Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work Title LIST OF UNCLASSIFIED REPORTS RECEIVED AND ISSUED BY THE UCRL INFORMATION DIVISION DURING THE PERIOD OF APRIL 15-30, 1957 Permalink Author Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Publication Date 1957-05-01 Powered by the California Digital Library University of California UCRL. - 3765 UNIVERSITY OF ( ,( ,• ., ' • CALIFORNIA TWO-WEEK lOAN COPY This is a Library Circulating Copy which may be borrowed for two weeks. For a personal retention copy, call Tech. Info. Division, Ext. 5545 BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. 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UCRI..-3765 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Radiation Laborato:ry Berkeley. California Cc;mtract No. W -7405-eng.-48 LIST OF' UNCLASSIFIED REPORTS RECEIVED AND ISSUED BY THE UCRL INFORMATiON DIVISION DURING THE PERK)D OF APRIL 15-30. 1957 May 1~ 1957 Printed feE" the U. S. Atomic Enelrgy Commission · .,,. ,, ;,, '"' ~) "No -2- UCRL-3765 LIST OF UNCLASSIFIED REPORTS RECEIVED AND ISSUED BY THE UCRL INFORMATION DIVISION DURING THE PERIOD OF APRIL 15-30, 1957 Radiation Laboratory University of California Berkeley, California May 1, 1957 lndem Nt'!.mber. Title Autho:r Date BIOSCIENCES 0AD~9l911 Animal Feeding Studies on Wholesomeness of Irradiated Foods. L. J. Teply Progress Report No. 1 [for] Janua1•y 15. 1955 to May 15, 1955. B. E. Kline Wisconsin Alumni Res. Foundation Madison AEC -tr -286·7 On the Behavior of Radioactive Fission Products in Soil, Their Washington D. C. Absoi"ption by Plants and Their Accumulation in Crops, ed. by AEC by V. M. Klechkovsky ~i.e., Klechkovskii). Trans. of an Ak.ademiia Nauk. SSSR, report. $AECD-3714 Industrial Hygl.ene Survey of Thorium Rolling at Simonds Saw and C. E. Schumann l2-i4··53 Ste~l Company. National Lead Co. of Ohio, Cincinnati c $J\ECU ~3S51 The Role of Bacterial Infection in Radiation Injury C. P. Miller 12-28-55 Chicago Univ. I®IAECU-1J378 The Mechanism of the Photochemical Activity of Isolated Chloro­ J.S.Rieske 7-15-56 plasts. 3. Light intensity Dependence. 4. Effect of pH. S. J.D. Spikes Effect of Heavy Water. Technical Report No. 21. R. Lumry Utah Univ. $AECU-3394 Some Health Considerations in the Hai1dling of Tritium. W. H. Kingsley 6··6~56 F. G. Hirsch Sandia Corp. $Mi~lrCC~lfd ,, .. ._, •• ·:.~ •? ... ,-- -3- UCRL-3765 !1:< AERE-EL/R-870 Factors Influencing tl~e Use of the Contamina;tion.Mete:r F. S. Goulding 2-52 No. l as a "F:r.isker. '' W. R. Loosemore $ AERE~HP/M-16 Dose to Tissue f:rom Radio~Element on Skin A. C. Chamberlain ~ AERJ!>HP/M-23 Emergency Tolerance for Fission Products in Drinking Water A. C. Chamber lain 3-14-51 . ' * AERE-HP/M-24 The Maximum Pertnissible Level o£ Iodine-131 over Grassland R. C. Chadwick ·5--28-51 · A. C. Chambe:dain $ AERE~BP/M-21 Neutron Induced Activity Following An Atomic Explosion G. H. Stafford 8-51 !ll!AERE-BP/M-32 Report on Visit to M. 0. S. Thorium Factory at Mes.srs. Firth K. F. Bishop· 1-10-52 Brown, Sheffield, November. 1951. E. D. Dyson $ A.ERE .. inf/Bib ... 4'8 A List of Reports on Measurement of, and Protection Against, S.;,l!i'-49 Radiation Hazal'ds. $ AERE-Im/.Bi'b-91. the Chemical and Biological Aspects of Tritium. A Bibliography P.M-. Harris 10-20-53 of Repoi't and Published Literature References from 1950 to Date. llllAF-SAJM .. 56-8 The ~..fluence of Total Body X-h·radiation and Immunization on D. M. Donaldson 7-22-55 !ntx-aceU.ular Digestion by Peritoneal Phagocytes. S .. Marcus K. K. Gyi et al Utah Univ . .*AF ~SAM .. $6 ~SO Aspects of the Relationship Between Irradiation Injury and D. M. Donaldson ll-23 -·55 Mammalian Host Defense Mechanisms: A Review.