-I U. S "CflLOCICL SURVEY Field Library Albuquerque, New Mexico Uranium-Bearing Sandstone in the White River Badlands, Pennington County, South Dakota By G. W. Moore and Murray Levish Trace Elements Investigations Report 421 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY metadc30 45 S7 L____ ____- ____ - + ,. 4. -Ee a e = * 2 = e. 4 , -- OFFICIAL USE ONLY Geology and Mineralogy This document consists of 24 pages/ Series A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URANIUM =BEARING SANDSTONE IN THE WHITE RIVER BADLANDS PENNINGTON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA By George W. Moore and Murray Levish April 1954 Trace Elements Investigations Report 421 This preliminary report is dis- tributed without editorial and technical review for conformity with official standards and nomen- clature. It is not for public inspec- tion or quotation. *This report concerns work done on behalf of the Division of Raw Materials of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. When separated from Part II, handle Part I as UNCLASSIFIED. OFFICIAL USE ONLY USGS -mTEI-421 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY Distribution (Series A) No. of copies Ame ric an Cyanamid Company, Winchester . 1 Argonne National Laboratory . 1 Atomic Energy Commission, Washington . 1 Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus . 1 Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company, Y-12 Area . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Albuquerque . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Butte . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Denver . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Douglas . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Hot Springs . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Ishpeming , . 1 Division of Raw Materials, New York . 6 Division of Raw Materials, Phoenix. 1 Division of Raw Materials, Richfield. " 1 Division of Raw Materials, Salt Lake City . 1 Division of Raw Materials, Washington . 3 Dow Chemical Company, Pittsburg. 1 Exploration Division, Grand Junction Operations Office . 1 Grand Junction Operations Office. 1 Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge . 6 Tennessee Valley Authority, Wilson Dam . 1 U. S. Geological Survey: Alaskan Geology Branch, Washington . 1 Fuels Branch, Washington . 3 Geochemistry and Petrology Branch, Washington . 1 Geophysics Branch, Washington . 1 Mineral Deposits Branch, Washington . 2 E. H. Bailey, Menlo Park . 1 K. L. Buck, Denver . 1 J. R. Cooper, Denver . ." . 1 N. M. Denson, Denver ... ". 2 C. E. Dutton, Madison . ." ." 1 R. P. Fischer, Grand Junction . ." ." 1 L. S. Gardner, Albuquerque . .e .e 1 M. R. Klepper, Washington 1 A. H. Koschmann, Denver . .o .s . 1 .e .0 R. A. Laurence, Knoxville . .o ." ." . 1 . e .a D. M. Lemmon, Washington . .0 .e . 1 .0 J. D. Love, Laramie. 1 ." .0 V. E. McKelvey, Menlo Park . ." . 1 . R. G. Petersen, Plant City . ." 1 R. J. Roberts, Salt Lake City .0 1 ." Q. D. Singewald, Beltsville . 1 J. F. Smith, Jr., Denver . .0 1 A. E. Weissenborn, Spokane . 1 TEPCO, Denver . .. .0 .0. 0. .. 2 TEPCO, RPS, Washington . .0 . 3 (Including master) 65 CONTENTS Page Abstract. .. 5 Introduction.. .6.. 5 Stratigraphy . ." . 9 Cretaceous rocks . ." . .. 9 Pierre shale .0 . .s . 9 Tertiary rocks .0 . ." . 10 .a Chadron formation . 10 . ." Brule formation ." . 12 Quaternary deposits . 12 Pediment gravel . 12 .e Alluvium . .. 13 .0 Structure ... .. .. 13 Uranium occurrences . 14 Origin . .o . 17 Suggestions for prospecting . 20 Literature cited . 22 Unpublished reports. 23 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Index map showing location of area described in this report and its relation to other sandstone- type uranium occurrences ......... ..... 6 2. Geology of part of the White River Badlands, Pennington County, S. Dak. 8 3. Stratigraphic sections of rocks in the vicinity of the Hart Table uranium occurrence, Pennington County, S. Dak.. 11 4. View of the Chadron and Brule formations in the White River Badlands, S. Dak. Arrow indicates exposure of uranium-bearing sandstone channel, 15 5. Close view of mineralized sandstone channel in the Chadron formation . 15 6. A carnotite -bearing chalcedony vein in the Brule formation . 15 7. Map showing areal distribution of rocks of the White River group in the Rocky Mountain Region 21 TABLE Page Table 1. Analysis of samples collected in the White River Badlands, Pennington County, South Dakota .0.. 16 -5- URANIUM-BEARING SANDSTONE IN THE WHITE RIVER BADLANDS, PENNINGTON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA By George W. Moore and Murray Levish ABSTRACT The uranium mineral uranocircite, a barium uranyl phosphate, occurs in a sandstone channel in the Chadron formation of Oligocene age in the White River Badlands, Pennington County, S. Dak. A vertical section of the basal 1-foot of the channel contains 0. 