Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo Vol XLVI No. 8 August 7, 2015 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Frustrate attempts to cripple the national democratic movement nder direct orders of the US, the Aquino regime and state se- ership of the Party, the people's war curity forces have launched a desperate attack against the na- continues to advance nationwide. Utional democratic movement. This attack seeks to capture or li- Even in Mindanao where AFP of- quidate leading cadres of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), fensives are concentrated, the NPA commanders of the New People's Army (NPA) and officials of the Na- continues to maintain tactical initi- tional Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), as well as key activ- ative and can launch armed actions ists and leaders of the open national democratic mass movement. and offensives against the enemy. Its despicable aim is to suppress the AFP in Mindanao since the early Units of the NPA continue to gain the Filipino people's national demo- part of 2014 and other parts of the momentum in launching tactical of- cratic movement in order to bull- country which have caused the fensives across the country against doze the neoliberal policies through forced evacuation of tens of thou- the overstretched forces of the en- and pave the way for unimpeded sands of people. The attacks of the emy. plunder and exploitation by foreign AFP against civilians are relentless. In fact, the US-Aquino regime's big capitalists in the coming years. Based on its targets, the AFP arrest and killing of some leaders Arrest and liquidation opera- has failed to attain the aim of Oplan and commanders are merely flashes tions by the US-Aquino regime have Bayanihan to render the NPA to cover up the failure of Oplan intensified over the past few irrelevant by the end of 2013, even Bayanihan and its vain attempt to months. Aquino's urgent objective is by the adjusted timetable of 2015. defeat the people's revolutionary to cripple the protest actions that Every year, the AFP declares so- resistance. While these cause tem- are set to confront the APEC leaders called "conflict manageable areas" porary work dislocations, these fail meeting this November. He also which they would later take back in in preventing the overall advance of aims to suppress the national demo- the face of continuing NPA tactical the armed revolutionary movement cratic forces who are determined to offensives in those areas. and the people's struggles. expose and oppose the computer- Under ized cheating being hatched by the lead- Aquino for 2016 in order to in- stall his clone. His attack against the leading committees, commands and organizations are part of the anti-people Oplan Bayani- han war of suppression. This is a rehash of similar attacks by the Arroyo regime under Oplan Bantay Laya I and II. These attacks aim to derail the ad- vance of both the people's war and the mass struggles in the cities. These are in consonance with the all-out offensives of New revolutionary leaders and others. Aquino regime commanders will continue to rise up All Party organs at different from the ranks to strengthen the levels must be strengthened in or- illegally arrests leadership of the CPP, NPA, NDFP der to be able to strike deep roots NDFP personages and the mass organizations. They are among the masses, and carry out ardently studying Marxism-Leninism- propaganda, organizing and mobil- from Panay and ST Maoism and applying it in advancing ization work. the people's war in the country. It is better for those who can no The all-out attacks of the US- longer effectively work in the cities he US-Aquino regime Aquino regime must be confronted to work in the countryside in the Tonce again dealt a blow to and roundly defeated. Here and territories under the authority of the peace negotiations with abroad, we must carry out vigorous the revolutionary movement. Ter- the National Democratic exposure of the campaign of sup- ritories of the revolutionary move- Front of the Philippines (ND- pression, trampling on civil and ment are also open to activists and FP) when it arrested an NDFP political rights and outright mass leaders being hounded by the consultant and a staffer over distortion of legal processes. The US-Aquino regime. the past two weeks. These mass movement to defend civil The US and Aquino regime are were carried out as part of rights must be strengthened and bound to be frustrated in their aim the intensified suppression expanded among the broad demo- of crippling the national democratic campaign which also targets cratic forces who will stand firmly movement in the face of the deep- activists and leaders of pro- and oppose the regime's campaign seated crisis of the semicolonial and gressive organizations in of suppression. semifeudal system. Aquino's