SUPPLEME1:13NT TO THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOUtNAL. LONDON: SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1915. CONTENTS. PAGE WAR EMERGENCY COMMITTEE... ... 85 MEETINGS OF BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS ... 90 INSURANCE ACTS COMMITTEE... ... ... 87 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: FURTHER EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING ... .. ... ... ... 90 LOCAL MEDICAL AND PANEL COMMITTEES: NAVAL AND I[tlITARY APPOINTMENTS ... ... 90 Middlesex (Panel Committee) ... ... ... 88 VITAL STATISTICS ... ... .. 91 Coventry (Panel Committee) ... ... ... 89 .. ... 92 Liverpool (Panel Committee) ... ... ... ... 89 VACANCIES AND APPOINTHENTS Shropshire (Panel Committee ... ... ... 89 BIRTHS. HARRIAGES. AND DETaL-I ., . .. 92 CORRESPONDENCE ... ... 89 DIARY OF THE ASSOCIATION ... ... ., .. 92 to the best possible use; to deal with all nmatters affecting the medlical profession arising in conneRxion 'i'nt'tsb grttztat Asraz with the war; and to report to the Council. M71embers of Commnnittee. WAR EMERGENCY COMMITTEE. Sir Thomas Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B.. M$.D., F.R.S., Cambridge. Sir William Osler, Bt., M.D., F.R.S., Oxfor(l. IT lhas already been reported that the War Emergency Dr. A. E. Shipley, F.R.S., Master of Christ's Collegce, Committee appointed by the Representative Meeting on Cambridlge. July 23rd lhad at its meeting on July 30tlh elected Dr. T. Sir Alex. Ogston, K.CX.O., Aberdeen (Presidenzt, British Mledical Jenner Verrall chairnman, Dr. A. E. Slhipley, Master of Associattioni). Mr. E. B. Turner, F.R.C.S., London (Cha,iirmiiani of I?epresentatire Clhrist's College, Cambridge, and Mr. E. B. Turner, Chair- llMeetingls, Britishl Medical Association). nman of Representative Meetings, vice-clhairmen, and Mr. Dr. J. A. Macdonald, LL.D., Taunton (Chairmnan of Conne1cil, Bishop Harman and Dr. Alfred Cox, Medical Secretary of British Mlledical Associa tion). the Association, joint secretaries. The memberslhip of the Dr. Edwin Rayner, Stockport (Tieasnirer, British ille(licaL Committee as at present constituted is shown below. Association). Lieutenant-Colonel Sir James Barr, M.D., LL.D., Liverpool. Tlle Committee met for the second time on Wednesday, Lieutenant-Colonel R. A. Bolam, Newcastle-tipon-Tyne. Augrust 4th, whlen Dr. T. JENNER VERRALL was in the Dr. C. Buttar, London. clhair. The otlher members preselnt were Sir T. Clifford Major Russell Coombe, Exeter. Allbutt, K.C.B., M.D., F.R.S., Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Major J. Galloway, Londoni. James Barr, LL.D., Major James Galloway, Major W. J. Major W. J. Greer, Newport, Monimoulthshire. Mr. N. Bishop) Harman, London. Greer, Mr. N. Bislhop Harmian, Dr. J. A. Macdonald, LL.D., Major Albert Lucas, Birmingham. Dr. Edwin Rayner, Dr. A. E. Shipley, F.R.S., and Mr. E. B. Dr. T. Jenner Verrall, LL.D., Bath. Turner. [Dr. Frederick Taylor, President of the Royal College of It was -announced tllat Professor Harvey Littlejohn, Physicians of London, and Sir Rickman Godlee, Bt., ex- Dean of 'the Faculty of Medicine of the University of President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, have Edinburgh, lhad accepted the invitation to become a sinice joined the Committee.] member of thle Committee; he was co-opted accordingly, The meeting to-day appointe(d Dr. Verrall as its and -was present at tlle meeting. Chairmnan. A letter was read from Sir Donald MacAlister, President We are instructed to say that the Committee desires tc of the General Medical Council, stating that wlhile he was place itself freely at the disposal of the War Office for any very willing, as in the case of the Scottish Emnergency purposes includedl in its reference in which you think it Committee, to co-operate with the Committee to the best could be of service. of hiis power, he preferred, having regard to hlis official As you are already aware, the British Medical Asso- ciation has for some time been engagedl in forming a position, not to accept the responsibility of membership. register of the whole medical profession in Englan(d and Wales an(d Ireland wlhich will shlow what the members of CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE WAR OFFICE. the profession are doing, or are prepared to do, in con- The following correspondence witlh tlle War Office was nexion with the war, and that register is now sufficiently read: complete as regards certain areas for the Committee July 30th, 1915. to ask practitioners who have stated their willingness Sir,-We are instructed to inform you that at the Annual to apply for commissions to (lo so. The Committee Representative Meeting of the British Medical Associa- feels, however, very stronaly that its position in approach- tion on Friday, the 23rd inst., it was resolved to appoint a -ing practitioners for this puirposewouldI be greatly strength- Special War Emergency- Committee with the following ened if the War Office would state, as far as could safely