF TENNESSEE TOXIC WASTE AND CORPORATE pleased to cosponsor House Concur­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rent Resolution 39 asking the Presi­ VOLUNTARISM dent of the United States to recognize Wednesday, May 18, 1983 the next 10 years as the "Decade of HON. JAMES J. FLORIO • Mr. GORE. Mr. Speaker, 50 years Disabled Persons." Already, the OF NEW JERSEY ago Franklin Roosevelt, the Congress, United Nations General Assembly has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the Nation saw the Tennessee promoted a similar theme which in ad­ Wednesday, May 18, 1983 Valley as a potential unfulfilled region. dition to recognizing disabled persons, From its infancy the agency has as­ will encourage them to participate in e Mr. FLORIO. Mr. Speaker, dimin­ pired to be the Nation's yardstick, national and community life. Still, ishing the role of Government and en­ through innovation, prospective re­ much must be done to open doors to couraging volunteerism are key tenets search, and development. the full participation and equality of of the administration. When the energy crisis disrupted the disabled persons throughout the An editorial in the current issue of Nation's energy markets, TVA was not world. The United States can recog­ Forbes by Malcolm S. Forbes, the left out. TVA fought even harder to nize this need by strengthening public magazine's editor in chief, strongly outthink and outplan the future. Dis­ understanding and awareness of the suggests that corporations apply the agreement arose and mistakes were needs and aspirations of disabled per­ administration's philosophy to hazard­ made, but TVA is coming out of its sons. ous waste. adolescence with the hope of renewed The Decade of Disabled Persons will Mr. Forbes' prescription for volun­ strength. encourage organizations and individ­ tary corporate cleanup actions would President Carter's admonition to uals to promote long term goals for certainly diininish the need for Gov­ TVA to become a leader in conserva­ the disabled. Designating the next 10 ernment intervention in this area. His tion has inspired one of the world's years as the Decade of Disabled Per­ suggestion that the business communi­ largest savings of energy. TVA has sons will continue the work begl.Ul in ty profit from developing technologies come a long way from the days of pro­ the 1981 International Year of Dis­ to deal with hazardous waste so that it moting boundless use of electricity. abled Persons and hopefully will help does not endanger public health and TVA can no longer depend on hydro­ maintain the momentum of the last the environment is also commendable. power and cheap fossil fuels to provide few years. The editorial follows: cheap electricity. The cost of adding In connection with this, I am pleased [From Forbes, May 23, 19831 on those last few megawatts of power that the House Energy and Commerce FACT AND COMMENT has become phenominally expensive. Committee incorporated into the NIH <By Malcolm S. Forbes, Editor in Chief) Good sense has brought the Nation to reauthorization bill, H.R. 2350, my bill Managements who disposed/dispose of realize that saving that last watt saves <H.R. 1552) to authorize funds for re­ toxic wastes, dangerously should have the more than your average watt's worth. search into spinal cord regeneration. I book thrown at them. If those top manage­ TVA is a leader. hope the House Appropriations Com­ ments are still around who did it, or are TVA's home insulation program has mittee will provide sufficient funds in doing the same still, their boards of direc­ helped consumers reduce their power the 1983 appropriations bill. On May tors should throw them out, as they did the consumption by providing free home toxic wastes. 9, I testified before the Appropriations It's hard to conceive that such giant cor­ energy surveys and long terms, no in­ Subcommittee on Labor, Health and porations as those majors in chemicals terest loans for installing insulation. Human Services and Education on the didn't long ago tackle the whole waste prob­ Almost 600,000 surveys have been per­ need to adequately fund this effort. lem and wrestle it to the point of solution. formed and about 360,000 homes have For people between the ages of 1 and They and other corporations had to be been weatherized under the program, 44, trauma is the leading cause of aware-long before an aroused public was­ resulting in an annual savings of more death. that there was no way to sweep the problem than 1 billion kilowatt-hours. Each year, car accidents, sports inju­ under the rug for long, i.e., into the streams About 3,000 customers took advan­ and porous ground around. ries, and other misfortunes paralyze Who better could come up, in their re­ tage of TVA's solar water heater fi­ innocent victims. The majority of search and development programs, with nancing and inspection program. Solar these victims are young, often between ways of detoxifying the toxic, of encapsulat­ water heaters can save up to 80 per­ the ages of 15 and 25 years. In the ing what can't be made to go harmlessly cent of the electricity used by conven­ past, these victims faced little or no away? tional electric water heaters. A similar hope of improvement. Doctors, law­ What a fantastic new business opportuni­ program for wood heater installations yers, families, and friends considered a ty for those who can, or have, or will come promises additional energy savings. spinal cord injury permanent. There up with the least expensive solutions. The TVA conducted more than 36,000 problem has been around long enough, the have been many new research ad­ needS are great enough that the potential surveys for the installation of energy vances in recent years. While progress for profit in a solution, vis-a-vis the cost of saving heat pumps. If the customer's has occurred, more research and faster ducking a solution, is huge. house was insulated to TVA standards, results must take place to help people It's beyond understanding that top man­ financing for the heat pumps and in­ walk again. agement would not meet the problem head- stallation inspection were available. A e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. May 19, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13175 total of 19,000 heat pumps were in­ agency can help carry it over the ob­ of courses designed for Indian stu­ stalled, representing an energy saving stacles to its progress that lie ahead. dents. Title IV is a major help in of about 70 million kilowatt-hours. Sticking to the principles of natural South Dakota. Not only are Indian In addition to these energy savings and human resource development that students provided better education but measures, TVA started the TVA solar have helped move the Tennessee the presence of native American homes for the valley project in 1979. Valley region forward over the last 50 courses and activities is educational The project encourages the use of pas­ years will mean continued growth. for non-Indian students and communi­ sive, nonmechanical solar features in I commend TVA for its first 50 years ty members as well. conventionally built homes. Thirty­ and join in the hope for an even I have particular praise for the five homes were designed and built to brighter future.e people associated with the tribally demonstrate the practical and effi­ controlled community colleges and for cient use of these solar designs. AMERICAN INDIAN DAY the support given these institutions by To help make solar homes available the Indian tribes. The oldest of the 18 at a moderate price, TVA promoted tribal colleges (5 of which serve South passive solar technology in modular HON. THOMAS A. DASCHLE Dakota) is only about 10 years. The homes through the solar modular OF SOUTH DAKOTA success of these schools-whether it be homes project, started in 1980. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in terms of academic excellence, devel­ program offers technical and financial opment of courses, community in­ assistance to modular home manufac­ Wednesday, May 18, 1983 e Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. Speaker, May volvement, high employment rate turers. among their graduates-is the result In 1981, TVA started the energy 13 was American Indian Day. Congress was not in session that day, and so I of the determination and sacrifice of saver home program which assists people committed to quality Indian valley homebuilders in developing a will make my comments now in special construction package that includes recognition of American Indians. education. These schools were begun, conservation features and solar op­ Despite the grim realities of high and are still operating, under very dif­ tions. unemployment and other circum­ ficult economic circumstances. I would Other conservation efforts aim to stances related to poverty, there is a like to take this opportunity to once shift commerical power consumption spiritual strength, a strength which is again urge my colleagues to vote for to offpeak hours, when supplement the essence of Indian people.
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