£- Quick. Service Theatre p"'h ■"··■<« °« ▼«H.tie, C0UN1HANMajestic & SHANNON, Props *»«». j F BULLWINKEL, Mgr. No ONLY TWO PLACES TO GO—THE MAJESTIC AND fcOME Admission 10c Children Under Ten 5c Long Delays The Screen's Greatest Character Actor I Reductions Accepted DEC. 5th- THEODORE ROBERTS TODAY, TUESDAY, —IN— | HARRY HASTINGS' BIG SHOW WITH DAN COLEMAN AND A GLEYER CAST are the features of our MORTGAGE "ANTON THE TERRIBLE" of 50 business. People—Burlesque As You Like It. With ANITA KING and a Perfect Lasky Cast 20 New Song Hits, 12 Beautiful Scenes AM New. Seats New On Sale Burton Holmes Travel Series and Others ~ Tomorrow Triangle Plays and Players Boynton Brothers & Company Presents Dec. 6th Thomas II. Ince 87 Smith St. Perth Amboy, N. J, TOMORROW, Wednesday, LOUISE GLAUM —IN— 6 - Ail Star Acts and - 6 "THE WOLE WOMAN" Photoplays NIGHT and a Side Splitting 2 Part Keystone Comedy V» Wli'J : .f/:'» ><MAWn't MM MATINEE'!, 5c AND 10c "ONLY" Se, 10c, 15c and 25c You Never to See Expected A of Special Offering Oat Fur Sets and Pieces "Tomorrow Night," Try Night - MARY PICKFORD Value - - In a Bath Tub, Did You? Well That is Just One of the At 1 -4 Off the Original 10 BIG MAJESTIC VAUDEVILLE ACTS -10 looo Scenes In I have pur- THURSDAY FRIDAY chased the ot "LESS THAN THE DUST" RECENTLY surplus 7th Episode of BAZAAR NIGHT a stock of the That Is Coming Next Monday and Tuesday bankrupt All Kinds of Presents Given Away, and a Laugh choicest Fur Sets and "The Yellow Menace" a Minute Pieces, including Mar- mouth, Silver Fox,Black Fox, and other much Next Week, Monday Night Only Dec. 11tli Tuesday, December 12 demanded skins. The Furiously Funny Farce ROYAL THEATRE These furs are made BLUCH COOPER The Home of the 'Best in the World Photo plays' up in the latest styles Presents His Great Big Beauty Show of the season, and lined TODAY TOMORROW 'Mrs. throughout with satin. Temple's Telegram' Produced by "The Kappa Delta Society" for the Reel of Romance Rarely, il ever, have such Double Feature Performance at Day fine furs. been offered Benefit of Local Charities. 8:15 SOLLY WARD Now On Sale and Cast of 50 Inclusion of at practically your own price. You have a P. M. Tickets People choice ol a limited stock, therefore an early visit "The End of the "Where is advisable. Muff foundations tor sale. Rainbow" Have Your Furs Remodeled, Cleaned, Dyed or Repaired SIR EDWARD CARSON. The place where pots of C! system of cleaning and dyeing furs at my CABINET FIGHT WON Home Ru!· Foe Who May M gold are found Love MYown establishment is almost original, more Join the Britieh Cabinet. to and than ordinary skill is used in restoring them to their original beauty, thus assuring perfect sat- BY LLOTD GEORGE EARL WILLIAMS islaction to those who take advantage of this Food and Local Option In Leads" method and my low price. He Will Rule the War Policy of Boycott d Every one of us knows An invitation is extended to every woman for Discussion—Good "The Glove and Ring" England and Asquith Up the answer, or thinks he to inspect this establishment. Roads Also a Theme. Another Episode of does, and yet every an- Fur Collars and Cuffs Made Up Will Go. swer supplies a different Dec. lias "The Scarlet kind of solution, and so London, 5.—Lloyd George Atlantic City, Dec. 5.—Questions of A. GREENHOUSE won a decisive victory. ol us paramount Interest to farmers, Includ- (everyone thinks 56 Smith Street Ladies' Tailor and Furriir Perth Premier Asquith eitlier lias resigned Amboy ing food boycotts, high cost of fan Runner" ours is the one Formerly of 290 St. or probably will resign to become lord only right High roads, local option and high chancellor, with an annual salary products, good of $50,000. military training In public school·, will Runciman and McKenna will leave be dismissed at the three day conven- BURNS & SON the cabinet. tion of the New Jersey state grange, FjTf. The ministry will be entirely reor- which at the Steel Line of opened today pier. PLUMBING. FTEATTNO Complete Fancy ganized, with Lloyd George as premier. State Senator George W. V. Gaunt, SHEET METAL WORK Parliament has adjourned until BAR WORK AND SUPPLIES Boxes of master of the grange, Is presiding. It Telephone Connection. Thursday or Monday. I know many Is expected he will be re-elected master Mi·.Landlord, The situation is changing so rapidly 193 New Brunswick Ave. for a ninth term. tenants that even these statements are liable Poor crops and the war are responsi- Whiting's Writing to alteration, for the victory of the op- ble for the food shortage and high HOUSE OWNERS ATTENTION position is so complete, so sudden and