devout urban centers. It is also in Party cadres and personalities adherence to the neoliberal policy tandem with the unabated in the urban areas who are dictates of his imperialist masters attacks against peasants and identified and being pursued are the has resulted in unprecendented minorities who are fighting for most vulnerable to enemy attacks. crisis. The extreme exploitation and their land and livelihood. They should more firmly carry out grave sufferings of the people it has Luis Jalandoni, chief negoti- underground means of working in caused are compelling the people to ator of the NDFP, condemned the cities, including building secret tread the path of revolutionary the successive arrests of NDFP support networks, limiting links, and struggle. consultants and staffers. He likewise condemned Joint Order No. 14-2012 which listed 237 ANG Contents individuals as “wanted com- munists” and increased bounty Editorial: Frustrate attempts to cripple to P467 million for their heads. Vol XLVI No. 8 | August 7, 2015 the movement 1 The Joint Order was issued by NDFP personages arrested 2 the Department of National De- Ang Bayan is published in fense and Department of Interi- IPT 2015 verdict 4 Pilipino, Bisaya, Hiligaynon, or and Local Government in Waray and English. US trained AFP in Panay 5 November 2012 and serves as an It can be downloaded from the “order of battle” or OB for police Philippine Revolution Web Central at NPA raids 58th IB 6 and military operations. This www.philippinerevolution.net scheme has resulted in numer- NPA attacks 75th IB 6 ous JASIG (Joint Agreement of Ang Bayan welcomes NPA strikes 49th IB 6 Safety and Immunity Guaran- contributions in the form of articles tees) violations, and illegal ar- and news items. Readers are SONA protests 7 rests, abuses and detention of encouraged to send feedback and ordinary civilians due to the Job crisis under Aquino 8 recommendations for improving our million-peso bounty. According newspaper. Send your messages to Coconut farmers in Quezon 8 to Karapatan, the military, po- [email protected] lice and their fake witnesses Five years under PPP 9 have profited a total of P55 mil- lion from this scheme. POC Privatization 10 Blow to the peace negoti- Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the ations. Elements of the Criminal Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines Investigation and Detection 2 August 7, 2015 ANG BAYAN Group (CIDG) VI and Intelligence soldiers and members of the para- questioned the authority of their Service of the Armed Forces of the military group Alamara, raided leaders. Because of this, she was Philippines illegally arrested Ma. Haran Compound last July 23. The declared persona non grata by the Concepcion Araneta-Bocala, known raid sought to force the 700 evacuees and banned from the as Ka Concha Araneta, spokesper- Lumads who are temporarily living compound. son of the regional committee of inside the compound to go back to The UCCP, progressive repres- the Communist Party of the Philip- their communities despite contin- entatives and organizations and pines and NDF-Panay, in Junta ued military presence which forced the broad masses condemned the Subdivision, Molo, Iloilo City last them to evacuate. More than 15 raid and the recurrent abuses of August 1. Lumads were injured during the state forces against the Lumads. Araneta was in possession of raid. Haran Compound is owned Consequently, the Davao City NDFP Documentation of Identific- the United Church of Christ in the Council and Congress plan to in- ation ND978245 under the name of Philippines (UCCP.) vestigate Catamco’s role in the Remi Estrella. Araneta is known for The raid is part of the suc- raid. her fierce criticism of the US- cessive attempts of officials of the Meanwhile, on July 15, Datu Aquino regime and of the exploit- US-Aquino regime, headed by the Tungig-Masim-oy from Talaingod, ative and anti-people policies of Rep. Nancy Catamco, and officials together with Karapatan and Na- the state, especially of its criminal of the 10th ID, to silence the tional Union of People’s Lawyers neglect of the survivors of super- Lumads and put a stop to the in- representatives, held a dialogue typhoon Yolanda which left Panay creasing support they are gener- with Dr. Chaloka Beyani, United in tatters. (Read related article.) ating from different sectors and Nations Special Rapporteur for In- Soldiers likewise arrested her institutions here and abroad. ternally Displaced Persons, in nephew Joseph Cariaga, and An- Before the raid, the Lumads Quezon City to convey the Lumads’ nielyn Soldevilla, a housemate. refused Catamco’s offer of vehicles situation. Karapatan submitted to Araneta has a P7.8-million bounty to take them back to their com- Dr. Beyani the documentation of on her head.
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