be constitution, reference, and personnel: done, its actual requirements as regards medical officers, and would give its authority to approach practitioners on 1. That a War Emergency Committee be appointed behalf of, and,in the name of, the War Office. Doubtless for the Session 1915-16. you will be best able to indicate the way in which this 2. That it consist of the four ex officio members, could be- dop , but the Committee is flrmily convinced that four members elected by the Council from its own without some such authorization its usefulness will be number, four members elected by the Representatives greatly limited. We are authorized to say on behalf of the present in the Representative Me6ting, and four other Chairman that we, together with the Chairman,-if thought members elected in the same way, who shall them- desirable, would be rea(ly to confer w%vith vou on this selves be Representatives. matter, in order to further tlle objects for which the 3. That it shall have power to co-opt not more than Committee has been constituted. - We are, Sir, your six other members representative of universities, obedient servants, colleges, and other medical bodies. (Signed) N. BISHOP HARMAN, 4. That the reference to the Committee be to ALFRED COX, organize the medical profession in England, Wales, Secretaries. and Ireland in such a way as will enable the Govern- Surg.-Gen. Sir Alfred Keogh, K.C.B., ment to use every medical practitioner fit to serve the Director-General A.M.S., country in such a manner as to turn his qualifications War Office, S.W. [590]. ro T}R 86 BVERZTIS1IBrITPLrFMEDICALEDNT JOERNAL I WAR EMERGEN[CY COMMITTEE. AUG. I4, I9I5 War Office, WAR EMERGENCY COMMITTEE. London, S.W., Offices, 429, Stranid, 31st July, 1915. London, W.C., Sirs,-I am directed to acknowledge your letterof the 1915. 30th July and am to request you to convey to the War August, Eiimergency Committee the To M1eembers of the 3ledical Profession ntot on Active deep appreciation of the Scrvice. Director-General, Army Medical Service, for the good Dear work they have done and are doing in organiizing the Sir,-The War Emergency Committee is anxious to medical profession so as to meet the requiremients of the impress on every medical practitioner not at preseint on wvar. whole-time-naval or military service its opinion that the I am to say that Sir Alfred Keogh would be gla(l to meet immense military effort in which this country is eilgaged representatives of the Committee, say six, at 11 a.m., on necessitates a further and immiiediate response froiii our Wednesday, 4th August, whlen he would be glad to explain profession. to them tlle present aind the anticipated future nieeds of A deputation of the Conmmittee miet Sir Alfred Keoglh, the Army Medical Services, and to discuss with them the Director-General of the Armly Medical Service at the War best ieans of meeting them. Office, on August 4th, and received from hiin such iiifor- I am to add that the Director-General suggests that mation as left no doubt in its mind as to the vital anid Major Galloway slhould be appointed to represent the immediate necessity for more medical officers of military Arimiy Medical Service on the Committee as this gentle- age--namely, 40 years and under. Sir Alfred Keoghl has man has been for somlie years on our Advisory Board and authorized the Conimittee to act as his agent in securing is tlherefore inform-ied as to our military necessittes, and is this further response from the profession, wlhich, in view in close touch with the medical represenitatives of the War of the fline -way in which the profession has already risen Office Staff;-I am, Sirs, your obedient Servant, to the occasioni, we have no doubt will be forthcomini<g. (Signled) A. P. BLENKINSOP, Colon1el, Without medical officers fightilng units cannot be properly for Director-General, Arnmy MIedical constituted. They are necessary to keep the soldier fit, to Service. supervise his physical activities in drill and m-arch, to -watch food and to secure -a The Secretaries, 0 water, sanitary camp, and British Medical Association, above all, to act as an educational influence to the men 429, Strand, W.C. from the physical and sanitary point of view. If a medical uan is to carry out such duties successfully lhe must lhave The CHAIRMAN reported tlhat, in compliance with tlle some military training. Professional trainilg alone is not invitation contained in Colonel Blenkinsop's letter, a depu- sufficient. The offlcers are therefore required at once so tation from-l the Committee, consisting of hlinmself, tlle txvo tllat they may be trained for the calls which will be miiade vice-ellairmen of the Committee (Dr. Sllipley and Mr. E. B. upon them in the early future both for the above-nmentioned Turner), Major James Galloway, and the two secretaries, services, and for the treatment of tlle sick and wounded. lhad that day hlad an interview witlh Sir Alfred Keogl, wlho This appeal is addressed to you personally.
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