· S. Marcus Utah Univ. *AF-SAM-56~90 Biological and Medical Aspects. of Ionizing Radiation. Spinal E. B. Konecci 3-22-56 Refle:u: Activity and Loc~l X-I:rradiation. M. B. Danford Sch. of Aviation Med. , Randolph AFB, Tex. !1liAF-SAM-57-36 Protection oi Pyrimidines by Sulfur Compounds from Destruction R. M. Dowben 9-56 by X-l:r:radiation. same l\l!Mic:roca:rd [ £; .i: . --~ • -4- UCRL-3765 lfJ3AFS1NPQ496 Analysis of Animal Whole ... Body Irradiation Data. Smith (E. H.) and Co. , Silver Spring, Md. FWE-107 Safety Levels for Contamination from Fall-Out from Atomic G. C. Dale 10-55 Weapons Triais Gt. Brit. Atomic Weapons Res. Est. Aldermasten, Berka and Tech.Cooperation Program, AEC. GATml84/Rev. l A Study o£ the F' luorid:e· Concentration in the Scioto River and 1..:1. L. Bu:t·kha1:dt 4-1-5 7 Tributa:;:y Streams H. L. Caters on· B. Kalmon et al Goodyear At. Corp. i-1W-.4871Z PIG Thyroid Monitor L. D. Test 2~19-57 L. J. Seigneur L. K. Bus tad ·· I\APL-1699 Health Physics Report for October, November Decembe1· 1956 CHEMISTRY $A-1047 Brown Oxide by-Product Recovery--Il J. V. Opie S-23-43 1fll. A. Oppold G. C. Reid Mallinckrodt Chern. ~AD~7SZ27 Literature Survey on the Diffusion of Metals into Oxides. J. Lommel 12-15~53 Period Covered: 1946~1952.. Pl'ogress Report No. l Ill. !nst. of Tech !l};_fl.D-102749 Developm~nt of an RF Mass Spectrometer fer Trace Detection M. K. Testerman 7-l-56 [email protected] Note No. 17 for the Period April 1, 1956 to June A:rkansas Univ. 30, 1956 !1l!AECD-3738 Recovery of Uranium F'rom Wet Process Phosphoric Acid. P. J. Quinn 10-54 Final Report. Armour Fertilizel' $JMie:roc:al"d ·- "" .;; « ! .. "- "'··- -S- UCRL-3765 <ll!AECD~3762 Notes on Degradation of Heavy Water Moderator by Ion Savannah River [1956] Exchange Beds and :Metal Surfaces AEC ~.AECD~4054 Hydrofluol'ina.tion of Zirconium Ox.ide Ca:rbide and 8-·2-50 Carbon ~ Y-12 D. Phillips $AECUo3200 . Vapor Traps for Handling Liquid Sodium A.J.Erickson. 8-25-Sl C. L. G?egol'Y P.M. Lang Mass. Inst. of Tech. $AECU~3Z49 The Estimation of Radiation Doses f:rom Indium Foil Activity J~ C. Bailey 6-30-55 H. F~ Henry Carbide and Carbon Chern. K-25 $AECU-3306 Eiectrofilm: Lubricant-Solid Film Coating C. E. Dahl 1953 P. J Langdon Sandia Corp. !l:!AECU ... 33SS Analysis of Co:;.·rosion Products from WAPD Loop Test. J. A. Marinsky 12-15.:..53 Work Performed October-November 1953 C.M.Cobb A.·E. Baker et al Ionic s. Inc. $AECU-ll$6 · Progress Report [for] February 15 to March 12, 1954 E. A. Mason 3-15-54 same $AECtT-3lS7 Progress Report [for] ·March 15 to April 15, 1954 C.M.Cobb 4-Z3-S4 same !@!AECU-3358 Progress Report [fol'] May 15, 1954 to June 15, 1954 same 6-30-54 $.AECU-33$9 l'l'eatment of Wastes Containing Radioactive Barium, Lanthanum J.P. Hutchinson [1956] Strontium, and Yttrium E.H.Rex E. R. Mathews et al Los A!amos Sci. Lab <~l~Mlcr·o<eali'd ,.,, ., ,, .;' -::. .. ' -6- UCRL-3765 ill!AECU-3360:,{Pt.I) Radiochemical Separations. I. · Barium, Strontium, and Calcium. D. N. Sunderman [1955 ? ] W. W. Meinke Mich. Univ. >i;'{ AECU.~3360~Pt.I1) Radiochemical Sepa;~.·ations. H. Separation of Radioactive Silver .same fl955'?] · by Isotopic E1,:;change 18 $AECU-3363 o Study of .the Rea:ction of Hydroxide with Mercury (II) Nitrate. R. B. Bernstein 10-56 Characterization of Basic Mercury (II) Nitrates. Technical H. G. Pars, Repox-t [on] Fund<:~.mental Research on Isotopic Reactions. D.C. B lumentha.l sam~ $AECU-3364 X-Ray Scattering by Solids Containing Vacancies and A. H. Kahn [1955?] Interstitial Atoms Ill. Univ. $AECU~3365 Stark Effects in Line Broadening H. Ma:rgenau 5-23-56 RAl\ID Corp. Santa Monica AECU-3370 Process Waste Water Treatment Plant. Preliminary Report Oak Ridge Nat. 2-57 Lab., {Tenn.) and Burns and McDonnell E:ngr. Co. $AECU-3400 Hydrolytic and IonPair Adsorption Processes in Flotation, Ion M.A. Cook 11-l-56 Exchange and Corrosion. Tech. Report No. XXVI M. E. Wadsworth Utah Univ. $AECU-3406 Ths Effect of Radioactive Substances on Sludge Digestion. R. H. Harmeson l-57 Final Report :i. C. Dietz Ill. Univ. $AECU-3414 Separator Literature Survey W. H. Moyer 7-29-54 Babcock and Wiicm~ Co. Res. Center Alliance, Ohio Mic1·oca:r.d .. ·-.; . ,{_i ..,, .\ ~: • ~ ....... .._.,;~· ~7- UCRL~3765 !l:!AECU·-3416 Neu·i:ron .. Sensitive Thermopile for Reactor Applications. Progress ®.Robertson Report No. l [for] Period Ending December 1 ~- 1956 Leeds and No?thrup * AERE~C/M-23 Detection of Plutonium by Irx-adiation :i.n the Pile H.A.C.McKay [1949] ~AERE~C/M~:H Some Heat, Pa:t:tition ai!'Ad Density Data for the System Uranyl R.
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