prices, according to Mr. Gaunt, wlio ar-. of such magnitude and responsibility Painting and PaperhanKln* Skill- rived here In advance of the conven- Paper that It demands a cautious pause for fully Done. tion. He denied that farmer· were Beat Material Used. consideration. See me. I will save you money. holding np their products for greater From Premier Asqulth saw the king and profits and asserted that they had re- L BENENSON, later told tile house of commons in a Sirltfr It Phone «II ceived but a slight increase over ar- 1ST brief session that hlg majesty had ap- mer prices for their goods notwith- proved the request for the reconstruc- to standing the present higli prices de- WHITE & SONS 25c $6.00 tion of the government. Photo by American Presj Association. PATRICK manded In the markets. Methods of Telephone No. 8 The premier added that the recon- bringing the farmers and consumers FOCKDKRI We invite you to come struction would not change In any way EXtilMERRS closer together for mutual advantage MACHINISTS the policy pursued by the government and see it at will lie advanced. war. probably Machine. since the beginning of the He General end Special Pattern, The proposal of Governor Elect Edge Boiler and Blacksmith Work. said he thought the appointment of a CHILD KILLED BY TRUCK IN to substitute a state tax for the gen food dictator and all other questions as bill to a state highway system to personnel should be postponed until COUNTY SEAT; HOLD DRIVER provide is favored by the farmers, who do not the reconstruction had been completed. to ETSKIXG NEWM- Spcrtai want motor vehicle funds diverted Frankets the are believed to have All ministers New Dec. 5—John Da- Brunswick, from road repair and maintenance Cut Raie Store handed in their resignations. It is as- mera, six years eld, of 56 Robinson was to work. Local option and train- Drug serted that Premier A.squlth has re- ! street, crushed death early military last night by a truck owned by the ing will be brought to the attention of Cor. State and Smith signed, but will continue In office for a Tour eyes may need instant atten- Sts. New Brunswick Cigar Company. The so that their li to be the delegates representa- tion. Ran no risk of examination by few days, that Lord Derby the 1 truck was being used by Matthew or tives In the legislature may know their Inexperienced fake ooticlans. or new war secretary and that nelthei Rraus, a chauffeur of the company, Tour advantage le in comlrif: to us Perth N. J. If house flat is on these Amboy, your be In- I to move Ills furniture from one house viewpoint questions. when yoar eyes need attention. We BalfoOr nor Lanedowne will to another. to Kraus thfcre combine the eervicea of an optometrist my for cluded In the new cabinet. According rent it . were several children about and optician without additional chare·. yacant through playing Frankel Puts up Pre- All the slates include Lloyd George, the truck while it was backed to the columns the ; BY i. MANN Specialist rent in Bonar Law, Sir Edward Carson and ; sidewalk, but he thought all were out 604 KILLED AUTOS. 12 Years' Practice in This City scriptions for rest of the of the way when he started. He did from Lord Derby, but the Oiaeaes 91<50 AMBOY EVENING NEWS, not know he had struck a child until Monti· Reoord In New York—Jer- *7% Smith SL ministry there are as many names as ] Tan 1517 i he arrived at his destination and was Fatalities Less. Opposite Woolworth Ten Cent Store Telephone are sey there prophets. I told by a man who had followed him. Telephone 1401 numlter ef I The child was rushed to St. Peter's New York, Dec. 5.—The hospital, but he never regained con- automobile fatalities in New York utato sciousness, dying one-half an ohru shows practically the same relative in- ELK TAXI SERVICE after the accident. Kraue was arrest- crease as the vehicles licensed, accord- ! ed by Officer WllCoic and plaoed In Jail, OR statlstk-s issued Secretary riONDAY NEXT (DAY NIGHT) j It is probable that he «fill be placed ing to by TODAY Cars To Mire under $3,000 ball. Judge Freeman Cornell of the National Highways Pro- Matinee and Night Woodbridge has been secured to rep- tective association. or Kraus and the By Hour, Day Trip resent Cigar Company. In New York stato 304,000 automo- Parcel Post A 5 Reel Day Γ_. IBI3 bile· were licensed In the first ten A valuable souvenir for months of 1ÎH6 and 604 were killed. 1ÎH5 every lady attending matinee DYED IN 24 HOURS AND ANDREW NELSON During the same j«?riod of 220,000 DELIVERED BY cars were Ucenscd and S61 persons or night performances.
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