25 percent uranium. There are also small amounts of metatyuyamunite (?) in the upper part of a freshwater lime stone bed in the Chadron formation and carnotite in chalcedony veins in the overlying Brule formation, also of Oligocene age. The source of the uranium is thought to have been from volcanic ash in the Brule formation and in the overlying rocks of Miocene age. Downward moving groundwater may have leached this uranium and redeposited it in the rocks below. INTRODUCTION Uranium-bearing sandstone was found on the south scarp of Hart Table, near Scenic, Pennington County, S. Dak., by R. E. Melin, R. C. Kepferle, and the writers on July 28, 1953 (fig. 1). The uranium minerals occur in a sandstone channel in the Chadron formation of the White River group. Reconnaissance was undertaken because rocks of the same formation contain uranium in the Slim Buttes area, in the northwestern part of South Dakota (Gill and Moore, 1954), and overlie I I M MONTANA r I "~~ '~Slim Buttes', HT- ulett A laddin * - *I SOUTH DAKOTA- Carlisle BLACK o RAPID CITY H ILL S~ ~ * ,Iv---7 Pumpkin K * .- - SEI / SEN IC Buttes Bte ' WYOMINGWYOMl / jDewey- = rArea of this report EdgemontI\ - -- * Bill I I NEBRA SKA I- 1!! FIGURE I .- INDEX MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF AREA DESCRIBED IN THIS REPORT AND ITS RELATION TO OTHER SANDSTONE-TYPE URANIUM OCCURRENCES 0 50 100 Miles I0 .010 1 .e uranium deposits in Wyoming (Love, 1952). When occurrences of uranium were found near Scenic, an area of 12 square miles was mapped in detail (fig. 2) to provide data that might assist in interpreting the origin of the uranium and guide the search for other occurrences. The area is located in the southwestern part of South Dakota, about 40 miles southeast of Rapid City and 3 miles southwest of Scenic, Access is by a graded road 3 miles west from State Highway 40 at Scenic and 2 miles south across the flat surface of Hart Table to the south tip of the mesa. A rail shipping point is located at Scenic. The region is characterized by a deeply dissected erosion surface of which Hart Table, Randolph Table, and Sheep Mountain Table are remnants;. Between these mesas the tributaries of the Cheyenne River and White River have cut steep-walled valleys. This is the type area for badlands topography. Vegetation is nearly absent except for a few trees along Indian Creek and grass on the mesa tops. The area was first mapped by the Powell Survey in 1875 (Newton, 1879). It was remapped by Darton (1905) in connection with work on the water resources of the Great Plains. The stratigraphy and paleon- tology of the rocks of the White River group have been studied in detail by several workers, including Wanless (1922, 1923), Osborn (1929), and Clark (1937). N. M. Denson suggested the area of investigation and gave valuable assistance during all phases of the study. W. A. Braddock collected some of the samples used in evaluating the uranium occurrence, and R.12 E. R. 13 E. R.2E . 1 ........... 7 -r EXPLANATION K- - BADLANDS ATONALMONUMENT BOUNDARY cr b :e 9.- b - T'e 4 z Tc-- ------ - 3 Tb mc 1W- F i a Ped ment gravel r Tc c Tb - Kp 32 Brule formation Tb Tc \- .Te cc o 4 O Tcst Tb- T. r. U- 3 - Kp _- 3 Chadron formation (Tc) cs.\ .\ S. with sandstone channels S. Tc \ Ts3 \ \ - (Tcs, Tcs2, Tcs3) of 1-1 ---- ----- 7n -1 Q -- U) 04 T T. -- a 4 - m) S. - 4 S. a Pierre shale cc U- T. T Tb - Geologic contact - 5 -c- -- - p Q9 Tb' TTb T b* Approximate boundaries c -\'\ of sandstone channel in -c-3 the Chadron formation -K?--aO~o :Tb 01 -- F x --- 1' >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\ L - >2????2?11 I P ' r ................. 'T T N. Sample locality Tb Now SOUTH DAKOTA IC Pierre 8 oQq Rapid city " .Scenic Tc, 'N Tc INDEX MAP xx - -'P -- t - . - - \N Geology by George W. Moore and Murray Levish, 1953. Tt Base from U.S. Geological Survey Sheep Mountain Table and Heutmacher Table quadrangles. M 1i r oR.12 in rE. R. 13 E. b FIGURE 2.--GEOLOGY OF PART OF THE WHITE RIVER BADLANDS, PENN INGTON COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA 0 '/2 L~~ I Scale in miles L. R. Page provided valuable suggestions concerning the appraisal of the occurrence. The work was done on behalf of the Division of Raw Materials of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. STRATIGRAPHY The rocks exposed in the area range in age from Cretaceous to Pleistocene (fig. 2). The Pierre shale of late Cretaceous age crops out in the valley of Indian Creek in the western part of the area. Unconformably overlying the Pierre shale are conglomerate, sandstone, and bentonitic claystone of the Chadron formation of Oligocene age. The Brule formation, also of Oligocene age, is composed mostly of tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone and conformably overlies the Chadron formation. Together the Chadron and Brule formations make up the White River group. In the area studied these formations have a com- bined thickness of about 600 feet. Lying unconformably on these rocks and cutting across all of them is a thin layer of pediment gravel of Pleistocene age. Cretaceous rocks Pierre shale The oldest rocks exposed in the mapped area are those which have been assigned to the Pierre shale of late Cretaceous age.
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